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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 47(2): 1-6, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1479860


This study evaluated the use of bipolar electrosurgery and laparoscopic clipping, and their effects on blood loss and the inflammatory response, during a two portal video-assisted ovariohysterectomy technique (two groups with 10 animals each). Surgical time and blood loss volume were significantly lower in the electrosurgery group. There were no significant changes in haematocrit between groups; however, haematocrit did differ between evaluated times, and decreased 10% from the initial measurement to four hours after the procedure. The inflammatory response was significantly higher throughout the post-surgical period, but without any different clinical signs between the two groups. Both techniques had good application for the two portal video-assisted procedure; however, the bipolar electrosurgery allowed for shorter surgical times, reduced blood loss and a minimal learning curve for the surgeon.

Este estudo avaliou a utilização da eletrocirurgia bipolar e do clipador laparoscópico em relação à perda sanguínea e resposta inflamatória durante a ovariohisterectomia videoassistida com dois portais (dois grupos com 10 animais). O tempo cirúrgico, assim como o volume de sangue perdido foram significativamente menores no Grupo Bipolar. Não houve mudanças significativas no hematócrito entre os grupos, mas entre os tempos avaliados houve redução de 10% do valor inicial até quatro horas após o procedimento. A resposta inflamatória foi significativamente maior durante todo o período de avaliação após a cirurgia, mas sem manifestações clínicas diferentes daquelas apresentadas pelo Grupo Clipador. Ambas as técnicas têm boa execução pelo procedimento videoassistido, contudo, o uso da eletrocirurgia bipolar permite tempos cirúrgicos menores, perda de sangue mínima e menor curva de aprendizado para o cirurgião.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida , Cães , Eletrocirurgia , Eletrocirurgia/veterinária , Hemostasia Cirúrgica , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos
Ci. Rural ; 47(2): 1-6, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-684408


This study evaluated the use of bipolar electrosurgery and laparoscopic clipping, and their effects on blood loss and the inflammatory response, during a two portal video-assisted ovariohysterectomy technique (two groups with 10 animals each). Surgical time and blood loss volume were significantly lower in the electrosurgery group. There were no significant changes in haematocrit between groups; however, haematocrit did differ between evaluated times, and decreased 10% from the initial measurement to four hours after the procedure. The inflammatory response was significantly higher throughout the post-surgical period, but without any different clinical signs between the two groups. Both techniques had good application for the two portal video-assisted procedure; however, the bipolar electrosurgery allowed for shorter surgical times, reduced blood loss and a minimal learning curve for the surgeon. (AU)

Este estudo avaliou a utilização da eletrocirurgia bipolar e do clipador laparoscópico em relação à perda sanguínea e resposta inflamatória durante a ovariohisterectomia videoassistida com dois portais (dois grupos com 10 animais). O tempo cirúrgico, assim como o volume de sangue perdido foram significativamente menores no Grupo Bipolar. Não houve mudanças significativas no hematócrito entre os grupos, mas entre os tempos avaliados houve redução de 10% do valor inicial até quatro horas após o procedimento. A resposta inflamatória foi significativamente maior durante todo o período de avaliação após a cirurgia, mas sem manifestações clínicas diferentes daquelas apresentadas pelo Grupo Clipador. Ambas as técnicas têm boa execução pelo procedimento videoassistido, contudo, o uso da eletrocirurgia bipolar permite tempos cirúrgicos menores, perda de sangue mínima e menor curva de aprendizado para o cirurgião. (AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Eletrocirurgia , Eletrocirurgia/veterinária , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos , Hemostasia Cirúrgica , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida , Cães
Ci. Rural ; 47(2)2017.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-736738


ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the use of bipolar electrosurgery and laparoscopic clipping, and their effects on blood loss and the inflammatory response, during a two portal video-assisted ovariohysterectomy technique (two groups with 10 animals each). Surgical time and blood loss volume were significantly lower in the electrosurgery group. There were no significant changes in haematocrit between groups; however, haematocrit did differ between evaluated times, and decreased 10% from the initial measurement to four hours after the procedure. The inflammatory response was significantly higher throughout the post-surgical period, but without any different clinical signs between the two groups. Both techniques had good application for the two portal video-assisted procedure; however, the bipolar electrosurgery allowed for shorter surgical times, reduced blood loss and a minimal learning curve for the surgeon.

