A guinea pig was presented with left pelvic limb lameness after unknown trauma. Radiographs revealed complete oblique diaphyseal fracture of the distal third of the left tibia and fibula. The guinea pig was treated surgically with an intramedullary pin. The day after surgery the guinea pig was using the limb comfortably (grade 1/5 lameness). Callus formation was obtained 21 days after surgery without complications.(AU)
Um cobaio foi atendido com claudicação de membro pélvico esquerdo após trauma desconhecido. Radiografias revelaram fratura completa oblíqua da diáfise do terço distal da tíbia e fíbula esquerdas. O cobaio foi tratado cirurgicamente com um pino intramedular. No dia seguinte à cirurgia, o paciente utilizava o membro confortavelmente (grau 1/5 de claudicação). Calo ósseo foi obtido 21 dias após a cirurgia, sem complicações.(AU)
Animais , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/reabilitação , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Claudicação Intermitente/diagnóstico , Cobaias/lesõesResumo
A guinea pig was presented with left pelvic limb lameness after unknown trauma. Radiographs revealed complete oblique diaphyseal fracture of the distal third of the left tibia and fibula. The guinea pig was treated surgically with an intramedullary pin. The day after surgery the guinea pig was using the limb comfortably (grade 1/5 lameness). Callus formation was obtained 21 days after surgery without complications.
Um cobaio foi atendido com claudicação de membro pélvico esquerdo após trauma desconhecido. Radiografias revelaram fratura completa oblíqua da diáfise do terço distal da tíbia e fíbula esquerdas. O cobaio foi tratado cirurgicamente com um pino intramedular. No dia seguinte à cirurgia, o paciente utilizava o membro confortavelmente (grau 1/5 de claudicação). Calo ósseo foi obtido 21 dias após a cirurgia, sem complicações.
Among the surgical problems of birds, fractures are the most prevalent, and the long bones of the wings and pelvic limbs are the most frequently affected. The success of orthopedic surgery in birds is directly related to the techniques used to undo the mechanical forces of a fracture. At the veterinary teaching hospital a psitacid from the Ara ararauna (blue-and-yellow-macaw) species with a clinical history of trauma in the cage was treated. Craniocaudal and lateral radiographs of the left limb demonstrated a mid-diaphyseal fracture of the tibiotarsus. The bird was sent to surgery. The patient was anesthetized with isufluorane and for the pre-anesthesic medicacion methadone was administrated. A medial surgical approach to the tibiotarsus was made and fracture reduction was performed. The fracture was stabilized through a titanium miniplate (system 2mm) fixed medially on the tibiotarsus with 6 cortical miniscrews, being 3 proximal and 3 distal to the fracture site. In this case, there was no complication in placing the miniplate and miniscrews, resulting in a satisfactory alignment of the fragments and causing an efficient reduction of the diaphyseal fracture of tibiotarsus with functional return of the limb and bone consolidation.(AU)