A microbiota intestinal realiza a homeostase e a regulação de diversos mecanismos fisiológicos, e está associada a múltiplos órgãos e sistemas. Sabe-se que o desequilíbrio da microbiota, denominado disbiose, acarreta e liberação de metabólitos e fatores inflamatórios, que resulta em quadros de obesidade e enfermidades do sistema esquelético em humanos e roedores. Porém, há poucos estudos sobre essa temática nos cães. Assim sendo, esta revisão de literatura pretende destacar a influência da microbiota intestinal no excesso de peso e no sistema esquelético em cães, com o propósito de colaborar com pesquisas futuras e contribuir para melhoria da conduta clínica dos médicos-veterinários.(AU)
The intestinal microbiota consists of many microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoans and viruses. It plays an important role in homeostasis and in regulating various physiological mechanisms, being directly and indirectly associated with several organs and systems. It is proven that in humans and mice the imbalance in this medium, known as dysbiosis leads to the release of metabolites and inflammatory factors, which translates into the emergence of diseases such as obesity and skeletal pathology, but there's always a lack of studies on the subject of dogs hence, this literature review aims to analyze the influence of the intestinal microbiota on overweight and skeletal system in dogs to collaborate on future research and contribute to the selection of veterinary resolutions.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Microbioma Gastrointestinal/fisiologia , Artropatias/veterinária , HomeostaseResumo
Histiocytic sarcoma (HS) is uncommon malignant neoplasia of round cells with marked predilection in Rottweiler and Bernese Mountain. The disseminated form, which mainly affects the spleen, lungs, lymph nodes, bone marrow, skin, and subcutis, presents a quick and aggressive clinical behavior. Hemangiosarcoma (HAS) is a malignant neoplasm of endothelial vessel cells commonly reported to affect the right atrium of dogs' hearts. A male Rottweiler, five years old, presented flaccid paraplegia and progressive muscular atrophy in the temporal, masseter, and limbs muscles; Due to the clinical stage of the animal, euthanasia was conducted. During the necroscopic examination, it was noticed that several masses presented different sizes; some were whitish, and others were reddish and spread in multiple organs (lungs, heart, spleen, stomach, kidneys, brain, medulla, skeletal muscle, and pre-scapular lymph node). Microscopically, in some organs such as the stomach, right ventricle, lungs, and medulla, it was noticed a proliferation of myeloid cells, highly cellular, with poor demarcation, no encapsulation, and with the infiltrative growth pattern of cells with high pleomorphism. Numerous tumoral emboli were observed in the spleen, brain, skeletal muscle, and lymph node. These cells were submitted for immunohistochemistry and were positive for CD18 (HS antibody). In the right atrium, liver, and kidney it was observed malignant and infiltrative endothelial proliferation (HSA) and emboli in the medulla. Therefore, we conclude that both neoplasms (HS and HSA) cause the animal's paraplegia due to their embolism and metastasis to the spinal cord and skeletal muscle.(AU)
Animais , Doenças do Cão , Sarcoma Histiocítico/veterinária , Hemangiossarcoma/diagnóstico , CãesResumo
A neoplasia prostática em gatos é rara e pouco descrita na literatura. Não é um tumor andrógeno dependente, e a castração não ajuda na prevenção ou no tratamento. Técnicas ultrassonográficas e radiográficas evidenciarão compressão uretral ou retal na posição da neoplasia, e para diagnóstico definitivo deve-se realizar exame histopatológico. Não há protocolo terapêutico eficaz estabelecido, e o tratamento cirúrgico não costuma ser efetivo no controle da evolução do quadro, já que é de caráter maligno, agressivo e com altas taxas de metástases. Relata-se o caso de um gato macho, castrado, sem raça definida, de pelo curto, 10 anos, com histórico de disquesia, fezes em fita, hematuria e normorexia. O diagnóstico presuntivo foi realizado por meio de ultrassonografia; no entanto, devido à caracteristica obstrutiva apresentada pela neoplasia, assim como ao prognóstico de reservado a ruim em relação às alternativas terapêuticas, optou-se pela eutanásia, e não foi evidenciada nenhuma metástase.(AU)
Prostatic neoplasia in cats is rare and poorly described in the literature. It is not an androgen dependent tumor, and castration does not help in prevention or treatment. Ultrasonographic and radiographic techniques will show urethral or rectal compression in the position of the neoplasm, and for a definitive diagnosis. histopathological examination must be performed. There is no effective therapeutic protocol established, and surgical treatment is not usually effective in controlling the evolution of the condition, since it is malignant, aggressive and has high rates of metastases. The patient in this report is a 10-year-old male, neutered, mixed- breed, short-haired cat, with a history of dyschesia, ribbon-like stools, hematuria and normorexia. The presumptive diagnosis was performed by ultrasound; however, due to the obstructive characteristic presented by the neoplasm, as well as the poor prognosis in relation to the therapeutic alternatives, euthanasia was chosen, and no metastasis was evidenced.(AU)
