Background: Lipoma is a benign tumor composed of mature adipose tissue commonly found in subcutaneous tissues. However, eventually, lipomas may be located between the muscle fasciae being classified as intermuscular lipomas. Complete surgical resection of the tumor mass is indicated as a treatment of affected patients.This report describes five cases of intermuscular lipoma in dogs, due to the scarcity of data in the literature and lipoma relative importance in the clinical and surgical routine. Case: Five dogs were presented with a history of a large volume in the limbs with progressive growth, suggesting the presence of neoplasia. The first step was to conduct anamnesis, when the owner reported slow growth, absence of pain, limping and licking of site. No other change was observed upon physical examination. Complete blood count (CBC) as well as liver assessment (FA) and renal (creatinine) were performed in all patients, and the results showed no changes. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was performed and showed cells from adipose tissue, followed by histopathological examination of the lesions. Histopathological examination after incisional biopsy of the tumors showed malignancy-free tissue, composed of adipocytes without atypia, interspersed with fibrovascular stroma, confirming the lipoma diagnosis. Intermuscular lipomas were diagnosed in five dogs with a history of a [...]
Animais , Cães , Lipoma/diagnóstico , Lipoma/veterinária , Neoplasias/cirurgia , Tela Subcutânea/patologia , Biópsia por Agulha Fina/veterináriaResumo
Background: Lipoma is a benign tumor composed of mature adipose tissue commonly found in subcutaneous tissues. However, eventually, lipomas may be located between the muscle fasciae being classified as intermuscular lipomas. Complete surgical resection of the tumor mass is indicated as a treatment of affected patients.This report describes five cases of intermuscular lipoma in dogs, due to the scarcity of data in the literature and lipoma relative importance in the clinical and surgical routine. Case: Five dogs were presented with a history of a large volume in the limbs with progressive growth, suggesting the presence of neoplasia. The first step was to conduct anamnesis, when the owner reported slow growth, absence of pain, limping and licking of site. No other change was observed upon physical examination. Complete blood count (CBC) as well as liver assessment (FA) and renal (creatinine) were performed in all patients, and the results showed no changes. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was performed and showed cells from adipose tissue, followed by histopathological examination of the lesions. Histopathological examination after incisional biopsy of the tumors showed malignancy-free tissue, composed of adipocytes without atypia, interspersed with fibrovascular stroma, confirming the lipoma diagnosis. Intermuscular lipomas were diagnosed in five dogs with a history of a [...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Lipoma/diagnóstico , Lipoma/veterinária , Tela Subcutânea/patologia , Neoplasias/cirurgia , Biópsia por Agulha Fina/veterináriaResumo
Background: Paraneoplastic syndromes are complexes symptom that occur at a distinct site from the primary tumor or its metastasis by the production of hormone by the tissue in which the tumor appears. Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia is associated with an abnormal elevation of serum calcium levels and the mainly tumor related to this syndrome in canine is lymphoma, anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinoma and multiple myeloma. In mammary tumors, the most frequent tumor that affect female dogs, this syndrome was also observed. The aims of this study were to evaluate serum calcium levels in female dogs with malignant mammary tumors and correlate calcium levels with clinicopathological parameters. Materials, Methods & Results: It was evaluated fifty-one female dogs with mammary carcinomas (simple carcinomas and carcinoma in mixed tumors) for serum calcium levels using colorimetric test. Clinical-histopathological data as spray status, pseudopregnancy, tumor size, ulceration, clinical staging, histopathological type and tumor grade were also evaluated in association with serum calcium levels. All dogs were treated with unilateral mastectomy. It was observed that 18 animals (35%) had calcium serum levels increased (>11.5 mg/dL) and 56% (10/18 cases) of these animals had serum calcium levels higher than 12 mg/dL. All dogs with hypercalcemia were asymptomatic, including two female [...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Síndromes Paraneoplásicas/veterinária , Hipercalcemia/sangue , Hipercalcemia/veterinária , Carcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Cálcio/análise , Cálcio/sangueResumo
