American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is a zoonosis caused by Leishmania, a protozoan. Commonantigens occur in the strains found in America, which allow antigenic cross-reactivity. Therefore,multivalent vaccines can be used for this pathogen. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of twodifferent commercial vaccines for visceral leishmaniasis to induce an immune response to the soluble L.(Viannia) braziliensis antigens. In 2014, 70 seronegative dogs from the municipality of Iúna (EspíritoSanto State, Brazil) were vaccinated and serologically evaluated by ELISA and immunoblotting by usingthe soluble antigen of L. braziliensis. Of the 121 dogs initially selected, only 70 received vaccinationbecause 51 dogs tested positive by ELISA, yielding a positive frequency of 42.14% in the asymptomaticgroup. These 70 dogs were divided into two equal groups and administered three doses of each vaccine,according to the manufacturers instructions. We found that the sera of dogs immunized with threedoses of both vaccines A and B had antibodies against the soluble antigens of L. (V.) braziliensis, asdetermined by ELISA and immunoblotting 120 days post vaccination. Antibodies produced in responseto vaccines A and B were found in 22/35 and 18/35 serum samples, respectively, at T1 (120 days), while7/35 and 4/35 serum samples tested positive at T2 (240 days). Furthermore, immunoblotting allowed usto differentiate between vaccinated and asymptomatic dogs.
A Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana (LTA) é uma zoonose causada por protozoários do gêneroLeishmania. Existem antígenos comuns entre as várias espécies de Leishmania da América determinandoreações antigênicas cruzadas o que possibilita vacinas multivalentes. Este estudo avaliou soros de cãesvacinados com duas vacinas comerciais diferentes para leishmaniose visceral na indução de respostaimunitária cruzada para antígenos solúveis de Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. Durante o ano de2014, 70 cães soronegativos para Leishmania spp. do município de Iúna (Espírito Santo, Brasil) foramvacinados e examinadossorologicamente por ELISA e imunoblotting utilizando o antígeno solúvel de L.braziliensis. Para 121 cães inicialmente selecionados, apenas 70 foram submetidos a vacinação porque 51 dos animais foram positivos no teste sorológico ELISA para LTA, indicando uma frequência positivade 42,14% para os animais LTA assintomáticos. Estes setenta animais foram divididos em dois gruposde tamanhos iguais e foram aplicadas três doses de cada vacina segundo recomendações dos fabricantes.Como resultado inédito verificamos que os soros de cães imunizados com as três doses de vacinas A e Bapresentaram anticorpos contra antígenos solúveis de L. (V.) braziliensis quando avaliados por ELISAe immunoblotting com 120 dias pós-vacinação. As vacinas A e B apresentaram resultados positivoscom presença de anticorpos nos testes serológicos, respectivamente, 22/35 e 18/35 positivos em T1(120 dias), enquanto que em T2 (240 dias), 7/35 e 4/35 soros positivos. Além disso, o immunoblottingpermitiu diferenciar o soro de cães de diferentes vacinas e cães assintomáticos.
