ABSTRACT: Hyperphosphatasemia refers to an increase in alkaline phosphatase serum activity, and Scottish Terriers (STs) are predisposed to develop this condition of uncertain pathogenesis. This study describes a case of progressive hyperphosphatasemia with vacuolar hepatopathy and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in a ST bitch. This dog had a five-year clinical follow-up with progressive hyperphosphatasemia (up to 5503 U/L) and with ultrasound findings and histologic diagnosis of vacuolar hepatopathy, in addition to posterior onset of HCC. A steroidogenic adrenal panel revealed an increase of adrenocortical hormones, especially progesterone and androstenedione, consistent with a subdiagnosed hypercortisolism. Euthanasia was elected and at necropsy, multinodular, yellow to red masses were observed in the liver, which were histologically and immunohistochemically defined as HCC. The association of the clinical, imaging, biochemical, adrenal panel and pathologic findings allowed to characterize and confirm a progressive disorder in this ST bitch associated with elevated adrenocortical hormones.
RESUMO: Hiperfosfatasemia é o aumento sérico de fosfatase alcalina, sendo que Scorrish Terriers estão predispostos a desenvolverem essa condição de patogênese desconhecida. Este trabalho descreve um caso de hiperfosfatasemia progressiva com hepatopatia vacuolar e carcinoma hepatocelular em um canino da raça Scottish Terrier. Uma cadela Scottish Terrier foi acompanhada clinicamente por cinco anos devido à hiperfosfatasemia persistente (até 5503 U/L), com achados ultrassonográficos e histológicos compatíveis com hepatopatia vacuolar, além de posterior desenvolvimento de carcinoma hepatocelular. O painel esteroidogênico realizado indicou aumento dos hormônios adrenocorticais, principalmente progesterona e androstenediona, consistente com diagnóstico de hipercortisolismo subdiagnosticado "atípico". Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável, a eutanásia foi realizada e na necropsia, massas amarelas a vermelhas e multinodulares foram observadas no fígado, com diagnóstico de carcinoma hepatocelular pela análise histológica e imuno-histoquímica. A associação dos achados clínicos, de imagem, bioquímicos, do painel androgênico e patológicos permitiram caracterizar e confirmar um distúrbio progressivo no canino da raça Scottish Terrier associado ao aumento dos hormônios adrenocorticais.
Hyperphosphatasemia refers to an increase in alkaline phosphatase serum activity, and Scottish Terriers (STs) are predisposed to develop this condition of uncertain pathogenesis. This study describes a case of progressive hyperphosphatasemia with vacuolar hepatopathy and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in a ST bitch. This dog had a five-year clinical follow-up with progressive hyperphosphatasemia (up to 5503 U/L) and with ultrasound findings and histologic diagnosis of vacuolar hepatopathy, in addition to posterior onset of HCC. A steroidogenic adrenal panel revealed an increase of adrenocortical hormones, especially progesterone and androstenedione, consistent with a subdiagnosed hypercortisolism. Euthanasia was elected and at necropsy, multinodular, yellow to red masses were observed in the liver, which were histologically and immunohistochemically defined as HCC. The association of the clinical, imaging, biochemical, adrenal panel and pathologic findings allowed to characterize and confirm a progressive disorder in this ST bitch associated with elevated adrenocortical hormones.
Hiperfosfatasemia é o aumento sérico de fosfatase alcalina, sendo que Scorrish Terriers estão predispostos a desenvolverem essa condição de patogênese desconhecida. Este trabalho descreve um caso de hiperfosfatasemia progressiva com hepatopatia vacuolar e carcinoma hepatocelular em um canino da raça Scottish Terrier. Uma cadela Scottish Terrier foi acompanhada clinicamente por cinco anos devido à hiperfosfatasemia persistente (até 5503 U/L), com achados ultrassonográficos e histológicos compatíveis com hepatopatia vacuolar, além de posterior desenvolvimento de carcinoma hepatocelular. O painel esteroidogênico realizado indicou aumento dos hormônios adrenocorticais, principalmente progesterona e androstenediona, consistente com diagnóstico de hipercortisolismo subdiagnosticado "atípico". Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável, a eutanásia foi realizada e na necropsia, massas amarelas a vermelhas e multinodulares foram observadas no fígado, com diagnóstico de carcinoma hepatocelular pela análise histológica e imuno-histoquímica. A associação dos achados clínicos, de imagem, bioquímicos, do painel androgênico e patológicos permitiram caracterizar e confirmar um distúrbio progressivo no canino da raça Scottish Terrier associado ao aumento dos hormônios adrenocorticais.
Cães , Autopsia , Eutanásia , Carcinoma Hepatocelular , Fosfatase Alcalina , CãesResumo
Caroli syndrome is characterized by a combination of intrahepatic biliary ductal ectasia and congenital ductal fibrosis due to the failure of involution of ductal plates and large intrahepatic ducts. This study aims to report Caroli syndrome in a dog, with emphasis on clinical characteristics, complementary examinations, and diagnostic approach. A 1-year-old mixed-breed intact male dog was presented with a 7-day history of acute vomiting and anorexia. Clinical evaluation revealed severe jaundice, abdominal pain, dehydration, lethargy, and abdominal distension. Ultrasonography revealed hepatic cysts filled with fluid. Exploratory laparotomy was performed to clarify the imaging findings; however, the dog died shortly after surgery. Postmortem examination revealed that the liver was reduced in size and had multiple interconnected and distended saccular dilations. The bile ducts were markedly dilated and replaced a large part of the liver parenchyma. Multiple small cysts were also observed in the kidneys. Microscopically, the hepatic lesions were characterized by extensive bridging fibrosis associated with proliferating and ectatic bile ducts contiguous with the biliary tree. Marked fibrosis and small cysts were observed in the kidneys. Therefore, a final diagnosis of Caroli syndrome was made. While uncommon, this syndrome should be considered as a differential diagnosis for young dogs with biliary cysts and hepatic fibrosis.