Background: Paraneoplastic syndromes are complexes symptom that occur at a distinct site from the primary tumor or its metastasis by the production of hormone by the tissue in which the tumor appears. Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia is associated with an abnormal elevation of serum calcium levels and the mainly tumor related to this syndrome in canine is lymphoma, anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinoma and multiple myeloma. In mammary tumors, the most frequent tumor that affect female dogs, this syndrome was also observed. The aims of this study were to evaluate serum calcium levels in female dogs with malignant mammary tumors and correlate calcium levels with clinicopathological parameters. Materials, Methods & Results: It was evaluated fifty-one female dogs with mammary carcinomas (simple carcinomas and carcinoma in mixed tumors) for serum calcium levels using colorimetric test. Clinical-histopathological data as spray status, pseudopregnancy, tumor size, ulceration, clinical staging, histopathological type and tumor grade were also evaluated in association with serum calcium levels. All dogs were treated with unilateral mastectomy. It was observed that 18 animals (35%) had calcium serum levels increased (>11.5 mg/dL) and 56% (10/18 cases) of these animals had serum calcium levels higher than 12 mg/dL. All dogs with hypercalcemia were asymptomatic, including two female [...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Carcinoma/veterinária , Hipercalcemia/sangue , Hipercalcemia/veterinária , Síndromes Paraneoplásicas/veterinária , Cálcio/análise , Cálcio/sangue , Neoplasias Mamárias AnimaisResumo
Laryngeal and tracheal tumors are rare in pets; some piece of information on their disease behavior, therapy and evolution are limited. Neoplasms in this area are a diagnostic challenge. In many cases, they can be biopsied and excised using endoscopic instruments, but there is no report of this in canines. The goal of this study is to report a successful case of a laryngeal neoplasm removal through endoscopy. A head and neck radiogram revealed a mass in the laryngeal lumen protruding into the trachea. The patient then underwent an endoscopy to confirm the radiographic diagnosis and to surgically remove the tumor. The histopathological diagnosis was poorly differentiated carcinoma. The most appropriate treatment for laryngeal tumors is the resection of the submucosa or a partial laryngectomy however, partial and total laryngectomies are associated with many postoperative complications. In contrast, the endoscopic approach allows for highly magnified visualization of the lesion in situ, which facilitates the surgical removal of the mass through videosurgery. With little manipulation of the affected area, the chances of postoperative complications are reduced, leading to a more rapid recovery. .(AU)
Tumores de laringe e traqueia são raros em animais de estimação e as informações sobre o comportamento, terapia e evolução destas neoplasias são limitadas. Neoplasias nesta área são desafios diagnósticos. Em muitos casos, pode ser feita a biópsia e excisão da massa utilizando instrumentos endoscópicos, mas não existe relato deste tipo de procedimento em caninos. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar um caso de sucesso da remoção endoscópica de um tumor de laringe. A radiografia da região cervical revelou uma massa na luz da laringe invadindo a traqueia. O paciente foi então submetido a uma endoscopia para confirmar o diagnóstico radiográfico e remover cirurgicamente o tumor. O diagnóstico histopatológico foi de carcinoma pouco diferenciado. O tratamento mais adequado para os tumores da laringe é a ressecção da submucosa ou uma laringectomia parcial, no entanto, estas estão associadas a muitas complicações pós-operatórias. Em contraste, a abordagem endoscópica permite a visualização da lesão in situ, o que facilita a remoção cirúrgica da massa através de videocirurgia. Com pouca manipulação da área afetada, as chances de complicações pós-operatórias são reduzidas, levando a uma recuperação mais rápida. .(AU)
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias/veterinária , Laringe/patologia , Endoscopia/veterinária , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/veterinária , Radioterapia/veterinária , Dispneia/veterináriaResumo
The hypoparathyroidism is a rare endocrinopathy reported in dogs, caused by a deficiency in the synthesis of parathyroid hormone (PTH). The lack of PTH causes hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, resulting in a series of neurological and neuromuscular disorders. Unlike most endocrinopathies, hypoparathyroidism is a disease in which the exogenous hormone replacement is not being viable, becoming the treatment a challenge. The present report aims to describe a case of primary hypoparathyroidism in a Schnauzer dog with seizures and neuromuscular disorders, and successful treatment employed, this being the first case, according to the literature, of hypoparathyroidism diagnosed in Brazil. The hypoparathyroidism should be considered as a differential diagnosis in cases of seizure. A complete neurological evaluation and determination of serum ionized calcium and parathyroid hormone are essential for the diagnosis of this disease. Early diagnosis may improve the quality of life of affected animals, since after the initiation of therapy, there is complete remission of clinical signs.(AU)
O hipoparatireoidismo é uma endocrinopatia raramente descrita em cães, provocada pela deficiência na síntese de paratormônio (PTH). A falta do PTH leva a hipocalcemia e hiperfosfatemia, resultando em uma série de alterações neurológicas e neuromusculares. Ao contrário da maioria das endocrinopatias, o hipoparatireoidismo é uma enfermidade em que a reposição hormonal exógena ainda não é viável, o que torna o tratamento um desafio. O presente relato tem como objetivo descrever um caso de hipoparatireoidismo primário em cão da raça Schnauzer com convulsões e alterações neuromusculares e o sucesso na terapia empregada, sendo este o primeiro caso, de acordo com a literatura consultada, de hipoparatiroidismo diagnosticado no Brasil. O hipoparatireoidismo deve ser considerado um diagnóstico diferencial para casos de convulsão. A avaliação neurológica completa e a dosagem dos níveis séricos do cálcio ionizado e do paratormônio são fundamentais para o diagnóstico desta doença. O diagnóstico precoce pode melhorar a qualidade de vida dos animais acometidos, pois após o início da terapia, há remissão completa dos sinais clínicos.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Hipoparatireoidismo/terapia , Hipoparatireoidismo/veterinária , HipocalcemiaResumo