Animais , Cães , Leishmania braziliensis/imunologia , Leishmaniose Tegumentar Difusa/veterinária , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Vacinas contra Leishmaniose/imunologia , Brasil , ZoonosesResumo
Background: Pregnancy may change maternal hemodynamic, which is considered a physiological mechanism for adaptation. Cardiac output tends to be influenced by reductions in vascular resistance and increases in uterine vasculature, as well as reduced autonomic tone combined with gestational physiological anaemia and increased blood volume due to increased plasma volume and hormonal mechanisms. In bitches, few studies have been conducted investigating the changes of the system and the clinical implications for the mother and foetuses due to poor cardiac adaptation during pregnancy.Materials, Methods & Results: Systolic blood pressure (SBP), electrocardiographic and Doppler echocardiographic measurements and serum sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) levels were evaluated in six bitches of reproductive age. An evaluation was performed in oestrus (M0), followed by evaluations at 25 (M1), 45 (M2), and 60 days (M3) after the last natural or artificial insemination and 15 days after delivery (M4). For the statistical analysis, the means, medians and the standard deviation were calculated. The data were analysed using ANOVA and the Tukey test, with significance level of 5%. A descriptive analysis was performed for color Doppler in echocardiogram evaluation, cardiac axis and rhythm in electrocardiogram evaluation. In the electrolytic evaluation, significant differences were found only in the serum levels of Na, noticed as a reduction in M0-M1 and M3-M2 and an increase in M1-M2 and M3-M4. No significant differences were observed in the SBP, although there was a tendency to SBP reduction. ECG parameters were not significantly different, with no rhythm or conduction disturbances. There was not a significant difference in HR. Four animals (66.6%) had axis deviation to the right when comparing the oestrous phase with the final quarter of pregnancy. The echocardiographic parameters did not show significant changes.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Eletrólitos/análise , Estro , Gravidez , Período Pós-Parto , Sistema Cardiovascular/diagnóstico por imagem , Ecocardiografia Doppler/métodos , Ecocardiografia Doppler/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/métodos , Eletrocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is a zoonosis caused by Leishmania, a protozoan. Commonantigens occur in the strains found in America, which allow antigenic cross-reactivity. Therefore,multivalent vaccines can be used for this pathogen. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of twodifferent commercial vaccines for visceral leishmaniasis to induce an immune response to the soluble L.(Viannia) braziliensis antigens. In 2014, 70 seronegative dogs from the municipality of Iúna (EspíritoSanto State, Brazil) were vaccinated and serologically evaluated by ELISA and immunoblotting by usingthe soluble antigen of L. braziliensis. Of the 121 dogs initially selected, only 70 received vaccinationbecause 51 dogs tested positive by ELISA, yielding a positive frequency of 42.14% in the asymptomaticgroup. These 70 dogs were divided into two equal groups and administered three doses of each vaccine,according to the manufacturers instructions. We found that the sera of dogs immunized with threedoses of both vaccines A and B had antibodies against the soluble antigens of L. (V.) braziliensis, asdetermined by ELISA and immunoblotting 120 days post vaccination. Antibodies produced in responseto vaccines A and B were found in 22/35 and 18/35 serum samples, respectively, at T1 (120 days), while7/35 and 4/35 serum samples tested positive at T2 (240 days). Furthermore, immunoblotting allowed usto differentiate between vaccinated and asymptomatic dogs.(AU)
A Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana (LTA) é uma zoonose causada por protozoários do gêneroLeishmania. Existem antígenos comuns entre as várias espécies de Leishmania da América determinandoreações antigênicas cruzadas o que possibilita vacinas multivalentes. Este estudo avaliou soros de cãesvacinados com duas vacinas comerciais diferentes para leishmaniose visceral na indução de respostaimunitária cruzada para antígenos solúveis de Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. Durante o ano de2014, 70 cães soronegativos para Leishmania spp. do município de Iúna (Espírito Santo, Brasil) foramvacinados e examinadossorologicamente por ELISA e imunoblotting utilizando o antígeno solúvel de L.braziliensis. Para 121 cães inicialmente selecionados, apenas 70 foram submetidos a vacinação porque 51 dos animais foram positivos no teste sorológico ELISA para LTA, indicando uma frequência positivade 42,14% para os animais LTA assintomáticos. Estes setenta animais foram divididos em dois gruposde tamanhos iguais e foram aplicadas três doses de cada vacina segundo recomendações dos fabricantes.Como resultado inédito verificamos que os soros de cães imunizados com as três doses de vacinas A e Bapresentaram anticorpos contra antígenos solúveis de L. (V.) braziliensis quando avaliados por ELISAe immunoblotting com 120 dias pós-vacinação. As vacinas A e B apresentaram resultados positivoscom presença de anticorpos nos testes serológicos, respectivamente, 22/35 e 18/35 positivos em T1(120 dias), enquanto que em T2 (240 dias), 7/35 e 4/35 soros positivos. Além disso, o immunoblottingpermitiu diferenciar o soro de cães de diferentes vacinas e cães assintomáticos.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Vacinas contra Leishmaniose/imunologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Leishmania braziliensis/imunologia , Leishmaniose Tegumentar Difusa/veterinária , Zoonoses , BrasilResumo