La neoplasia prostática en gatos es rara y está pobremente descrita en la literatura. No es un tumor dependiente de andrógenos, y la castración no ayuda en la prevención ni en el tratamiento. Las técnicas ultrasonográficas y radiográficas mostrarán compresión uretral o rectal en la posición de la neoplasia, y para un diagnóstico definitivo se debe realizar un examen histopatológico. No existe un protocolo terapéutico eficaz establecido, y el tratamiento quirúrgico no suele ser eficaz para controlar la evolución del cuadro, ya que es maligno, agresivo y presenta altas tasas de metástasis. El paciente de este reporte es un gato macho de 10 años. castrado, mestizo, de pelo corto, con antecedentes de disquesia, heces en cinta. hematuria y normorexia. El diagnóstico presuntivo se realizó por ecografia; sin embargo, debido al carácter obstructivo que presentaba la neoplasia, así como al mal pronóstico en relación a las alternativas terapéuticas, se optó por la eutanasia y no se evidenció metástasis.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Neoplasias da Próstata/veterinária , Carcinoma/diagnóstico , Doenças do Gato , PróstataResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the serum concentration of vitamin D (25-Hydroxyvitamin D) and acute phase proteins (APPs; alpha-1 acid glycoprotein, haptoglobin, transferrin, ceruloplasmin, albumin, IgA, IgG and alpha-1 - antitrypsin) as potential biomarkers for prognostic and therapy response in dogs with multicentric lymphoma submitted to the CHOP (Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Vincristine and Prednisone) chemotherapy protocol. Thirteen dogs with multicentric lymphoma classified as high grade by cytology were included in the treatment group (GL), while ten healthy dogs were included in the control group (GC). Serum was collected in the weeks T0, T5 and T10 of CHOP chemotherapy protocol, for the GL group, and in a single collection, for the GC group. All the collected samples were evaluated for the APPs and vitamin D concentrations through electrophoresis and chemiluminescence methods, respectively. Diagnostic and staging tests were performed for all the dogs in the GL group, and included cytopathology, histopathology and immunohistochemistry of the affected lymph node. Of these dogs, 9 achieved a complete response and 4 a partial response to the treatment. Data analysis was performed with the R software. The results demonstrated that serum concentrations of IgA, haptoglobin and α1-acid glycoprotein were significantly different between the groups and also between the different chemotherapy times analyzed (p<0.05), indicating that these proteins can be considered as sensitive biomarkers for lymphoma in dogs. Furthermore, the α1-acid glycoprotein showed prognostic value for the disease, with 63% specificity. However, vitamin D concentration was not correlated with prognosis of the dogs with lymphoma.
Objetivou-se caracterizar a concentração sérica da vitamina D e das PFAs (Proteínas de Fase Aguda) (alfa-1 glicoproteína ácida, haptoglobina, transferrina, ceruloplasmina, albumina, IgA, IgG e alfa-1 antitripsina) em cães com linfoma multicêntrico, submetidos ao tratamento quimioterápico com protocolo CHOP (Ciclofosfamida, Doxorrubicina, Vincristina e Prednisona), determinando o valor prognóstico desses marcadores para a doença. Foram avaliadas as concentrações séricas das PFAs, através do método da eletroforese e as concentrações da vitamina D, através da quimioluminescência em dois grupos experimentais, um grupo de 13 cães com linfoma multicêntrico classificados como alto grau pela citologia (GL) durante as semanas T0, T5 e T10 do tratamento com protocolo quimioterápico antineoplásico e em um grupo de 10 animais saudáveis para compor o grupo controle (GC), em coleta única. Para isso, foi realizado o diagnóstico, estadiamento e avaliação de resposta terapêutica dos 13 pacientes com linfoma multicêntrico através de técnicas de citopatologia, histopatologia, imuno-histoquímica do linfonodo periférico acometido. Foi observado que 9 pacientes tiveram resposta completa e 4 pacientes tiveram resposta parcial ao tratamento. Os dados foram analisados através do software R. Os resultados indicam que as diferenças entre as variáveis IgA, haptoglobina e α1-glicoproteína ácida foram significativas entre os grupos, e entre os diferentes momentos da quimioterapia (p< 0,05), indicando que podem ser marcadores sensíveis ao linfoma em cães. A α1-glicoproteína ácida apresentou valor prognóstico para o linfoma, com 63% de especificidade. Porém a vitamina D não apresentou valor prognóstico para o linfoma multicêntrico em cães.