O pênfigo foliáceo é uma das formas mais importantes de dermatoses imunomediadas vesico-pustulosas em cães e gatos. A patogênese da doença está bem documentada em humanos e cães e sugere-se que em felinos o comportamento seja similar, caracterizado pela produção de anticorpos direcionados contra estruturas responsáveis pela manutenção da adesão intercelular. Embora haja relatos de diversas opções de tratamento descritos na literatura para esta dermatopatia, a maioria não foi utilizada em estudos envolvendo um grande número de animais. Descreve-se um caso de pênfigo foliáceo em um gato que respondeu satisfatoriamente apenas à corticoterapia e sem apresentar efeitos adversos.
Pemphigus foliaceus is one of the most important immune-mediated dermatoses in dogs and cats. The pathogenesis of the disease is well documented in humans and dogs and it is suggested its behavior in felines is similar, characterized by the production of antibodies directed against structures responsible for the maintenance of intercellular adhesion. Although there are reports of several treatment options described in literature for this dermatopathy, most have not been used in studies involving an increased number of animals. Here, we report a case of pemphigus foliaceus in a cat which responded favorably only to corticosteroids and without presenting adverse effects.
Pénfigo foliáceo es una de las formas más importantes de dermatosis mediada por la inmunidad en perros y gatos. La patogénesis de la enfermedad está bien documentada en seres humanos y perros, y se sugiere que el comportamiento en los gatos es similar, caracterizada por la producción de anticuerpos dirigidos contra las estructuras responsables del mantenimiento de la adesión intercelular. Aunque hay informes de diversas opciones de tratamiento descritos en la literatura para este dermatopatía más, no se han utilizado en estudios que implican un gran número de animales. Se describe un caso de pénfigo foliáceo en un gato que respondió satisfactoriamente sólo a los corticosteroides y sin presentar efectos adversos.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Cefalexina/administração & dosagem , Dermatopatias Vesiculobolhosas/veterinária , Pênfigo/veterinária , Glucocorticoides/uso terapêuticoResumo
Background: Primary tongue tumors rarely affect dogs and correspond to 4% of tumors involving the oropharynx. Until now, primary tongue lymphoma had not been reported. However, lymphoma involvement in the skeletal muscle, although quite unusual, was described in the literature in four cases. Cutaneous lymphoma is another rare extranodal manifestation. The objective of this report is to describe a case of T immunophenotype lymphoma occurrence, whose manifestation is atypical, not only because it is situated in the tongue muscle but also because of the subsequent involvement of the striated musculature of the left forelimb and the skin, which showed unfavorable evolution. Case: A female seven-year-old mongrel was seen showing a regular lump in the base of the tongue, 3 cm in diameter, not ulcerated and of firm consistency, with halitosis as the only clinical sign of the disease. Incisional biopsy of the lump was performed and histopathology verified that it was large cell lymphoma. The material was sent for immunohistochemical evaluation and was characterized as T immunophenotype lymphoma by positive CD3 and negative CD79a marking. The CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone) chemotherapy protocol was established as treatment and after the first chemotherapy session there was partial remission of the mass, measuring 2 cm in diameter. The lump, however...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Linfoma de Células T/complicações , Linfoma de Células T/veterinária , Neoplasias da Língua/veterinária , Músculo Esquelético/patologiaResumo
Background: Primary tongue tumors rarely affect dogs and correspond to 4% of tumors involving the oropharynx. Until now, primary tongue lymphoma had not been reported. However, lymphoma involvement in the skeletal muscle, although quite unusual, was described in the literature in four cases. Cutaneous lymphoma is another rare extranodal manifestation. The objective of this report is to describe a case of T immunophenotype lymphoma occurrence, whose manifestation is atypical, not only because it is situated in the tongue muscle but also because of the subsequent involvement of the striated musculature of the left forelimb and the skin, which showed unfavorable evolution. Case: A female seven-year-old mongrel was seen showing a regular lump in the base of the tongue, 3 cm in diameter, not ulcerated and of firm consistency, with halitosis as the only clinical sign of the disease. Incisional biopsy of the lump was performed and histopathology verified that it was large cell lymphoma. The material was sent for immunohistochemical evaluation and was characterized as T immunophenotype lymphoma by positive CD3 and negative CD79a marking. The CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone) chemotherapy protocol was established as treatment and after the first chemotherapy session there was partial remission of the mass, measuring 2 cm in diameter. The lump, however...