A síndrome de Caroli é caracterizada pela combinação de ectasia biliar intra-hepática e fibrose ductal congênita, que se devem a falha na involução das placas ductais dos grandes ductos intra-hepáticos. Esse trabalho tem a intenção de reportar um caso de síndrome de Caroli em um canino, com ênfase em suas características clínicas, exames complementares, e abordagem diagnóstica. Um canídeo de um ano de idade, sem raça definida, apresentou um histórico clínico de sete dias de vômito agudo e anorexia. A avaliação clínica revelou severa icterícia, dor abdominal, desidratação, letargia e distensão abdominal. A ultrassonografia foi sugestiva de cistos hepáticos preenchidos por fluido. Uma laparotomia exploratória foi realizada para esclarecer os achados de imagem, porém, o cão morreu logo após a cirurgia. O cão foi submetido a exame de necropsia, onde se observou fígado diminuído em tamanho e com múltiplas dilatações saculares distendidas e interconectadas entre si. Os ductos biliares estavam acentuadamente dilatados e substituíam grande parte do parênquima hepático. Nos rins, múltiplos pequenos cistos eram observados. Microscopicamente as lesões hepáticas eram caracterizadas por extensa fibrose em ponte, associada a ductos biliares ectáticos e proliferados, que eram contíguos a árvore biliar. Nos rins, marcada fibrose e pequenas formações císticas foram observadas. Baseado na associação dos achados clínicos e patológicos, o diagnóstico de síndrome de Caroli foi feito. Mesmo que incomum, essa síndrome deve ser considerada como um diagnóstico diferencial para cães jovens com ductos biliares císticos e fibrose hepática.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Doença de Caroli/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Rim/anormalidades , Fígado/anormalidades , CãesResumo
Toxoplasma gondii infections are usually asymptomatic in pigs, and an acute clinical disease is rare in this host. This study aimed to determine the pathological and molecular aspects of an outbreak of fatal systemic toxoplasmosis in finishing pigs in Brazil. The outbreak occurred on a commercial finishing pig farm in the state of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil. The farm had 1500 pigs and 3.8% of mortality rate during the outbreak. The pigs had fever, anorexia, apathy, and locomotor deficits. Seven pigs were necropsied. Gross findings included multifocal to coalescent pale areas in skeletal muscles, lymphadenomegaly, hepatosplenomegaly, and non-colapsed lungs. The histological findings included granulomatous lymphadenitis, hepatitis and splenitis, necrotizing myositis, and lymphoplasmacytic interstitial pneumonia. Lung and liver lesions were occasionally accompanied by T. gondii parasitic structures. Positive immunolabeling for T. gondii tachyzoites and encysted bradyzoites was detected in all examined pigs. PCR-RFLP (11 markers) and microsatellite analysis (15 markers) identified the non-archetypal genotype #278 in pigs. This is the first report of systemic toxoplasmosis in pigs with muscle lesions and additionally shows the diversity of disease-causing T. gondii genotypes circulating in animals in Brazil.(AU)
As infecções por Toxoplasma gondii são geralmente assintomáticas em suínos, e uma doença clínica aguda é rara nessa espécie. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar os aspectos patológicos e moleculares de um surto de toxoplasmose sistêmica fatal em suínos em terminação no Brasil. O surto ocorreu em uma granja comercial de suínos em terminação no estado de Santa Catarina, no sul do Brasil. A granja tinha 1500 suínos e a taxa de mortalidade durante o surto foi de 3,8%. Os suínos apresentaram febre, anorexia, apatia e déficits locomotores. Sete suínos foram necropsiados. Os achados macroscópicos incluíram áreas pálidas multifocais a coalescentes nos músculos esqueléticos, linfadenomegalia, hepatoesplenomegalia e pulmões não colapsados. Os achados histológicos incluíram linfadenite, hepatite, esplenite granulomatosa e miosite necrosante, assim como pneumonia intersticial linfoplasmocítica. Lesões pulmonares e hepáticas foram ocasionalmente acompanhadas por estruturas parasitárias de T. gondii. A imunomarcação positiva para taquizoítos e bradizoítos encistados de T. gondii foi observada em todos os suínos examinados. PCR-RFLP (11 marcadores) e análise de microssatélites (15 marcadores) identificaram o genótipo não arquetípico #278 em suínos. Este é o primeiro relato de toxoplasmose sistêmica em suínos com lesões musculares e, adicionalmente, demonstra a diversidade de genótipos de T. gondii causadores de doenças circulantes em animais no Brasil.(AU)
Animais , Doenças dos Suínos/epidemiologia , Toxoplasmose Animal/epidemiologia , Processos Patológicos/diagnóstico , Suínos/microbiologia , Toxoplasma/genética , Brasil , Repetições de MicrossatélitesResumo
Cardiac malformations are reported to be relatively rare in bovine species, with ventricular septal defects being the most common abnormality observed predominantly in young calves. This report aims to describe the cardiac malformations observed in bovids and review the literature related to those malformations in this species. The necropsy reports of 1,783 bovids were reviewed, and 0.4% were diagnosed with a cardiac congenital defect. The most common cardiac congenital malformation detected in this study was ventricular septal defect, observed alone or associated with other anomalies (in one case, as part of tetralogy of Fallot); followed by atrial septal defect, also alone or with other cardiac malformations. Secondary findings in the lungs and liver were observed in 75% of all cases. Histologic cardiac lesions were identified in 25% of all cases, characterized mainly by fibrosis. Other congenital malformations in different organs were observed in 25% of the cases. Considering the importance of cardiac congenital malformations observed in this study, these conditions should be considered as a differential diagnosis for calves who died with no specific clinical signs. Furthermore, macroscopic evaluation is crucial for the diagnosis of cardiac congenital malformations.