RESUMO: Este estudo avaliou a utilização da eletrocirurgia bipolar e do clipador laparoscópico em relação à perda sanguínea e resposta inflamatória durante a ovariohisterectomia videoassistida com dois portais (dois grupos com 10 animais). O tempo cirúrgico, assim como o volume de sangue perdido foram significativamente menores no Grupo Bipolar. Não houve mudanças significativas no hematócrito entre os grupos, mas entre os tempos avaliados houve redução de 10% do valor inicial até quatro horas após o procedimento. A resposta inflamatória foi significativamente maior durante todo o período de avaliação após a cirurgia, mas sem manifestações clínicas diferentes daquelas apresentadas pelo Grupo Clipador. Ambas as técnicas têm boa execução pelo procedimento videoassistido, contudo, o uso da eletrocirurgia bipolar permite tempos cirúrgicos menores, perda de sangue mínima e menor curva de aprendizado para o cirurgião.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 45: 1-7, 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457622


Background: Several routes of administration have been used for cell and gene therapy delivery in kidney disease in the last years. Moreover, a more homogenous distribution and a higher response was observed when administered intra-arterially. The main objective of the present study was to describe and to compare the use of Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter with angiographic catheter through the femoral artery by using conventional radiology as a guide.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven healthy dogs were used in these experiments. First, a Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter was introduced followed by an angiographic catheter. The primary outcome was the number of attempts for the placement of the introducer and the number of radiographic studies to carry out nephrography. Preceding the surgical procedure, ultrasonographic evaluation was performed in all animals in order to measure the diameter of the left and right femoral arteries, left and right renal and abdominal aorta at the renal level. After trichotomy and antisepsis of the medial face of the two pelvic limbs, the 6F valve introducer was placed based on the modified Seldinger technique. Thereafter, aortography was performed, showing its collateral arteries, with contrast injection, and it was estimated how much of the Fogarty 5,5F catheter had to be introduced. Subsequently, a guidewire was inserted through the catheter followed by the Fogarty catheter. Another x-ray was taken to show the position of the catheter. It was observed whether the catheter was positioned correctly and the cuff was filled, and then another contrasting radiograph was performed. If the contrast was not going to the kidneys, the cuff of the catheter was deflated, the catheter was repositioned and a new contrast radiography was performed.[...]

Animais , Cães , Artéria Renal , Cateteres Urinários/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/veterinária , Angiografia/veterinária , Radiografia Intervencionista/métodos , Radiografia Intervencionista/veterinária , Tecnologia Radiológica/métodos , Tecnologia Radiológica/veterinária
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457739


Background: Several routes of administration have been used for cell and gene therapy delivery in kidney disease in the last years. Moreover, a more homogenous distribution and a higher response was observed when administered intra-arterially. The main objective of the present study was to describe and to compare the use of Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter with angiographic catheter through the femoral artery by using conventional radiology as a guide.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven healthy dogs were used in these experiments. First, a Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter was introduced followed by an angiographic catheter. The primary outcome was the number of attempts for the placement of the introducer and the number of radiographic studies to carry out nephrography. Preceding the surgical procedure, ultrasonographic evaluation was performed in all animals in order to measure the diameter of the left and right femoral arteries, left and right renal and abdominal aorta at the renal level. After trichotomy and antisepsis of the medial face of the two pelvic limbs, the 6F valve introducer was placed based on the modified Seldinger technique. Thereafter, aortography was performed, showing its collateral arteries, with contrast injection, and it was estimated how much of the Fogarty 5,5F catheter had to be introduced. Subsequently, a guidewire was inserted throu

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 45: 1-7, 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20237


