The basal nuclei are well-defined bodies of neurons with specific functions, located inside the white medullary center of the brain, directly involved with the motor system, participating greatly in the planning and control processes of movements. Studies on these nuclei in non-human primates are small and in the Alouatta belzebul species, nonexistent. The aim of the present study was to describe the morphology of the nuclei at the base of the brain of Alouatta belzebul. Ten male and female Alouatta belzebul brains were used, where after removal and coronal cut of the brain, the Mayland technique was performed to show the basal nuclei. There was the presence of the caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus (this formed by the putamen, medial globus pallidus and lateral globus pallidus), claustrum and substantia nigra, which, functionally, are related to motor control. The substantia nigra is part of the midbrain and is also related to learning resulting from the effects of dopamine, responsible for activating the reward and addiction system in the telbrain and is also related to the red nucleus, which is also a midbrain nucleus. In Alouatta belzebul the red nucleus is present. It was found in the literature that degeneration of substantia nigra cells can cause Parkinson's disease in Macaca fasciculares, and because Alouatta belzebul has the same anatomical structures in the basal nuclei of the base of Macaca fasciculares, it is suggested that studies of functional evaluation of these structures should be carried out to verify whether Alouatta belzebul can be used as an experimental model for Parkinson's disease.
Os núcleos da base são corpos de neurônios, bem delimitados e com funções específicas, localizados no interior do centro medular branco do cérebro, envolvidos diretamente com o sistema motor, através de uma função moduladora dos movimentos, participando sobremaneira nos processos de planejamento e controle dos movimentos. Os estudos sobre estes núcleos em primatas são reduzidos e na espécie Alouatta belzebul, inexistente. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever a morfologia dos núcleos da base do encéfalo de Alouatta belzebul. Para tanto, foram utilizados dez encéfalos de Alouatta belzebul, machos e fêmeas, onde após a remoção e corte coronal do cérebro, realizou-se à técnica de Mayland para evidenciar os núcleos da base. Verificou-se a presença do núcleo caudado, núcleo lentiforme (este formado pelo putâmen, globo pálido medial e globo pálido lateral), claustro e substância negra, que, funcionalmente, estão relacionados com o controle motor. A substância negra faz parte do mesencéfalo e está ainda relacionada com a aprendizagem decorrentes dos efeitos da dopamina, responsável por ativar o sistema de recompensa e vício no telencéfalo e tem ainda, relação com o núcleo rubro que também é um núcleo do mesencéfalo. Em Alouatta belzebul o núcleo rubro está presente. Verificou-se na literatura que a degeneração de células da substância negra pode ocasionar a doença de Parkinson em Macaca fasciculares, e pelo fato do Alouatta belzebul apresentar as mesmas estruturas anatômicas dos núcleos da base do mesencéfalo de Macaca fasciculares, poderia ser utilizado como modelo experimental em estudos clínicos para a doença de Parkinson.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , AlouattaResumo
Abstract Glutamine is often used to treat metabolic changes associated with anorexia-cachexia syndrome in patients with malignant neoplasms. Walker 256 tumor is an excellent model for studying these changes associated with cancer in different organs, including injuries in testicular functions. However, the effects of supplementing glutamine on testicular morphometry in this model have not yet been investigated. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of L-glutamine supplementation on testicular morphometry in rats transplanted with Walker 256 tumor cells. Forty puberty Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control without L-glutamine (C); control supplemented with L-glutamine (CG); inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells (WT) and inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells and supplemented with L-glutamine (WTG). The testicles were removed, weighed, fixed in Bouin, and included in paraffin for histomorphometric analysis. Walker 256 tumor caused quantitative changes in the tubular and intertubular compartments and tunica albuginea, with reductions in the percentages of lumen and tunica albuginea, number of Sertoli cells per gram of testis; number of Leydig cells; percentage of blood vessels and connective tissue in intertubule. However, glutamine supplementation prevented part of these changes caused by the tumor, presenting mainly a protective effect on the tunica albuginea and percentage of blood and lymph vessels in the intertubule. These results indicate the potential of L-glutamine was able to recover for testicular dysfunction associated with cancer.