Animais , Cães , Biomarcadores , Doenças do Cão , Linfoma/tratamento farmacológico , Linfoma/veterinária , Vitamina D/imunologia , Proteínas de Fase Aguda/imunologia , Reação de Fase Aguda/veterinária , CãesResumo
Overweight and obesity are known risk factors that are involved in the development and aggressiveness of breast tumors in women. In situations of obesity, local and systemic inflammation may worsen the prognosis of oncological patients. Moreover, hypovitaminosis D increases the risk of breast tumors in women. In female dogs, low vitamin D levels have been found in cases of lymphoma, osteosarcoma and mast cell tumor. The present study aimed to make correlations between body fat composition and serum 25(OH)D concentration in female dogs with mammary tumors. Two experimental groups were formed: healthy female dogs (n = 12; control group) and female dogs with mammary tumors (n = 11). An analysis on body composition was performed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) equipment. In the tumor group, multicentric nodules were most prevalent (63,6%), with diameters of up to 8.2 cm. The most frequent histopathological diagnosis was tubular carcinoma (45.5%), and 9.1% presented metastases in axillary lymph nodes. The mean 25(OH)D concentration in the female dogs with mammary tumors (37.6 ng mL-1) was lower than the level in the control group (65.4 ng mL-1). Multivariate statistical analysis showed that elderly female dogs with malignant mammary tumors and high body fat levels presented lower 25(OH)D concentrations than those of the control group. It was concluded that female dogs with higher body adiposity presented mammary tumors of higher aggressivity, and that the higher the fat percentage was in the female dogs with malignant mammary tumors, the lower their vitamin D concentration was.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Vitamina D , Neoplasias da Mama , Adenocarcinoma , Fatores de Risco , Composição CorporalResumo
The use of tumescent anesthesia with lidocaine can provide better intra- and postoperative analgesia that would benefit extensive reconstructive surgery. However, lidocaine can interfere with the healing process. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the local interference of the healing of induced and closed skin defects in a geometric pattern associated with the use of tumescent anesthesia with lidocaine in rabbits. Furthermore, we assessed its influence on cardiorespiratory parameters and postoperative analgesia. This study included 27 rabbits divided into three groups: GC (without the use of tumescence), GS (use of tumescence with 0.9% NaCl solution), and GL (use of tumescent anesthesia with lidocaine). There was no statistically significant intergroup difference in any stage of the wound healing process on macroscopic evaluations, in the angiogenesis process, or in the process of collagenization and fibroblast deposition. There were significant differences in heart rate (lower in GL), respiratory rate (higher in GC), mean arterial pressure (higher in GL), and expired concentration of isoflurane (lower in GL). There was no significant intergroup difference in the von Frey filament test or the visual analog scale score used to evaluate postoperative analgesia. We concluded that tumescent anesthesia with lidocaine does not impair postoperative tissue repair. Its use features benefits such as reducing the volume of inhaled anesthetic, maintaining the anesthesia plan, stable heart and respiratory rates, and lower hypotension during the surgical procedure.
O uso da anestesia por tumescência com lidocaína pode proporcionar melhor analgesia transoperatória e pós-operatória, o que seria um benefício em cirurgias reconstrutivas extensas. Entretanto, a lidocaína pode interferir na cicatrização. Diante disso, delineou-se um estudo a fim de avaliar a interferência local da cicatrização de defeitos cutâneos induzidos e fechados em padrão de figura geométrica, associado ao emprego de anestesia por tumescência com lidocaína em coelhos. Ademais, avaliar sua influência em parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios e na analgesia pós-operatória. Foi realizado um estudo com 27 coelhos, separados em três grupos, compreendidos em GC (sem o emprego de tumescência), GS (emprego de tumescência com solução NaCl 0.9%) e GL (emprego de anestesia por tumescência com lidocaína). Não houve diferença estatística em nenhuma etapa do processo cicatricial da ferida entre os grupos, tampouco nas avaliações macroscópicas, e no processo de angiogênese, ou ainda no processo de colagenização e deposição de fibroblastos. Houve diferença significativa na frequência cardíaca (menor no GL) e na respiratória (maior no GC), na pressão arterial média (maior no GL) e na concentração expirada de isoflurano (menor no GL). Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos no teste de filamentos de von Frey e na Escala Visual Analógica, utilizados para avaliar a analgesia pós-operatória. Conclui-se que anestesia por tumescência com lidocaína não prejudica a regeneração tecidual após a cirurgia. O seu uso oferece benefícios como a diminuição do volume de anestésico inalatório, manutenção do plano anestésico, estabilidade das frequências cardíaca e respiratória, além de menor hipotensão durante o procedimento cirúrgico.
