Cardiac rhythm disorders are diagnosed through electrocardiography, which is an important tool to investigate other systemic conditions that may be related to the cardiac conduction system. Cardiac regulation is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, and in dogs, it is mainly modulated by a parasympathetic action exerted by the vagus nerve, called vagal tone. Increased vagal tone can occur physiologically or pathologically, leading to the occurrence of bradyarrhythmias. However, some studies report that airway diseases can exacerbate this tone, together with the reduction of sympathetic pathway activities. This study aimed to analyze the cardiac rhythms in dogs presenting with electrocardiographic alterations related to respiratory diseases, in connection with the exacerbation of vagal tone. Medical records of animals whose diagnoses involved at least one respiratory condition and who underwent electrocardiographic assessment between March 2017 to March 2021 were compiled. Data obtained were compiled in Microsoft Excel®1 spreadsheets and evaluated using descriptive statistics through the BioEstat®2 software. Pearson's correlation was used for quantitative data. A correlation between autonomic regulation and vagal exacerbation was observed in cases with obstructive airways diseases.(AU)
Os distúrbios do ritmo cardíaco são diagnosticados por meio da eletrocardiografia, que é uma importante ferra-menta para investigar outras condições sistêmicas que podem estar relacionadas ao sistema de condução cardíaco. A regulação cardíaca é controlada pelo sistema nervoso autônomo e, em cães, é modulada principalmente pela ação parassimpática exer-cida pelo nervo vago, denominada tônus vagal. O aumento do tônus vagal pode ocorrer fisiologicamente ou patologicamente, levando à ocorrência de bradiarritmias. No entanto, alguns estudos relatam que as doenças das vias aéreas podem exacerbar esse tônus, juntamente com a redução das atividades das vias simpáticas. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os ritmos cardíacos em cães com alterações eletrocardiográficas relacionadas a doenças respiratórias, relacionadas à exacerbação do tônus vagal. Foram compilados os prontuários dos animais cujos diagnósticos envolvessem pelo menos uma condição respiratória e que realizaram avaliação eletrocardiográfica, no período entre março de 2017 a março de 2021. Os dados obtidos foram com-pilados em planilhas do Microsoft Excel®1 e avaliados por meio de estatística descritiva por meio do software BioEstat®2. A correlação de Pearson foi usada para dados quantitativos. Foi observada correlação entre regulação autonômica e exacerbação vagal em casos com doenças obstrutivas das vias aéreas.(AU)
Animais , Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica/diagnóstico , Cães/anormalidades , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/instrumentação , Frequência CardíacaResumo
Background: Atrial ectopic rhythm is a type of supraventricular arrhythmia, originating in two distinct points in the atrialregion. In the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, it is represented by independent depolarizations of sinus P waves andectopic P waves. The occurrence of this disorder is rare, and the diagnosis criteria are the presence of the described waveswithin the basal rhythm. In humans, there have been reports related to severe heart failure with an unfavorable prognosis.The present report aimed to describe the clinical case of a dog with unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm without any underlying cardiac disorder.Case: A 8-year-old male golden retriever was brought to a veterinary clinic for a preoperative evaluation for lipoma removalin the right forelimb. On clinical examination, the owner stated that the patient was active, with no signs of easy fatigueor cough. The canine displayed normophagy, normodipsia, normoquezia, and normouria. On physical examination, hedemonstrated a lymphatic temperament with tachypnea. The temperature and capillary filling time were within the normalrange, with a normokinetic pulse. Cardiac auscultation revealed a mild grade I/VI murmur in mitral focus and an 80-bpmheart rate. Respiratory auscultation revealed the presence of harshy lung sounds. The cough reflex was positive; the Piparotetest, negative. The blood test showed no noticeable changes in blood count and serum biochemistry. Systemic systolicblood pressure was 120 mmHg. On radiographic examination, no evidence of heart or lung abnormalities were identified.After the clinical evaluation, an ECG examination was performed; a unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm was observed withdifferent frequencies between atrial and ventricular rhythm and with P (164°) and P waves (80°). On echocardiographic...