Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Sarcocystis neurona are obligate intracellular parasites within the phylum Apicomplexa. The red-tailed Amazon parrot (Amazona brasiliensis) is a near-threatened species of psittacine that is endemic to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil and has been designated as a bioindicator because of its sensitivity to environmental qualitative status and changes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of antibodies against T. gondii, N. caninum and S. neurona in wild red-tailed Amazon parrot nestlings on Rasa Island, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 51 parrots and plasma samples were stored at 20 °C until immunofluorescence antibody tests (IFAT) were performed. Antigen slides were prepared using tachyzoites of T. gondii (RH strain) and, N. caninum (NC-1 strain) and using merozoites of S. neurona (SNR37 strain). Plasma samples were tested at initial dilutions of 1:16 for T. gondii, 1:50 for N. caninum and 1:5 for S. neurona. An anti-chicken antibody conjugated with FITC was used as a secondary antibody at 1:50 dilution. No antibodies for any of these three protozoa were found, thus suggesting that these wild red-tailed Amazon parrot nestlings had not been exposed to these parasites.(AU)
Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum e Sarcocystis neurona são protozoários intracelulares do filo Apicomplexa. O papagaio-de-cara-roxa (Amazona brasiliensis) é um psitacídeo endêmico da floresta atlântica, considerado uma espécie quase ameaçada de extinção e bioindicadora por sua sensibilidade às mudanças no ambiente. O objetivo do presente estudo foi detectar a presença de anticorpos contra T. gondii, N. caninum e S. neurona em filhotes de papagaios-de-cara-roxa (Amazona brasiliensis) de vida livre na Ilha Rasa, Brasil. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de 51 papagaios e armazenadas a - 20ºC até a realização da Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI). As lâminas de RIFI com os antígenos, foram preparadas com taquizoítos de T. gondii (cepa RH) e N. caninum (cepa NC-1) e com merozoítos de S. neurona (cepa SNR37). Os plasmas foram diluídos em PBS (Ph 7,2) nas diluições 1:16 para T. gondii, 1:50 para N. caninum e 1:5 para S. neurona. O conjugado anti-IgG de galinhas marcado com fluoresceína (FITC) foi utilizado na diluição de 1:50. Não foram detectados anticorpos para os três protozoários nas amostras sugerindo que os filhotes de papagaios-de-cara-roxa não foram expostos aos protozoários.(AU)
Animais , Psittaciformes/imunologia , Psittaciformes/microbiologia , Toxoplasma/imunologia , Neospora/imunologia , Sarcocystis/imunologiaResumo
Geese, ducks, mallards, and swans are birds of the order Anseriformes, which are found in the wild, in zoos and parks, and raised for meat consumption. Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis sp., and Neospora caninum are protozoans of several species of animals. Wild and domestic birds can serve as intermediate hosts, disseminators and potential sources of infection of these protozoa to humans through contaminated meat. The aims of this study were: (i) to perform a serological survey of T. gondii, Sarcocystis sp. and N. caninum in geese (Anser sp.) from public parks and from captivity and (ii) to compare seroprevalence between these two locations. Antibodies were detected by Immunofluorescence antibody test using the serum of 149 geese. Antibodies to Sarcocystis sp., T. gondii, and N. caninum were detected in 28.18%, 18% and 0.67% of geese, respectively; 57% of geese from urban parks and 26.53% of geese from captivity were seropositive for at least one protozoa. The results indicate environmental contamination, particularly for the occurrence of antibodies against T. gondii a zoonosis that causes toxoplasmosis and is transmitted through oocyte ingestion. This is the first serological survey of T. gondii, Sarcocystis sp. and N. caninum in geese from urban parks in Curitiba, Brazil.(AU)
