Neoplasms are among the most impacting disease diagnoses in veterinary medicine and have become increasingly common due to the greater longevity of animals as living conditions improved. The Mongolian gerbil is a small rodent species that has become popular recently. In these animals, the occurrence of neoplastic processes is relatively common, mainly tumors of the ventral gland in males and ovarian tumors in females. This work aims to report an ovarian tumor in a Mongolian gerbil Meriones unguiculatus Milne-Edwards 1867 (Rodentia, Muridae). At the initial presentation, the animal had dyspnea, prostration, and increased abdominal volume in the topography of the right ovary of approximately 2 cm. The animal was submitted to exploratory laparotomy because of the emergency nature of the case and the owners' refusal of additional exams due to financial restrictions. Thus, an ovariohysterectomy was performed, followed by a histopathological examination. The histopathology revealed an ovarian papillary carcinoma affecting both ovaries and cystic endometrial hyperplasia. With surgical removal and drainage of the thoracic fluid, the animal showed good recovery, with general improvement and return to regular activity, with a life expectancy of two years. Currently, the demand for specialized veterinarians for unconventional pets is increasing. This condition allows owners to raise their animals more properly, favoring greater longevity. Knowledge about the prevalence and incidence of diseases in different species is of enormous relevance in establishing the appropriate therapy, improving life quality, and increasing life expectancy in animals' lives.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Carcinoma Papilar/fisiopatologia , Gerbillinae , Neoplasias/veterinária , Neoplasias Ovarianas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Haw's syndrome results in bilateral projection of the third eyelid, which is caused by a dysfunction of the sympathetic innervation in the region, not accompanied by other ocular changes. It has been mostly seen in cats, under 2-year-old and, it usually shows an acute presentation. It is believed that the disorder may be self-limiting, but several infectious etiologies have been proposed, together with diarrhea. The aim of the study was to report a case of a 2-year-old mixed breed male feline, castrated and diagnosed with Haw's syndrome, associated with an infectious condition given the presence of Giardia sp. Case: A 2-year-old male, mixed-breed cat and orchiectomized, was admitted and treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Jataí. In the anamnesis, the owner complained that the cat had had pasty brown diarrhea for 4 days and a projection of the third eyelid. He emphasized that the animal used to have some episodes of diarrhea sporadically and the last deworming was carried out 3 months ago from that day. He reported contact with other random street and outdoor cats. On the physical examination, bilateral projection of the third eyelid was observed without any other visible alteration. The third eyelid projection was responsive to the mydriatic and adrenergic [phenylephrine 10%] eye drops instillation test. Complete blood count and serum biochemical evaluation of creatinine, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) concentrations were performed. In addition, abdominal ultrasound and parasitological examination of feces were requested. Complete blood count showed eosinophilia and serum biochemical evaluations were within reference values. The coproparasitological examination detected Giardia sp. On the ultrasound, no significant changes were observed. The recommended treatment was anthelmintic [fenbendazole 50 mg/kg, SID, for 5 days]. However, one week later, the coproparasitological examination still showed Giardia sp. Given this scenario, the chosen treatment was the use of nitazoxanide [25 mg/kg, BID, for 7 days]. Therefore, the patient presented emesis and the treatment with nitazoxanide had to be suspended. Thus, metronidazole [25 mg/kg, BID, for 7 days] was prescribed, in addition to the environmental disinfection and daily litter box cleaning, all performed with quaternary ammonia. After 1 week of treatment with metronidazole, the patient's clinical improvement and reversal of the third eyelid projection were observed. Discussion: This case proved to be consistent with the data found in the literature, in which cats younger than 2-year-old are affected by Haw's syndrome and may present concomitant diarrhea. On the physical examination, the parameters evaluated were within normal reference for the cat species and the bilateral projection of the third eyelid was the only alteration found in the patient. The prognosis for the patient with Haw's syndrome and concomitant giardiasis is favorable, as long as the intestinal infection is treated briefly, in order to prevent the chronicity of the enteroparasitosis. The need of more studies is evident in order to explain the Haw's syndrome pathology and so, clarify the real cause of this disease. Since the syndrome is mostly, a self-limiting disease, interventions with topical ocular drugs are not necessary. However, in the event of a concomitant disease, infection or underlying cause, it must be treated correctly. Attention is drawn to the need of feces examination through coproparasitological evaluation in cases of diarrhea.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Giardíase/veterinária , Disenteria/veterinária , Enteropatias Parasitárias/veterinária , Membrana Nictitante/patologiaResumo
The Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis (CME) is an infectious disease that commonly affects dogs of all breeds and ages. It is caused by the bacterium Ehrlichia canis and is transmitted by the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The disease may pre-sent itself in the acute, subclinical, and chronic forms. The present study reports the case of a 2-year-old male Border Collie with advanced stage CME, attended at the Pet Clinic of the Veterinary Hospital of the University Federal de Jataí, which resul-ted in medullary aplasia. The diagnosis of marrow aplasia was based on the necroscopic and histopathological examinations. At necropsy, the diaphyses of the long bones were filled with diffuse, strongly whitish and pasty tissue, typical of the adipose tissue, also found in the femoral epiphyses. The histopathology showed unilocular adipose tissue as the major constituent of the bone marrow and rare islands of marrow cells. These findings were compatible with severe hypoplasia of the red bone mar-row and hyperplasia of the white bone marrow, affecting hematopoiesis, resulting in the laboratory alterations observed in the hematocrit, WBC, and plateletogram.
A erliquiose monocítica canina (EMC) é uma doença infecciosa que comumente afeta cães de todas as raças e idades. Causada pela bactéria Ehrlichia canis e transmitida pelo carrapato Rhipicephalus sanguineus, a doença pode apresentar-se nas for-mas aguda, subclínica e crônica. O presente trabalho relata o caso de um cão, raça Border Collie, macho, 2 anos de idade, com EMC em estágio avançado, atendido no Setor de Clínica de Animais de Companhia do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Jataí, caso este que resultou em aplasia medular. O diagnóstico da aplasia de medula baseou-se na realização de exames necroscópico e histopatológico. Na necropsia verificou-se a diáfise de ossos longos preenchida por tecido difuso, seve-ramente esbranquiçado e pastoso, característico de tecido adiposo, também encontrado em epífises femorais. No histopatoló-gico foi verificado tecido adiposo unilocular como maior constituinte da medula óssea e raras ilhas de células medulares. Esses achados foram compatíveis com hipoplasia severa de medula óssea vermelha e hiperplasia de medula óssea branca, afetando a hematopoiese resultando nas alterações laboratoriais verificadas no eritrograma, leucograma e plaquetograma.
Animais , Cães , Autopsia , Cães/sangue , Ehrlichia canis , Ehrlichiose/veterinária , Hematologia , LeucopeniaResumo
Background: Calcinosis cutis is an uncommon dermatopathy characterized by the deposition of minerals in the skin,usually involving collagen and elastic fibers in the dermis. Usually, it results from dystrophic calcification and can begeneralized or focal. The dermatopathy may be primary or secondary to certain disorders, especially chronic proliferativeotitis, foreign body reactions, hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) and less frequently percutaneous penetration of calcium-richproducts. The aim of this report is to describe a presentation of calcinosis cutis affecting the skin of the back, internal faceof hind limbs and anal region of a 9-years-old bitch.Case: A 9-year-old, non-defined breed, bitch, ovariohysterectomized, weighing 9.45 kg, was attended at the DermatologicalService of companion animals at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Jataí (UFJ). The animal came in withthe complaint of extensive dorsal alopecia, covered by firm lesions, with a 3-month evolution, additionally to polyuria andpolydipsia. After physical examination, alopecic areas of great extension were confirmed on the dorsum, on the internalsurface of the hind limbs and in the anal region. Also, an exudative and painful lesion located on the back was detected,plus loss of elasticity of the ventral abdomen skin and visible abdominal vessels. The screening tests showed a markedincrease in the alanine aminotransferase enzyme (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and total cholesterol. The specificurinary density was decreased. On the ultrasound examination, hepatomegaly and an increase in the caudal pole of the leftadrenal were detected. Based on these findings, calcinosis cutis secondary to spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism (HAC)was suspected. For confirmation, skin biopsy and low dose dexamethasone suppression test (LDDS) were performed.LDDS test showed no reduction of serum cortisol after 8 h of dexamethasone dose administration and histopathological...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Calcinose/veterinária , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Hiperfunção Adrenocortical/veterinária , Alopecia/veterinária , Polidipsia/veterinária , Poliúria/veterináriaResumo
The Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis (CME) is an infectious disease that commonly affects dogs of all breeds and ages. It is caused by the bacterium Ehrlichia canis and is transmitted by the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The disease may pre-sent itself in the acute, subclinical, and chronic forms. The present study reports the case of a 2-year-old male Border Collie with advanced stage CME, attended at the Pet Clinic of the Veterinary Hospital of the University Federal de Jataí, which resul-ted in medullary aplasia. The diagnosis of marrow aplasia was based on the necroscopic and histopathological examinations. At necropsy, the diaphyses of the long bones were filled with diffuse, strongly whitish and pasty tissue, typical of the adipose tissue, also found in the femoral epiphyses. The histopathology showed unilocular adipose tissue as the major constituent of the bone marrow and rare islands of marrow cells. These findings were compatible with severe hypoplasia of the red bone mar-row and hyperplasia of the white bone marrow, affecting hematopoiesis, resulting in the laboratory alterations observed in the hematocrit, WBC, and plateletogram.(AU)
A erliquiose monocítica canina (EMC) é uma doença infecciosa que comumente afeta cães de todas as raças e idades. Causada pela bactéria Ehrlichia canis e transmitida pelo carrapato Rhipicephalus sanguineus, a doença pode apresentar-se nas for-mas aguda, subclínica e crônica. O presente trabalho relata o caso de um cão, raça Border Collie, macho, 2 anos de idade, com EMC em estágio avançado, atendido no Setor de Clínica de Animais de Companhia do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Jataí, caso este que resultou em aplasia medular. O diagnóstico da aplasia de medula baseou-se na realização de exames necroscópico e histopatológico. Na necropsia verificou-se a diáfise de ossos longos preenchida por tecido difuso, seve-ramente esbranquiçado e pastoso, característico de tecido adiposo, também encontrado em epífises femorais. No histopatoló-gico foi verificado tecido adiposo unilocular como maior constituinte da medula óssea e raras ilhas de células medulares. Esses achados foram compatíveis com hipoplasia severa de medula óssea vermelha e hiperplasia de medula óssea branca, afetando a hematopoiese resultando nas alterações laboratoriais verificadas no eritrograma, leucograma e plaquetograma.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/sangue , Hematologia , Ehrlichiose/veterinária , Ehrlichia canis , Autopsia , LeucopeniaResumo
Background: Calcinosis cutis is an uncommon dermatopathy characterized by the deposition of minerals in the skin,usually involving collagen and elastic fibers in the dermis. Usually, it results from dystrophic calcification and can begeneralized or focal. The dermatopathy may be primary or secondary to certain disorders, especially chronic proliferativeotitis, foreign body reactions, hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) and less frequently percutaneous penetration of calcium-richproducts. The aim of this report is to describe a presentation of calcinosis cutis affecting the skin of the back, internal faceof hind limbs and anal region of a 9-years-old bitch.Case: A 9-year-old, non-defined breed, bitch, ovariohysterectomized, weighing 9.45 kg, was attended at the DermatologicalService of companion animals at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Jataí (UFJ). The animal came in withthe complaint of extensive dorsal alopecia, covered by firm lesions, with a 3-month evolution, additionally to polyuria andpolydipsia. After physical examination, alopecic areas of great extension were confirmed on the dorsum, on the internalsurface of the hind limbs and in the anal region. Also, an exudative and painful lesion located on the back was detected,plus loss of elasticity of the ventral abdomen skin and visible abdominal vessels. The screening tests showed a markedincrease in the alanine aminotransferase enzyme (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and total cholesterol. The specificurinary density was decreased. On the ultrasound examination, hepatomegaly and an increase in the caudal pole of the leftadrenal were detected. Based on these findings, calcinosis cutis secondary to spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism (HAC)was suspected. For confirmation, skin biopsy and low dose dexamethasone suppression test (LDDS) were performed.LDDS test showed no reduction of serum cortisol after 8 h of dexamethasone dose administration and histopathological...