Background: The Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), considered the largest land mammal in South America, is a vulnerable species in terms of its degree of conservation. In captivity, its health is evaluated through behavioral and physical observation and laboratory exams, and in some cases, chemical restraint, to reduce stress. Dissociative anesthetics and sedatives are used for the sedation of these animals, and few studies have reported the use of dexmedetomidine and its effects when associated with other drugs in chemical containment protocols; therefore, this work reports its use, in conjunction with ketamine and midazolam, in a young Brazilian tapir. Case: A male Brazilian tapir, male, weighing 89 kg, 1 and a half year old, housed at CETAS in Rio Branco, Acre, was chemically restrained with dexmedetomidine (7 µg/kg), ketamine (1.5 mg/kg), and midazolam (0.2 mg/kg) for venous blood collection, oral and rectal mucosal swabs, and microchipping. The protocol was administered intramuscularly to the right triceps brachii, after physical restraint. After 5 min of application, the animal assumed sternal recumbency and presented reflux. After 15 min, the patient was placed in the right lateral decubitus position. During collection, heart rate (48 ± 10 bpm), respiratory frequency (29 ± 1 mpm), rectal temperature (38.1 ± 0.18°C), oxyhemoglobin saturation (97 ± 1%), and electrocardiographic tracing were recorded. The tapir showed deep sedation, immobility, good muscle relaxation, discreet medial palpebral reflex, and bilateral rotation of the eyeball. After 40 min of protocol administration, sedative reversal was performed intramuscularly with 14 µg/kg atipamezole. Five min after administration, the tapir showed signs of mild sedation. After 10 min, he assumed the quadrupedal position, remained in this position for 8 min, and gently resumed the sternal decubitus. After only 20 min, he resumed the quadrupedal position, with mild ataxia and good muscular and conscious tone. After 50 min, the patient was discharged from anesthesia. Discussion: Domestic horses are phylogenetically close to tapirs, so the choice of drugs and doses of the protocol used was based on their use in horses, and on studies carried out with tapirs as well. Despite being docile and passive, the tapir was not conditioned and did not allow the manipulation and collection of samples collaboratively; therefore, it was chemically contained. The physical restraint performed did not generate satisfactory immobilization of the tapir, resulting in agitation and stress and causing the needle to break. The reflux presented by the tapir minutes after sedation and at recovery was induced by dexmedetomidine, and only the undigested banana pieces were offered to the animal. Reflux plus stress from extensive fasting and suboptimal physical restraint was responsible for the change in the tapir's eating behavior, with possible stress gastritis 24 h after chemical restraint. Only one study reported the use of dexmedetomidine in tapirs, associated with continuous infusions of ketamine, midazolam and guaiacol glyceryl ether for moderate to long-term field procedures. Sedative reversal of dexmedetomidine by atipamezole reduced the recovery time and the risk of death from cardiorespiratory depression. The anesthetic combination used was effective, promoting immobility, muscle relaxation, and stability of the physical parameters evaluated, with rapid and gentle induction and an adequate level of sedation for the objective, good sedative reversal, and anesthetic recovery.
Animais , Masculino , Perissodáctilos/fisiologia , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Dexmedetomidina/análise , Animais Selvagens/fisiologiaResumo
Alternative protocols for the treatment of skin lesions have been developed with the use of techniques such as photobiomodulation and phytotherapy, aiming to optimize this process. To evaluate the effectiveness of copaiba (Copaiferalangsdorffii) oil-resin and low-level laser therapy for treating cutaneous wounds, 15 Wistar rats (Rattusnorvergicus) were used, in whom five 8-mm lesions were produced. The following protocols were applied: negative control group (T1); positive control group (T2); laser therapy with AsGa (904 nm), continuous, focal mode for 10 s, dosage of 4 J/cm² (T3); copaiba oil-resin (T4); and association group (copaiba and low-level laser) (T5). The efficacy of each technique was evaluated based on macroscopic aspects of the lesion, wound healing rate, and histopathological analysis (inflammatory infiltrate and collagen expression). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for statistical analyses (P> 0.05). Copaiba treatment showed an advantage in type III collagen expression, whereas laser therapy demonstrated an enhanced capacity for tissue regeneration. The significant advantage obtained from the association treatment is the improvement of the macroscopic aspect of the wound, with a reduction in crust formation.
