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Semina Ci. agr. ; 22(1): 27-37, 2001.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-471660


Water of a brook that receives raw sewage from Jaboticabal, São Paulo State tawn, that passes through the grounds of the UNESP University campus, and, of the well that provides water to the Universitys facilities were submitted to bacteriological and parasitological analysis. At the same time, 16 steers aged 8 to 16 months (8 Bos indicus and 8 Bos taurus), were closed in and given one of each type of water to drink (4 to each water source) for seven fifteen day periods. On day zero all the animals were treated with ivermectin (at a dosage of 200 mg/Kg) and were randomly separated in two groups (one for each water source). The experimental cattle came from farms supposedly free of cysticercosis and underwent clinical and laboratorial testing to detect the presence of this parasite before the beginning and at regular intervals during the experiment. After the seven fifteen day period, the 16 steers were slaughtered and were inspected by the Serviço de Inspeção Federal SIF (Federal Inspection Service). Blood and tissue samples were taken from all animals for laboratorial testing. a) the bacteriological tests revealed that the water from the well, classified as drinking water, had fecal coliform levels compatible to the classification as drinking water (CONAMA 20), but the water from the brook Cerradinho was classified as polluted in all samples; b) the samples taken durin

Águas de um córrego que recebe efluentes de esgotos urbanos da cidade de Jaboticabal, SP que passa dentro da área do Campus, e de um poço artesiano que abastece o Campus da UNESP foram submetidas a análises bacteriológicas e parasitológicas. Paralelamente a essas provas, 16 bovinos com 8 a 16 meses de idade (8 Bos indicus e 8 Bos taurus) foram confinados e dessedentados (4 com cada fonte dágua) por sete quinzenas. No dia zero, todos os animais receberam uma dose de ivermectina (200 mg/Kg de peso corpóreo) e foram randomizados. Esses animais provieram de propriedades supostamente livres de cisticercose e foram submetidos a exames clínicolaboratoriais, antes e periodicamente, a intervalos regulares. Findas as sete quinzenas, os 16 bovinos foram abatidos e submetidos ao Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF). Desses animais foram colhidas amostras de sangue e tecidos para as provas laboratoriais: a) as provas bacteriológicas revelaram que enquanto a fonte de água potável apresentou teores de coliformes fecais compatíveis à classificação de água potável (resolução CONAMA 20), as águas do córrego Cerradinho sempre obtiveram a classificação de poluída; b) ao longo das 15 semanas as águas do córrego Cerradinho apresentaram ovos de Cestoda ( Taenia e Hymenolepis) e de Nematoda ( Ascaris, Trichuris, Capillaria e Ancylostomidae); c) enquanto um de oito bovinos dessedentados com água potáve