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Braz. j. biol ; 76(2): 420-427, Apr.-June 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25598


Abstract The fungus Beauveria bassiana is naturally found in poultry houses and causes high rates of mortality in Alphitobius diaperinus. Laboratory and field experiments have shown the potential of this fungus as an insect control agent. However, in poultry houses, bacteria as Salmonella, can be found and have been studied alternative control methods for this pathogen. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of plant extracts and a disinfectant on the fungus Beauveria bassiana (strain Unioeste 4). Conidial viability, colony-forming unit (CFU) counts, vegetative growth, conidia production, insecticidal activity of the fungus and compatibility were used as parameters in the evaluation of the effect of these products on the fungus. Alcoholic and aqueous extracts of jabuticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.), guava (Psidium guajava (L.)), and jambolan (Syzygium cumini (L.), at concentrations of 10% as well as the commercial disinfectant, Peroxitane® 1512 AL, were evaluated at the recommended concentrations (RC), 1:200 (RC), 0.5 RC and 2 RC. There was a negative influence of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of jabuticaba, guava and three dilutions of Peroxitane on the viability of conidia. The CFUs and vegetative growth of the fungus were affected only by the Peroxitane (all dilutions). For conidial production, the aqueous extract of guava had a positive effect, increasing production, while the Peroxitane at the R and RC concentrations resulted in a negative influence. The mortality of A. diaperinus, caused by the fungus after exposure to these products, was 60% for the peracetic acid at 0.5 RC, and above 80% for the extracts. Thus, the results showed that all the extracts and Peroxitane at RC 0.5 are compatible with the fungus B. bassiana Unioeste 4, however only the extracts had a low impact on inoculum potential.(AU)

Resumo O fungo Beauveria bassiana é encontrado naturalmente em aviários de frango de corte, tendo sua eficácia como agente controlador do Alphitobius diaperinus, em condições de laboratório e campo. No entanto, nos aviários encontram-se também bactérias, como a Salmonella, para a qual vêm sendo pesquisadas alternativas de controle. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de extratos vegetais e um desinfetante com potencial de uso contra Salmonella spp., sobre os parâmetros biológicos do fungo B. bassiana isolado Unioeste 4. Foram avaliados extratos alcoólicos e aquosos de folhas de jabuticabeira (Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.)), goiabeira (Psidium guajava (L.)), jamboleiro (Syzygium cumini (L.)), na concentração de 10% e também o desinfetante comercial Peroxitane®1512 AL na concentração recomendada 1:200 (CR), 0,5 CR e 2CR. Foram avaliados a: germinação dos conídios, unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC), crescimento vegetativo, produção de conídios e efeito sobre a atividade inseticida do fungo contra adultos de A. diaperinus, bem como a compatibilidade entre produtos e o fungo. Verificou-se influência negativa dos extratos alcoólico e aquoso de jabuticabeira, goiabeira e das três diluições de Peroxitane sobre a viabilidade dos conídios. Já, a UFC e o crescimento vegetativo foram afetados apenas com Peroxitane (em todas as diluições). Para produção de conídios, o extrato aquoso de goiabeira teve efeito positivo, elevando a produção, enquanto as diluições recomendada e o dobro de Peroxitane mostraram influência negativa. Observou-se ainda que a mortalidade de A. diaperinus causada pelo fungo após a exposição aos produtos foi de 60% para o ácido peracético na 0,5 CR, já para os extratos foi acima de 80%. Assim, os resultados demonstraram que todos os extratos e o Peroxitane na 0,5 CR são compatíveis com o fungo B. bassiana Unioeste 4, porém apenas os extratos tiveram baixo impacto sobre o potencial de inóculo do fungo.(AU)

Ascomicetos , Beauveria , Desinfetantes/análise , Extratos Vegetais/análise
Braz. J. Biol. ; 76(2)2016.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-744847


Abstract The fungus Beauveria bassiana is naturally found in poultry houses and causes high rates of mortality in Alphitobius diaperinus. Laboratory and field experiments have shown the potential of this fungus as an insect control agent. However, in poultry houses, bacteria as Salmonella, can be found and have been studied alternative control methods for this pathogen. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of plant extracts and a disinfectant on the fungus Beauveria bassiana (strain Unioeste 4). Conidial viability, colony-forming unit (CFU) counts, vegetative growth, conidia production, insecticidal activity of the fungus and compatibility were used as parameters in the evaluation of the effect of these products on the fungus. Alcoholic and aqueous extracts of jabuticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.), guava (Psidium guajava (L.)), and jambolan (Syzygium cumini (L.), at concentrations of 10% as well as the commercial disinfectant, Peroxitane® 1512 AL, were evaluated at the recommended concentrations (RC), 1:200 (RC), 0.5 RC and 2 RC. There was a negative influence of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of jabuticaba, guava and three dilutions of Peroxitane on the viability of conidia. The CFUs and vegetative growth of the fungus were affected only by the Peroxitane (all dilutions). For conidial production, the aqueous extract of guava had a positive effect, increasing production, while the Peroxitane at the R and RC concentrations resulted in a negative influence. The mortality of A. diaperinus, caused by the fungus after exposure to these products, was 60% for the peracetic acid at 0.5 RC, and above 80% for the extracts. Thus, the results showed that all the extracts and Peroxitane at RC 0.5 are compatible with the fungus B. bassiana Unioeste 4, however only the extracts had a low impact on inoculum potential.