Background: Pregnancy may change maternal hemodynamic, which is considered a physiological mechanism for adaptation. Cardiac output tends to be influenced by reductions in vascular resistance and increases in uterine vasculature, as well as reduced autonomic tone combined with gestational physiological anaemia and increased blood volume due to increased plasma volume and hormonal mechanisms. In bitches, few studies have been conducted investigating the changes of the system and the clinical implications for the mother and foetuses due to poor cardiac adaptation during pregnancy.Materials, Methods & Results: Systolic blood pressure (SBP), electrocardiographic and Doppler echocardiographic measurements and serum sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) levels were evaluated in six bitches of reproductive age. An evaluation was performed in oestrus (M0), followed by evaluations at 25 (M1), 45 (M2), and 60 days (M3) after the last natural or artificial insemination and 15 days after delivery (M4). For the statistical analysis, the means, medians and the standard deviation were calculated. The data were analysed using ANOVA and the Tukey test, with significance level of 5%. A descriptive analysis was performed for color Doppler in echocardiogram evaluation, cardiac axis and rhythm in electrocardiogram evaluation. In the electrolytic evaluation, significant differences were found only in the serum levels of Na, noticed as a reduction in M0-M1 and M3-M2 and an increase in M1-M2 and M3-M4. No significant differences were observed in the SBP, although there was a tendency to SBP reduction. ECG parameters were not significantly different, with no rhythm or conduction disturbances. There was not a significant difference in HR. Four animals (66.6%) had axis deviation to the right when comparing the oestrous phase with the final quarter of pregnancy. The echocardiographic parameters did not show significant changes.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Sistema Cardiovascular/diagnóstico por imagem , Eletrólitos/análise , Gravidez , Período Pós-Parto , Estro , Ecocardiografia Doppler/métodos , Ecocardiografia Doppler/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/métodos , Eletrocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Leishmaniasis a disease of worldwide occurrence is caused by protozoa of the Leishmania genus. In Brazil, Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis is the main parasite responsible for the American cutaneous leishmaniasis. Main hosts of this protozoa are small wild mammals particularly marsupials and rodents. The aim of this study was to evaluate if spiny rat Proechimys guyannensis (Rodentia: Echimydae) has role in the cycle of the American cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by L. (V.) braziliensis. Thus, promastigotes (the flagellate stage) of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis were used to inoculate seven spiny rats (Proechimys guyannensis). After inoculated intradermal at the ear pinna, nose and plantar pad, the rats were monitored for 180 days. Tissue samples collected at 90 and 180 days from the rats proved to be negative for the presence of genetic material from the parasite. After euthanasia, the protozoa also failed to growth in culture medium containing tissue samples collected from the rats showing that there was no infection. These results fail to prove that spiny rat has a role in the cycle of the American cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by L. (V.) braziliensis.
A leishmaniose é uma doença de ocorrência mundial causada por protozoários do gênero Leishmania. No Brasil, a Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis é o principal parasita responsável pela leishmaniose tegumentar americana. Os principais hospedeiros deste protozoário são pequenos mamíferos selvagens em particular marsupiais e roedores. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o papel do rato espinhoso Proechimys guyannensis (Rodentia: Echimydae) no ciclo da leishmaniose tegumentar americana. Para isto, formas promastigotas (estágio flagelado) de Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis foram inoculadas em sete ratos espinhosos (Proechimys guyannensis). Após a inoculação intradérmica no pavilhão auricular, focinho e área plantar, os ratos foram monitorizados durante 180 dias. Amostras de tecido colhidas aos 90 e 180 dias dos ratos revelaram-se negativas para a presença de material genético do parasita. Após eutanásia, tecidos coletados dos ratos também falharam para crescimento em meio de cultura demonstrando que não houve infecção. Estes resultados demonstram que o rato espinhoso não tem papel no ciclo da leishmaniose tegumentar americana causada por L. (V.) braziliensis.