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Calcinose/veterinária , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Hiperfunção Adrenocortical/veterinária , Alopecia/veterinária , Poliúria/veterinária , Polidipsia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Hydronephrosis is the dilation of the pelvis and renal calyxes due to post-renal obstruction. The obstruction is often associated with extraluminal masses, blood clots and ureter ligation in castration procedures. Ureter ligation is reported as a malpractice. The renal function is reestablished if ligation is rapidly undone, but not for obstructions longer than four weeks. Often, clinical signs are results from months to years after the castration, when nephrectomy is the best therapeutic option. This paper aims to report a case of asymptomatic unilateral hydronephrosis in a 10-year-old dog caused by chronic ureter occlusion with Nylon 3.0 suture during an elective procedure. Case: A 10-year-old female pinscher dog, spayed 3 years ago was admitted at the Surgery Department of the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Jataí (HV-UFJ). The animal was taken for periodontal treatment. In the physical and laboratory examination (complete blood count, hepatic and renal biochemical tests) no significant and noteworthy alterations were found. Ultrasonographic examination showed no changes in the topography and echotexture of the left kidney, however the right kidney was not visualized, with an anechoic structure suggestive of advanced and severe hydronephrosis. Therefore, exploratory laparotomy was proposed to identify the observed structure, with the periodontal treatment considered for a later time. So, a retroumbilical incision was made, followed by linea alba and the removal of simple isolated suture remaining from previous surgical procedure. In the cavity, the viscera were isolated and the left kidney was identified, observing preserved anatomy. On the other hand, the right kidney had altered topography and morphology, being exposed after release of adhesions in adjacent structures. The right renal artery and vein were dissected and a double ligature was made. Then, the right ureter was dissected, observing marked dilatation in the proximal portion and the presence of local ligation with Nylon 3.0. Right ureterectomy and right nephrectomy were performed. After nephrectomy, the capsule was ruptured, observing dark fluid in it and absence of tissue compatible with renal parenchyma. The material was preserved in 10% formaldehyde and sent for histopathological examination. Histopathology revealed risk of rupture of the renal capsule due to the advance of renal degeneration and complete absence of parenchyma. However, contrary to the severity of the histopathological, surgical and ultrasonographic findings, the patient did not present clinical signs at the time of diagnosis. Discussion: In the intraoperative evaluation, the cause of the hydronephrosis was verified to be in fact the ligation of the ureter, which may have been accidental or due to the malpractice of the veterinarian surgeon. Other possible causes such as adhesions and granulomas were ruled out because the Nylon 3.0 suture was found in the proximal portion of the right ureter. It is believed that the patient may have presented clinical signs of hydronephrosis that may have been confused by the tutors as postoperative complications, changes that if identified and performed in time, could have avoided the occurrence or worsening of hydronephrosis and subsequent nephrectomy. Clinically, the bitch did not show clinical signs presented in the literature as consistent with hydronephrosis such as polyuria, polydipsia, abdominalgia, external fistula and anorexia. Therefore, it is believed that this case is one of the first reports of the occurrence of severe hydronephrosis without typical clinical manifestations of hydronephrosis. This fact raises a warning about the thorough monitoring in the postoperative period by owners and veterinarians, in addition to highlighting concerns regarding the occurrence of medical malpractice versus surgical accidents.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Obstrução Ureteral/veterinária , Erros Médicos/veterinária , Hidronefrose/cirurgia , Hidronefrose/veterinária , Rim/cirurgia , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Salpingectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterinária , Imperícia , Nefrectomia/veterináriaResumo
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a disease characterized by the gradual and functional loss of renal mass, affecting its physiology leading to clinical manifestations. The CKD reaches dogs of several breeds causing important clinical alterations. Some laboratory tests are determinant for the correct diagnosis and thus for the implementation of the most appropriate treatment. The urinalysis, urinary protein-creatinine ratio (UPC) evaluation, urea, and creatinine dosage together with the symmetric dimethylarginine dosage (SDMA), urinary tract ultrasonography and blood pressure monitoring, are the main methods used for diagnosis. In this way, this work aimed to report a case of CKD in a Teckel dog attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Jataí (UFJ), discussing the main clinical manifestations, laboratory, and image alterations, as well as the correct staging according to IRIS (Interest Renal International Society), from which the best treatment option to be adopted is determined.