Protocolos alternativos para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas têm sido desenvolvidos com a utilização de técnicas como a fotobiomodulação e fitoterapia, objetivando acelerar esse processo. Com o objetivo de avaliar a efetividade do óleo--resina de copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii) e do laser terapêutico no tratamento de feridas cutâneas foram selecionados 15 ratos Wistar (Rattus norvergicus), nos quais foram produzidas cinco lesões cutâneas de 8mm. Os tratamentos empregados foram: controle negativo (T1); controle positivo (T2); laserterapia com AsGa (9,04nm) no modo contínuo, de maneira focal, com duração de 10 segundos e dosimetria de 4 J/cm² (T3); óleo resina de copaiba (T4) e a associação dos tratamentos (copaiba e laserterapia) (T5). A eficácia de cada técnica foi avaliada com base nos aspectos macroscópicos das lesões, taxa de cicatriza-ção e análise histopatológica (infiltrado inflamatório e expressão do colágeno). Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (P>0,05). O tratamento com a copaíba mostrou vantagem na expressão do colágeno tipo III, enquanto a laserterapia demonstrou aumento da capacidade de regeneração tecidual. A vantagem significativa obtida pela associação dos tratamentos foi a melhora do aspecto macroscópico da ferida, com redução na formação de crostas.
Animais , Ratos , Fabaceae , Ferimentos e Lesões/cirurgia , Ratos Wistar/cirurgia , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Resinas Vegetais , Terapia a Laser/métodosResumo
This studys objective was to evaluate the efficacy of treating cutaneous wounds in Wistar rats using a therapeutic laser alone or in combination with topical application of andiroba oil. Twenty-four Wistar rats were distributed into three groups (T4, T7, and T14) of eight animals. To prepare the wounds, a total of four skin fragments per animal were removed using an 8-mm cutaneous biopsy punch. Each animal was inflicted with four surgical wounds, and each wound was subjected to one treatment. The treatments were as follows: saline solution (control, Cn); laser therapy (L), using a 660-nm laser wavelength and 10-J/cm² energy density; fresh andiroba oil (An); laser therapy followed by topical andiroba oil administration (LAn). All treatments in all animals were conducted for 4- (T4), 7- (T7), and 14- (T14) day periods. Edema and purulent secretion were observed in three animals in the An group, and the appearance of an exuberant crust was also observed in one animal from the same group. The LAn group presented the worst wound healing rate and contraction velocity (p < 0.05). Microscopically, there was no difference between groups regarding the presence of inflammation, necrosis, formation of granulation tissue, fibroplasia, and the presence of types 1 and 3 collagen at different treatment times. It was concluded that laser treatment of cutaneous wounds in conjunction with andiroba oil application did not present benefits in reference to the 0.9% NaCl.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do tratamento de feridas cutâneas em ratos Wistar utilizando o laser terapêutico em associação ou não com o óleo de andiroba. Vinte e quatro ratos foram avaliados em três tempos de tratamento (T4, T7 e T17), sendo oito animais em cada tempo. Para a realização das feridas cirúrgicas, quatro fragmentos de pele foram removidos com punch de biopsia de 8 milímetros. Cada animal recebeu quatro feridas e cada ferida foi tratada com um tra-tamento: solução salina (controle, Cn); laserterapia (L), usando um laser com comprimento de onda de 660nm e 10J/cm2 de densidade de energia; óleo de andiroba in natura (An); e laserterapia seguida pela administratação tópica de óleo de andiroba (LAn). Todos os tratamentos foram realizados e avaliados nos dias quatro (T4), sete (T7) e 14 (T14) de pós operatório. Foram observados edema e secreção purulenta em três animais do grupo An, e a presença de crosta exuberante também foi obervada em um animais do mesmo grupo. O grupo LAn apresentou a pior cicatraização e velocidade de contração da ferida (p < 0,05). Não houve diferença entre os grupos à avaliação microscópica da presença de inflamação, necrose, formação de tecido de gra-nulação, fibroplasia e presença de colágeno tipo 1 e tipo 3 nos diferentes tempos de tratamento. Foi possível concluir que o tratamento com laseterapia em associação ao óleo de andiroba não apresentou benefícios em relação a utilização da solução de cloreto de sódio a 0,9%.
