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Sci. agric ; 77(6): e20190028, 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497894


The evaluation of factors that affect glucosinolates (GLS) concentrations in the roots, leaves, and inflorescence of broccoli plants is important in the improvement of the concentration of bioactive compounds and thus in the enhancement of the nutritional properties. In this work, the yield and the concentration of GLS of seven broccoli cultivars (Brassica oleracea var. italica) grown under salinity in field conditions were studied during three different seasons (autumn, winter, and spring). The results show that, generally, salinity did not alter significantly the inflorescence yield during any of the seasons, indicating a high tolerance of the cultivars tested. Yield was reduced only in cultivar Gea in autumn and in cultivar Parthenon in spring. The distribution of the GLS showed that their accumulation was greater in inflorescences and leaves, with higher concentrations in autumn and spring. The activation of GLS synthesis by salinity was restricted to several cultivars and depended on the season, with no reductions compared to control plants. In this study, we discuss the appearance of a Cinnamoyl-indol-GLS derivative in some of the cultivars and seasons with higher incidence in NaCl-treated plants.

Brassica , Solos Salitrosos , 24444
Sci. agric. ; 77(6): e20190028, 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24800


The evaluation of factors that affect glucosinolates (GLS) concentrations in the roots, leaves, and inflorescence of broccoli plants is important in the improvement of the concentration of bioactive compounds and thus in the enhancement of the nutritional properties. In this work, the yield and the concentration of GLS of seven broccoli cultivars (Brassica oleracea var. italica) grown under salinity in field conditions were studied during three different seasons (autumn, winter, and spring). The results show that, generally, salinity did not alter significantly the inflorescence yield during any of the seasons, indicating a high tolerance of the cultivars tested. Yield was reduced only in cultivar Gea in autumn and in cultivar Parthenon in spring. The distribution of the GLS showed that their accumulation was greater in inflorescences and leaves, with higher concentrations in autumn and spring. The activation of GLS synthesis by salinity was restricted to several cultivars and depended on the season, with no reductions compared to control plants. In this study, we discuss the appearance of a Cinnamoyl-indol-GLS derivative in some of the cultivars and seasons with higher incidence in NaCl-treated plants.(AU)

Solos Salitrosos , Brassica , 24444
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 44(5): 329-336, 2007. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-5390


Ten caimans (Caiman latirostris and Caiman yacare) of different length and live weight were slaughtered to assess carcass yield and meat quality traits. Carcass yield was 54% while meat portion was the 62%. The carcass meat/bone ratio was approximately 1,51 while the 6,4% corresponded to the fat depots, mostly visceral depots. The tail cut represented the 27,4% of the carcass weight and it was composed 21,9% by meat and the 5,5% of bone. The meat tail pH postsmortem value (6,88 ±0,22) fell up to 6,49 (±0,23), 24 hs after slaughtering and 5,85 (±0,12) after thawing. Cookinglosses were low (<0,3%) and the Warner Bratzler shear force had values lower than 3kg. The raw tail color analyses characterized the meat as luminous (L *= 67,7) and pale (C*= 5,5). While the fat content changed significantly depending on the tive weight (2,5-29,8%DM), the protein content was relatively constant and around the 65% of dry matter. From the total intramuscular fatty acid content of tail meat, the 41,4 % were satured, the 39,1 % were monounsatured and the 10,7% were polyunsatured, with a n-6/ n-3 ratio near the optimum (3,16 vs 4). The oleic acid was the most important FA foLlowed by the palmitic, stearic and Moleic acids. Among the unsatured FA, the levels of essential FA as araquidonic (4,34) and n-3 derived family were important (EPA= 0,76 and DHA= 0,57). Another positive nutritional characteristic was the high level of CLA (1,87%FAtot).(AU)

Dez jacarés (Caiman latirostris ou jacaré -de-papo amarelo e Caiman jacaré) de diferentes comprimentos e pesos vivos foram carneados com o fim de determinar valores de rendimento de carcaça e qualidade da carne. O rendimento de carcaça foi de 54% correspondendo um 62% a porção cárnea. A relação Carne/ Osso da carcaça se estimou em aproximadamente 1,51 enquanto que 6,4% correspondeu a depósitos gordurosos, fundamentalmente periviscerais. O rabo representou 27,4% do peso de carcaça estando composta por 21,9% de carne e 5,5% de osso. O valor de pH post mortem, 6,88 ± 0,22 medido no rabo, decresceu até 6,49 ± 0,23 às 24h e 5,85 ± 0,12 logo de descongelamento. As perdas de cocção se contiveram (<0,3%) e a dureza Warner Bratzler mostrou valores inferiores a 3 kg. A análise da cor da carne crua permite caracterizá-la como una carne luminosa (L*=67,7) e clara (C*= 5,5). Enquanto que o conteúdo gorduroso variou significativamente em função do peso (2,5-29,8%MS), a porcentagem protéica foi relativamente constante e próxima a 65%MS. Do total de ácidos gorduroso do rabo, 41,4% foram saturados, 39,1 % monoinsaturados e 10,7% poliinsaturados, com uma relação n-6/n-¬3 próxima a ótimo (3,16). O ácido gorduroso foi o predominante seguido pelos ácidos palmitico, esteárico y linoléico. Dentro dos insaturados, foi elevado o conteúdo de ácidos gordurosos essenciáis= araquidônico (4,34) e família n-3 (EPA=0,76 e DHA=0,57); a esta característica nutritiva positiva se soma o alto conteúdo em CLA (1,87%Agtot).(AU)

Animais , Esqueleto , Carne/análise , Jacarés e Crocodilos/anatomia & histologia , Pesos e Medidas Corporais , Ácido alfa-Linolênico/análise