Resumo O fungo Beauveria bassiana é encontrado naturalmente em aviários de frango de corte, tendo sua eficácia como agente controlador do Alphitobius diaperinus, em condições de laboratório e campo. No entanto, nos aviários encontram-se também bactérias, como a Salmonella, para a qual vêm sendo pesquisadas alternativas de controle. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de extratos vegetais e um desinfetante com potencial de uso contra Salmonella spp., sobre os parâmetros biológicos do fungo B. bassiana isolado Unioeste 4. Foram avaliados extratos alcoólicos e aquosos de folhas de jabuticabeira (Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.)), goiabeira (Psidium guajava (L.)), jamboleiro (Syzygium cumini (L.)), na concentração de 10% e também o desinfetante comercial Peroxitane®1512 AL na concentração recomendada 1:200 (CR), 0,5 CR e 2CR. Foram avaliados a: germinação dos conídios, unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC), crescimento vegetativo, produção de conídios e efeito sobre a atividade inseticida do fungo contra adultos de A. diaperinus, bem como a compatibilidade entre produtos e o fungo. Verificou-se influência negativa dos extratos alcoólico e aquoso de jabuticabeira, goiabeira e das três diluições de Peroxitane sobre a viabilidade dos conídios. Já, a UFC e o crescimento vegetativo foram afetados apenas com Peroxitane (em todas as diluições). Para produção de conídios, o extrato aquoso de goiabeira teve efeito positivo, elevando a produção, enquanto as diluições recomendada e o dobro de Peroxitane mostraram influência negativa. Observou-se ainda que a mortalidade de A. diaperinus causada pelo fungo após a exposição aos produtos foi de 60% para o ácido peracético na 0,5 CR, já para os extratos foi acima de 80%. Assim, os resultados demonstraram que todos os extratos e o Peroxitane na 0,5 CR são compatíveis com o fungo B. bassiana Unioeste 4, porém apenas os extratos tiveram baixo impacto sobre o potencial de inóculo do fungo.

Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 18(3): 371-379, Jul-Set. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490297


The control of Alphitobius diaperinus is based mainly on chemical insecticides, and the indiscriminate and incorrect use of these products has led to failures in insect control. Thus, it is important to monitor the efficiency of the products available on the market and to develop alternative insect control strategies. The present study evaluated the effect of a new product (cypermethrin-6%) under laboratory and field conditions and assessed its in-vitro compatibility with the fungus Beauveria bassiana (Unioeste 4 isolate). Its efficiency in dry powder and wettable powder formulations was also assessed in the laboratory through comparison with a similar insecticide (cypermethrin-5%) at five different concentrations. The field assays were conducted in two commercial broiler breeder houses (Treated and Control), applying the new product on the litter at the manufacturer's recommended concentration (RC). Germination, vegetative growth, conidial production, number of colony forming units (CFUs) and insecticidal activity of the fungus were used to evaluate the compatibility of the insecticide. The effects of the cypermethrin-6% product and cypermethrin-5% were equivalent in the laboratory, and the new product exhibited better performance at lower concentrations (1/4RC, RC). The strategy applied in the field reduced the insect population in up to 96% after 75 days. Additionally, all concentrations of cypermethrin-6% were compatible with the fungus under the evaluated in-vitro conditions. Therefore, the new product is considered selective for B. bassiana. Further studies are necessary to assess its compatibility under field conditions, consolidating this strategy as a viable alternative for managing this pest.

