Background: Fibrosarcomas are malignant neoplasms originating from fibroblasts that are normally located in the skin, subcutaneous tissue and adjacent to bones. The main treatment for fibrosarcoma is surgery. The removal of large neoplasms from dogs limbs usually leads to the formation of large skin defects, often preventing primary occlusion and thus requiring reconstructive surgery to close the wound. This paper reports on the surgical procedure and postoperative complications pursuant to the excision of a fibrosarcoma in the right forelimb and reconstruction with a full-thickness autologous graft in a dog. Case: A 12-year-old Brazilian mastiff presenting a nodule located in the distal segment of the right forelimb, which had grown over a 2-year period, was referred for clinical evaluation. Blood and imaging tests were performed, which showed no changes and excluded the possibility of metastasis. The cytological examination was suggestive of a mesenchymal neoplasm. The patient underwent tumor excision surgery followed by reconstructive surgery with a full-thickness autologous graft to close the defect. The neoplasm was excised by means of a circular geometric figure incision using a 3 cm margin. The defect resulting from removal of the tumor was kept constantly moistened and wrapped in surgical compresses until grafting was performed. The graft was harvested from the region of the right flank based on a surgical field mold taken from the recipient bed. After harvesting the graft, all the subcutaneous tissue was removed until the hair follicles were visible. Fenestrations were then made throughout the entire graft and it was placed in the recipient bed and...
Animais , Cães , Curativos Hidrocoloides/veterinária , Extremidade Superior/cirurgia , Fibrossarcoma/cirurgia , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Transplante Autólogo/veterinária , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Fibrosarcomas are malignant neoplasms originating from fibroblasts that are normally located in the skin, subcutaneous tissue and adjacent to bones. The main treatment for fibrosarcoma is surgery. The removal of large neoplasms from dogs limbs usually leads to the formation of large skin defects, often preventing primary occlusion and thus requiring reconstructive surgery to close the wound. This paper reports on the surgical procedure and postoperative complications pursuant to the excision of a fibrosarcoma in the right forelimb and reconstruction with a full-thickness autologous graft in a dog. Case: A 12-year-old Brazilian mastiff presenting a nodule located in the distal segment of the right forelimb, which had grown over a 2-year period, was referred for clinical evaluation. Blood and imaging tests were performed, which showed no changes and excluded the possibility of metastasis. The cytological examination was suggestive of a mesenchymal neoplasm. The patient underwent tumor excision surgery followed by reconstructive surgery with a full-thickness autologous graft to close the defect. The neoplasm was excised by means of a circular geometric figure incision using a 3 cm margin. The defect resulting from removal of the tumor was kept constantly moistened and wrapped in surgical compresses until grafting was performed. The graft was harvested from the region of the right flank based on a surgical field mold taken from the recipient bed. After harvesting the graft, all the subcutaneous tissue was removed until the hair follicles were visible. Fenestrations were then made throughout the entire graft and it was placed in the recipient bed and...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Fibrossarcoma/cirurgia , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Extremidade Superior/cirurgia , Transplante Autólogo/veterinária , Curativos Hidrocoloides/veterinária , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Encephalitis is common in most inflammatory and infectious diseases of the central nervous system, andbacterial and viral pathogens, protozoa, fungi, and erythematous parasites are recognized as etiological agents. Clinicalsigns vary according to the anatomical location and severity of the inflammation. Some parasites may undergo aberrantmigration into the brain of dogs and cats, which is are considered a rare clinical phenomenon. This case report describesthe occurrence of parasitic encephalitis in a mixed breed bitch about 4 year-old.Case: A mixed breed bitch, about 4 year-old, rescued from the street with weakness of the pelvic limbs, was treated at theVeterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI. After A clinical and neurological examination, the patientwas hospitalized for diagnosis, treatment, confirmation and follow-up of her clinical evolution. Complementary tests wereperformed to evaluate her general condition, given her unknown history because she was a rescue dog. Complete blood count(CBC), hemoparasite screening, biochemical function (urea, creatinine, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albuminand globulin), abdominal and pelvic ultrasound, serological and parasitological tests for leishmaniasis, distemper antigenand ehrlichiosis antibody detection tests were performed, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was collected for analysis. TheCBC revealed normocytic hypochromic anemia and thrombocytopenia. Biochemical functions were within normal limits,except for alanine aminotransferase (ALT), which was slightly low. The ultrasound examination showed splenomegaly.The canine distemper, ehrlichiosis and leishmaniasis tests were negative. The results of the CSF analysis revealed the presence of spherical structures compatible with parasitic cysts, suggestive of Echinococcus granulosus. After the laboratorydiagnosis of parasitic encephalitis, the animal was treated with prednisolone...