Background: Several routes of administration have been used for cell and gene therapy delivery in kidney disease in the last years. Moreover, a more homogenous distribution and a higher response was observed when administered intra-arterially. The main objective of the present study was to describe and to compare the use of Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter with angiographic catheter through the femoral artery by using conventional radiology as a guide.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven healthy dogs were used in these experiments. First, a Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter was introduced followed by an angiographic catheter. The primary outcome was the number of attempts for the placement of the introducer and the number of radiographic studies to carry out nephrography. Preceding the surgical procedure, ultrasonographic evaluation was performed in all animals in order to measure the diameter of the left and right femoral arteries, left and right renal and abdominal aorta at the renal level. After trichotomy and antisepsis of the medial face of the two pelvic limbs, the 6F valve introducer was placed based on the modified Seldinger technique. Thereafter, aortography was performed, showing its collateral arteries, with contrast injection, and it was estimated how much of the Fogarty 5,5F catheter had to be introduced. Subsequently, a guidewire was inserted through the catheter followed by the Fogarty catheter. Another x-ray was taken to show the position of the catheter. It was observed whether the catheter was positioned correctly and the cuff was filled, and then another contrasting radiograph was performed. If the contrast was not going to the kidneys, the cuff of the catheter was deflated, the catheter was repositioned and a new contrast radiography was performed.[...](AU)

Animais , Cães , Artéria Renal , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/veterinária , Cateteres Urinários/veterinária , Tecnologia Radiológica/métodos , Tecnologia Radiológica/veterinária , Angiografia/veterinária , Radiografia Intervencionista/métodos , Radiografia Intervencionista/veterinária
Ci. Rural ; 39(1): 141-147, jan.-fev. 2009. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-11667


No presente trabalho foi elaborada uma técnica para protocolo de colheita de medula óssea (MO) (10ml. kg-1), do osso femoral, para isolamento, quantificação e viabilidade da fração total de células mononucleares (CM). Para tanto, 40 cães machos ou fêmeas, sem raça definida, com idade aproximada de dois anos, pesando em torno de 10kg, foram submetidos a procedimento asséptico em ambiente cirúrgico para colheita de MO. Para a obtenção de uma quantidade suficiente de CM, durante o procedimento foi utilizada a agulha tipo Steis anatômica, que favoreceu a colheita de volume sangüíneo em menor espaço de tempo e não danificou a viabilidade celular. Também foi utilizado o Kit Bone Marrow collection, que teve a finalidade de filtrar as espículas ósseas, mantendo a integridade das CM colhidas durante o período decorrido para o acondiconamento do sangue. Durante o período da colheita de MO, os animais foram submetidos à collheita de sangue periférico (pré, trans e pós-operatório) para avaliações hematológicas e sofreram autotransfusão sangüínea para suprir a queda acentuada de hemoglobina ocorrida nos primeiros momentos da coletaheita. O total de MO colhida e filtrada foi colocado lentamente sob gradiente de densidade Histopaque (1.077g ml-1). O material foi centrifugado a 440 x g por 30 minutos e o anel de células foi colhido, lavado e centrifugado três vezes em meio contendo solução salina 0,9 por cento, DMEM e soro sangüíneo autólogo estéril. Foi realizada a contagem do anel celular em câmara de Neubauer e foi verificada sua viabilidade utilizando corante vital. Neste estudo foi verificado que no volume de MO colhido foi possível obter a média de 2,57 x 10(6) (± 1,56) CM kg-1 e a viabilidade celular foi superior a 90 por cento (96,72 ± 2,9 por cento). Conclui-se que a técnica de colheita de MO com agulha Steis com lavagem celular no meio contendo soro autólogo e Kit Bone Marrow e agulha Steis com lavagem celular no meio contendo...(AU)