Animais , Feminino , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/reabilitação , Analgesia/métodos , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem , CoelhosResumo
Os retalhos cutâneos são técnicas de escolha para reconstrução de grandes defeitos. Objetivou-se relatar o emprego do retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral em paciente com ferida cirúrgica ocasionada imediatamente após exérese de neoformação na região da articulação do cotovelo. Foi atendido paciente canino macho, 10 anos, pesando 12 kg, apresentando neoformação em tecidos moles, de grande volume, localizada na região medial do cotovelo. Como tratamento definitivo, implementou-se a exérese marginal da neoplasma seguida de reconstrução com a técnica de retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral. A técnica possibilitou completa síntese e oclusão do defeito, obtendo-se ótima recuperação pós operatória, não sendo observada deiscência de sutura ou necrose do retalho. Conclui-se que a implementação do retalho da artéria torácica lateral foi uma técnica viável na reconstrução em cotovelo após a exérese do neoplasma no paciente relatado, observando resultados satisfatórios quanto aos aspectos funcionais e cosméticos, após o período cicatricial.
Skin flaps are suitable methods of wound closure in large cutaneous defects. I The present study aims to report the use of lateral thoracic axial pattern flap to repair an elbow wound secondary to a neoplasm resection. A 10-year-old male dog weighing 12 kg was presented with a large soft tissue neoplasm in the medial aspect of the elbow. The patient underwent surgical resection of the neoplasm using the lateral thoracic cutaneous flap to achieve a complete defect closure, resulting in an excellent postoperative wound healing without suture failure or skin flap necrosis. It is concluded that the implementation of the lateral thoracic artery flap was a viable technique in elbow reconstruction after neoplasm excision in the reported patient, with satisfactory results regarding functional and cosmetic aspects after the healing period.
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias de Tecidos Moles/veterinária , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/veterinária , Cirurgia Veterinária , Artérias Torácicas/cirurgia , Cotovelo , Ferida Cirúrgica/veterináriaResumo
Os retalhos cutâneos são técnicas de escolha para reconstrução de grandes defeitos. Objetivou-se relatar o emprego do retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral em paciente com ferida cirúrgica ocasionada imediatamente após exérese de neoformação na região da articulação do cotovelo. Foi atendido paciente canino macho, 10 anos, pesando 12 kg, apresentando neoformação em tecidos moles, de grande volume, localizada na região medial do cotovelo. Como tratamento definitivo, implementou-se a exérese marginal da neoplasma seguida de reconstrução com a técnica de retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral. A técnica possibilitou completa síntese e oclusão do defeito, obtendo-se ótima recuperação pós operatória, não sendo observada deiscência de sutura ou necrose do retalho. Conclui-se que a implementação do retalho da artéria torácica lateral foi uma técnica viável na reconstrução em cotovelo após a exérese do neoplasma no paciente relatado, observando resultados satisfatórios quanto aos aspectos funcionais e cosméticos, após o período cicatricial.(AU)
Skin flaps are suitable methods of wound closure in large cutaneous defects. I The present study aims to report the use of lateral thoracic axial pattern flap to repair an elbow wound secondary to a neoplasm resection. A 10-year-old male dog weighing 12 kg was presented with a large soft tissue neoplasm in the medial aspect of the elbow. The patient underwent surgical resection of the neoplasm using the lateral thoracic cutaneous flap to achieve a complete defect closure, resulting in an excellent postoperative wound healing without suture failure or skin flap necrosis. It is concluded that the implementation of the lateral thoracic artery flap was a viable technique in elbow reconstruction after neoplasm excision in the reported patient, with satisfactory results regarding functional and cosmetic aspects after the healing period.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico , Artérias Torácicas/lesões , Cães/cirurgiaResumo
Os retalhos cutâneos são técnicas de escolha para reconstrução de grandes defeitos. Objetivou-se relatar o emprego do retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral em paciente com ferida cirúrgica ocasionada imediatamente após exérese de neoformação na região da articulação do cotovelo. Foi atendido paciente canino macho, 10 anos, pesando 12 kg, apresentando neoformação em tecidos moles, de grande volume, localizada na região medial do cotovelo. Como tratamento definitivo, implementou-se a exérese marginal da neoplasma seguida de reconstrução com a técnica de retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral. A técnica possibilitou completa síntese e oclusão do defeito, obtendo-se ótima recuperação pós operatória, não sendo observada deiscência de sutura ou necrose do retalho. Conclui-se que a implementação do retalho da artéria torácica lateral foi uma técnica viável na reconstrução em cotovelo após a exérese do neoplasma no paciente relatado, observando resultados satisfatórios quanto aos aspectos funcionais e cosméticos, após o período cicatricial.