Animais , Ratos , Injeções Intradérmicas , Leishmania braziliensis , Leishmaniose Cutânea/veterinária , Roedores , Inoculações SeriadasResumo
The factors related to cannibalistic behavior of dams in a Wistar rat colony are identified and analyzed. The maternal genetic effects were tested as a random effect by the method of generalized linear models. The season at parturition, the dam´s age at parturition and the density of the room at parturition were tested as fixed effects, whereas the litter size at birth was tested as a co-variable. The genetic effect of the dam was significant for the number of cannibalized pups. Although the season at parturition, the dam´s age and room density on the day of parturition were not individually significant (p > 0.05), most of the interactions between the variation sources were significant (p 0.05). Cannibalism occurred mostly in dams aged over 241 days, with parturition during spring. So that occurrences of cannibalism could be avoided, dams with the smallest number of cannibalized pups should be selected, coupled to dams younger than 241 days, breeding during spring. The above strategies may reduce the number of couples in the vivarium and increase their production efficiency.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os fatores relacionados ao comportamento de canibalismo das fêmeas em uma colônia de ratos Wistar. Os efeitos genéticos maternos foram testados como efeito aleatório usando o método dos modelos lineares generalizados. A estação do parto, a idade da fêmea ao parto e a densidade da sala ao parto foram testados como efeitos fixos e o tamanho da ninhada ao nascimento foi testado como covariável. O efeito genético da matriz foi significativo para o número de filhotes canibalizados. A estação do ano ao parto, a idade da matriz e a densidade da sala no dia do parto quando testados separadamente não foram significativos (p > 0,05), porém, a maioria das interações entre estas fontes de variação foram significativas (p 0,05). O canibalismo ocorreu em maior frequência em fêmeas com idade superior a 241 dias durante a primavera. Para evitar o canibalismo na população estudada, recomenda-se a seleção de fêmeas com menor número de filhotes canibalizados e a maior utilização de matrizes com idade inferior a 241 dias durante a primavera. Estas estratégias podem promover a redução do número de casais necessários no biotério e aumentar sua eficiência reprodutiva.(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Ratos , Ratos Wistar/anormalidades , Ratos Wistar/classificação , Canibalismo , Meio AmbienteResumo
Leishmaniasis a disease of worldwide occurrence is caused by protozoa of the Leishmania genus. In Brazil, Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis is the main parasite responsible for the American cutaneous leishmaniasis. Main hosts of this protozoa are small wild mammals particularly marsupials and rodents. The aim of this study was to evaluate if spiny rat Proechimys guyannensis (Rodentia: Echimydae) has role in the cycle of the American cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by L. (V.) braziliensis. Thus, promastigotes (the flagellate stage) of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis were used to inoculate seven spiny rats (Proechimys guyannensis). After inoculated intradermal at the ear pinna, nose and plantar pad, the rats were monitored for 180 days. Tissue samples collected at 90 and 180 days from the rats proved to be negative for the presence of genetic material from the parasite. After euthanasia, the protozoa also failed to growth in culture medium containing tissue samples collected from the rats showing that there was no infection. These results fail to prove that spiny rat has a role in the cycle of the American cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by L. (V.) braziliensis.(AU)