Malformações cardíacas são descritas como relativamente raras para bovinos, e defeitos do septo interventricular são as anomalias mais observadas em bezerros. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever os casos de malformações cardíacas observadas em bovinos e uma revisão de literatura sobre estas malformações nesta espécie. Os relatórios de necropsia de 1.783 bovinos foram revisados, e 0,4% destes foram diagnosticados com defeitos cardíacos congênitos. A malformação cardíaca congênita mais diagnosticada neste estudo foi defeito do septo interventricular, observado sozinho ou associado a outras anomalias (em um caso de tetralogia de Fallot); seguida de defeito no septo interatrial, também observado sozinho ou juntamente com outras malformações cardíacas. Lesões secundárias nos pulmões e fígado foram observadas em 75% dos casos. As alterações histológicas no coração, visualizadas em 25% dos casos, foram caracterizadas principalmente por fibrose. Outras malformações congênitas em diferentes órgãos foram identificadas em 25% dos casos. Considerando a importância de malformações cardíacas congênitas observadas neste estudo, estas condições devem ser consideradas como diagnósticos diferenciais para bezerros que morrem sem sinais clínicos específicos. Adicionalmente, a avaliação macroscópica é fundamental para o diagnóstico de malformações cardíacas congênitas.
Animais , Bovinos , Cardiopatias Congênitas/diagnóstico , Cardiopatias Congênitas/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Ventrículos do Coração/anormalidadesResumo
ABSTRACT: Cardiac malformations are reported to be relatively rare in bovine species, with ventricular septal defects being the most common abnormality observed predominantly in young calves. This report aims to describe the cardiac malformations observed in bovids and review the literature related to those malformations in this species. The necropsy reports of 1,783 bovids were reviewed, and 0.4% were diagnosed with a cardiac congenital defect. The most common cardiac congenital malformation detected in this study was ventricular septal defect, observed alone or associated with other anomalies (in one case, as part of tetralogy of Fallot); followed by atrial septal defect, also alone or with other cardiac malformations. Secondary findings in the lungs and liver were observed in 75% of all cases. Histologic cardiac lesions were identified in 25% of all cases, characterized mainly by fibrosis. Other congenital malformations in different organs were observed in 25% of the cases. Considering the importance of cardiac congenital malformations observed in this study, these conditions should be considered as a differential diagnosis for calves who died with no specific clinical signs. Furthermore, macroscopic evaluation is crucial for the diagnosis of cardiac congenital malformations.
RESUMO: Malformações cardíacas são descritas como relativamente raras para bovinos, e defeitos do septo interventricular são as anomalias mais observadas em bezerros. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever os casos de malformações cardíacas observadas em bovinos e uma revisão de literatura sobre estas malformações nesta espécie. Os relatórios de necropsia de 1.783 bovinos foram revisados, e 0,4% destes foram diagnosticados com defeitos cardíacos congênitos. A malformação cardíaca congênita mais diagnosticada neste estudo foi defeito do septo interventricular, observado sozinho ou associado a outras anomalias (em um caso de tetralogia de Fallot); seguida de defeito no septo interatrial, também observado sozinho ou juntamente com outras malformações cardíacas. Lesões secundárias nos pulmões e fígado foram observadas em 75% dos casos. As alterações histológicas no coração, visualizadas em 25% dos casos, foram caracterizadas principalmente por fibrose. Outras malformações congênitas em diferentes órgãos foram identificadas em 25% dos casos. Considerando a importância de malformações cardíacas congênitas observadas neste estudo, estas condições devem ser consideradas como diagnósticos diferenciais para bezerros que morrem sem sinais clínicos específicos. Adicionalmente, a avaliação macroscópica é fundamental para o diagnóstico de malformações cardíacas congênitas.
Cardiac malformations are reported to be relatively rare in bovine species, with ventricular septal defects being the most common abnormality observed predominantly in young calves. This report aims to describe the cardiac malformations observed in bovids and review the literature related to those malformations in this species. The necropsy reports of 1,783 bovids were reviewed, and 0.4% were diagnosed with a cardiac congenital defect. The most common cardiac congenital malformation detected in this study was ventricular septal defect, observed alone or associated with other anomalies (in one case, as part of tetralogy of Fallot); followed by atrial septal defect, also alone or with other cardiac malformations. Secondary findings in the lungs and liver were observed in 75% of all cases. Histologic cardiac lesions were identified in 25% of all cases, characterized mainly by fibrosis. Other congenital malformations in different organs were observed in 25% of the cases. Considering the importance of cardiac congenital malformations observed in this study, these conditions should be considered as a differential diagnosis for calves who died with no specific clinical signs. Furthermore, macroscopic evaluation is crucial for the diagnosis of cardiac congenital malformations.(AU)
Malformações cardíacas são descritas como relativamente raras para bovinos, e defeitos do septo interventricular são as anomalias mais observadas em bezerros. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever os casos de malformações cardíacas observadas em bovinos e uma revisão de literatura sobre estas malformações nesta espécie. Os relatórios de necropsia de 1.783 bovinos foram revisados, e 0,4% destes foram diagnosticados com defeitos cardíacos congênitos. A malformação cardíaca congênita mais diagnosticada neste estudo foi defeito do septo interventricular, observado sozinho ou associado a outras anomalias (em um caso de tetralogia de Fallot); seguida de defeito no septo interatrial, também observado sozinho ou juntamente com outras malformações cardíacas. Lesões secundárias nos pulmões e fígado foram observadas em 75% dos casos. As alterações histológicas no coração, visualizadas em 25% dos casos, foram caracterizadas principalmente por fibrose. Outras malformações congênitas em diferentes órgãos foram identificadas em 25% dos casos. Considerando a importância de malformações cardíacas congênitas observadas neste estudo, estas condições devem ser consideradas como diagnósticos diferenciais para bezerros que morrem sem sinais clínicos específicos. Adicionalmente, a avaliação macroscópica é fundamental para o diagnóstico de malformações cardíacas congênitas.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Cardiopatias Congênitas/diagnóstico , Cardiopatias Congênitas/veterinária , Ventrículos do Coração/anormalidadesResumo