Animais , Cães , Linfoma de Células T/complicações , Linfoma de Células T/veterinária , Neoplasias da Língua/veterinária , Músculo Esquelético/patologiaResumo
This study describes the pathological and epidemiological data related to clinical evaluation of bitches with mammary lesions treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, in Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil. The study was based on clinical and pathological guidelines proposed at the First Meeting of Mammary Pathology: Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment of Canine Mammary Neoplasia, held on 6 and 7 November 2010, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, sponsored by the Laboratory of Comparative Pathology - UFMG, with the support of the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Pathology (ABPV) and the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Oncology (ABROVET).[...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/patologiaResumo
This study describes the pathological and epidemiological data related to clinical evaluation of bitches with mammary lesions treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, in Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil. The study was based on clinical and pathological guidelines proposed at the First Meeting of Mammary Pathology: Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment of Canine Mammary Neoplasia, held on 6 and 7 November 2010, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, sponsored by the Laboratory of Comparative Pathology - UFMG, with the support of the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Pathology (ABPV) and the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Oncology (ABROVET).[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/patologiaResumo
Descreve-se, pela primeira vez em Santa Catarina, a ocorrência de um surto de esporotricose felina, em machos e fêmeas, da raça Siamês. Os animais apresentavam secreção nasal sero-mucosa, dispneia, espirros frequentes, deformidade de plano nasal e lesões cutâneas ulceradas, exsudativas e crostosas na cabeça, cauda e membros. À citologia observaram-se estruturas pleomórfi cas, arredondadas e ovaladas no interior dos macrófagos. As alterações histológicas caracterizaram-se por ulceração da epiderme com infi ltrado inflamatório difuso da derme com predomínio de macrófagos com citoplasma espumoso e estruturas ovais, no interior dos macrófagos. Na coloração especial pelo Grocott, observou-se a presença de hifas de fungo ovais ou arredondadas, algumas com esporulação. Sporothrix schenckii foi isolado das lesões cutâneas. O tratamento não foi efi caz devido à dificuldade de administração do mesmo pelo proprietário
For the first time in Santa Catarina State, Brazil, it is described the occurrence of sporot¬richosis in male and female felines (Siamese breed). Animals showed nasal secretion, dyspnea, sneezes, nasal plan deformation and ulcers, exudation and crusts on head, tail, forelegs and hind legs. By cytological examination were observed rounded and oval pleomorphic structures in the interior of the macrophages. Histological alterations were characterized by epidermis ulceration with diffuse infl ammatory infiltration of the skin and the predominance of macrophages showing foamy cytoplasm and oval structures in the interior of the macrophages. In special coloration by Grocott technique was observed the predominance of hyphas from oval or rounded fungus, some of them with sporulation. Sporothrix was isolated from the cutaneous lesions. Treatment was not successful due to difficulties with its administration by the owner of the animals
Animais , Esporotricose/epidemiologiaResumo
Descreve-se, pela primeira vez em Santa Catarina, a ocorrência de um surto de esporotricose felina, em machos e fêmeas, da raça Siamês. Os animais apresentavam secreção nasal sero-mucosa, dispneia, espirros frequentes, deformidade de plano nasal e lesões cutâneas ulceradas, exsudativas e crostosas na cabeça, cauda e membros. À citologia observaram-se estruturas pleomórfi cas, arredondadas e ovaladas no interior dos macrófagos. As alterações histológicas caracterizaram-se por ulceração da epiderme com infi ltrado inflamatório difuso da derme com predomínio de macrófagos com citoplasma espumoso e estruturas ovais, no interior dos macrófagos. Na coloração especial pelo Grocott, observou-se a presença de hifas de fungo ovais ou arredondadas, algumas com esporulação. Sporothrix schenckii foi isolado das lesões cutâneas. O tratamento não foi efi caz devido à dificuldade de administração do mesmo pelo proprietário(AU)