A leishmaniose é uma doença de ocorrência mundial causada por protozoários do gênero Leishmania. No Brasil, a Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis é o principal parasita responsável pela leishmaniose tegumentar americana. Os principais hospedeiros deste protozoário são pequenos mamíferos selvagens em particular marsupiais e roedores. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o papel do rato espinhoso Proechimys guyannensis (Rodentia: Echimydae) no ciclo da leishmaniose tegumentar americana. Para isto, formas promastigotas (estágio flagelado) de Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis foram inoculadas em sete ratos espinhosos (Proechimys guyannensis). Após a inoculação intradérmica no pavilhão auricular, focinho e área plantar, os ratos foram monitorizados durante 180 dias. Amostras de tecido colhidas aos 90 e 180 dias dos ratos revelaram-se negativas para a presença de material genético do parasita. Após eutanásia, tecidos coletados dos ratos também falharam para crescimento em meio de cultura demonstrando que não houve infecção. Estes resultados demonstram que o rato espinhoso não tem papel no ciclo da leishmaniose tegumentar americana causada por L. (V.) braziliensis.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Leishmaniose Cutânea/veterinária , Leishmania braziliensis , Roedores , Injeções Intradérmicas , Inoculações SeriadasResumo
The rodents Proechimys guyannensis have led a great interest because they are considered as hosts to several pathogens causing zoological diseases. Therefore, it is important to know their biological and physiological parameters. The age at first cubs delivery and the average of birth interval per female were evaluated. The estimated age at puberty was 83 days. The number of pups born per delivery did not differ significantly when associated with the female mating age. However, an increase in the average mortality rate correlated with the increase in delivery number per female was detected. There is no statistical difference neither in the litter size in different seasons of the year, nor in the body weight between sexes for all ages. Differences were found in the daily water consumption and in the feed intake in animals with approximately 100 days of age, perhaps owing to the increased need for energy intake due to sexual activity or even because they had not reached adult weight yet. The parameters assessed in the present study are of relevance for maintaining this species in captivity as a laboratory animal.(AU)
Roedores da espécie Proechimys guyannensis têm motivado grande interesse por serem frequentemente considerados como hospedeiros de diversos agentes patogênicos causadores de doenças. É importante estabelecer seus parâmetros biológicos e fisiológicos; neste contexto, foram avaliadas a idade ao primeiro parto e a média de intervalo de natalidade por fêmea. A idade à puberdade foi estimada em 83 dias. O número de filhotes nascidos por parto não diferiu significativamente com a idade das fêmeas ao acasalarem. Observou-se aumento da taxa média de mortalidade de acordo com o aumento do número de partos por fêmea. Não houve diferença estatística no tamanho da ninhada em diferentes estações do ano; tampouco houve diferença de peso entre os sexos. Foram detectadas diferenças no consumo diário de água e no consumo de ração em animais com menos e mais de 100 dias de idade, talvez em função de aumento da necessidade de consumo de energia pela atividade sexual ou mesmo por ainda não terem alcançado o peso corporal de adulto. Os parâmetros apresentados são relevantes para a futura manutenção desta espécie em cativeiro como animal de laboratório.(AU)
Animais , Roedores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Roedores/fisiologiaResumo
The goal of this study was to investigate the presence of bovine papillomavirus type 2 (BPV-2) genomic DNA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, in the urinary bladder of cattle with bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH), in the neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions in Espírito Santo, Brazil. Thus, 46 bladders with gross BEH lesions were collected from adult cattle at slaughterhouses. The samples were divided into two portions: one for use in histopathological analysis and the other one for PCR. Microscopic analysis showed that 56.52% of the bladders presented neoplastic lesions, of which 50% were benign, 23.08% were malignant and 26.92% presented both types of neoplasms. The remaining 43.48% of the bladders did not show any neoplasms. Presence of BPV-2 was confirmed in 43.48% of the bladders: 65% of these were found in neoplastic lesions and 35% in non-neoplastic lesions. Among the neoplastic lesions, detection of BPV-2 was more frequent in benign lesions (53.84%), followed by malignant lesions (23.08%) and by those presenting both benign and malignant lesions (23.08%). These results confirm the presence of BPV-2 in both neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions in urinary bladders of cattle with enzootic hematuria from the studied geographic area.