Animais , Ratos , Cicatrização , Ratos Wistar/cirurgia , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Terapia a Laser , MagnoliopsidaResumo
This studys objective was to evaluate the efficacy of treating cutaneous wounds in Wistar rats using a therapeutic laser alone or in combination with topical application of andiroba oil. Twenty-four Wistar rats were distributed into three groups (T4, T7, and T14) of eight animals. To prepare the wounds, a total of four skin fragments per animal were removed using an 8-mm cutaneous biopsy punch. Each animal was inflicted with four surgical wounds, and each wound was subjected to one treatment. The treatments were as follows: saline solution (control, Cn); laser therapy (L), using a 660-nm laser wavelength and 10-J/cm² energy density; fresh andiroba oil (An); laser therapy followed by topical andiroba oil administration (LAn). All treatments in all animals were conducted for 4- (T4), 7- (T7), and 14- (T14) day periods. Edema and purulent secretion were observed in three animals in the An group, and the appearance of an exuberant crust was also observed in one animal from the same group. The LAn group presented the worst wound healing rate and contraction velocity (p < 0.05). Microscopically, there was no difference between groups regarding the presence of inflammation, necrosis, formation of granulation tissue, fibroplasia, and the presence of types 1 and 3 collagen at different treatment times. It was concluded that laser treatment of cutaneous wounds in conjunction with andiroba oil application did not present benefits in reference to the 0.9% NaCl.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do tratamento de feridas cutâneas em ratos Wistar utilizando o laser terapêutico em associação ou não com o óleo de andiroba. Vinte e quatro ratos foram avaliados em três tempos de tratamento (T4, T7 e T17), sendo oito animais em cada tempo. Para a realização das feridas cirúrgicas, quatro fragmentos de pele foram removidos com punch de biopsia de 8 milímetros. Cada animal recebeu quatro feridas e cada ferida foi tratada com um tra-tamento: solução salina (controle, Cn); laserterapia (L), usando um laser com comprimento de onda de 660nm e 10J/cm2 de densidade de energia; óleo de andiroba in natura (An); e laserterapia seguida pela administratação tópica de óleo de andiroba (LAn). Todos os tratamentos foram realizados e avaliados nos dias quatro (T4), sete (T7) e 14 (T14) de pós operatório. Foram observados edema e secreção purulenta em três animais do grupo An, e a presença de crosta exuberante também foi obervada em um animais do mesmo grupo. O grupo LAn apresentou a pior cicatraização e velocidade de contração da ferida (p < 0,05). Não houve diferença entre os grupos à avaliação microscópica da presença de inflamação, necrose, formação de tecido de gra-nulação, fibroplasia e presença de colágeno tipo 1 e tipo 3 nos diferentes tempos de tratamento. Foi possível concluir que o tratamento com laseterapia em associação ao óleo de andiroba não apresentou benefícios em relação a utilização da solução de cloreto de sódio a 0,9%.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Ratos Wistar/cirurgia , Terapia a Laser , Cicatrização , MagnoliopsidaResumo
Alternative protocols for the treatment of skin lesions have been developed with the use of techniques such as photobiomodulation and phytotherapy, aiming to optimize this process. To evaluate the effectiveness of copaiba (Copaiferalangsdorffii) oil-resin and low-level laser therapy for treating cutaneous wounds, 15 Wistar rats (Rattusnorvergicus) were used, in whom five 8-mm lesions were produced. The following protocols were applied: negative control group (T1); positive control group (T2); laser therapy with AsGa (904 nm), continuous, focal mode for 10 s, dosage of 4 J/cm² (T3); copaiba oil-resin (T4); and association group (copaiba and low-level laser) (T5). The efficacy of each technique was evaluated based on macroscopic aspects of the lesion, wound healing rate, and histopathological analysis (inflammatory infiltrate and collagen expression). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for statistical analyses (P> 0.05). Copaiba treatment showed an advantage in type III collagen expression, whereas laser therapy demonstrated an enhanced capacity for tissue regeneration. The significant advantage obtained from the association treatment is the improvement of the macroscopic aspect of the wound, with a reduction in crust formation.(AU)