For the first time in Santa Catarina State, Brazil, it is described the occurrence of sporot¬richosis in male and female felines (Siamese breed). Animals showed nasal secretion, dyspnea, sneezes, nasal plan deformation and ulcers, exudation and crusts on head, tail, forelegs and hind legs. By cytological examination were observed rounded and oval pleomorphic structures in the interior of the macrophages. Histological alterations were characterized by epidermis ulceration with diffuse infl ammatory infiltration of the skin and the predominance of macrophages showing foamy cytoplasm and oval structures in the interior of the macrophages. In special coloration by Grocott technique was observed the predominance of hyphas from oval or rounded fungus, some of them with sporulation. Sporothrix was isolated from the cutaneous lesions. Treatment was not successful due to difficulties with its administration by the owner of the animals(AU)
Animais , Esporotricose/epidemiologiaResumo
O mastocitoma é a neoplasia cutânea de maior incidência nos cães e embora existam diversos fatores prognósticos, o comportamento clínico e biológico altamente variável desta neoplasia, faz como que a previsão da evolução e a escolha do melhor tratamento a ser utilizado sejam ainda um desafio. Desta forma, a utilização de técnicas moleculares que avaliam uma grande quantidade de genes envolvidos no processo neoplásico, pode ser uma ferramenta importante na determinação do prognóstico e até mesmo na eleição de genes candidatos a terapia alvo molecular. Uma das formas de se identificar os genes associados ao desenvolvimento ou a progressão tumoral é a investigação das alterações numéricas e estruturais em DNA isolado de células neoplásicas através da técnica de CGHarray (hibridação genômica comparativa baseada em arrays). Este estudo foi delineado com o objetivo de comparar as alterações do número de cópias gênômicas (ganhos/perdas) em mastocitomas cutâneos caninos de animais que sobreviveram um período menor que seis meses (SV<6), com aqueles com sobrevida superior a um ano (SV>12). Para isto foram selecionados 10 cães com mastocitoma cutâneo. A técnica de CGHarray foi utilizada em 4 mastocitomas do grupo SV>12 e em 6 do grupo SV<6. Os DNAs genômicos foram extraídos e os dados de alterações nos números de cópias de DNA foram gerados utilizando-se a plataforma Canine Genome CGH Microarray 4x180. A análise dos dados foi realizada utilizando o programa Nexusversion 5.0. Os resultados mostraram a média de 55,5 alterações no numero de cópias (CNA) nos casos avaliados. Os mastocitomas do grupo SV>12 apresentaram média de CNA de 11,25, enquanto que os tumores do grupo SV<6 apresentaram média de 85,0 CNA. No grupo SV<6 houve 75 genes caracterizados que...
Mast cell tumours are the most common cutaneous malignant tumours in the dogs. Although there are several prognostic factors, the clinical and biological behavior of this tumor is highly variable, making the choice of the best treatment to be used, a challenge. Thus, the use of molecular techniques to evaluate a large number of genes involved in the neoplastic process, as it can be a valuable tool in determining prognosis and the election of candidate genes to molecular targeted therapy in the future. One way to identify the genes associated with the development or tumor progression is the investigation of numerical and structural changes in DNA isolated from tumor cells using the technique of CGHarray (comparative genomic hybridization). This study was designed in order to compare changes in the number of gene copies (gains / losses) in canine cutaneous mast cell tumors of animals that survived a period less than six months (SV <6) to those with a higher survival, more than one year (SV> 12). For this, 10 animals were selected. The CGH array technique was used in 4 mast cell tumor from group SV> 12 and six animals from group SV <6. Genomic DNA was extracted and the data for changes in copy number of DNA were generated using the platform Canine Genome CGH Microarray 4x180 (ID-252 552 - Agilent). Data analysis was performed using the Nexus program version 5.0 (Biodiscovery). We were detected an mean of 55.5 changes in copy number (CNA) in the cases evaluated. The group SV> 12 present an average of 11.25 CNA while the SV<6 group present a mean of 85.0 CNA. In group SV <6 there were 75 genes that had characterized gain and 16 genes that showed copy number loss. The group SV> 12 show 24 genes with copy number gain and there were no loss in this group. The mast cell tumors with a worse...