Animais , Beauveria/patogenicidade , Besouros/fisiologia , Controle de Pragas , Inseticidas/análise , Tenebrio , Fungos/patogenicidade , Galinhas/parasitologia , Técnicas In Vitro/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 76(3): 629-637, July-Sept. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25419


This study was performed under laboratory conditions to identify isolates of the fungus Beauveria spp. that can control Polyphagotarsonemus latus in the greenhouse and field. Thirty Beauveria spp. isolates were tested by spraying 1 mL conidia (1 × 108 conidia/mL) on pepper leaf discs containing 15 mites. Evaluations were performed on the 3rd and 6th day post application by counting the number of dead mites. Vegetative growth and conidial production were measured from the selected isolates, and bioassays were conducted in the greenhouse on bean seedlings in plastic pots. The isolate Unioeste 53 was selected, and a conidial suspension (1 × 108 conidia/mL) was applied with a backpack sprayer. The evaluation consisted of pre- and post-treatment counts of the number of live mites on ten leaflets in both the plots treated with the fungus and control plots, and the same procedure was followed for the field experiment. In the laboratory, the Unioeste 53 isolate resulted in total and confirmed mortality rates of 70% and 57.7%, respectively. In the greenhouse, the population decreased by 76.71% by the 16th day after application. In the field, the population decreased by 66% by the 12th day after application, demonstrating the potential of this fungus for mite management.(AU)

Este trabalho teve por objetivo selecionar isolados do fungo Beauveria bassiana em condições de laboratório com potencial de uso em casa de vegetação e campo no controle do ácaro branco. Foi realizada uma seleção com 30 isolados de Beauveria spp. através de pulverização direta de conídios (1 × 108 conídios/mL) sobre discos foliares de pimenta contendo 15 ácaros. As avaliações foram realizadas no terceiro e sexto dia contando-se o número de mortos, e confirmação do patógeno em câmara úmida. Parâmetros de crescimento vegetativo e produção de conídios foram avaliados. No bioensaio em casa de vegetação foram preparados vasos com plantas de feijão e fez-se a aplicação do Unioeste 53 (1 × 108 conídios/mL), utilizando pulverizador costal, a avaliação constou da contagem prévia e posterior à aplicação do número de ácaros vivos em 10 folíolos, tanto nas parcelas destinadas ao tratamento com fungo, quanto na testemunha. A fase de campo seguiu os mesmos padrões, porém, com área experimental total de 225 m2, com oito parcelas de 10,24 m2, sendo 4 testemunhas e 4 onde foi aplicado o isolado Unioeste 53 seguindo metodologia de aplicação e avaliação já descritas para casa de vegetação. Em laboratório o isolado Unioeste 53 causou mortalidade total de 70% e 57,7% de mortalidade confirmada. Em casa de vegetação, apresentou redução da população de 76,71% 16 dias após aplicação, já em campo, a redução da população foi de 66% após 12 dias da aplicação, demonstrando o potencial do ácaro pelo fungo.(AU)

Animais , Beauveria/isolamento & purificação , Ácaros e Carrapatos/microbiologia
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 18(3): 371-379, Jul-Set. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15337


The control of Alphitobius diaperinus is based mainly on chemical insecticides, and the indiscriminate and incorrect use of these products has led to failures in insect control. Thus, it is important to monitor the efficiency of the products available on the market and to develop alternative insect control strategies. The present study evaluated the effect of a new product (cypermethrin-6%) under laboratory and field conditions and assessed its in-vitro compatibility with the fungus Beauveria bassiana (Unioeste 4 isolate). Its efficiency in dry powder and wettable powder formulations was also assessed in the laboratory through comparison with a similar insecticide (cypermethrin-5%) at five different concentrations. The field assays were conducted in two commercial broiler breeder houses (Treated and Control), applying the new product on the litter at the manufacturer's recommended concentration (RC). Germination, vegetative growth, conidial production, number of colony forming units (CFUs) and insecticidal activity of the fungus were used to evaluate the compatibility of the insecticide. The effects of the cypermethrin-6% product and cypermethrin-5% were equivalent in the laboratory, and the new product exhibited better performance at lower concentrations (1/4RC, RC). The strategy applied in the field reduced the insect population in up to 96% after 75 days. Additionally, all concentrations of cypermethrin-6% were compatible with the fungus under the evaluated in-vitro conditions. Therefore, the new product is considered selective for B. bassiana. Further studies are necessary to assess its compatibility under field conditions, consolidating this strategy as a viable alternative for managing this pest.(AU)

Animais , Inseticidas/análise , Besouros/fisiologia , Controle de Pragas , Beauveria/patogenicidade , Tenebrio , Fungos/patogenicidade , Galinhas/parasitologia , Técnicas In Vitro/veterinária
Braz. J. Biol. ; 76(3)2016.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-744767


Abstract This study was performed under laboratory conditions to identify isolates of the fungus Beauveria spp. that can control Polyphagotarsonemus latus in the greenhouse and field. Thirty Beauveria spp. isolates were tested by spraying 1 mL conidia (1 × 108 conidia/mL) on pepper leaf discs containing 15 mites. Evaluations were performed on the 3rd and 6th day post application by counting the number of dead mites. Vegetative growth and conidial production were measured from the selected isolates, and bioassays were conducted in the greenhouse on bean seedlings in plastic pots. The isolate Unioeste 53 was selected, and a conidial suspension (1 × 108 conidia/mL) was applied with a backpack sprayer. The evaluation consisted of pre- and post-treatment counts of the number of live mites on ten leaflets in both the plots treated with the fungus and control plots, and the same procedure was followed for the field experiment. In the laboratory, the Unioeste 53 isolate resulted in total and confirmed mortality rates of 70% and 57.7%, respectively. In the greenhouse, the population decreased by 76.71% by the 16th day after application. In the field, the population decreased by 66% by the 12th day after application, demonstrating the potential of this fungus for mite management.