Glutamine is often used to treat metabolic changes associated with anorexia-cachexia syndrome in patients with malignant neoplasms. Walker 256 tumor is an excellent model for studying these changes associated with cancer in different organs, including injuries in testicular functions. However, the effects of supplementing glutamine on testicular morphometry in this model have not yet been investigated. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of L-glutamine supplementation on testicular morphometry in rats transplanted with Walker 256 tumor cells. Forty puberty Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control without L-glutamine (C); control supplemented with L-glutamine (CG); inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells (WT) and inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells and supplemented with L-glutamine (WTG). The testicles were removed, weighed, fixed in Bouin, and included in paraffin for histomorphometric analysis. Walker 256 tumor caused quantitative changes in the tubular and intertubular compartments and tunica albuginea, with reductions in the percentages of lumen and tunica albuginea, number of Sertoli cells per gram of testis; number of Leydig cells; percentage of blood vessels and connective tissue in intertubule. However, glutamine supplementation prevented part of these changes caused by the tumor, presenting mainly a protective effect on the tunica albuginea and percentage of blood and lymph vessels in the intertubule. These results indicate the potential of L-glutamine was able to recover for testicular dysfunction associated with cancer.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Ratos/anatomia & histologia , Neoplasias Testiculares/diagnóstico , Glutamina/análiseResumo
Background: The pacarana lives in South America and has herbivorous and nocturnal habits. It is a rare species with scarce data concerning its morphology and adding more data is important in establishing its vulnerability. The aim was to describe its macroscopic brain anatomy, as well as the brain vascularization.Materials, Methods & Results: Two specimens were available for this study, that were donated post-mortem. The animals were injected with latex and fixed with 10% formaldehyde. Upon exposure and removal of the brain its main features were described. The rhinal fissure is single and the lateral sulcus arises from its caudal part. There are two sagittal sulci, an extensive medial sulcus and a short lateral sulcus. The piriform lobe is vermiform and the rostral part is smaller. The caudal colliculus is larger than the rostral colliculus and they are separated by a sulcus. The cerebellum has oval shape and the flocculus lobe is not conspicuous. The cerebral arterial circle was analyzed and described. The brain is supplied by the vertebrobasilar system only. The cerebral arterial circle is formed by the terminal branch of the basilar artery, the caudal communicating artery, the rostral cerebral artery and the rostral communicating artery. The caudal and middle cerebellar arteries are branches of the basilar artery. The terminal branch of the basilar artery originates the rostral cerebellar artery and the caudal cerebral artery. From the end of the caudal communicating artery and the beginning of the rostral cerebral artery arises the middle cerebral artery.[...]
Animais , Cérebro/anatomia & histologia , Cérebro/irrigação sanguínea , Círculo Arterial do Cérebro/anatomia & histologia , RoedoresResumo
Background: The pacarana lives in South America and has herbivorous and nocturnal habits. It is a rare species with scarce data concerning its morphology and adding more data is important in establishing its vulnerability. The aim was to describe its macroscopic brain anatomy, as well as the brain vascularization.Materials, Methods & Results: Two specimens were available for this study, that were donated post-mortem. The animals were injected with latex and fixed with 10% formaldehyde. Upon exposure and removal of the brain its main features were described. The rhinal fissure is single and the lateral sulcus arises from its caudal part. There are two sagittal sulci, an extensive medial sulcus and a short lateral sulcus. The piriform lobe is vermiform and the rostral part is smaller. The caudal colliculus is larger than the rostral colliculus and they are separated by a sulcus. The cerebellum has oval shape and the flocculus lobe is not conspicuous. The cerebral arterial circle was analyzed and described. The brain is supplied by the vertebrobasilar system only. The cerebral arterial circle is formed by the terminal branch of the basilar artery, the caudal communicating artery, the rostral cerebral artery and the rostral communicating artery. The caudal and middle cerebellar arteries are branches of the basilar artery. The terminal branch of the basilar artery originates the rostral cerebellar artery and the caudal cerebral artery. From the end of the caudal communicating artery and the beginning of the rostral cerebral artery arises the middle cerebral artery.[...](AU)