O mastocitoma é o segundo tumor mais comum no cão, sendo caracterizado pela proliferação desordenada de mastócitos na pele. O tratamento envolve a ressecção cirúrgica, quimioterapia e radioterapia. Recentemente, novos protocolos de tratamento têm sido desenvolvidos, como a utilização de inibidores de receptores de tirosina-quinase. Com o conhecimento do genoma e a evolução de metodologias em genética molecular, os fármacos com alvo molecular específico constituem uma modalidade terapêutica promissora contra o câncer, no futuro. Além de estarem envolvidos no ciclo celular normal, alguns estudos sugerem que os receptores de tirosina-quinase têm participação fundamental nos processos neoplásicos. Dessa forma, algumas estratégias, como o desenvolvimento de anticorpos antirreceptores de tirosina-quinase e as pequenas moléculas inibidoras de receptor de tirosina-quinase, têm sido desenvolvidas na tentativa de inibir o desenvolvimento tumoral. O objetivo da presente revisão é descrever o uso dos inibidores de tirosina-quinase no tratamento de mastocitoma em cães.
The mast cell tumor (MCT) is the second most common type of tumor in dogs. It is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of mast cells in the skin. Treatment involves surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Recently, new treatment protocols have been developed, such as the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. With the increasing knowledge about the genome and the evolution of methods in molecular genetics, drugs with specific molecular targets are surely going to become promising therapeutic modalities in the near future. Besides being involved in the normal cell cycle, some studies suggest that tyrosine kinases have a fundamental role in neoplastic processes. Therefore, some strategies such as the development of antibodies anti-receptors for tyrosine kinases and small-molecule tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitors have been developed in an attempt to inhibit tumor development. The purpose of this review is to describe the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the treatment of mast cell tumors in dogs.
El mastocitoma es el segundo tumor mas frecuente en perros, caracterizándose por la proliferación desordenada de mastocitos en la piel. El tratamiento abarca la resección quirúrgica, la quimio y la radioterapia. Recientemente, se han desarrollado nuevos protocolos de tratamiento, como los inhibidores de receptores de tirosina-quinasa. Una vez conocido el genoma y teniendo en cuenta la evolución de diferentes metodologías en genética molecular, en el futuro, los fármacos con acción molecular específica se convertirán, seguramente, en una alternativa terapéutica promisora en el tratamiento contra el cáncer. Según algunas investigaciones, los receptores de tirosina-quinasa, además de estar relacionados al ciclo celular normal, tienen una participación fundamental en los procesos neoplásicos. Así es que algunas estrategias terapéuticas, como el desarrollo de anticuerpos anti receptores de tirosina-quinasa y pequeñas moléculas inhibidoras del receptor de tirosina-quinasa, se han desarrollado en un intento de inhibir el desarrollo tumoral. El objetivo de la presente revisión bibliográfica es describir el uso de los inhibidores de tirosina-quinasa en el tratamiento del mastocitoma en perros.
