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Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 12(Especial)junho 2013.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488018


A hiperplasia endometrial cística (HEC) desenvolve-se durante ou logo após o diestro, quando a produção de progesterona é alta, e após a administração de progestinas exógenas. As bactérias de origem vaginal são capazes de colonizar o útero anormal, resultando em desenvolvimento de piometra (NELSON et al., 1998). Uma das complicações mais importantes dessa enfermidade é a insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) (EVANGELISTA et al., 2010). O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de piometra associada à peritonite focal e insuficiência renal aguda em cadela.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Peritonite/veterinária , Piometra/veterinária , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária
R. Ci. agrovet. ; 12(Especial)junho 2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-11976


A hiperplasia endometrial cística (HEC) desenvolve-se durante ou logo após o diestro, quando a produção de progesterona é alta, e após a administração de progestinas exógenas. As bactérias de origem vaginal são capazes de colonizar o útero anormal, resultando em desenvolvimento de piometra (NELSON et al., 1998). Uma das complicações mais importantes dessa enfermidade é a insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) (EVANGELISTA et al., 2010). O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de piometra associada à peritonite focal e insuficiência renal aguda em cadela.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Piometra/veterinária , Peritonite/veterinária , /veterinária , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41(supl.1): Pub. 30, 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1372638


Background: The liver plays a variety of essential biochemical functions such as the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and vitamins, the maintenance of blood glucose and bile acids synthesis. Hepatic insufficiency occurs when 70 to 80% of the functional liver mass is committed the liver is unable to metabolize substances on the circulation. In some cases, chronic liver disease may be associated with copper accumulation, which may occur by increased dietary intake, faults in hepatic copper metabolism or liver diseases that cause colestase. The purpose of this paper is to report a case of chronic liver disease associated with copper accumulation in a 8-month-old American Pit Bull Terrier. Case: An American Pitbull Terrier was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul with a history of abdominal distension, decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and exhaustion. On physical examination the animal presented ascites and dehydration and laboratory tests were suggestive of active liver disease. Supportive care was provided. The patient was prescribed ranitidine (2 mg/kg) VO BID for 7 days, metoclopramide (0.3 mg/kg) VO BID also for 7 days and furosemide (1 mg/kg) PO BID until further instructions while awaiting for test results. The next appointment was scheduled for ten days later but the owner came back for consultation only 60 days after the first visit. The patient had then a history of abdominal distension, dullness and polydipsia. During physical examination, it was possible to notice pale mucous membranes, dehydration, cachexia, hypothermia and ascites. The animal was then hospitalized for additional tests, abdominocentesis, support treatment and further observation. Laboratory findings showed liver failure. The patient died after two days. Necropsy revealed macroscopic alterations compatible with liver cirrhosis. On microscopic examination, it was observed marked diffuse proliferation of fibrous connective tissue and epithelial cells of the bile ducts, besides moderate multifocal histiocytic infiltrate with granular intracytoplasmic brownish pigment. Copper determination on hepatic fragment was performed. The examination found 1320 mg/g on dry weight of copper in the body. The necropsy report was liver cirrhosis associated with copper accumulation. Discussion: Liver disease associated with copper accumulation has been reported in West Highland Terriers, Skye Terriers and Bedlington Terriers. There are not, however, reports of this disease in American Pitbull Terriers. Laboratory findings of this case are consistent with liver failure, also reported by previous studies. Based on laboratory findings supportive care was established since the patient was in an irreversible condition. A biopsy was not performed, despite being the definitive diagnostic method for cirrhosis, since the patient had alterations in the coagulation tests, preventing the procedure. The acquired portosystemic shunt observed on necropsy was due to increased intrahepatic resistance, caused by fibrosis and is a common finding in cases of cirrhosis. The copper concentration found in the liver was three times greater than the value considered normal for the canine species. However, it was not possible to determine whether the copper accumulation was the cirrhosis' cause or consequence. Chronic liver disease is common in veterinary care, but it is often difficult to identify the cause of injury. The copper accumulation should be considered as a liver failure cause in same breeds as predisposed but yet unreported, especially in young patients.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Cobre/metabolismo , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Hepatopatias/complicações , Hepatopatias/veterinária , Cães
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 39(4): 1-5, 20110000. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-12358