In the present research a new protocol to harvest 10ml kg-1 femoral bone marrow (BM) was developed to allow isolation, quantification and to test the mononuclear cell (MC) fraction viability. Forty male or female stray dogs, aging and weighting around two years old and 10kg respectively, were submitted to aseptic bone marrow harvest in a surgical environment. To achieve an ideal cell count of MC, an anatomical Steis needle was used during the procedure, which favored the indicated volume harvest in a shorter period of time without interfering cellular viability. A bone marrow collection kit was also used to filter bone fragments while maintaining harvested MC integrity during blood packaging. Meanwhile BM harvesting was conducted, animals peripheral blood collection was performed (pre, trans and post-operatory) to hematological evaluations and autologous blood transfusion was made to overcome the increased hemoglobin fall that takes place in the initial harvesting moments. The harvested and filtered BM was slowly placed over a Histopaque density gradient (1.077g ml-1). The material was centrifuged at 440g x for 30 minutes. The cellular ring was harvested, washed and three times centrifuged in saline 0.9 percent, DMEM and autologous sterile serum. Cellular ring count was conducted in neubauer chamber and its viability was performed with vital dye. In this study was possible to notice that with the harvested BM volume an average of 2.57 x 10(6) (± 1.56) MC kg-1 was obtained and the cell viability was over 90 percent (96.72 ± 2.9 percent). It was concluded that the bone marrow kit and Steis needle with autologous serum cellular wash BM harvesting technique allow an ideal MC number isolation which can be administered in tissue lesions to enhance the regeneration process.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Medula Óssea , Coleta de Tecidos e Órgãos/veterinária , Leucócitos Mononucleares , Células Sanguíneas , Transplante de Células/veterinária , Regeneração Tecidual Guiada
MEDVEP. Rev. cient. Med. Vet. ; 10(32): 122-125, jan.-mar. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-9328


A obstrução uretral em felinos constitui um quadro emergencial que sem adequada intervenção poderáevoluir para uremia e óbito do paciente. A distensão prolongada da bexiga resultará em perda da funçãocontráctil e, consequentemente, atonia vesical, podendo tornar-se permanente. Este relato descreve oprocedimento cirúrgico de uretrostomia pré-púbica em um gato para correção de estenose uretral apósuretrostomia perineal. Conclui-se que a uretrostomia pré-púbica é eficiente para a correção de estenoseuretral em felino mesmo após prévia uretrostomia perineal, mas apresentou cistite como complicação.(AU)

Urethral obstruction in cats is an emergency that without adequate intervention may progress to uremiaand death of the patient. Prolonged distension of the bladder will result in loss of contractile function andconsequently, bladderatonia and this can become permanent. It is concluded that the pre-pubic urethrostomyin feline is effective for correction of urethral stenosis even afte previous perineal urethrostomy,with cystitis as a complication.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Gatos , Uremia/veterinária , Estreitamento Uretral , Bexiga Urinária
MEDVEP, Rev. Cient. Med. Vet., Pequenos Anim. Anim. Estim ; 10(32): 122-125, jan.-mar. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484907


A obstrução uretral em felinos constitui um quadro emergencial que sem adequada intervenção poderáevoluir para uremia e óbito do paciente. A distensão prolongada da bexiga resultará em perda da funçãocontráctil e, consequentemente, atonia vesical, podendo tornar-se permanente. Este relato descreve oprocedimento cirúrgico de uretrostomia pré-púbica em um gato para correção de estenose uretral apósuretrostomia perineal. Conclui-se que a uretrostomia pré-púbica é eficiente para a correção de estenoseuretral em felino mesmo após prévia uretrostomia perineal, mas apresentou cistite como complicação.

Urethral obstruction in cats is an emergency that without adequate intervention may progress to uremiaand death of the patient. Prolonged distension of the bladder will result in loss of contractile function andconsequently, bladderatonia and this can become permanent. It is concluded that the pre-pubic urethrostomyin feline is effective for correction of urethral stenosis even afte previous perineal urethrostomy,with cystitis as a complication.