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Echinococcus granulosus/isolamento & purificação , Encefalite/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Encefalite/veterinária , Líquido Cefalorraquidiano/parasitologia , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Encephalitis is common in most inflammatory and infectious diseases of the central nervous system, andbacterial and viral pathogens, protozoa, fungi, and erythematous parasites are recognized as etiological agents. Clinicalsigns vary according to the anatomical location and severity of the inflammation. Some parasites may undergo aberrantmigration into the brain of dogs and cats, which is are considered a rare clinical phenomenon. This case report describesthe occurrence of parasitic encephalitis in a mixed breed bitch about 4 year-old.Case: A mixed breed bitch, about 4 year-old, rescued from the street with weakness of the pelvic limbs, was treated at theVeterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI. After A clinical and neurological examination, the patientwas hospitalized for diagnosis, treatment, confirmation and follow-up of her clinical evolution. Complementary tests wereperformed to evaluate her general condition, given her unknown history because she was a rescue dog. Complete blood count(CBC), hemoparasite screening, biochemical function (urea, creatinine, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albuminand globulin), abdominal and pelvic ultrasound, serological and parasitological tests for leishmaniasis, distemper antigenand ehrlichiosis antibody detection tests were performed, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was collected for analysis. TheCBC revealed normocytic hypochromic anemia and thrombocytopenia. Biochemical functions were within normal limits,except for alanine aminotransferase (ALT), which was slightly low. The ultrasound examination showed splenomegaly.The canine distemper, ehrlichiosis and leishmaniasis tests were negative. The results of the CSF analysis revealed the presence of spherical structures compatible with parasitic cysts, suggestive of Echinococcus granulosus. After the laboratorydiagnosis of parasitic encephalitis, the animal was treated with prednisolone...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Encefalite/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Encefalite/veterinária , Líquido Cefalorraquidiano/parasitologia , Echinococcus granulosus/isolamento & purificação , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Osteochondral knee failures are among the most common causes of disability among the elderly human population and animal athletes. The xenogeneic transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells is a questionable therapeutic alternative that, despite the low expression of Major Histocompatibility Complex type II by these cells, still has relevant uncertainties about the safety and clinical efficacy. The main objective of the present study was to investigate whether the xenogeneic transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells induces hyaline cartilage formation, without histopathological evidence of rejection, in osteochondral failures of goats.Materials, Methods & Results: Five female goats were used, submitted to three surgical osteocondral failures in the right knee, treated with xenogenic mesenchymal stem cells of dental pulp, xenogenic platelet-rich plasma and hemostatic sponge of hydrolyzed collagen, respectively. The lesions were evaluated after 60 days of treatment, aiming to identify the presence of hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage and the subchondral bone pattern (regenerated or disorganized). Transplantation of xenogenic mesenchymal stem cells induced predominant formation of hyaline cartilage (P 0.05). Macroscopically, the lesions of the stem cell treated group showed formation of firm repair tissue, opaque staining, integrated with adjacent cartilage and with the failure filling almost completely. The groups treated with PRP and hemostatic sponge of hydrolyzed collagen presented, on average, partial filling of the lesion, with irregular shape and darkened coloration.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Cartilagem Articular/lesões , Cartilagem Hialina , Transplante de Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Traumatismos do Joelho/induzido quimicamente , Traumatismos do Joelho/terapia , Cabras , Dasyproctidae , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Transplante Heterólogo/métodosResumo
