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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 40(3): Pub. 1062, 2012. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1373719


Background: Wry Nose (Campylorrhinus lateralis) is a congenital shortening and deviation of the maxillae, premaxillae, nasal bones, vomer, and nasal septum that affects mainly foals. Intrauterine positioning as an etiology of this deformity is highly unlikely. Clinically, varying degree of premaxillar deviation is noticeable upon inspection of the foal's head. The deviation usually results in malocclusion, with no contact between the incisors of the mandible and maxilla. Some foals experience breathing difficulties or have increased respiratory sounds. This condition will not self-correct, and a decision should be made to treat the foal using reconstructive techniques or to euthanize it to prevent it from suffering. The objective of this work was to describe a case of wry nose in an adult male equine. Case: A 4-year-old, 300 kg, male SRD equine was submitted for necropsy. There was no history of respiratory problems and trouble with mastication or prehension of food. Three days before death the horse showed clinical sings characterized by no ingestion of food and water, changing behavior and locomotion, weakness, and not respond to calls, seemingly oblivious to the environment evolving into permanent recumbency and death after about 24 h of the decline. The horse was treated by a veterinarian who suspected of leucoencephalomalacea. The animal died 24 h after her condition worsened. Macroscopically, the main lesion observed was in the nose. The nasal septum was deviated to the left with the sigmoid appearance and a dorsal hump on the right side of the nasal bone. The radiographs of dorsoventral view of the jaws showing premaxillae deviated approximately 90 degrees to the left. The left premaxillae was shorter than the right premaxilla, thus creating a lesser and greater curvature of the premaxilla. Macroscopic and Microscopic lesions in the brain were not observed discarding the possibility of leucoencephalomalacea and other neurological diseases of infectious origin. Discussion: Wry nose is a relatively rare disease and have being reported in foals. In our study, it was not possible to determine the cause of this abnormality, but a computed tomography study has been associated this deformity with an underdeveloped pregnant uterus during the second half of pregnancy witch the narrow tip of the uterine horns provides only limited space for the developing cranial half of the fetus. Although the disease have been reported in young animals in which the surgical procedure in moderate to severe cases it is recommended, in the present case, the equine was four years old indicating that there is a possibility of the animal to reach adulthood, but with their commitment to quality of life. Several diseases, such as cystic degeneration, malformation of normal tissue, abscesses, fractures and neoplasms may cause thickening, malformation or deviation of the nasal septum in horse producing similar clinical sings. In the present case, the macroscopic lesions and radiography exam were useful to determinate the exact site, extent and nature of the involvement of the lesion. Despite the owner to report a clinical picture indicative of neurological disease, histological analysis of the brain ruled out this possibility. These findings indicate that wry nose disease should be kept in mind when investigating causes of deviation of the nasal septum in equines.

Animais , Masculino , Doenças dos Cavalos/diagnóstico , Cavalos/anormalidades , Septo Nasal/anormalidades
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 31(11): 997-999, 2011. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-1371


An outbreak of compressive myelopathy in cattle associated with the improper use of an oil vaccine is described. Neurological signs were observed in 25 out of 3,000 cattle after 60 days of being vaccinated against foot and mouth disease. The clinical picture was characterized by progressive paralysis of the hind limbs, difficulty in standing up, and sternal recumbency during the course of 2-5 months. A filling defect between the L1 and L3 vertebrae was seen through myelography performed in one of the affected animals. A yellow-gray, granular and irregular mass was observed in four necropsied animals involving the spinal nerve roots and epidural space of the lumbar (L1-L4) spinal cord; the mass was associated with a whitish oily fluid. This fluid was also found in association with necrosis of the longissimus dorsi muscle. Microscopic changes in the epidural space, nerve roots, and spinal musculature were similar and consisted of granulomas or pyogranulomas around circular unstained spaces (vacuoles). These spaces were located between areas of severe diffuse hyaline necrosis of muscle fibers and resembled the drops of oil present in the vaccine.(AU)

Relatamos um surto de mielopatia sas medulares e espaço epidural da região lombar (L1-L4); compressiva lombar em bovinos associada à aplicação de esse material era associado com líquido brancacento e vacina oleosa de forma inadequada. De um total de 3000 oleoso. Havia também áreas de necrose no músculo Lonbovinos, 25 apresentaram distúrbios neurológicos apro-gissimus dorsi com material similar ao do espaço epidural. ximadamente 60 dias após terem sido vacinados contra a Microscopicamente, as alterações observadas no espaço febre aftosa. O quadro clínico foi caracterizado por parali-epidural, raízes nervosas medulares e na musculatura fosia progressiva de membros posteriores, dificuldade para ram similares sendo caracterizadas pela formação de múlpermanecer em estação e decúbito esternal com evolução tiplos granulomas ou piogranulomas envolvendo espaços de 2-5 meses. A mielografia realizada em um animal reve-(vacúolos) circulares não corados (aparentemente, o local lou defeito de enchimento na altura das vértebras L1 e L3. antes ocupado por gotículas de óleo presente na vacina), Quatro animais foram necropsiados e foi visualizado massa além de necrose hialina severa difusa de fibras musculares.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Compressão da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Vacinas/efeitos adversos , Mielografia/veterinária , Granuloma/veterinária