Skin flaps are suitable methods of wound closure in large cutaneous defects. I The present study aims to report the use of lateral thoracic axial pattern flap to repair an elbow wound secondary to a neoplasm resection. A 10-year-old male dog weighing 12 kg was presented with a large soft tissue neoplasm in the medial aspect of the elbow. The patient underwent surgical resection of the neoplasm using the lateral thoracic cutaneous flap to achieve a complete defect closure, resulting in an excellent postoperative wound healing without suture failure or skin flap necrosis. It is concluded that the implementation of the lateral thoracic artery flap was a viable technique in elbow reconstruction after neoplasm excision in the reported patient, with satisfactory results regarding functional and cosmetic aspects after the healing period.
Animais , Cães , Artérias Torácicas/lesões , Cães/cirurgia , Retalhos de Tecido BiológicoResumo
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate whether using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the graft recipient bed after the resection of a neoplasia can influence its recurrence because this product stimulates angiogenesis, mitogenesis and chemotaxis. Methods: A study with 30 rats Wistar (Rattus norvegicus albinus), which were separated into group A (induction of carcinogenesis, PRP in the postoperative period) and group B (induction of carcinogenesis, absence of PRP in the postoperative period), with 15 animals in each. Carcinogenesis was induced on the skin of the animals' chest by the topical application of 0.5% dimethylbenzantracene (DMBA) diluted in acetone. After surgical resection of the induced neoplasia, PRP was used to stimulate angiogenesis before surgical wound synthesis. Data on the control and experimental groups and macroscopic and microscopic variables were evaluated using analysis of variance and the Tukey's test (5%). Results: It was possible to determine that the use of PRP is good in reconstructive surgeries, but it is contraindicated in patients during tumor resection, as it can cause changes in the surgical bed, in addition to stimulating recurrences and metastases. Conclusions: PRP may interact with tumour cells that were in the recipient site of the surgical wound during the resection of a neoplasia, and a local recurrence process can be triggered by applying this product.
Animais , Ratos , Neoplasias Cutâneas/cirurgia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/induzido quimicamente , Plasma Rico em Plaquetas , Cicatrização , Transplante de Pele , Ratos WistarResumo
A eletroquimioterapia (EQT) tem se destacado na última década em medicina veterinária pela sua capacidade de induzir altas taxas de remissão e controle tumoral local. É uma nova modalidade contra o câncer frente aos tratamentos já empregados na medicina veterinária como a cirurgia oncológica, quimioterapia antineoplásica, criocirurgia, terapia fotodinâmica, imunoterapia e radioterapia. A EQT pode ser utilizada como tratamento paliativo, adjuvante, neoadjuvante, intraoperatória ou guiado por ultrassom para tumores viscerais. Tem se destacado pela sua fácil administração, eficácia, baixa morbidade e limitados efeitos colaterais.
Animais , Criocirurgia/veterinária , Cães/anormalidades , Eletroquimioterapia/métodos , Eletroquimioterapia/veterinária , Gatos/anormalidadesResumo
A eletroquimioterapia (EQT) tem se destacado na última década em medicina veterinária pela sua capacidade de induzir altas taxas de remissão e controle tumoral local. É uma nova modalidade contra o câncer frente aos tratamentos já empregados na medicina veterinária como a cirurgia oncológica, quimioterapia antineoplásica, criocirurgia, terapia fotodinâmica, imunoterapia e radioterapia. A EQT pode ser utilizada como tratamento paliativo, adjuvante, neoadjuvante, intraoperatória ou guiado por ultrassom para tumores viscerais. Tem se destacado pela sua fácil administração, eficácia, baixa morbidade e limitados efeitos colaterais.(AU)
Animais , Cães/anormalidades , Gatos/anormalidades , Eletroquimioterapia/métodos , Eletroquimioterapia/veterinária , Criocirurgia/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo do presente estudo é relatar a construção de um retalho direto de bolsa bipediculada com fixação apendicular à região torácica para o tratamento de lesões extensas no membro torácico direito de um gato. Foi tratado no Hospital Veterinário Unicesumar Maringá - Paraná, um felino de 1 ano de idade, apresentando lesão no membro torácico, após história de briga com outro animal da mesma espécie. Ao exame físico, apresentava fístula e edema no membro torácico direito. O paciente foi anestesiado e foi realizado o desbridamento das áreas desvitalizadas. Como terapia inicial, a lesão foi tratada como ferida aberta, até a formação de tecido de granulação, para posterior correção do defeito empregando retalho bipediculado em bolsa direta, com fixação temporária do membro à parede torácica. Após duas semanas, o membro foi desimplantado e os pontos foram removidos 21 dias após a aplicação do retalho. O uso do retalho permitiu completa cicatrização da ferida, sem ocorrência de hematomas, necrose ou deiscência de sutura. Conclui-se que a utilização do retalho bipedicular é aplicável ao tratamento de feridas traumáticas em membro torácico de felinos.