Pregnancy losses are a major concern in livestock industry due to their economic impact on producers. Campylobacter fetus subspecies fetus (Cff) and C. fetus subspecies venerealis (Cfv) are directly related to reproductive failures in ruminants. Cff colonizes the gastrointestinal tract of a wide range of hosts leading to abortion, while Cfv is restricted to genital tract being generally associated to infertility in bovine. Considering the great economic losses related to campylobacteriosis in cattle and ovine herds, this study aims to investigate the occurrence of C. fetus, considering Cff and Cfv subspecies, in bovine and ovine spontaneously aborted fetuses in state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In this study, samples of abomasal fluid collected from 30 spontaneously aborted bovine (n = 18) and ovine (n = 12) fetuses were investigated for the detection of Campylobacter fetus throughout conventional PCR. Positive fetuses for C. fetus presence were further analyzed by molecular assays for Cff and Cfv detection, in order to determine subspecies identification. When available, samples of the main organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, as well as the brain, skeletal muscle, eyelid, skin, and placenta were collected for further histopathological analyses and bacterial culture, aiming to assess the presence of infection lesions and pathogens in those sites, respectively. Additionally, RT-qPCR assays were also performed for the detection of ruminant pestivirus, in order to detect bovine viral diarrhea cases. Throughout the present methodology, C. fetus was detected in the abomasal fluid samples of 2 bovine fetuses, being both identified as Cfv subspecies by PCR. Histopathological analyses demonstrated that macroscopic and microscopic changes found in the Cfv-positive animals were not either specific or directly related to Campylobacter infections. Moreover, no significant bacterial growth was observed in microbiological culture from the collected tissues, and both fetuses were negative for ruminant pestivirus. Differently, there was no detection of C. fetus in any of the analyzed ovine fetuses. Considering that abortion diagnosis rates reported in cattle and sheep industry are highly variable among the published studies, and that abortion diagnoses are commonly inconclusive due to difficulties in sampling methodology and inadequate identification of the pathogen involved, it is important to investigate the etiological causes of abortion the herds for better understanding the causes of pregnancy issues and monitoring their occurrence. In addition, the absence of pathognomonic lesions in the tissues investigated in the histopathological analyses observed in this study strongly suggests that well-known etiological agents commonly associated to abortion, such as Leptospira spp., Toxoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp. and Neospora caninum, are unlikely to be the cause of infection of the analyzed fetuses. Taking this into account, the presence of C. fetus in the abomasal fluid samples from two bovine fetuses demonstrated in the present study suggests the possible association of Cfv not only with infertility, but also with cases of bovine abortion, highlighting the importance of investigating unusual causal agents of abortions in sheep and cattle. Overall, an adequate diagnosis is essential for establishing better prevention strategies to avoid the circulation of abortion-related infectious agents in the herds.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Campylobacter fetus , Infecções por Campylobacter/veterinária , Aborto Animal , Infertilidade/veterinária , Criação de Animais Domésticos/economia , RuminantesResumo
Salmonellosis is a bacterial disease that affects several domestic animal species, and is commonly diagnosed in cattle, horses, and pigs. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological findings of eleven cases of enteric salmonellosis and two cases of salmonellosis with pulmonary involvement in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Clinical signs included fever, yellow diarrhea, sometimes with blood streaks, and dyspnea, with a clinical course ranging from 1 to 30 days. Eight cases occurred as outbreaks, whereas five cases occurred individually. Risk factors included inadequate handling practices, such as overcrowded facilities and comorbidities, including anaplasmosis. The main gross finding of the enteric presentation was fibrinonecrotic enterocolitis, occasionally associated with button ulcers, mesenteric lymphadenomegaly, splenomegaly, cholecystitis and hepatomegaly. In addition, one steer with a chronic clinical progression presented severe segmental thickening of the ileum, associated with intestinal rupture and peritonitis. In the respiratory system, the main findings were reddened, non-collapsed lungs, with multifocal areas of atelectasis. The main microscopic findings were observed in the small and large intestines, and these were characterized by severe necrosis and mucosal ulceration, associated with marked inflammatory infiltrate of neutrophils and fibrin deposition intermixed by rod-shaped bacterial aggregates, and fibrosis, as well as interstitial pneumonia. Seven cases yielded positive bacterial cultures for Salmonella spp. and three serovars, namely Typhimurium, Dublin, and Panama were identified. All cases exhibited immunolabeling for Salmonella spp. using immunohistochemistry.(AU)
Salmonelose é uma doença bacteriana que afeta inúmeras espécies animais, especialmente os bovinos, os equinos e os suínos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos de onze casos de salmonelose entérica e dois de salmonelose pulmonar em bovinos no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os sinais clínicos incluíram febre, diarreia amarelada, por vezes com estrias de sangue, anorexia, perda de peso e dispneia, com curso clínico que variou de um a 30 dias. Em oito casos, a doença ocorreu em forma de surtos e cinco foram individuais. Identificou-se fatores de risco relacionados ao manejo inadequado com os bovinos, como alta lotação, além de comorbidades associadas, como anaplasmose. Os principais achados macroscópicos da forma entérica consistiram em enterocolite fibrinonecrótica, por vezes associada a formação de úlceras botonosas, linfonodos mesentéricos e baço aumentados, colecistite e hepatomegalia. Ainda, um bovino com quadro clínico crônico apresentou acentuado espessamento segmentar da parede do íleo associado a ruptura intestinal e peritonite. Na forma respiratória, os principais achados incluíram pulmões não colabados, avermelhados, com áreas multifocais de atelectasia. Os principais achados microscópicos foram observados no intestino delgado e grosso e foram caracterizados por acentuada necrose e ulceração da mucosa, associada a acentuado infiltrado inflamatório de neutrófilos e deposição de fibrina entremeada por agregados bacterianos cocobacilares e fibrose, além de pneumonia intersticial. Sete casos foram positivos para Salmonella sp. no cultivo bacteriano, com identificação dos sorovares Typhimurium, Dublin e Panama. Ao exame imuno-histoquímico para Salmonella sp. todos os casos apresentaram marcação positiva nos órgãos avaliados.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Salmonella enteritidis/patogenicidade , Infecções por Salmonella/epidemiologia , Infecções por Salmonella/patologia , Salmonella enterica/patogenicidade , AnimaisResumo
Background: Verminosis is one of the major health problems in sheep flocks, and is one of the main causes of death insheep worldwide. Closantel is an antiparasitic drug commonly used in sheep; however, its safety margin is narrow, andthis drug may induce intoxication in animals submitted to high doses. Lesions occur mainly in the eyes, and are characterized by edema and compression of the optic nerve, retinopathy, and severe degeneration of ganglia cells. Clinical signsare pupil dilation, which often lead to permanent blindness. This work aims to report an outbreak of sheep mortality dueto closantel intoxication, associated with inadequate anthelmintic administration practices.Case: An on-site visit was conducted to a sheep farm, located in the municipality of Osório, Rio Grande do Sul (RS)- Brazil, in which high mortality was reported. The flock consisted of approximately 300 Texel sheep, managed in anextensive grazing system. Lambs and adult animals were affected. According to the information provided by the farmowner, many animals presented clinical signs of haemonchosis, and a closantel dose of 20 mg / lamb was administeredin all sheep, regardless of body weight. Lambs weighted on average 13 kg. After closantel administration, several sheeppresented neurologic signs and died. At the clinical examination, sheep presented pallor of ocular mucous membranes,as well as submandibular edema. Also, 20 lambs showed signs of blindness, disorientation and bumping into objects, aswell as hypothermia and lack of response to the menace reflex. Three 30 to 45-day-old male lambs that died spontaneously were submitted for necropsy. Grossly, only mild ascites was noted. Histopathological examination of the retinashowed degeneration and fragmentation of photoreceptor layer as well as depletion of the inner nuclear layer, associatedwith pyknosis and karyorrhexis. There was also a reduction in the number of ganglia cells in the ganglion cell layer andatrophy...