Background: Osteochondral knee failures are among the most common causes of disability among the elderly human population and animal athletes. The xenogeneic transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells is a questionable therapeutic alternative that, despite the low expression of Major Histocompatibility Complex type II by these cells, still has relevant uncertainties about the safety and clinical efficacy. The main objective of the present study was to investigate whether the xenogeneic transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells induces hyaline cartilage formation, without histopathological evidence of rejection, in osteochondral failures of goats.Materials, Methods & Results: Five female goats were used, submitted to three surgical osteocondral failures in the right knee, treated with xenogenic mesenchymal stem cells of dental pulp, xenogenic platelet-rich plasma and hemostatic sponge of hydrolyzed collagen, respectively. The lesions were evaluated after 60 days of treatment, aiming to identify the presence of hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage and the subchondral bone pattern (regenerated or disorganized). Transplantation of xenogenic mesenchymal stem cells induced predominant formation of hyaline cartilage (P < 0.05), with no histopathological evidence of inflammation when compared to the other treatments. Therapies with xenogeneic platelet-rich plasma and hemostatic sponge of hydrolyzed collagen induced greater formation of fibrocartilaginous cartilage, with no significant difference between them (P > 0.05). Macroscopically, the lesions of the stem cell treated group showed formation of firm repair tissue, opaque staining, integrated with adjacent cartilage and with the failure filling almost completely. The groups treated with PRP and hemostatic sponge of hydrolyzed collagen presented, on average, partial filling of the lesion, with irregular shape and darkened coloration.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Transplante de Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Cartilagem Hialina , Cartilagem Articular/lesões , Traumatismos do Joelho/induzido quimicamente , Traumatismos do Joelho/terapia , Transplante Heterólogo/métodos , Cabras , Modelos Animais de Doenças , DasyproctidaeResumo
Purpose: To assess the efficacy of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells and xenogenic platelet rich plasma in the treatment of bone failure of osteoporotic rabbits secondary to estrogenic deprivation and iatrogenic hypercortisolism. Methods: Eight female rabbits underwent ovarian resection and corticoid therapy to induce clinical status of osteoporosis. Four failures were produced in the tibiae, with each failure being treated with hemostatic sponge, allogenic mesenchymal stem cells, xenogenic platelet-rich plasma and the association between both. The animals were divided into two groups, evaluated radiographically and histopathologically at 30 and 60 days post treatment. Results: A radiographically confirmed consolidation of bone failures treated with allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells, associated with the histopathological image of mature and immature bone tissue, without evidence of osteopenia, was compared with the other groups, in which radiolucent failures with osteopenia and fibrosis were still present, denoting the satisfactory effect of the first treatment in detriment to the others. Conclusion: The treatment of bone failures of rabbits with secondary osteoporosis with allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells induced greater bone consolidation with mature and immature bone tissue production (p 0.01), when compared to the other treatments.(AU)
Animais , Coelhos , Coelhos/anormalidades , Coelhos/cirurgia , Plasma Rico em Plaquetas/enzimologia , Osteoporose/tratamento farmacológico , Osteoporose/veterináriaResumo
The study objectify to evaluate the adaptability of pregnant sheep of the Dorper, Santa Ines and mixed(Dorper ½ ½ Santa Ines) to the tropical climate through serologic possible modifications of triiodothyronine(T3) and thyroxine (T4). The experiment was conducted at Malhada Vermelha farm in Lagoa Alegre - PI, 21sheep were used in gestational middle third, 7 of Dorper, 7 Santa Ines and 7 mixed (Dorper x Santa Ines), all insatisfactory clinical conditions and under the same management conditions. These were evaluated respiratoryrate, rectal temperature and collected blood samples for hormone dosage four times in each climatic periodMarch, July and October. Later they were measured Thyroxine (Total T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) by ELISA.T3 dosages remained within the normal range for the species, while T4 was below. It was concluded that themost adapted breed is Santa Ines.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/diagnóstico , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Clima Tropical , Tiroxina/análiseResumo
The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence in cattle herds of the micro-region of Teresina,state of Piauí. It was collected 406 serum samples from 14 herds, using as a screening technique buffered plateagglutination test (BPAT). Of the 406 samples, 15 (3.69%) responded to the BPAT, from the 14 herds studied,five showed at least one positive animal, given the prevalence of outbreaks of 35.7% (5/14). The results suggestthat the disease is widespread in herds and could trigger a spreading agent in the region, requiring thatprophylactic measures should be instituted by related official agencies, in maintaining the health of livestock.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/imunologia , Bovinos/microbiologia , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Brucella abortus/imunologiaResumo
