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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.498-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458325


Background: Platynosomum spp. it is a trematode that has a predilection for the liver and biliary tissues whose infection isacquired through the ingestion of metacercarian gecko viscera. Felines are the definitive hosts and clinical signs are variable.The diagnosis is through history, hematological and biochemical exams, ultrasound, bile cytology or histopathology. Thetreatment of choice is cholecystoduodenostomy. This paper aims to report the case of a cat who was treated at the UberabaVeterinary Hospital with chronic cholangitis secondary to platinosomosis, but there was a transfusion reaction and she died.Case: A 4-year-old, uncastrated SRD cat was treated at the Uberaba Veterinary Hospital complaining of severe episodesof vomiting three days ago, hyporexia and darkened urine. The general clinical examination showed moderate dehydration, jaundice and hepatomegaly. The animal was hospitalized for better investigation of its condition. Increased valuesof ALT, alkaline phosphatase and all bilirubins were observed. Ultrasound showed liver suggestive of liver disease andsteatosis, and gallbladder without alteration. During hospitalization, she remained jaundiced and hypoxic, and the esophageal tube was placed. The initial clinical suspicion was cholangiohepatitis. Liver biopsy and cholecystoduodenostomywere then suggested, with refusal by the tutor. The ultrasound was repeated and showed the same alterations described,besides cholangitis. Stool examination was negative for Platynosomum spp. and positive for Isospora spp. The patientwas treated with anthelmintic for three days and received supportive treatment for another week until the tutor authorizedcholecystoduodenostomy. During surgery, cholecystocentesis was performed and the parasite Platynosomum spp. in adultform. After four days, a new blood count was done and the animal was still anemic and the blood...

Animais , Gatos , Colecistostomia/veterinária , Colestase/cirurgia , Colestase/veterinária , Duodenostomia/veterinária , Infecções por Trematódeos/complicações , Trematódeos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.510-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458337


Background: Hernias are changes with the displacement of organs from their normal anatomical location to a newly formedcavity, which can cause pain and dysfunction of the affected organ. The diagnosis can be obtained by palpation or by ultrasound.The treatment of choice is surgical and vision to promote the return of the organ to its normal anatomical position and theclosure of the hernial ring. When affixing the edges of the hernial ring is not possible, alternative techniques such as the useof biological or synthetic membranes should be sought. The aim of the present study is to report an atypical case of inguinalhernia with splenic incarceration, in which splenectomy and herniorrhaphy with a bovine phrenic center were performed.Case: An 8-year-old large mestizo male dog was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of Uberaba complaining of the appearance of a mass in the inguinal region that increased significantly in the last 15 days. On physical examination, there was anincrease in volume in the left inguinal region, irreducible and great pain sensitivity in the region. The hemogram showednormochromic normocytic anemia, hyperproteinemia and thrombocytopenia. No changes were observed in the biochemicalanalyzes. Urinalysis revealed the presence of protein and traces of occult blood. Ultrasound showed an enlarged spleen insidethe hernial sac, closing the diagnosis of inguinal hernia. The animal underwent a herniorrhaphy procedure associated with theuse of a biological membrane from a bovine phrenic center and splenectomy. In addition, contralateral inguinal hernia wasobserved. The animal remained hospitalized and under observation for three days. On return, after five days, the guardian..

Masculino , Animais , Cães , Baço/cirurgia , Baço/diagnóstico por imagem , Hérnia Inguinal/cirurgia , Hérnia Inguinal/veterinária , Xenoenxertos , Abdome/cirurgia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 498, 28 mar. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25603


Background: Platynosomum spp. it is a trematode that has a predilection for the liver and biliary tissues whose infection isacquired through the ingestion of metacercarian gecko viscera. Felines are the definitive hosts and clinical signs are variable.The diagnosis is through history, hematological and biochemical exams, ultrasound, bile cytology or histopathology. Thetreatment of choice is cholecystoduodenostomy. This paper aims to report the case of a cat who was treated at the UberabaVeterinary Hospital with chronic cholangitis secondary to platinosomosis, but there was a transfusion reaction and she died.Case: A 4-year-old, uncastrated SRD cat was treated at the Uberaba Veterinary Hospital complaining of severe episodesof vomiting three days ago, hyporexia and darkened urine. The general clinical examination showed moderate dehydration, jaundice and hepatomegaly. The animal was hospitalized for better investigation of its condition. Increased valuesof ALT, alkaline phosphatase and all bilirubins were observed. Ultrasound showed liver suggestive of liver disease andsteatosis, and gallbladder without alteration. During hospitalization, she remained jaundiced and hypoxic, and the esophageal tube was placed. The initial clinical suspicion was cholangiohepatitis. Liver biopsy and cholecystoduodenostomywere then suggested, with refusal by the tutor. The ultrasound was repeated and showed the same alterations described,besides cholangitis. Stool examination was negative for Platynosomum spp. and positive for Isospora spp. The patientwas treated with anthelmintic for three days and received supportive treatment for another week until the tutor authorizedcholecystoduodenostomy. During surgery, cholecystocentesis was performed and the parasite Platynosomum spp. in adultform. After four days, a new blood count was done and the animal was still anemic and the blood...(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Colecistostomia/veterinária , Duodenostomia/veterinária , Colestase/cirurgia , Colestase/veterinária , Infecções por Trematódeos/complicações , Trematódeos
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 510, 13 jun. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33395