Background: The external otitis is an inflammatory process that gets at the pinna and the external acoustic meatus of many animals; it can be a pathological process with acute, chronic or still recurrent chronic evolution. In dogs, the external otitis has high clinic importance. This condition could do stenosis or acoustic duct occlusion, inhibiting the ears cleanliness and the application of topical preparations as a way of medical treatment. The vertical acoustic ducts ablation is indicated when all this are ill; however the horizontal duct keeps normal. This employments goal is report a case of ablation at vertical acoustic duct in a male dog, Husky Siberiano race, seven years old which showed chronic and recurrent external otitis. Case: A dog with chronic and recurrent otitis historic and some bids of medicated treatments, without success therapeutic, it was rescued at Hospital of Clínicas Veterinárias at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. The owner also reported that the acoustic duct was completely closed and the canine was prostrate and aggressive. In the physical exam was observed stenosis of the right acoustic canal, where had a small orifice, approximately 2 mm, whereby purulent secretion was drained. The patient was submitted to screenings exams like: complete CBC and skull radiography. In the presence of the historic and alterations observed in the clinical exam, it was routed to make an ablation of the vertical acoustic duct. The postoperative consisted of antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and analgesics. External point dehiscence happened, choosing healing it for second intention. At forty-fifth day postsurgical, the canine had already shown completely wounds healing, without secretion by ostium at horizontal auditory duct and without any sign of pain to handle the ear. Discussion: The acoustic ducts stenosis in the canine reported happened because of the chronicle external otitis that can change permanently the size and the external acoustic ducts characteristics. The surgical proceeding made is an alternative technique that has been used when the entire vertical duct is found, grossly, distorted or filled in with a hyperplastic mucosa. The antibiotic used after surgery until the culture result and susceptibility testing it was amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, once which has already known the effectiveness on external and medium otitis treatment. The dehiscence of some points and the wounds infection happened probably cause of the surgical manipulation of inflamed and septic tissues or still cause of the inappropriate dead space closing or inappropriate drainage. It was chosen the healing for second intention using in it an ointment composed by collagenase and chloramphenicol. It was used an ear solution in locus, containing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anesthetic to minimize the inflammation, infection and pain at external ear, even after surgical treatment. The discomfort and the pain to manipulate and touch at right ear were obvious on clinical treatment and also what it was identified by the owner like an aggressive animals behavior decreased substantially after the surgical proceeding, could be classified as absent at the revaluation in forty-fifth days postoperative. The vertical portions ablation of the acoustic duct is a technique little used and documented in veterinary medicine, once that has really indications points. The surgical proceeding showed to be important, because allow the secretions drainage, the application of topical agents in the horizontal acoustic duct and the pains control caused by chronicle and recurrent otitis in this patient.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Meato Acústico Externo/cirurgia , Constrição Patológica/veterinária , Otite Externa/veterinária , Otopatias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 39(4): 1-5, 20110000. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1456893


Background: The external otitis is an inflammatory process that gets at the pinna and the external acoustic meatus of many animals; it can be a pathological process with acute, chronic or still recurrent chronic evolution. In dogs, the external otitis has high clinic importance. This condition could do stenosis or acoustic duct occlusion, inhibiting the ear’s cleanliness and the application of topical preparations as a way of medical treatment. The vertical acoustic duct’s ablation is indicated when all this are ill; however the horizontal duct keeps normal. This employment’s goal is report a case of ablation at vertical acoustic duct in a male dog, Husky Siberiano race, seven years old which showed chronic and recurrent external otitis. Case: A dog with chronic and recurrent otitis historic and some bids of medicated treatments, without success therapeutic, it was rescued at Hospital of Clínicas Veterinárias at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. The owner also reported that the acoustic duct was completely closed and the canine was prostrate and aggressive. In the physical exam was observed stenosis of the right acoustic canal, where had a small orifice, approximately 2 mm, whereby purulent secretion was drained. The patient was submitted to screening’s exams like: complete CBC and skull radiography. In the presence of the historic and alterations observed in the clinical exam, it was routed to make an ablation of the vertical acoustic duct. The postoperative consisted of antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and analgesics. External point dehiscence happened, choosing healing it for second intention. At forty-fifth day postsurgical, the canine had already shown completely wound’s healing, without secretion by ostium at horizontal auditory duct and without any sign of pain to handle the ear. Discussion: The acoustic duct’s stenosis in the canine reported happened because of the chronicle external otitis that can change permanently the size and the external acoustic duct’s characteristics. The surgical proceeding made is an alternative technique that has been used when the entire vertical duct is found, grossly, distorted or filled in with a hyperplastic mucosa. The antibiotic used after surgery until the culture result and susceptibility testing it was amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, once which has already known the effectiveness on external and medium otitis treatment. The dehiscence of some points and the wound’s infection happened probably cause of the surgical manipulation of inflamed and septic tissues or still cause of the inappropriate dead space closing or inappropriate drainage. It was chosen the healing for second intention using in it an ointment composed by collagenase and chloramphenicol. It was used an ear solution in locus, containing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anesthetic to minimize the inflammation, infection and pain at external ear, even after surgical treatment. The discomfort and the pain to manipulate and touch at right ear were obvious on clinical treatment and also what it was identified by the owner like an aggressive animal’s behavior decreased substantially after the surgical proceeding, could be classified as absent at the revaluation in forty-fifth days postoperative. The vertical portion’s ablation of the acoustic duct is a technique little used and documented in veterinary medicine, once that has really indications points. The surgical proceeding showed to be important, because allow the secretions drainage, the application of topical agents in the horizontal acoustic duct and the pain’s control caused by chronicle and recurrent otitis in this patient.

Animais , Cães , Constrição Patológica/veterinária , Meato Acústico Externo/cirurgia , Otite Externa/veterinária , Otopatias/veterinária