The aim of the present study is to report the construction of a direct bipedicled pouch flap with appendicular fixation to the thoracic region for the treatment of extensive lesions in the right thoracic limb of a cat. He was treated on Hospital Veterinário Unicesumar Maringá - Paraná, a 1-year-old feline, presenting injury to the thoracic limb after a history of fighting with another animal of the same species. On physical examination, he presented fistula and edema in the right thoracic limb. The patient was anesthetized and debridement of the devitalized areas was performed. As an initial therapy, the lesion was treated as an open wound until granulation tissue was formed for subsequent correction of the defect using a direct pouch bipedicled flap, with temporary fixation of the limb to the chest wall. After two weeks, the limb was unimplanted and the stitches were removed 21 days after flap application. The use of the flap allowed complete wound healing without bruising, necrosis or suture dehiscence. It is concluded that the use of bipedicular flap is applicable to the treatment of traumatic wounds in feline thoracic limb.
Animais , Gatos , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Gatos/cirurgia , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/veterinária , Traumatismos do Antebraço/cirurgia , Cirurgia Veterinária/métodos , Cicatrização , Tecido de Granulação/cirurgiaResumo
Background: Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are neurogenic neoplasms that originate from cells that surroundthe axons of peripheral nerves. Surgery is the treatment of choice for peripheral nerve sheath tumors. They have a betterprognosis when the lesion is in the extremity of a limb and the surgeon leaves wide peripheral margins after resection.However, this procedure makes local treatment a challenge due to difficult wound healing in this region. This report describes a successful case involving the use of a meshed skin graft immediately after resection of a neurofibrosarcoma inthe distal region of the radius bone of a dog.Case: A 6-year-old Boxer bitch weighing 40 kg was admitted with a history of a round, firm, non-ulcerated skin noduleattached to the lateral side of the distal region of the right radius bone, which had been present for about 40 days. Fineneedle aspiration cytology of the lesion showed the presence of mesenchymal cells, suggesting a sarcoma. Thus, the decision was made for an incisional biopsy to confirm the diagnosis and for the preparation of a subdermal pattern tubular flapfor subsequent rotation and transposition to close the wound that would be formed after the complete removal of the lesion.After the 7th postoperative day, the diagnosis of low-grade neurofibrosarcoma was confirmed and due to the presence ofnecrotic onset in the middle portion of the tubular flap, further surgical intervention was scheduled for the resection of thetube flap, en bloc removal of the neoplastic lesion with peripheral margins of 2 cm, and wound closure with a free skingraft. A mesh skin graft was made with a portion of the right flank skin. The mesh graft was carefully implanted on therecipient bed using simple interrupted sutures with a 3-0 non-absorbable monofilament suture material. A dressing madewith water-based sterile lubricating solution and...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Rádio (Anatomia)/cirurgia , Telas Cirúrgicas/veterinária , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Neoplasias de Bainha Neural/veterinária , Neurofibrossarcoma/cirurgia , Neurofibrossarcoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: Reconstructive surgery is an important area of veterinary surgery because it allows the reconstruction of large cutaneous defects in areas where a primary approach is not possible. Axial patterns flaps are composed by one direct cutaneous artery and vein, leading to a better blood supply with a good survival outcome. The angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap was introduced for correction of facial defects, but its versatility is not really explored in the existing literature. This article reports the use and complications of the angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap in six dogs, to treat defects in mandibular, temporal or labial regions. Cases: Five mixed breed dogs and one Labrador, with age between 4 and 9-year-old were submitted for surgery and the angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap was used to close the different defects. Causes of defect included a lesion caused by myiasis in three of the dogs, and tumoral removal in the other three, where two were mast cell tumors and one a keratinizing basal cell carcinoma. The regions affected included rostral mandible with oral mucosa, intermandibular region, temporal region and upper lip. Before flap confection the tissue was cleaned, resected and prepared properly, according to each cause of lesion. The flap was made with two parallel incisions, which center was usually the labial commissure, with the dorsal limits at the ventral aspect of the zygomatic arch, and the ventral incision on the ventral aspect of the mandibular ramus. Caudal extension was based on the length needed for surgical closure, but stained between the vertical auditory canal or up to atlas wing. Suture size and pattern depend the region and patient size. Patients were observed closely for any complication in the surgical site. From the six dogs presented here, five got some complications in the surgical site, including: lymphedema (2), suture dehiscence (4) and hematoma (1); however...