A doença renal crônica (DRC) é uma enfermidade caracterizada pela perda gradual e funcional da massa renal, afetando sua fisiologia levando àmanifestações clínicas. A DRC atinge cães de diversas raças causando alterações clínicas importantes. Alguns exames laboratoriais têm se mostrado determinantes para o diagnóstico correto e assim, para implementação do tratamento mais adequado. A urinálise, avaliação da relação proteína-creatinina urinária (UPC), dosagem de ureia e creatinina juntamente com a dosagem de dimetilarginina simétrica (SDMA), ultrassonografia do trato urinário e monitoração da pressão arterial, constituem os principais métodos utilizados para diagnóstico. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar um caso de DRC em um cão da raça Teckel atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Jataí (UFJ), discutindo as principais manifestações clínicas, alterações laboratoriais e de imagem, assim como o correto estadiamento de acordo com a IRIS (Interest Renal International Society), a partir do qual se determina a melhor opção de tratamento a ser adotada.
Animais , Cães , Creatinina/análogos & derivados , Cães/anormalidades , Cães/fisiologia , Insuficiência Renal CrônicaResumo
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a disease characterized by the gradual and functional loss of renal mass, affecting its physiology leading to clinical manifestations. The CKD reaches dogs of several breeds causing important clinical alterations. Some laboratory tests are determinant for the correct diagnosis and thus for the implementation of the most appropriate treatment. The urinalysis, urinary protein-creatinine ratio (UPC) evaluation, urea, and creatinine dosage together with the symmetric dimethylarginine dosage (SDMA), urinary tract ultrasonography and blood pressure monitoring, are the main methods used for diagnosis. In this way, this work aimed to report a case of CKD in a Teckel dog attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Jataí (UFJ), discussing the main clinical manifestations, laboratory, and image alterations, as well as the correct staging according to IRIS (Interest Renal International Society), from which the best treatment option to be adopted is determined.
A doença renal crônica (DRC) é uma enfermidade caracterizada pela perda gradual e funcional da massa renal, afetando sua fisiologia levando àmanifestações clínicas. A DRC atinge cães de diversas raças causando alterações clínicas importantes. Alguns exames laboratoriais têm se mostrado determinantes para o diagnóstico correto e assim, para implementação do tratamento mais adequado. A urinálise, avaliação da relação proteína-creatinina urinária (UPC), dosagem de ureia e creatinina juntamente com a dosagem de dimetilarginina simétrica (SDMA), ultrassonografia do trato urinário e monitoração da pressão arterial, constituem os principais métodos utilizados para diagnóstico. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar um caso de DRC em um cão da raça Teckel atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Jataí (UFJ), discutindo as principais manifestações clínicas, alterações laboratoriais e de imagem, assim como o correto estadiamento de acordo com a IRIS (Interest Renal International Society), a partir do qual se determina a melhor opção de tratamento a ser adotada.(AU)