Protocolos alternativos para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas têm sido desenvolvidos com a utilização de técnicas como a fotobiomodulação e fitoterapia, objetivando acelerar esse processo. Com o objetivo de avaliar a efetividade do óleo--resina de copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii) e do laser terapêutico no tratamento de feridas cutâneas foram selecionados 15 ratos Wistar (Rattus norvergicus), nos quais foram produzidas cinco lesões cutâneas de 8mm. Os tratamentos empregados foram: controle negativo (T1); controle positivo (T2); laserterapia com AsGa (9,04nm) no modo contínuo, de maneira focal, com duração de 10 segundos e dosimetria de 4 J/cm² (T3); óleo resina de copaiba (T4) e a associação dos tratamentos (copaiba e laserterapia) (T5). A eficácia de cada técnica foi avaliada com base nos aspectos macroscópicos das lesões, taxa de cicatriza-ção e análise histopatológica (infiltrado inflamatório e expressão do colágeno). Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (P>0,05). O tratamento com a copaíba mostrou vantagem na expressão do colágeno tipo III, enquanto a laserterapia demonstrou aumento da capacidade de regeneração tecidual. A vantagem significativa obtida pela associação dos tratamentos foi a melhora do aspecto macroscópico da ferida, com redução na formação de crostas.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Fabaceae , Resinas Vegetais , Terapia a Laser/métodos , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Ratos Wistar/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/cirurgiaResumo
Purpose To develop a 3D anatomical model for teaching canine epidural anesthesia (3DMEA) and to assess its efficacy for teaching and learning prior to the use of live animals. Methods The creation of 3DMEA was based on 3D optical scanning and 3D printing of canine bone pieces of the fifth to the seventh lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and pelvis. A total of 20 male dogs were scheduled for castration. 20 veterinary students watched a video showing epidural anesthesia in dogs before the clinical attempt and were assigned to control or 3DMEA groups. Students in the 3DMEA group trained in the model after the video. For the clinical trial, the epidural procedure was performed by students under the veterinary supervision. When observed the absence of response to nociceptive stimuli, the epidural was considered successful. Then, all students answered a questionnaire evaluating the main difficulty founded in the technique and its degree of difficulty. Results The 3DMEA group reported a lower degree of difficulty to perform the epidural anesthesia technique when compared with the control group (p=0.0037). The 3DMEA reproduced the anatomical structures, allowing the perception of the distance of needle in relation to the iliac prominences during epidural anesthesia. Its mobility allowed simulation of the animal in standing position and sternal recumbency. Conclusion The use of 3DMEA demonstrated greater efficacy in the execution of the technique, being effective in the teaching and learning process before the epidural anesthesia in live animals.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Modelos Anatômicos , Região Lombossacral/lesões , Impressão Tridimensional , Anestesia Epidural/veterináriaResumo
Purpose. To develop a 3D anatomical model for teaching canine epidural anesthesia (3DMEA) and to assess its efficacy for teaching and learning prior to the use of live animals.. Methods. The creation of 3DMEA was based on 3D optical scanning and 3D printing of canine bone pieces of the fifth to the seventh lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and pelvis. A total of 20 male dogs were scheduled for castration. 20 veterinary students watched a video showing epidural anesthesia in dogs before the clinical attempt and were assigned to control or 3DMEA groups. Students in the 3DMEA group trained in the model after the video. For the clinical trial, the epidural procedure was performed by students under the veterinary supervision. When observed the absence of response to nociceptive stimuli, the epidural was considered successful. Then, all students answered a questionnaire evaluating the main difficulty founded in the technique and its degree of difficulty.. Results. The 3DMEA group reported a lower degree of difficulty to perform the epidural anesthesia technique when compared with the control group (p=0.0037). The 3DMEA reproduced the anatomical structures, allowing the perception of the distance of needle in relation to the iliac prominences during epidural anesthesia. Its mobility allowed simulation of the animal in standing position and sternal recumbency.. Conclusion. The use of 3DMEA demonstrated greater efficacy in the execution of the technique, being effective in the teaching and learning process before the epidural anesthesia in live animals.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Modelos Animais , Anestesia Epidural , Impressão TridimensionalResumo