Animais , Cães , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/transplante , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/veterinária , Transplante de Face/veterinária , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Traumatismos Faciais/cirurgia , Traumatismos Faciais/veterináriaResumo
Background: Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are neurogenic neoplasms that originate from cells that surroundthe axons of peripheral nerves. Surgery is the treatment of choice for peripheral nerve sheath tumors. They have a betterprognosis when the lesion is in the extremity of a limb and the surgeon leaves wide peripheral margins after resection.However, this procedure makes local treatment a challenge due to difficult wound healing in this region. This report describes a successful case involving the use of a meshed skin graft immediately after resection of a neurofibrosarcoma inthe distal region of the radius bone of a dog.Case: A 6-year-old Boxer bitch weighing 40 kg was admitted with a history of a round, firm, non-ulcerated skin noduleattached to the lateral side of the distal region of the right radius bone, which had been present for about 40 days. Fineneedle aspiration cytology of the lesion showed the presence of mesenchymal cells, suggesting a sarcoma. Thus, the decision was made for an incisional biopsy to confirm the diagnosis and for the preparation of a subdermal pattern tubular flapfor subsequent rotation and transposition to close the wound that would be formed after the complete removal of the lesion.After the 7th postoperative day, the diagnosis of low-grade neurofibrosarcoma was confirmed and due to the presence ofnecrotic onset in the middle portion of the tubular flap, further surgical intervention was scheduled for the resection of thetube flap, en bloc removal of the neoplastic lesion with peripheral margins of 2 cm, and wound closure with a free skingraft. A mesh skin graft was made with a portion of the right flank skin. The mesh graft was carefully implanted on therecipient bed using simple interrupted sutures with a 3-0 non-absorbable monofilament suture material. A dressing madewith water-based sterile lubricating solution and...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Telas Cirúrgicas/veterinária , Rádio (Anatomia)/cirurgia , Neurofibrossarcoma/cirurgia , Neurofibrossarcoma/veterinária , Neoplasias de Bainha Neural/veterináriaResumo
Background: Reconstructive surgery is an important area of veterinary surgery because it allows the reconstruction of large cutaneous defects in areas where a primary approach is not possible. Axial patterns flaps are composed by one direct cutaneous artery and vein, leading to a better blood supply with a good survival outcome. The angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap was introduced for correction of facial defects, but its versatility is not really explored in the existing literature. This article reports the use and complications of the angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap in six dogs, to treat defects in mandibular, temporal or labial regions. Cases: Five mixed breed dogs and one Labrador, with age between 4 and 9-year-old were submitted for surgery and the angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap was used to close the different defects. Causes of defect included a lesion caused by myiasis in three of the dogs, and tumoral removal in the other three, where two were mast cell tumors and one a keratinizing basal cell carcinoma. The regions affected included rostral mandible with oral mucosa, intermandibular region, temporal region and upper lip. Before flap confection the tissue was cleaned, resected and prepared properly, according to each cause of lesion. The flap was made with two parallel incisions, which center was usually the labial commissure, with the dorsal limits at the ventral aspect of the zygomatic arch, and the ventral incision on the ventral aspect of the mandibular ramus. Caudal extension was based on the length needed for surgical closure, but stained between the vertical auditory canal or up to atlas wing. Suture size and pattern depend the region and patient size. Patients were observed closely for any complication in the surgical site. From the six dogs presented here, five got some complications in the surgical site, including: lymphedema (2), suture dehiscence (4) and hematoma (1); however...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/transplante , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/veterinária , Transplante de Face/veterinária , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Traumatismos Faciais/cirurgia , Traumatismos Faciais/veterináriaResumo