Animais , Gatos , Estreitamento Uretral , Gatos , Uremia/veterinária , Bexiga Urinária
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-733281


Background: Several routes of administration have been used for cell and gene therapy delivery in kidney disease in the last years. Moreover, a more homogenous distribution and a higher response was observed when administered intra-arterially. The main objective of the present study was to describe and to compare the use of Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter with angiographic catheter through the femoral artery by using conventional radiology as a guide.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven healthy dogs were used in these experiments. First, a Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter was introduced followed by an angiographic catheter. The primary outcome was the number of attempts for the placement of the introducer and the number of radiographic studies to carry out nephrography. Preceding the surgical procedure, ultrasonographic evaluation was performed in all animals in order to measure the diameter of the left and right femoral arteries, left and right renal and abdominal aorta at the renal level. After trichotomy and antisepsis of the medial face of the two pelvic limbs, the 6F valve introducer was placed based on the modified Seldinger technique. Thereafter, aortography was performed, showing its collateral arteries, with contrast injection, and it was estimated how much of the Fogarty 5,5F catheter had to be introduced. Subsequently, a guidewire was inserted throu

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18734


Background: Several routes of administration have been used for cell and gene therapy delivery in kidney disease in the last years. Moreover, a more homogenous distribution and a higher response was observed when administered intra-arterially. The main objective of the present study was to describe and to compare the use of Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter with angiographic catheter through the femoral artery by using conventional radiology as a guide.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven healthy dogs were used in these experiments. First, a Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter was introduced followed by an angiographic catheter. The primary outcome was the number of attempts for the placement of the introducer and the number of radiographic studies to carry out nephrography. Preceding the surgical procedure, ultrasonographic evaluation was performed in all animals in order to measure the diameter of the left and right femoral arteries, left and right renal and abdominal aorta at the renal level. After trichotomy and antisepsis of the medial face of the two pelvic limbs, the 6F valve introducer was placed based on the modified Seldinger technique. Thereafter, aortography was performed, showing its collateral arteries, with contrast injection, and it was estimated how much of the Fogarty 5,5F catheter had to be introduced. Subsequently, a guidewire was inserted throu

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-732437


Background: Several routes of administration have been used for cell and gene therapy delivery in kidney disease in the last years. Moreover, a more homogenous distribution and a higher response was observed when administered intra-arterially. The main objective of the present study was to describe and to compare the use of Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter with angiographic catheter through the femoral artery by using conventional radiology as a guide.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven healthy dogs were used in these experiments. First, a Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter was introduced followed by an angiographic catheter. The primary outcome was the number of attempts for the placement of the introducer and the number of radiographic studies to carry out nephrography. Preceding the surgical procedure, ultrasonographic evaluation was performed in all animals in order to measure the diameter of the left and right femoral arteries, left and right renal and abdominal aorta at the renal level. After trichotomy and antisepsis of the medial face of the two pelvic limbs, the 6F valve introducer was placed based on the modified Seldinger technique. Thereafter, aortography was performed, showing its collateral arteries, with contrast injection, and it was estimated how much of the Fogarty 5,5F catheter had to be introduced. Subsequently, a guidewire was inserted throu

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-730669


Background: Several routes of administration have been used for cell and gene therapy delivery in kidney disease in the last years. Moreover, a more homogenous distribution and a higher response was observed when administered intra-arterially. The main objective of the present study was to describe and to compare the use of Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter with angiographic catheter through the femoral artery by using conventional radiology as a guide.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven healthy dogs were used in these experiments. First, a Fogarty thru-lumen embolectomy catheter was introduced followed by an angiographic catheter. The primary outcome was the number of attempts for the placement of the introducer and the number of radiographic studies to carry out nephrography. Preceding the surgical procedure, ultrasonographic evaluation was performed in all animals in order to measure the diameter of the left and right femoral arteries, left and right renal and abdominal aorta at the renal level. After trichotomy and antisepsis of the medial face of the two pelvic limbs, the 6F valve introducer was placed based on the modified Seldinger technique. Thereafter, aortography was performed, showing its collateral arteries, with contrast injection, and it was estimated how much of the Fogarty 5,5F catheter had to be introduced. Subsequently, a guidewire was inserted throu