Gansos, patos, marrecos e cisnes são aves da ordem Anseriformes, encontrados em vida livre, zoológicos, parques e criados para consumo da carne. Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis sp. e Neospora caninum são protozoários capazes de infectar diversas espécies animais. Aves domésticas e silvestres podem ser hospedeiras intermediárias e servir como disseminadoras e potenciais fontes de infecção para seres humanos por meio da carne. O objetivo do estudo foi 1) realizar a soroprevalência de T. gondii, Sarcocystis sp. e N. caninum em gansos (Anser sp.) provenientes de parques públicos e de um cativeiro e 2) comparar a soroprevalência entre os locais. Foi realizada sorologia de 149 Anser sp. pelo método da reação de imunofluorescência indireta. Anticorpos para Sarcocystis sp., T. gondii e N. caninum foram encontrados em 28,18%, 18%, e 0,67% dos animais, respectivamente; 57% dos gansos dos parques públicos e 26,53% dos animais cativos foram soropositivos para algum dos protozoários. A ocorrência de anticorpos para tais protozoários indica contaminação ambiental, ressaltando a alta prevalência de anticorpos para T. gondii, zoonose transmitida por ingestão dos oocistos. Sugere-se investigação da água e medidas ambientais para reduzir a contaminação dos animais e do ambiente. Este é o primeiro trabalho que avaliou sorologicamente gansos provenientes de parques urbanos de Curitiba, Paraná para T. gondii, Sarcocystis sp. e N. caninum.(AU)
Animais , Gansos/parasitologia , Toxoplasma/patogenicidade , Sarcocystis/patogenicidade , Neospora/patogenicidade , Sorologia , Parques RecreativosResumo
O desenvolvimento ósseo nas aves é diferenciado e, radiograficamente, não existe uma placa de crescimento visível. A densitometria radiográfica (DR) é utilizada para avaliar e mensurar a densidade óssea. Foram utilizadas cinquenta e quatro codornas-japonesas (Coturnix japonica) de um dia de vida e de ambos os sexos. A cada três dias foram pesados dois animais e, em seguida, identificados, submetidos à eutanásia e radiografados. Foi utilizada uma escada de alumínio de vinte e um degraus para a mensuração densitométrica. Realizaram-se mensurações de comprimento do úmero, rádio, ulna, fêmur, tibiotarso e tarsometatarso; correlação do período de postura com a ocorrência de hiperostose poliostótica (HP) nos ossos longos; bem como avaliação densitométrica ao longo de 80 dias. Houve aumento na densidade óssea conforme crescimento em comprimento dos ossos em úmero, seguido pelo tibiotarso, ulna e fêmur, verificado principalmente no período de sete a 13 dias de vida. No úmero e no fêmur, houve significativo aumento de densidade óssea também entre 70 a 79 dias. A partir do 61º dia, foi identificada a presença de hiperostose poliostótica nos fêmures das fêmeas. A DR é uma técnica aplicável em C. japonica como um método acessível e de baixo custo. Os resultados confirmam um grande aumento mineral ao longo do crescimento e durante a postura, confirmando a presença de HP na espécie.
In birds, bone development is distinct and there is no radiographically obvious growth plate. Radiographic densitometry (RD) has been used to evaluate and measure bone density. Fifty-four one day-old Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica), of both sexes, were used. Every three days, two animals were weighed, identified, euthanized and x-rayed. A 21-step aluminum step wedge was used for densitometric measurements. The length of the humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus was measured. Bone density increased as the bones grew in length in humerus followed by tibiotarsus, ulna and femur between 7 and 13 days of age. The humerus and femur increased also between 70-79 days. From day 61 it was possible to identify polyostotic hyperostosis in female femurs. Radiographic densitometry is an accessible and low cost method applicable in C. japonica. The results confirm a large mineral deposition increasing during growth and also during the laying phase, confirming the presence of polyostotic hyperostosis in this specie.