Resumo Este trabalho teve por objetivo selecionar isolados do fungo Beauveria bassiana em condições de laboratório com potencial de uso em casa de vegetação e campo no controle do ácaro branco. Foi realizada uma seleção com 30 isolados de Beauveria spp. através de pulverização direta de conídios (1 × 108 conídios/mL) sobre discos foliares de pimenta contendo 15 ácaros. As avaliações foram realizadas no terceiro e sexto dia contando-se o número de mortos, e confirmação do patógeno em câmara úmida. Parâmetros de crescimento vegetativo e produção de conídios foram avaliados. No bioensaio em casa de vegetação foram preparados vasos com plantas de feijão e fez-se a aplicação do Unioeste 53 (1 × 108 conídios/mL), utilizando pulverizador costal, a avaliação constou da contagem prévia e posterior à aplicação do número de ácaros vivos em 10 folíolos, tanto nas parcelas destinadas ao tratamento com fungo, quanto na testemunha. A fase de campo seguiu os mesmos padrões, porém, com área experimental total de 225 m2, com oito parcelas de 10,24 m2, sendo 4 testemunhas e 4 onde foi aplicado o isolado Unioeste 53 seguindo metodologia de aplicação e avaliação já descritas para casa de vegetação. Em laboratório o isolado Unioeste 53 causou mortalidade total de 70% e 57,7% de mortalidade confirmada. Em casa de vegetação, apresentou redução da população de 76,71% 16 dias após aplicação, já em campo, a redução da população foi de 66% após 12 dias da aplicação, demonstrando o potencial do ácaro pelo fungo.

Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 18(2): 283-290, apr.-jun. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490260


This study aimed at evaluating the effect of the use of disinfectants and insecticides recommended for the control of pathogens and insects in poultry houses on the biological parameters of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana strain Unioeste 4. Disinfectants and insecticides were used at recommended concentration (RC), half the recommended concentration (0.5 RC), and twice there commended concentration (2RC). All treatments were sprayed on the fungus previously inoculated on PDA culture media. Germination, colony forming unit (CFU), vegetative growth and conidial yield were evaluated. Germination was the most affected parameter by insecticides, with reduction of up to 25% using Couro Limpo and Cypermil products. Cypermil also reduced the vegetative growth in all tested concentrations. Conidial production was reduced when products were used at the highest concentration. On the other hand, the confirmed mortality of the lesser mealworm by the fungus was not affected by none of the tested products. All disinfectants at the highest concentration reduced germination and conidia production, but did not affect fungus vegetative growth. The confirmed mortality by the fungus was most influenced by the product TH4. All tested products tested were considered compatible with the fungus.

Animais , Desinfetantes/administração & dosagem , Desinfetantes/antagonistas & inibidores , Inseticidas/administração & dosagem , Inseticidas/antagonistas & inibidores , Beauveria , Noxas
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 18(2): 283-290, apr.-jun. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-338218


This study aimed at evaluating the effect of the use of disinfectants and insecticides recommended for the control of pathogens and insects in poultry houses on the biological parameters of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana strain Unioeste 4. Disinfectants and insecticides were used at recommended concentration (RC), half the recommended concentration (0.5 RC), and twice there commended concentration (2RC). All treatments were sprayed on the fungus previously inoculated on PDA culture media. Germination, colony forming unit (CFU), vegetative growth and conidial yield were evaluated. Germination was the most affected parameter by insecticides, with reduction of up to 25% using Couro Limpo and Cypermil products. Cypermil also reduced the vegetative growth in all tested concentrations. Conidial production was reduced when products were used at the highest concentration. On the other hand, the confirmed mortality of the lesser mealworm by the fungus was not affected by none of the tested products. All disinfectants at the highest concentration reduced germination and conidia production, but did not affect fungus vegetative growth. The confirmed mortality by the fungus was most influenced by the product TH4. All tested products tested were considered compatible with the fungus. (AU)

Animais , Inseticidas/administração & dosagem , Inseticidas/antagonistas & inibidores , Desinfetantes/administração & dosagem , Desinfetantes/antagonistas & inibidores , Beauveria , Noxas