Animais , Cães , Mastocitoma Cutâneo/patologia , Neoplasias/patologia , Tratamento Farmacológico , Cães/classificaçãoResumo
O mastocitoma é o segundo tumor mais comum no cão, sendo caracterizado pela proliferação desordenada de mastócitos na pele. O tratamento envolve a ressecção cirúrgica, quimioterapia e radioterapia. Recentemente, novos protocolos de tratamento têm sido desenvolvidos, como a utilização de inibidores de receptores de tirosina-quinase. Com o conhecimento do genoma e a evolução de metodologias em genética molecular, os fármacos com alvo molecular específico constituem uma modalidade terapêutica promissora contra o câncer, no futuro. Além de estarem envolvidos no ciclo celular normal, alguns estudos sugerem que os receptores de tirosina-quinase têm participação fundamental nos processos neoplásicos. Dessa forma, algumas estratégias, como o desenvolvimento de anticorpos antirreceptores de tirosina-quinase e as pequenas moléculas inibidoras de receptor de tirosina-quinase, têm sido desenvolvidas na tentativa de inibir o desenvolvimento tumoral. O objetivo da presente revisão é descrever o uso dos inibidores de tirosina-quinase no tratamento de mastocitoma em cães.(AU)
The mast cell tumor (MCT) is the second most common type of tumor in dogs. It is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of mast cells in the skin. Treatment involves surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Recently, new treatment protocols have been developed, such as the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. With the increasing knowledge about the genome and the evolution of methods in molecular genetics, drugs with specific molecular targets are surely going to become promising therapeutic modalities in the near future. Besides being involved in the normal cell cycle, some studies suggest that tyrosine kinases have a fundamental role in neoplastic processes. Therefore, some strategies such as the development of antibodies anti-receptors for tyrosine kinases and small-molecule tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitors have been developed in an attempt to inhibit tumor development. The purpose of this review is to describe the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the treatment of mast cell tumors in dogs.(AU)
El mastocitoma es el segundo tumor mas frecuente en perros, caracterizándose por la proliferación desordenada de mastocitos en la piel. El tratamiento abarca la resección quirúrgica, la quimio y la radioterapia. Recientemente, se han desarrollado nuevos protocolos de tratamiento, como los inhibidores de receptores de tirosina-quinasa. Una vez conocido el genoma y teniendo en cuenta la evolución de diferentes metodologías en genética molecular, en el futuro, los fármacos con acción molecular específica se convertirán, seguramente, en una alternativa terapéutica promisora en el tratamiento contra el cáncer. Según algunas investigaciones, los receptores de tirosina-quinasa, además de estar relacionados al ciclo celular normal, tienen una participación fundamental en los procesos neoplásicos. Así es que algunas estrategias terapéuticas, como el desarrollo de anticuerpos anti receptores de tirosina-quinasa y pequeñas moléculas inhibidoras del receptor de tirosina-quinasa, se han desarrollado en un intento de inhibir el desarrollo tumoral. El objetivo de la presente revisión bibliográfica es describir el uso de los inhibidores de tirosina-quinasa en el tratamiento del mastocitoma en perros.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias/patologia , Mastocitoma Cutâneo/patologia , Tratamento Farmacológico , Cães/classificaçãoResumo
Os distúrbios relacionados à homeostasia térmica são freqüentes na clínica de pequenos animais, sendo sua etiologia principalmente relacionada a processos infecciosos e inflamatórios. No entanto, há uma forma de hipertermia conhecida por intermação, onde o ponto referencial de temperatura no hipotálamo encontra-se normal e a termorregulação é perdida, devido à deficiência dos mecanismos responsáveis pela dissipação de calor. O excesso de calor produzido é responsável por elevações da temperatura corporal central que podem atingir 43ºC ou mais, resultando em lesão celular, morte celular, disfunções orgânicas e morte do animal, requerendo, dessa forma, intervenção emergencial(AU)
Disorders related to thermal homeostasis are common in the small animal clinical, whose etiology is mainly related to infectious and inflammatory processes. However, there is a form of hyperthermia known Heat stroke where the reference point of the hypothalamic temperature is normal and thermoregulation is lost due to deficiency of the mechanisms responsible for heat dissipation. Excess heat is responsible for elevations in core body temperature that can reach 43 degrees or more, resulting in cell damage, cell death, organ dysfunction and death of the animal, requiring thus emergency intervention(AU)
Animais , Golpe de Calor/veterinária , Cães , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor , Insolação/veterinária , Golpe de Calor/fisiopatologiaResumo
Os distúrbios relacionados à homeostasia térmica são freqüentes na clínica de pequenos animais, sendo sua etiologia principalmente relacionada a processos infecciosos e inflamatórios. No entanto, há uma forma de hipertermia conhecida por intermação, onde o ponto referencial de temperatura no hipotálamo encontra-se normal e a termorregulação é perdida, devido à deficiência dos mecanismos responsáveis pela dissipação de calor. O excesso de calor produzido é responsável por elevações da temperatura corporal central que podem atingir 43ºC ou mais, resultando em lesão celular, morte celular, disfunções orgânicas e morte do animal, requerendo, dessa forma, intervenção emergencial