Animais , Anti-Helmínticos/administração & dosagem , Anti-Helmínticos/toxicidade , Intoxicação/veterinária , Ovinos , Traumatismos Oculares/veterináriaResumo
Background: Verminosis is one of the major health problems in sheep flocks, and is one of the main causes of death insheep worldwide. Closantel is an antiparasitic drug commonly used in sheep; however, its safety margin is narrow, andthis drug may induce intoxication in animals submitted to high doses. Lesions occur mainly in the eyes, and are characterized by edema and compression of the optic nerve, retinopathy, and severe degeneration of ganglia cells. Clinical signsare pupil dilation, which often lead to permanent blindness. This work aims to report an outbreak of sheep mortality dueto closantel intoxication, associated with inadequate anthelmintic administration practices.Case: An on-site visit was conducted to a sheep farm, located in the municipality of Osório, Rio Grande do Sul (RS)- Brazil, in which high mortality was reported. The flock consisted of approximately 300 Texel sheep, managed in anextensive grazing system. Lambs and adult animals were affected. According to the information provided by the farmowner, many animals presented clinical signs of haemonchosis, and a closantel dose of 20 mg / lamb was administeredin all sheep, regardless of body weight. Lambs weighted on average 13 kg. After closantel administration, several sheeppresented neurologic signs and died. At the clinical examination, sheep presented pallor of ocular mucous membranes,as well as submandibular edema. Also, 20 lambs showed signs of blindness, disorientation and bumping into objects, aswell as hypothermia and lack of response to the menace reflex. Three 30 to 45-day-old male lambs that died spontaneously were submitted for necropsy. Grossly, only mild ascites was noted. Histopathological examination of the retinashowed degeneration and fragmentation of photoreceptor layer as well as depletion of the inner nuclear layer, associatedwith pyknosis and karyorrhexis. There was also a reduction in the number of ganglia cells in the ganglion cell layer andatrophy...(AU)
Animais , Ovinos , Anti-Helmínticos/toxicidade , Intoxicação/veterinária , Anti-Helmínticos/administração & dosagem , Traumatismos Oculares/veterináriaResumo
Staphylococcus aureus is a gram-positive bacterium, commonly found colonizing the skin and mucous membranes of humans and animals. This report describes a case of fetal loss associated with S. aureus infection in a cow. A six-month old, crossbred male bovine fetus from a beef farm was submitted for necropsy. At gross examination fibrinous pleuropneumonia was observed. Histologically, lesions were restricted to the lungs and consisted of marked multifocal to coalescing areas of inflammatory infiltrate of neutrophils, abundant fibrin exudation, necrosis of bronchiolar epithelium and numerous aggregates of coccoid bacteria. Lung and abomasal fluid bacterial culture yielded pure culture of S. aureus, which was characterized as a multidrug resistant strain. Molecular analysis indicated that the studied strain presented several genes of virulence factors including toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (tst), staphylococcal enterotoxin type A (sea), Panton-Valentine leukocidin (pvl), alpha-hemolysin (hla) and delta-hemolysin (hld). This report documents an infrequent case of fetal loss in cattle due to infection with a highly virulent S. aureus strain.(AU)
Staphylococcus aureus é uma bactéria gram-positiva, comumente encontrada colonizando a pele e as membranas mucosas de humanos e animais. O presente relato descreve um caso de aborto bovino associado à infecção por S. aureus. Um feto bovino, macho, cruzado, com seis meses de idade gestacional proveniente de uma fazenda de gado de corte foi submetido para a necropsia. Pleuropneumonia supurativa foi observada na avaliação macroscópica. Histologicamente as lesões encontravam-se restritas aos pulmões e eram representadas por infiltrado inflamatório acentuado, multifocal a coalescente de neutrófilos, acentuada exsudação de fibrina, necrose do epitélio bronquiolar e numerosos agregados bacterianos cocoides. A cultura bacteriana de fragmento de pulmão e líquido do abomaso revelou o crescimento puro de S. aureus, que foi caracterizado como uma cepa multirresistente a drogas. Análises moleculares indicaram que a cepa estudada apresentava vários fatores de virulência, incluindo toxina 1 da síndrome do choque tóxico (TSST-1), enterotoxina estafilocócica tipo A (sea), leucocidina Panton-Valentine (pvl), hemolisina alfa (hla) e hemolisina delta (hld). O presente relato documenta um caso infrequente de aborto bovino devido à infecção por uma cepa altamente virulenta de S. aureus.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Aborto Animal , Staphylococcus aureus/patogenicidade , Doenças dos BovinosResumo
Background: Pasteurellosis is a common disease of cattle, pigs, and poultry, which rarely affects humans. In rabbits, therespiratory presentation of the disease is frequently reported. Clinical signs related to bronchopneumonia include sneezing, lung stertors, oculonasal discharge, dyspnea and cyanosis. Infection may lead to otitis, conjunctivitis, abscesses andsepsis. Furthermore, Pasteurella multocida infection may lead to sudden death without clinical manifestations. Reports ofpasteurellosis in rabbits are scarce in Brazil. Therefore, the objective of this article is to describe an outbreak of pasteurellosis with high mortality in a rabbity in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.Cases: Two adult rabbits were submitted for necropsy at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Instituto Federal Catarinense- Campus Concórdia, within an interval of twenty days. Herd was represented by 40 animals, of which six fattening rabbits andthree breeders died. Animals were kept in suspended cages with slatted floor. Clinical signs were represented by prostration,sneezing, and mucopurulent nasal discharge. In addition, wounds were observed in the distal portion of the limbs. Death occurredup to two days after the onset of clinical signs. Necropsies were performed and tissue samples were collected for histopathologic,immunohistochemical and microbiologic (bacterial culture and antibiogram) exams. At the necropsy, severe diffuse fibrinousexudate covering the pericardium sac, visceral and parietal pleural surfaces was noted, as well as multiple diaphragm adhesions.In addition, the lungs presented diffuse red coloration and showed multiple abscesses ranging from 0.3 to 1cm in diameter. Thenasal sinus and the tracheal mucosa showed diffuse reddening (rabbits 1 and 2). Abscesses up to 2 cm in diameter were observedin the mammary glands (rabbit 1), heart and kidneys (rabbit 2). The urinary bladder...