This study aimed analyse the effects of Senna spectabilis on ejaculatory frequency and copulatoryparameters of rats, getting some answers related to aphrodisiacs and adverse effects and potential influencers inthe sexual behavior of animals observed in some species of plants similar to Senna spectabilis. Were used 35Wistar ratos, being 28 with erectile dysfunction induced by paroxetine The ethanol extract of S. spectabilis(EESs) were administered in three different doses (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight) for seven consecutivedays. Then the rats were allocated in cages with female rats at estrus phase and the ejaculatory frequency wasnoted. The animals in this study showed no erection while they were on observation and no significantbehavioral change was observed, compared to the control group.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Ejaculação , Ratos/fisiologia , Extrato de Senna/administração & dosagem , Extrato de Senna/análise , Fitoterapia/veterinária , ReproduçãoResumo
Although the high expression of the northeastern herds, the levels of productivity, reproducibility,carcass gain and other factors are low. This is mainly due to the main food source being from native plants ofthe Savanna. Were used male Wistar rats (64) divided into eight groups. These animals were castrated and, afterrecovery, received ethanol extract of pods of Senna spectabilis (EEVSs) in three different doses and testosteroneintramuscularly (some groups). The animals were treated for 32 consecutive days and at the end wereeuthanized. The organs were collected and weighed for evaluation of androgenic and anti-androgenic activity.The extract showed no androgenic nor anti-androgenic activity at the doses tested.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Androgênios/administração & dosagem , Androgênios/análise , Antagonistas de Androgênios/administração & dosagem , Antagonistas de Androgênios/análise , Extrato de Senna/análise , Extrato de Senna/química , RuminantesResumo
The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence in cattle herds of the micro-region of Teresina,state of Piauí. It was collected 406 serum samples from 14 herds, using as a screening technique buffered plateagglutination test (BPAT). Of the 406 samples, 15 (3.69%) responded to the BPAT, from the 14 herds studied,five showed at least one positive animal, given the prevalence of outbreaks of 35.7% (5/14). The results suggestthat the disease is widespread in herds and could trigger a spreading agent in the region, requiring thatprophylactic measures should be instituted by related official agencies, in maintaining the health of livestock.
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/imunologia , Bovinos/microbiologia , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Estudos SoroepidemiológicosResumo
The study objectify to evaluate the adaptability of pregnant sheep of the Dorper, Santa Ines and mixed(Dorper ½ ½ Santa Ines) to the tropical climate through serologic possible modifications of triiodothyronine(T3) and thyroxine (T4). The experiment was conducted at Malhada Vermelha farm in Lagoa Alegre - PI, 21sheep were used in gestational middle third, 7 of Dorper, 7 Santa Ines and 7 mixed (Dorper x Santa Ines), all insatisfactory clinical conditions and under the same management conditions. These were evaluated respiratoryrate, rectal temperature and collected blood samples for hormone dosage four times in each climatic periodMarch, July and October. Later they were measured Thyroxine (Total T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) by ELISA.T3 dosages remained within the normal range for the species, while T4 was below. It was concluded that themost adapted breed is Santa Ines.
Feminino , Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/diagnóstico , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Clima Tropical , Tiroxina/análiseResumo
This study aimed analyse the effects of Senna spectabilis on ejaculatory frequency and copulatoryparameters of rats, getting some answers related to aphrodisiacs and adverse effects and potential influencers inthe sexual behavior of animals observed in some species of plants similar to Senna spectabilis. Were used 35Wistar ratos, being 28 with erectile dysfunction induced by paroxetine The ethanol extract of S. spectabilis(EESs) were administered in three different doses (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight) for seven consecutivedays. Then the rats were allocated in cages with female rats at estrus phase and the ejaculatory frequency wasnoted. The animals in this study showed no erection while they were on observation and no significantbehavioral change was observed, compared to the control group.
Masculino , Animais , Ratos , Ejaculação , Extrato de Senna/administração & dosagem , Extrato de Senna/análise , Ratos/fisiologia , Fitoterapia/veterinária , ReproduçãoResumo
Although the high expression of the northeastern herds, the levels of productivity, reproducibility,carcass gain and other factors are low. This is mainly due to the main food source being from native plants ofthe Savanna. Were used male Wistar rats (64) divided into eight groups. These animals were castrated and, afterrecovery, received ethanol extract of pods of Senna spectabilis (EEVSs) in three different doses and testosteroneintramuscularly (some groups). The animals were treated for 32 consecutive days and at the end wereeuthanized. The organs were collected and weighed for evaluation of androgenic and anti-androgenic activity.The extract showed no androgenic nor anti-androgenic activity at the doses tested.