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Arq. Inst. Biol ; 80(1): 99-102, jan.-mar.2013.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1462206


Foi verificada pelo teste de ELISA indireto a resposta humoral contra os toxoides botulínicos C e D em bovinos de diferentes idades. O estudo envolveu 90 animais, que foram divididos em três grupos (n = 30), de acordo com a sua faixa etária; inferior a 2 anos de idade (G1), entre 2 e 5 anos (G2) e superior a 5 anos (G3). Os grupos experimentais foram vacinados com duas doses de vacina antibotulínica bivalente (C e D) comercial, nos dias 0 e 42 após a primo-vacinação (booster). Na avaliação, quando realizada 30 dias após o booster, os animais do G3 apresentaram maior produção de anticorpos (p < 0,05) em relação aos demais grupos. Entre o G1 e G2 não houve diferença significativa na resposta humoral contra a toxina C, no entanto, contra a toxina D, os animais do G1 apresentaram maior produção de anticorpos. Todos os grupos produziram uma resposta significativa de anticorpos contra as toxinas botulínicas após a 2ª dose da vacina bivalente comercial, principalmente contra o tipo D.

Humoral response of vaccinated cattle against toxins of clostridium botulinum types C and D at different ages. Cattle humoral response against type C and D botulinum toxoids (indirect ELISA) was verified in animals of different ages. The animals (n = 90) were divided in three groups (n = 30): group one (G1): less than two years old; group two (G2): from 2 to 5 years old; group three (G3): more than 5 years old. The groups were vaccinated with two doses [0 and 42 days after primary vaccination (booster)] of bivalent (C and D) antibotulinum vaccine. Group three had higher antibody production (p ≤ 0.05) compared to the other groups, 30 days after the booster. There was no difference (G1 and G2; p ≥ 0.05) in the humoral response against C toxin, however, against D toxin, group one had higher antibody production. It was possible to conclude that after two doses of the commercial bivalent vaccine all groups produced a significant antibody response against botulinum toxins, especially against D type.

Animais , Anticorpos/imunologia , Botulismo , Toxoides , Vacinação/veterinária , Bovinos/classificação , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática
Arq. Inst. Biol. ; 80(1): 99-102, jan.-mar. 2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-325497


Foi verificada pelo teste de ELISA indireto a resposta humoral contra os toxoides botulínicos C e D em bovinos de diferentes idades. O estudo envolveu 90 animais, que foram divididos em três grupos (n = 30), de acordo com a sua faixa etária; inferior a 2 anos de idade (G1), entre 2 e 5 anos (G2) e superior a 5 anos (G3). Os grupos experimentais foram vacinados com duas doses de vacina antibotulínica bivalente (C e D) comercial, nos dias 0 e 42 após a primo-vacinação (booster). Na avaliação, quando realizada 30 dias após o booster, os animais do G3 apresentaram maior produção de anticorpos (p < 0,05) em relação aos demais grupos. Entre o G1 e G2 não houve diferença significativa na resposta humoral contra a toxina C, no entanto, contra a toxina D, os animais do G1 apresentaram maior produção de anticorpos. Todos os grupos produziram uma resposta significativa de anticorpos contra as toxinas botulínicas após a 2ª dose da vacina bivalente comercial, principalmente contra o tipo D. (AU)

Humoral response of vaccinated cattle against toxins of clostridium botulinum types C and D at different ages. Cattle humoral response against type C and D botulinum toxoids (indirect ELISA) was verified in animals of different ages. The animals (n = 90) were divided in three groups (n = 30): group one (G1): less than two years old; group two (G2): from 2 to 5 years old; group three (G3): more than 5 years old. The groups were vaccinated with two doses [0 and 42 days after primary vaccination (booster)] of bivalent (C and D) antibotulinum vaccine. Group three had higher antibody production (p ≤ 0.05) compared to the other groups, 30 days after the booster. There was no difference (G1 and G2; p ≥ 0.05) in the humoral response against C toxin, however, against D toxin, group one had higher antibody production. It was possible to conclude that after two doses of the commercial bivalent vaccine all groups produced a significant antibody response against botulinum toxins, especially against D type.(AU)

Animais , Toxoides , Anticorpos/imunologia , Botulismo , Vacinação/veterinária , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Bovinos/classificação
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 16(3): 509-513, 2010. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-4300


Types C and D strains of Clostridium botulinum are commonly related to avian and mammalian botulism. Although there are numerous vaccine recommendations, little research has been conducted to indicate the real effectiveness of vaccine timing or the ideal immunization protocol for young beef calves. Four commercially available vaccines, two bivalent (Clostridium botulinum types C and D; vaccines 1 and 2) and two polyvalent (all Clostridium spp. including Clostridium botulinum types C and D; vaccines 3 and 4), that are currently used in Brazilian herds, were tested in order to verify the maternal immune response. One hundred cows, divided into four vaccinated groups and one unvaccinated group, were given a two-dose subcutaneous immunization, at day zero, followed by a second dose given at 42 days post-vaccination, which corresponded to 40 days before birth. Serum samples (n = 75) were collected only from healthy neonatal calves at 0, 7, 45 and 90 days post-calving (DPC) and subjected to indirect ELISA using the purified C and D holotoxins as capture antigens. The serological profile showed that all vaccines were able to induce a satisfactory neonatal immune response to both holotoxins at 7 DPC. However, at 45 and 90 DPC, a significant reduction (p < 0.05) was observed in the antibody level against C and D holotoxins in all tested vaccines. Neonatal immunization in calves is compromised by significant levels of maternal antibodies so that the necessity of planning a calf vaccination program involves assessment of disease risks at the production site.(AU)

Animais , Alergia e Imunologia/classificação , Imunidade Materno-Adquirida/genética , Bovinos/classificação , Toxoides , Botulismo/patologia , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 61(6): 1434-1437, dez. 2009. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-6174


The seroprevalence of Maedi-Visna in sheep from Araçatuba region - SP, was determined and correlated to age, gender, breed, or sheep production systems. Blood samples were collected from 444 sheep, aging from two to 12 year-old. Both sexes and different breeds were sampled in 20 farms of this region. Physical examination was performed in all animals. Agar gel immunodiffusion test kit was used to diagnose in serum samples. Twelve animals, from five different farms, were AGID positive, yielding a seroprevalence of 2.7%, with no correlation among breed, gender, or sheep production systems and the detection of the disease. No animal considered positive for Maedi-Visna showed clinical signs compatible with Maedi-Visna.(AU)

Animais , Vírus Visna-Maedi/isolamento & purificação , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Vírus da Artrite-Encefalite Caprina/isolamento & purificação , Ovinos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Imunodifusão/métodos
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 73(1)2006.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461777


ABSTRACT The present study describes the methodology used for evaluating the mortality of Boophilus microplus larvae submitted to treatments with acaricide products. The technique presented allows for the daily observation of individuals of the same treatment, for at least 20 days, without any significant change in the mortality percentages of the control group. It can be used in any experiment made to observe the total or cumulative mortality of larvae treated with chemical products, plant extracts or entomopathogenic agents.

RESUMO O presente estudo descreve metodologia para avaliação de mortalidade de larvas de Boophilus microplus submetidas a tratamentos com produtos carrapaticidas. A técnica apresentada permite a observação diária de indivíduos de um mesmo tratamento por, pelo menos, 20 dias, sem que haja alteração significativa nos percentuais de mortalidade do grupo controle. Pode ser utilizada em qualquer experimento conduzido com o objetivo de se observar a mortalidade total ou acumulada de larvas tratadas com produtos químicos, extratos vegetais ou agentes entomopatogênicos.