Um novilho normando e outro charolês apresentando distensão abdominal, diarreia intermitente e timpanismo ruminal crônico, que iniciaram após desmame, foram enviados para necropsia. Observou-se ausência de pregas omasais associada à hipoplasia do órgão, assim como redução de tamanho das papilas ruminais e reticulares. Com base nas lesões e histórico, conclui-se que o timpanismo ruminal foi ocasionado pela falha no desenvolvimento do omaso.(AU)
Two emaciated juvenile steers, one Normande and one Charolaise breed with abdominal distension, intermittent diarrhea and chronic ruminal bloat that had begun at weaning were necropsied. Absence of the omasal laminae with omasal hypoplasia were found together with loss of ruminal papillae and reticular folds. Based on the lesions and history we concluded that the ruminal bloat was due to a development failure of the omasum.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Diarreia/veterinária , Omaso/lesões , Rúmen/anormalidades , Autopsia/veterinária , Abomaso/anormalidades , Abomaso/lesões , Pteridium/toxicidadeResumo
Spontaneous intoxication in three dairy cows grazing pasture contaminated with Vicia villosa in two different farms was reported. Hyperthermia, skin alopecia and pruritus were the main clinical signs. Macroscopically, gray to white up to 5cm nodules were detected, especially in kidney and lymph nodes, which correspond to mild to severe multifocal granulomatous infiltrate. This is the first report of systemic granulomatous disease due to consumption of hairy vetch in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.(AU)