Disorders related to thermal homeostasis are common in the small animal clinical, whose etiology is mainly related to infectious and inflammatory processes. However, there is a form of hyperthermia known Heat stroke where the reference point of the hypothalamic temperature is normal and thermoregulation is lost due to deficiency of the mechanisms responsible for heat dissipation. Excess heat is responsible for elevations in core body temperature that can reach 43 degrees or more, resulting in cell damage, cell death, organ dysfunction and death of the animal, requiring thus emergency intervention
Animais , Cães , Golpe de Calor/fisiopatologia , Golpe de Calor/veterinária , Insolação/veterinária , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Transtornos de Estresse por CalorResumo
A região perianal é constituída por três tipos de glândulas, as glândulas perianais anais e do saco anal. Os principais tumores desta região incluem o carcinoma do saco anal e os tumores das glândulas perianais ou hepatóides, embora outros tumores também possam acometer o local. O diagnóstico das neoplasias perianais é realizado com base na avaliação citológica e/ ou histológica e no comportamento da neoplasia e sua capacidade de produzir metástase. O tratamento para o adenoma perianal compreende a excisão tumoral ou criocirurgia associados à esterilização cirúrgica. Da mesma forma, a cirurgia consiste no tratamento de eleição para o carcinoma perianal, porém não há consenso quanto aos benefícios da castração para esse tipo de neoplasia. Para os casos inoperáveis, pode-se recorrer à radioterapia ou quimioterapia. Em relação ao carcinoma de sacos anais, a exérese consiste na modalidade terapêutica inicial, mas deve ser associada à radioterapia ou quimioterapia, além do tratamento das complicações clínicas inerentes à hipercalcemia. O prognóstico para as neoplasias benignas em geral é bom. Quanto às neoplasias malignas, o prognóstico é reservado e depende principalmente da possibilidade de ressecção completa da massa tumoral(AU)
Perianal region contains three specialized groups of glands: perianal glands, anal glands and anal sac glands. The main tumors involving this region include anal sac carcinoma and perianal gland tumors or hepatóides, although other tumors may occur. Diagnosis of perianal neoplasias is based on cytological and/or histological evaluation and tumour behaviour and its capacity to produce metastasis. Treatment for perianal adenoma consists in surgical excision or cryosurgery associated to castration. Perianal carcinoma is also preferencially treated by surgical excision but there is no indication that castration is baneful in this case. In cases that surgery is not possible, radiation or chemotherapy may be used. In relation to anal sac carcinoma, surgical exeresis is the first option, but may be associated to radiation or chemotherapy and treatment of clinical implications of hypercalcemia. Prognosis for benign neoplasia is generally good. In cases of malignant neoplasia, prognosis depends in the possibility of complete resection of tumour(AU)
Cães , Neoplasias do Ânus/veterinária , Cães , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias das Glândulas Anais , OncologiaResumo
A região perianal é constituída por três tipos de glândulas, as glândulas perianais anais e do saco anal. Os principais tumores desta região incluem o carcinoma do saco anal e os tumores das glândulas perianais ou hepatóides, embora outros tumores também possam acometer o local. O diagnóstico das neoplasias perianais é realizado com base na avaliação citológica e/ ou histológica e no comportamento da neoplasia e sua capacidade de produzir metástase. O tratamento para o adenoma perianal compreende a excisão tumoral ou criocirurgia associados à esterilização cirúrgica. Da mesma forma, a cirurgia consiste no tratamento de eleição para o carcinoma perianal, porém não há consenso quanto aos benefícios da castração para esse tipo de neoplasia. Para os casos inoperáveis, pode-se recorrer à radioterapia ou quimioterapia. Em relação ao carcinoma de sacos anais, a exérese consiste na modalidade terapêutica inicial, mas deve ser associada à radioterapia ou quimioterapia, além do tratamento das complicações clínicas inerentes à hipercalcemia. O prognóstico para as neoplasias benignas em geral é bom. Quanto às neoplasias malignas, o prognóstico é reservado e depende principalmente da possibilidade de ressecção completa da massa tumoral
Perianal region contains three specialized groups of glands: perianal glands, anal glands and anal sac glands. The main tumors involving this region include anal sac carcinoma and perianal gland tumors or hepatóides, although other tumors may occur. Diagnosis of perianal neoplasias is based on cytological and/or histological evaluation and tumour behaviour and its capacity to produce metastasis. Treatment for perianal adenoma consists in surgical excision or cryosurgery associated to castration. Perianal carcinoma is also preferencially treated by surgical excision but there is no indication that castration is baneful in this case. In cases that surgery is not possible, radiation or chemotherapy may be used. In relation to anal sac carcinoma, surgical exeresis is the first option, but may be associated to radiation or chemotherapy and treatment of clinical implications of hypercalcemia. Prognosis for benign neoplasia is generally good. In cases of malignant neoplasia, prognosis depends in the possibility of complete resection of tumour