Purpose To analyze changes in the thermal pattern in the skin graft receptor bed, after the use of therapeutic ultrasound through the thermographic images. Methods Eighteen Rattus norvegicus albinus Wistar, separated into two groups: GST groups (without tumor and without treatment with ultrasound) and GT (with tumor and treatment with ultrasound). In the GT group, induction of carcinogenesis was performed by single intradermal application of 0.05 ml DMBA at 0.5%, diluted in acetone. Subsequently, a technique of reconstructive grafting surgery of the mesh type was performed in both groups and treatment with therapeutic ultrasound was performed in the GT group the alternate day protocol at 3, 6, 10 and 15 days after the procedure. The thermographic evaluation occurred on days 3, 6, 10 and 15 after the grafting. Results There was a significant difference between the statistical evaluation of the temperature of the control group when compared to the treated group, on the different evaluation days (p <0.0001). Conclusion The thermographic analysis of the images was effective in evaluating the healing process, being the use of thermography feasible to evaluate changes in the thermal standard in the surgical bed, besides the beneficial effects of the US.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Termografia/métodos , Ferida Cirúrgica , Cicatrização , Modelos AnimaisResumo
Background: A primary splenic torsion occurs when the organ rotates around its vascular pedicle in the absence of any other concomitant disease. The occurrence of primary splenic torsion is rare, with a prevalence lower than 1%. Splenic torsion is more often related to dilated gastric volvulus syndrome, and it has no clear etiology despite reports that associate it with congenital abnormalities or traumatic ruptures of the gastrosplenic or splenocolic ligaments. This study reports a case of splenic torsion in an American Pit Bull terrier dog, its related symptomatology, and the treatment adopted.Case: A 3-year-old male American Pit Bull terrier dog weighing 32 kg was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of acute abdomen, lethargy, increased abdominal volume, discomfort, restlessness, and with a history of collapse three days prior to admission. Clinical examination revealed lethargy, pale mucous membranes, reduced capillary refill time, moderate dehydration, and hyperthermia. Abdominal palpation revealed increased abdominal volume in the epigastric and mesogastric areas. CBC and serum biochemistry profile revealed hypochromic normocytic anemia, leukocytosis with absolute neutrophilia and eosinopenia, mild hypoalbuminemia, and thrombocytopenia. PCR for detection of Babesia sp. and Ehrlichia sp., which returned negative results, and measurement of clotting time, which was prolonged, were performed to exclude immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Radiographic and ultrasonographic images showed a normal stomach, but revealed presence of splenomegaly. An exploratory laparotomy allowed direct observation of the spleen, which exhibited an increased volume, a blackened, cold, hyperemic appearance, and a complete torsion of the splenic vascular pedicle; the surgical team opted to perform total splenectomy rather than undoing the pedicle twist. The animal returned to the hospital after 10 days exhibiting an excellent clinical condition.[...](AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Anormalidade Torcional/diagnóstico por imagem , Anormalidade Torcional/veterinária , Esplenopatias/cirurgia , Esplenopatias/terapia , Esplenopatias/veterinária , Abdome Agudo/diagnóstico , Abdome Agudo/etiologia , Abdome Agudo/veterináriaResumo
Background: A primary splenic torsion occurs when the organ rotates around its vascular pedicle in the absence of any other concomitant disease. The occurrence of primary splenic torsion is rare, with a prevalence lower than 1%. Splenic torsion is more often related to dilated gastric volvulus syndrome, and it has no clear etiology despite reports that associate it with congenital abnormalities or traumatic ruptures of the gastrosplenic or splenocolic ligaments. This study reports a case of splenic torsion in an American Pit Bull terrier dog, its related symptomatology, and the treatment adopted.Case: A 3-year-old male American Pit Bull terrier dog weighing 32 kg was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of acute abdomen, lethargy, increased abdominal volume, discomfort, restlessness, and with a history of collapse three days prior to admission. Clinical examination revealed lethargy, pale mucous membranes, reduced capillary refill time, moderate dehydration, and hyperthermia. Abdominal palpation revealed increased abdominal volume in the epigastric and mesogastric areas. CBC and serum biochemistry profile revealed hypochromic normocytic anemia, leukocytosis with absolute neutrophilia and eosinopenia, mild hypoalbuminemia, and thrombocytopenia. PCR for detection of Babesia sp. and Ehrlichia sp., which returned negative results, and measurement of clotting time, which was prolonged, were performed to exclude immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Radiographic and ultrasonographic images showed a normal stomach, but revealed presence of splenomegaly. An exploratory laparotomy allowed direct observation of the spleen, which exhibited an increased volume, a blackened, cold, hyperemic appearance, and a complete torsion of the splenic vascular pedicle; the surgical team opted to perform total splenectomy rather than undoing the pedicle twist. The animal returned to the hospital after 10 days exhibiting an excellent clinical condition.[...]