Animais , Coelhos , Infecções por Pasteurella/epidemiologia , Infecções por Pasteurella/patologia , Infecções por Pasteurella/veterinária , Lagomorpha/virologia , Pasteurella multocida/isolamento & purificação , Broncopneumonia/veterinária , Doenças Respiratórias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Anaplastic carcinoma of the mammary gland is considered a highly invasive and malignant neoplasia, whichusually leads to neoplastic thrombosis and epidermal ulceration due to invasiveness of lymphatic vessels by tumor emboli.Loss of epidermal barrier predisposes to secondary bacterial infection, mainly by commensal bacteria of the skin, andsepticemia can be observed in cases of systemic dissemination. Neoplastic emboli and septic thrombi can lead to vascularobstruction, which can predispose to infarction in multiple organs. The aim of this case report is to describe a case ofhemorrhagic stroke in a dog with anaplastic carcinoma of the mammary gland.Case: A 12-year-old, mixed breed, female spayed canine presented with mammary tumor with plaque formation, associatedwith skin ulceration which extended to the medial region of pelvic limbs. The animal also displayed neurologic clinicalsigns characterized by stupor, opisthotonos and apathy. Due to poor prognosis, the canine was euthanized and submittedto necropsy. During external examination, the animal was in a good body condition, had moderately pale mucosae, andit was noted a nodular plaque in the abdominal ventral area extending from thoracic to inguinal mammary gland. Themass was firm and white, extensively ulcerated, and extending from the thoracic to inguinal mammary gland. There wasa well circumscribed area of infarction in the spleen and kidney. In the cerebral cortex it was observed an extensive areaof hemorrhage with adhered blood clot from frontal to temporal lobe. There were multiple well circumscribed, firm, andwhite areas in the myocardium. Histologically, the neoplastic proliferation was composed by epithelial cells with high pleomorphism, features of malignancy, and no delimitations, leading to the diagnosis of anaplastic carcinoma of the mammarygland. Admixed with tumor cells there were multiple areas of hemorrhage, necrosis and thrombosis...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/veterinária , Carcinoma/veterinária , Hemorragias Intracranianas/veterinária , Infarto Cerebral/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Trombose Intracraniana/veterinária , Autopsia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pasteurellosis is a common disease of cattle, pigs, and poultry, which rarely affects humans. In rabbits, therespiratory presentation of the disease is frequently reported. Clinical signs related to bronchopneumonia include sneezing, lung stertors, oculonasal discharge, dyspnea and cyanosis. Infection may lead to otitis, conjunctivitis, abscesses andsepsis. Furthermore, Pasteurella multocida infection may lead to sudden death without clinical manifestations. Reports ofpasteurellosis in rabbits are scarce in Brazil. Therefore, the objective of this article is to describe an outbreak of pasteurellosis with high mortality in a rabbity in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.Cases: Two adult rabbits were submitted for necropsy at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Instituto Federal Catarinense- Campus Concórdia, within an interval of twenty days. Herd was represented by 40 animals, of which six fattening rabbits andthree breeders died. Animals were kept in suspended cages with slatted floor. Clinical signs were represented by prostration,sneezing, and mucopurulent nasal discharge. In addition, wounds were observed in the distal portion of the limbs. Death occurredup to two days after the onset of clinical signs. Necropsies were performed and tissue samples were collected for histopathologic,immunohistochemical and microbiologic (bacterial culture and antibiogram) exams. At the necropsy, severe diffuse fibrinousexudate covering the pericardium sac, visceral and parietal pleural surfaces was noted, as well as multiple diaphragm adhesions.In addition, the lungs presented diffuse red coloration and showed multiple abscesses ranging from 0.3 to 1cm in diameter. Thenasal sinus and the tracheal mucosa showed diffuse reddening (rabbits 1 and 2). Abscesses up to 2 cm in diameter were observedin the mammary glands (rabbit 1), heart and kidneys (rabbit 2). The urinary bladder...(AU)
Animais , Coelhos , Infecções por Pasteurella/epidemiologia , Infecções por Pasteurella/patologia , Infecções por Pasteurella/veterinária , Pasteurella multocida/isolamento & purificação , Lagomorpha/virologia , Broncopneumonia/veterinária , Doenças Respiratórias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Anaplastic carcinoma of the mammary gland is considered a highly invasive and malignant neoplasia, whichusually leads to neoplastic thrombosis and epidermal ulceration due to invasiveness of lymphatic vessels by tumor emboli.Loss of epidermal barrier predisposes to secondary bacterial infection, mainly by commensal bacteria of the skin, andsepticemia can be observed in cases of systemic dissemination. Neoplastic emboli and septic thrombi can lead to vascularobstruction, which can predispose to infarction in multiple organs. The aim of this case report is to describe a case ofhemorrhagic stroke in a dog with anaplastic carcinoma of the mammary gland.Case: A 12-year-old, mixed breed, female spayed canine presented with mammary tumor with plaque formation, associatedwith skin ulceration which extended to the medial region of pelvic limbs. The animal also displayed neurologic clinicalsigns characterized by stupor, opisthotonos and apathy. Due to poor prognosis, the canine was euthanized and submittedto necropsy. During external examination, the animal was in a good body condition, had moderately pale mucosae, andit was noted a nodular plaque in the abdominal ventral area extending from thoracic to inguinal mammary gland. Themass was firm and white, extensively ulcerated, and extending from the thoracic to inguinal mammary gland. There wasa well circumscribed area of infarction in the spleen and kidney. In the cerebral cortex it was observed an extensive areaof hemorrhage with adhered blood clot from frontal to temporal lobe. There were multiple well circumscribed, firm, andwhite areas in the myocardium. Histologically, the neoplastic proliferation was composed by epithelial cells with high pleomorphism, features of malignancy, and no delimitations, leading to the diagnosis of anaplastic carcinoma of the mammarygland. Admixed with tumor cells there were multiple areas of hemorrhage, necrosis and thrombosis...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Hemorragias Intracranianas/veterinária , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/veterinária , Carcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Trombose Intracraniana/veterinária , Infarto Cerebral/veterinária , Autopsia/veterináriaResumo