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Função Atrial , Taquicardia Atrial Ectópica/veterinária , Átrios do Coração/fisiopatologia , Eletrocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Atrial ectopic rhythm is a type of supraventricular arrhythmia, originating in two distinct points in the atrialregion. In the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, it is represented by independent depolarizations of sinus P waves andectopic P waves. The occurrence of this disorder is rare, and the diagnosis criteria are the presence of the described waveswithin the basal rhythm. In humans, there have been reports related to severe heart failure with an unfavorable prognosis.The present report aimed to describe the clinical case of a dog with unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm without any underlying cardiac disorder.Case: A 8-year-old male golden retriever was brought to a veterinary clinic for a preoperative evaluation for lipoma removalin the right forelimb. On clinical examination, the owner stated that the patient was active, with no signs of easy fatigueor cough. The canine displayed normophagy, normodipsia, normoquezia, and normouria. On physical examination, hedemonstrated a lymphatic temperament with tachypnea. The temperature and capillary filling time were within the normalrange, with a normokinetic pulse. Cardiac auscultation revealed a mild grade I/VI murmur in mitral focus and an 80-bpmheart rate. Respiratory auscultation revealed the presence of harshy lung sounds. The cough reflex was positive; the Piparotetest, negative. The blood test showed no noticeable changes in blood count and serum biochemistry. Systemic systolicblood pressure was 120 mmHg. On radiographic examination, no evidence of heart or lung abnormalities were identified.After the clinical evaluation, an ECG examination was performed; a unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm was observed withdifferent frequencies between atrial and ventricular rhythm and with P (164°) and P waves (80°). On echocardiographic...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Taquicardia Atrial Ectópica/veterinária , Função Atrial , Átrios do Coração/fisiopatologia , Eletrocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Os cães idosos são acometidos com frequência por enfermidades no sistema cardiovascular e respiratório, estando muita das vezes assintomáticos até terem indicação para algum procedimento cirúrgico que requer a avaliação pré-operatória, momento este que muitos achados clínicos poderão ser detectados, ao ponto da necessidade de tratamento prévio à intervenção cirúrgica. Diante disso, o trabalho tem por objetivo detectar as principais manifestações cardiorrespiratórias e sua correlação aos dados encontrados nos exames complementares e informações epidemiológicas de 138 cães atendidos em um serviço especializado em cardiologia e doenças respiratórias, no período de 2017 a 2021, para fins de risco cirúrgico. Foi possível observar maior predominância de animais idosos, de pequeno porte e do sexo feminino. Dentre as doenças cardíacas, a doença degenerativa crônica de mitral foi a mais prevalente, seguida da dirofilariose. Em relação as afecções respiratórias, a bronquite crônica e o colapso de traqueia foram mais diagnosticadas, seguidas da broncopneumonia e da síndrome braquicefálica. Quando da observação do ritmo cardíaco por meio do eletrocardiograma, a arritmia sinusal, ritmo sinusal e sinus arrest foram os principais achados. Quanto aos achados laboratoriais, foi possível observar aumento da média de hematimetria, redução da média do hematócrito e das plaquetas. Entretanto, alguns animais apresentaram azotemia, leucocitose e eosinofilia. Observou-se que pacientes com doenças cardíacas em estágios de congestão possuem redução da pressão arterial, aumento da hematimetria e taquiarritmias, como taquicardia sinusal e/ou complexos atriais prematuros. Pacientes com idade mais avançada tendem a ter redução dos valores de leucometria global e maior probabilidade de manifestação de aumento da pressão arterial. Portadores de dirofilariose cursam com aumento de eosinófilos.
Elderly dogs are frequently affected by diseases in the cardiovascular and respiratory system, being often asymptomatic until they are indicated for a surgical procedure that requires preoperative evaluation, at which point many clinical findings can be detected, to the point of need for treatment prior to surgical intervention. Therefore, the work aims to detect the main cardiorespiratory manifestations and their correlation to data found in complementary exams and demographic information of 138 animals treated at a service specialized in cardiology and respiratory diseases, from 2017 to 2021, for risk purposes surgical. It was possible to observe a greater predominance of elderly, small and female animals. Among heart diseases, chronic degenerative mitral disease was the most prevalent, followed by heartworm disease. Regarding respiratory affections, chronic bronchitis and tracheal collapse were more commonly diagnosed, followed by bronchopneumonia and brachycephalic syndrome. When observing the cardiac rhythm through the electrocardiogram, sinus arrhythmia, sinus rhythm and sinus arrest were the main findings. As for laboratory findings, it was possible to observe an increase in mean hematimetry, a reduction in mean hematocrit and platelets. However, some animals showed azotemia, leukocytosis and eosinophilia. It was observed that patients with cardiac diseases in stages of congestion have reduced blood pressure, increased hematimetry and tachyarrhythmias, such as sinus tachycardia and/or premature atrial complexes. Older patients tend to have reduced global white blood cell values and more likely to manifest increased blood pressure. Heartworm patients have an increase in eosinophils.