Background: Canine reactive cutaneous histiocytosis (RCH) is an immuneproliferative disease of skin histiocytes and is uncommon in occurrence. Its description in the literature is scarce and clinical studies are limited by the insufficient characterization of the patients pathological findings. The objective of this report is to describe the clinical, histological and immunohistochemical findings of a case of canine reactive cutaneous histiocytosis in the state of Acre, Amazonia, Brazil. Case: It was attended at the Federal University of Acre, a 7-year-old male American pit bull terrier dog with nodular, allopecic and ulcerated lesions in the dorsal region of the ear, with purulent discharge and exacerbated painful tenderness. The animal was domiciled on the bank of the river Acre, municipality of Rio Branco, state of Acre, and suffered frequent parasitism by sandflies, especially in the head region. In the histopathological evaluation, hyperplastic cells were found, a large ulcerated area with the presence of fibrin and neutrophilic infiltrate in the epidermis. In the dermal layer, an inflammatory reaction pattern was identified, with the presence of fibrous connective tissue, dilated blood vessels and edema, however little defined. There was an intense presence of histiocytes with anisocytosis, in addition to neutrophils, plasma cells and lymphocytes in the perivascular and perianexal region. In immunohistochemistry, lysozyme and cell markers CD1a and Thy1 were detected, but negative result for E-cadherin and CD11d. The immunosuppressive therapy indicated with prednisolone, plus cephalexin for secondary infections and topical treatment, with clinical remission within two years. Discussion: Although the etiopathogenesis of RCH is poorly understood, it is believed that, in addition to the genetic factor, the disease is triggered by an antigenic trigger...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Histiocitose de Células de Langerhans/diagnóstico , Histiocitose de Células de Langerhans/veterinária , Histiócitos/patologia , Biópsia/veterinária , Brasil , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Transtornos Imunoproliferativos/veterináriaResumo
Background: Canine reactive cutaneous histiocytosis (RCH) is an immuneproliferative disease of skin histiocytes and is uncommon in occurrence. Its description in the literature is scarce and clinical studies are limited by the insufficient characterization of the patients pathological findings. The objective of this report is to describe the clinical, histological and immunohistochemical findings of a case of canine reactive cutaneous histiocytosis in the state of Acre, Amazonia, Brazil. Case: It was attended at the Federal University of Acre, a 7-year-old male American pit bull terrier dog with nodular, allopecic and ulcerated lesions in the dorsal region of the ear, with purulent discharge and exacerbated painful tenderness. The animal was domiciled on the bank of the river Acre, municipality of Rio Branco, state of Acre, and suffered frequent parasitism by sandflies, especially in the head region. In the histopathological evaluation, hyperplastic cells were found, a large ulcerated area with the presence of fibrin and neutrophilic infiltrate in the epidermis. In the dermal layer, an inflammatory reaction pattern was identified, with the presence of fibrous connective tissue, dilated blood vessels and edema, however little defined. There was an intense presence of histiocytes with anisocytosis, in addition to neutrophils, plasma cells and lymphocytes in the perivascular and perianexal region. In immunohistochemistry, lysozyme and cell markers CD1a and Thy1 were detected, but negative result for E-cadherin and CD11d. The immunosuppressive therapy indicated with prednisolone, plus cephalexin for secondary infections and topical treatment, with clinical remission within two years. Discussion: Although the etiopathogenesis of RCH is poorly understood, it is believed that, in addition to the genetic factor, the disease is triggered by an antigenic trigger...(AU)