In this work, we describe an unusual case of fibrinous pleuropneumonia caused by Pasteurella multocida associated with generalized lymphadenomegaly in a bovine. The animal had a one-month history of generalized superficial lymphadenomegaly that progressed to anorexia and submandibular oedema, resulting in spontaneous death. At necropsy, the parenchyma of the lymph nodes and multiple organs was obliterated by a dense proliferation of round neoplastic cells (lymphoma). Additionally, the neoplasm presented multifocal areas of haemorrhage and necrosis, characteristic of lymphoma. The parietal and visceral pleura and parietal pericardium were enlarged and covered diffusely with large amounts of a yellowish fibrillary material. The lungs were mildly enlarged, non-collapsed, and firm and exhibited interlobular septae that were thickened with a gelatinous material. Histopathological examination showed that the parietal and visceral pleura were enlarged due to a diffuse and severe inflammatory infiltrate composed of degenerate neutrophils associated with severe fibrin deposition, characteristic of fibrinous pleuropneumonia. Pleura and parietal pericardium fragments were cultivated in aerobic and microaerobic microbiological conditions. Round greyish colonies of gram-negative coccobacilli that were shiny and non-haemolytic were observed in sheep blood agar. The biochemical profile was indicative of Pasteurella spp. Molecular identification was performed by partial 16S rRNA amplification following sequencing. Pasteurella multocida was confirmed as the primary bacterium associated with the bovine fibrinous pleuropneumonia. We are able to infer that the lymphoma caused immunodepression, which increased the animals susceptibility to atypical infectious microorganisms such as pathogenic P. multocida.(AU)
Nesse trabalho, relatamos um caso de pleuropneumonia fibrinossupurativa causada por Pasteurella multocida associada à linfoadenomegalia em um bovino. O animal apresentava aumento generalizado de linfonodos há um mês progredindo para anorexia e edema submandibular por três dias culminando com óbito. Durante a necropsia, tanto dos linfonodos quanto de diversos órgãos evidenciaram proliferação neoplásica de células arredondadas e arranjadas em mantos (linfoma). Adicionalmente, áreas multifocais de hemorragia e necrose, características de linfoma, foram observadas. As pleuras parietal e visceral e pericárdio parietal apresentavam-se espessas e recobertas por acentuada quantidade de fibrina. Os pulmões estavam aumentados, não colabados, firmes e exibiam espessamento com edema moderado de septos interlobulares. À microscopia, cortes da pleura visceral exibiram acentuado infiltrado inflamatório de neutrófilos degenerados com intensa deposição de fibrina, características da pleuropneumonia fibrinossupurativa, além de neovascularização e proliferação de fibroblastos. Amostras de pulmão e da pleura foram cultivadas em aerobiose e microaerobiose. Evidenciou-se o crescimento puro no ágar sangue ovino de colônias redondas, acinzentadas, brilhantes e não-hemolíticas, sendo caracterizadas como cocobacilos gram-negativos. As características bioquímicas do isolado foram condizentes com Pasteurella spp. Procedeu-se a identificação molecular do isolado através da amplificação parcial do gene rRNA 16S com posterior sequenciamento do produto amplificado. Deste modo foi possível a confirmação do isolado como Pasteurella multocida, sendo o agente primário da pleuropneumonia fibrinosa. Com estes dados, podemos afirmar que o linfoma causou um quadro de imunodepressão, a qual aumenta a susceptibilidade dos animais a agentes infecciosos atípicos, como a P. multocida patogênica.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Pleuropneumonia/veterinária , Pasteurella multocida , Infecções por Pasteurella/veterinária , Leucose Enzoótica Bovina/diagnósticoResumo
In this work, we describe an unusual case of fibrinous pleuropneumonia caused by Pasteurella multocida associated with generalized lymphadenomegaly in a bovine. The animal had a one-month history of generalized superficial lymphadenomegaly that progressed to anorexia and submandibular oedema, resulting in spontaneous death. At necropsy, the parenchyma of the lymph nodes and multiple organs was obliterated by a dense proliferation of round neoplastic cells (lymphoma). Additionally, the neoplasm presented multifocal areas of haemorrhage and necrosis, characteristic of lymphoma. The parietal and visceral pleura and parietal pericardium were enlarged and covered diffusely with large amounts of a yellowish fibrillary material. The lungs were mildly enlarged, non-collapsed, and firm and exhibited interlobular septae that were thickened with a gelatinous material. Histopathological examination showed that the parietal and visceral pleura were enlarged due to a diffuse and severe inflammatory infiltrate composed of degenerate neutrophils associated with severe fibrin deposition, characteristic of fibrinous pleuropneumonia. Pleura and parietal pericardium fragments were cultivated in aerobic and microaerobic microbiological conditions. Round greyish colonies of gram-negative coccobacilli that were shiny and non-haemolytic were observed in sheep blood agar. The biochemical profile was indicative of Pasteurella spp. Molecular identification was performed by partial 16S rRNA amplification following sequencing. Pasteurella multocida was confirmed as the primary bacterium associated with the bovine fibrinous pleuropneumonia. We are able to infer that the lymphoma caused immunodepression, which increased the animals susceptibility to atypical infectious microorganisms such as pathogenic P. multocida.