Animais , Bovinos , Bexiga Urinária , Deltapapillomavirus/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Papillomavirus/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Genoma Viral , Hematúria/veterináriaResumo
The goal of this study was to investigate the presence of bovine papillomavirus type 2 (BPV-2) genomic DNA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, in the urinary bladder of cattle with bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH), in the neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions in Espírito Santo, Brazil. Thus, 46 bladders with gross BEH lesions were collected from adult cattle at slaughterhouses. The samples were divided into two portions: one for use in histopathological analysis and the other one for PCR. Microscopic analysis showed that 56.52% of the bladders presented neoplastic lesions, of which 50% were benign, 23.08% were malignant and 26.92% presented both types of neoplasms. The remaining 43.48% of the bladders did not show any neoplasms. Presence of BPV-2 was confirmed in 43.48% of the bladders: 65% of these were found in neoplastic lesions and 35% in non-neoplastic lesions. Among the neoplastic lesions, detection of BPV-2 was more frequent in benign lesions (53.84%), followed by malignant lesions (23.08%) and by those presenting both benign and malignant lesions (23.08%). These results confirm the presence of BPV-2 in both neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions in urinary bladders of cattle with enzootic hematuria from the studied geographic area.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Infecções por Papillomavirus/veterinária , Deltapapillomavirus/isolamento & purificação , Bexiga Urinária , Hematúria/veterinária , Genoma ViralResumo
As raças de bovinos de leite Holandesa e Jersey estão entre as mais prevalentes no Brasil. Para avaliar as diferenças entre as PTAs (habilidades de transmissão preditas) destas raças e suas linhagens, foram coletadas informações de 385 touros Holandês e 82 touros Jersey disponibilizados por nove empresas comercializadoras de sêmen no Brasil. Três diferentes linhagens de cada raça foram encontradas. O método dos modelos lineares generalizados foi utilizado para a comparação entre linhagens e entre raças. As duas linhagens da raça Holandesa mais prevalentes apresentaram as maiores PTAs médias para produção de leite (1.061,04 libras e 975,32 libras) e as menores PTAs para a porcentagem de sólidos no leite (de -0,05% a -0,0003%)(AU)
The Holstein and Jersey dairy cattle breeds are among the most prevalent in Brazil. To evaluate differences among the PTAs (predicted transmitting abilities) of these breeds and their lines, data were collected on 385 Holstein bulls and 82 Jersey sires with semen commercially available from nine Brazilian companies. Three different sire lines for each breed were found. The general linear models method was used for the comparison among lines and between breeds. The two most prevalent lines of Holstein breed presented higher average PTAs for milk yield (1,061.04 pounds and 975.32 pounds) and lower PTAs for percentage of milk solids (from -0.05% to -0.0003%)(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Lactente , Bovinos , Bovinos/classificação , Bovinos/genética , Leite/química , Leite/classificação , BrasilResumo
As raças de bovinos de leite Holandesa e Jersey estão entre as mais prevalentes no Brasil. Para avaliar as diferenças entre as PTAs (habilidades de transmissão preditas) destas raças e suas linhagens, foram coletadas informações de 385 touros Holandês e 82 touros Jersey disponibilizados por nove empresas comercializadoras de sêmen no Brasil. Três diferentes linhagens de cada raça foram encontradas. O método dos modelos lineares generalizados foi utilizado para a comparação entre linhagens e entre raças. As duas linhagens da raça Holandesa mais prevalentes apresentaram as maiores PTAs médias para produção de leite (1.061,04 libras e 975,32 libras) e as menores PTAs para a porcentagem de sólidos no leite (de -0,05% a -0,0003%)
The Holstein and Jersey dairy cattle breeds are among the most prevalent in Brazil. To evaluate differences among the PTAs (predicted transmitting abilities) of these breeds and their lines, data were collected on 385 Holstein bulls and 82 Jersey sires with semen commercially available from nine Brazilian companies. Three different sire lines for each breed were found. The general linear models method was used for the comparison among lines and between breeds. The two most prevalent lines of Holstein breed presented higher average PTAs for milk yield (1,061.04 pounds and 975.32 pounds) and lower PTAs for percentage of milk solids (from -0.05% to -0.0003%)
Feminino , Animais , Lactente , Bovinos , Bovinos/classificação , Bovinos/genética , Leite/classificação , Leite/química , BrasilResumo