Background: Hernias are changes with the displacement of organs from their normal anatomical location to a newly formedcavity, which can cause pain and dysfunction of the affected organ. The diagnosis can be obtained by palpation or by ultrasound.The treatment of choice is surgical and vision to promote the return of the organ to its normal anatomical position and theclosure of the hernial ring. When affixing the edges of the hernial ring is not possible, alternative techniques such as the useof biological or synthetic membranes should be sought. The aim of the present study is to report an atypical case of inguinalhernia with splenic incarceration, in which splenectomy and herniorrhaphy with a bovine phrenic center were performed.Case: An 8-year-old large mestizo male dog was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of Uberaba complaining of the appearance of a mass in the inguinal region that increased significantly in the last 15 days. On physical examination, there was anincrease in volume in the left inguinal region, irreducible and great pain sensitivity in the region. The hemogram showednormochromic normocytic anemia, hyperproteinemia and thrombocytopenia. No changes were observed in the biochemicalanalyzes. Urinalysis revealed the presence of protein and traces of occult blood. Ultrasound showed an enlarged spleen insidethe hernial sac, closing the diagnosis of inguinal hernia. The animal underwent a herniorrhaphy procedure associated with theuse of a biological membrane from a bovine phrenic center and splenectomy. In addition, contralateral inguinal hernia wasobserved. The animal remained hospitalized and under observation for three days. On return, after five days, the guardian..(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Hérnia Inguinal/cirurgia , Hérnia Inguinal/veterinária , Baço/diagnóstico por imagem , Baço/cirurgia , Xenoenxertos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Abdome/cirurgia
Vet. zootec ; 22(2): 215-220, 2015. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426421


A gastropatia hipertrófica pilórica crônica é o termo que se refere à hipertrofia pilórica sem especificar se a camada mucosa e/ou muscular estão envolvidas. O presente trabalho relata um caso de gastropatia hipertrófica crônica secundária à gastrite linfoplasmocitária em um cão. O diagnóstico foi confirmado através de celiotomia exploratória e análise histopatológica e o tratamento instituído através de piloroplastia, bem como terapia imunosupressora foram fundamentais para a melhora clínica significativa do paciente.

The gastropathy chronic hypertrophic pyloric is a term that refers to hypertrophic pyloric without specifying the mucous layer and / or muscle are involved. This paper reports a case of hypertrophic gastropathy secondary to chronic lymphoplasmacytic gastritis in a dog. The diagnosis was confirmed by exploratory laparotomy and histopathological analysis and the treatment by pyloroplasty, as well as immunosuppressive therapy have been fundamental to the clinical improvement of the patient.

La gastropatía hipertrófica del píloro crónica es un término que se refiere a hipertrofia pilórica sin especificar la capa mucosa y / o músculos que esten involucrados. Se presenta el caso de gastropatía hipertrófica secundaria a gastritis crónica linfoplasmacítica en un perro. El diagnóstico fue confirmado por el análisis exploratorio de laparotomía y histopatológico y el tratamiento por piloroplastia, así como la terapia inmunosupresora han sido fundamental para la mejoría clínica del paciente.

Animais , Cães , Antro Pilórico/cirurgia , Antro Pilórico/fisiopatologia , Estenose Pilórica/veterinária , Imunossupressores/administração & dosagem , Gastrite/complicações
Ci. Rural ; 45(1): 131-135, 01/2015. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-12146


Laryngeal and tracheal tumors are rare in pets; some piece of information on their disease behavior, therapy and evolution are limited. Neoplasms in this area are a diagnostic challenge. In many cases, they can be biopsied and excised using endoscopic instruments, but there is no report of this in canines. The goal of this study is to report a successful case of a laryngeal neoplasm removal through endoscopy. A head and neck radiogram revealed a mass in the laryngeal lumen protruding into the trachea. The patient then underwent an endoscopy to confirm the radiographic diagnosis and to surgically remove the tumor. The histopathological diagnosis was poorly differentiated carcinoma. The most appropriate treatment for laryngeal tumors is the resection of the submucosa or a partial laryngectomy however, partial and total laryngectomies are associated with many postoperative complications. In contrast, the endoscopic approach allows for highly magnified visualization of the lesion in situ, which facilitates the surgical removal of the mass through videosurgery. With little manipulation of the affected area, the chances of postoperative complications are reduced, leading to a more rapid recovery. .(AU)

Tumores de laringe e traqueia são raros em animais de estimação e as informações sobre o comportamento, terapia e evolução destas neoplasias são limitadas. Neoplasias nesta área são desafios diagnósticos. Em muitos casos, pode ser feita a biópsia e excisão da massa utilizando instrumentos endoscópicos, mas não existe relato deste tipo de procedimento em caninos. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar um caso de sucesso da remoção endoscópica de um tumor de laringe. A radiografia da região cervical revelou uma massa na luz da laringe invadindo a traqueia. O paciente foi então submetido a uma endoscopia para confirmar o diagnóstico radiográfico e remover cirurgicamente o tumor. O diagnóstico histopatológico foi de carcinoma pouco diferenciado. O tratamento mais adequado para os tumores da laringe é a ressecção da submucosa ou uma laringectomia parcial, no entanto, estas estão associadas a muitas complicações pós-operatórias. Em contraste, a abordagem endoscópica permite a visualização da lesão in situ, o que facilita a remoção cirúrgica da massa através de videocirurgia. Com pouca manipulação da área afetada, as chances de complicações pós-operatórias são reduzidas, levando a uma recuperação mais rápida. .(AU)

Animais , Cães , Neoplasias/veterinária , Laringe/patologia , Endoscopia/veterinária , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/veterinária , Radioterapia/veterinária , Dispneia/veterinária