Nesse trabalho, relatamos um caso de pleuropneumonia fibrinossupurativa causada por Pasteurella multocida associada à linfoadenomegalia em um bovino. O animal apresentava aumento generalizado de linfonodos há um mês progredindo para anorexia e edema submandibular por três dias culminando com óbito. Durante a necropsia, tanto dos linfonodos quanto de diversos órgãos evidenciaram proliferação neoplásica de células arredondadas e arranjadas em mantos (linfoma). Adicionalmente, áreas multifocais de hemorragia e necrose, características de linfoma, foram observadas. As pleuras parietal e visceral e pericárdio parietal apresentavam-se espessas e recobertas por acentuada quantidade de fibrina. Os pulmões estavam aumentados, não colabados, firmes e exibiam espessamento com edema moderado de septos interlobulares. À microscopia, cortes da pleura visceral exibiram acentuado infiltrado inflamatório de neutrófilos degenerados com intensa deposição de fibrina, características da pleuropneumonia fibrinossupurativa, além de neovascularização e proliferação de fibroblastos. Amostras de pulmão e da pleura foram cultivadas em aerobiose e microaerobiose. Evidenciou-se o crescimento puro no ágar sangue ovino de colônias redondas, acinzentadas, brilhantes e não-hemolíticas, sendo caracterizadas como cocobacilos gram-negativos. As características bioquímicas do isolado foram condizentes com Pasteurella spp. Procedeu-se a identificação molecular do isolado através da amplificação parcial do gene rRNA 16S com posterior sequenciamento do produto amplificado. Deste modo foi possível a confirmação do isolado como Pasteurella multocida, sendo o agente primário da pleuropneumonia fibrinosa. Com estes dados, podemos afirmar que o linfoma causou um quadro de imunodepressão, a qual aumenta a susceptibilidade dos animais a agentes infecciosos atípicos, como a P. multocida patogênica.
Animais , Bovinos , Infecções por Pasteurella/veterinária , Leucose Enzoótica Bovina/diagnóstico , Pasteurella multocida , Pleuropneumonia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Herpetic meningoencephalitis is an infectious contagious disease worldwide distributed, most often caused by bovine alphaherpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5), although bovine alphaherpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) may occasionally be the causative agent. The disease is characterized by subacute to acute clinical onset, often affecting animals submitted to stressful situations. Clinical signs are mainly neurologic due to meningoencephalitis and cortical necrosis. The involvement of the spinal cord has also been reported, however in BoHV-1 associated disease only. The aim of this report is to describe an outbreak of bovine meningoencephalomyelitis associated to BoHV-5.Case: In August 2017, nine 1-year-old calves died in a beef cattle farm with a flock of approximately 400 bovines. The animals presented neurological clinical signs characterized by excessive salivation, nasal and ocular discharges, incoordination, apathy, head tremors, head pressing, wide-based stance, recumbency followed by convulsions and paddling. According to the owner and referring veterinarian, affected animals displayed severe clinical signs with rapid progression and often leading to death in up to seven days. Four of these calves were submitted for necropsy, and gross lesions were present in the brain, characterized by mild to moderate multifocal hemorrhagic and soft areas. On cut surface, extensive areas of dark brown discoloration and malacia were observed. Histologically, lesions were characterized by extensive areas of liquefactive necrosis in the cerebral cortex grey matter, associated with inflammatory infiltrates composed of neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells and foamy macrophages, as well as multifocal to coalescing areas of hemorrhage and fibrin deposition. Intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies were rarely observed in neurons and astrocytes. On leptomeninges, there was diffuse inflammatory infiltrates of lymphocytes and plasma cells.[...]
Animais , Bovinos , Encefalite Viral/veterinária , Infecções por Herpesviridae/veterinária , Meningoencefalite/diagnóstico , Meningoencefalite/veterinária , BrasilResumo
Background: Herpetic meningoencephalitis is an infectious contagious disease worldwide distributed, most often caused by bovine alphaherpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5), although bovine alphaherpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) may occasionally be the causative agent. The disease is characterized by subacute to acute clinical onset, often affecting animals submitted to stressful situations. Clinical signs are mainly neurologic due to meningoencephalitis and cortical necrosis. The involvement of the spinal cord has also been reported, however in BoHV-1 associated disease only. The aim of this report is to describe an outbreak of bovine meningoencephalomyelitis associated to BoHV-5.Case: In August 2017, nine 1-year-old calves died in a beef cattle farm with a flock of approximately 400 bovines. The animals presented neurological clinical signs characterized by excessive salivation, nasal and ocular discharges, incoordination, apathy, head tremors, head pressing, wide-based stance, recumbency followed by convulsions and paddling. According to the owner and referring veterinarian, affected animals displayed severe clinical signs with rapid progression and often leading to death in up to seven days. Four of these calves were submitted for necropsy, and gross lesions were present in the brain, characterized by mild to moderate multifocal hemorrhagic and soft areas. On cut surface, extensive areas of dark brown discoloration and malacia were observed. Histologically, lesions were characterized by extensive areas of liquefactive necrosis in the cerebral cortex grey matter, associated with inflammatory infiltrates composed of neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells and foamy macrophages, as well as multifocal to coalescing areas of hemorrhage and fibrin deposition. Intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies were rarely observed in neurons and astrocytes. On leptomeninges, there was diffuse inflammatory infiltrates of lymphocytes and plasma cells.[...](AU)