Animais , Coturnix/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Densidade Óssea , Desenvolvimento Ósseo , Densitometria/veterináriaResumo
O desenvolvimento ósseo nas aves é diferenciado e, radiograficamente, não existe uma placa de crescimento visível. A densitometria radiográfica (DR) é utilizada para avaliar e mensurar a densidade óssea. Foram utilizadas cinquenta e quatro codornas-japonesas (Coturnix japonica) de um dia de vida e de ambos os sexos. A cada três dias foram pesados dois animais e, em seguida, identificados, submetidos à eutanásia e radiografados. Foi utilizada uma escada de alumínio de vinte e um degraus para a mensuração densitométrica. Realizaram-se mensurações de comprimento do úmero, rádio, ulna, fêmur, tibiotarso e tarsometatarso; correlação do período de postura com a ocorrência de hiperostose poliostótica (HP) nos ossos longos; bem como avaliação densitométrica ao longo de 80 dias. Houve aumento na densidade óssea conforme crescimento em comprimento dos ossos em úmero, seguido pelo tibiotarso, ulna e fêmur, verificado principalmente no período de sete a 13 dias de vida. No úmero e no fêmur, houve significativo aumento de densidade óssea também entre 70 a 79 dias. A partir do 61º dia, foi identificada a presença de hiperostose poliostótica nos fêmures das fêmeas. A DR é uma técnica aplicável em C. japonica como um método acessível e de baixo custo. Os resultados confirmam um grande aumento mineral ao longo do crescimento e durante a postura, confirmando a presença de HP na espécie.(AU)
In birds, bone development is distinct and there is no radiographically obvious growth plate. Radiographic densitometry (RD) has been used to evaluate and measure bone density. Fifty-four one day-old Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica), of both sexes, were used. Every three days, two animals were weighed, identified, euthanized and x-rayed. A 21-step aluminum step wedge was used for densitometric measurements. The length of the humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus was measured. Bone density increased as the bones grew in length in humerus followed by tibiotarsus, ulna and femur between 7 and 13 days of age. The humerus and femur increased also between 70-79 days. From day 61 it was possible to identify polyostotic hyperostosis in female femurs. Radiographic densitometry is an accessible and low cost method applicable in C. japonica. The results confirm a large mineral deposition increasing during growth and also during the laying phase, confirming the presence of polyostotic hyperostosis in this specie.(AU)
Animais , Coturnix/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desenvolvimento Ósseo , Densidade Óssea , Densitometria/veterináriaResumo
Background: Chinchillas are small, long-lived hystricomorph rodents closely related to guinea pigs, porcupines and agoutis. Used extensively in scientific research and fur production, its use as a pet has grown exponentially in the last decade, increasing their presence in veterinary clinics and hospitals. The most common health conditions for chinchillas kept as pets are a result of husbandry or dietary deficiencies, and they rarely develop neoplasia. Although rare, neoplasias do occur in these animals and should be included as differential diagnosis. This report describes the occurrence of mammary adenocarcinoma in a companion chinchilla with several metastatic foci in lungs, liver and kidneys.Case: A 6-year-old female chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger) was presented with progressive hyporexia, apathy and a volume increase in the right axillary region. Since the owner noted purulent secretion in the ulcerated mass, he began treatment, without veterinarian consent, using topic rifampicin, 0.5 mL dipyrone sodium oral and 1.5 mL of enrofloxacin. All of which were used orally, once a day, for five days. On presentation at the veterinary hospital, the animal was poorly responsive, mildly dehydrated and had moderate body condition. Physical examination revealed pale mucous membranes, body temperature of 36.4°C and an increased volume, soft upon palpation, near inguinal area. The mass in the right axillary region was adhered, soft and ulcerated. A fine-needle aspiration was performed and the animal was sent home with instructions to perform forced feeding until the citology results were obtained, which were inconclusive. At the owners request, no other diagnostic tests were performed. Six days after initial examination the animal lost 5% of its body weight as anorexy, lethargy and locomotion difficulties progressed, at which point the owner requested euthanasia. The animal was sent for postmortem examination.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Chinchila , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica/diagnóstico , Pulmão/patologia , Fígado/patologia , Rim/patologiaResumo
Background: Chinchillas are small, long-lived hystricomorph rodents closely related to guinea pigs, porcupines and agoutis. Used extensively in scientific research and fur production, its use as a pet has grown exponentially in the last decade, increasing their presence in veterinary clinics and hospitals. The most common health conditions for chinchillas kept as pets are a result of husbandry or dietary deficiencies, and they rarely develop neoplasia. Although rare, neoplasias do occur in these animals and should be included as differential diagnosis. This report describes the occurrence of mammary adenocarcinoma in a companion chinchilla with several metastatic foci in lungs, liver and kidneys.Case: A 6-year-old female chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger) was presented with progressive hyporexia, apathy and a volume increase in the right axillary region. Since the owner noted purulent secretion in the ulcerated mass, he began treatment, without veterinarian consent, using topic rifampicin, 0.5 mL dipyrone sodium oral and 1.5 mL of enrofloxacin. All of which were used orally, once a day, for five days. On presentation at the veterinary hospital, the animal was poorly responsive, mildly dehydrated and had moderate body condition. Physical examination revealed pale mucous membranes, body temperature of 36.4°C and an increased volume, soft upon palpation, near inguinal area. The mass in the right axillary region was adhered, soft and ulcerated. A fine-needle aspiration was performed and the animal was sent home with instructions to perform forced feeding until the citology results were obtained, which were inconclusive. At the owners request, no other diagnostic tests were performed. Six days after initial examination the animal lost 5% of its body weight as anorexy, lethargy and locomotion difficulties progressed, at which point the owner requested euthanasia. The animal was sent for postmortem examination.[...]