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Anim. Reprod. ; 6(2): 386-391, 2009. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-9394


Quantification of mucosal eosinophils and mast cells in the oviducts from 22 crossbred heifers was performed in both natural (estrus, metaestrus and diestrus) and superovulated (estrus and metaestrus) estrous cycles. The number of cells/square millimeter of mucosa was obtained through counts at different regions of the oviduct (infundibulum, ampulla, ampullary/isthmic transition and isthmus). Differences were not found (P > 0.05) among numbers of cells at the different phases of the natural estrous cycle nor between natural or superovulated cycles. When all animals were separated into two phases of the estrous cycle (estrus and metaestrus), the number of eosinophils at the ampullary/isthmic transition and isthmus was higher (P < 0.01) at the estrus cycle phase, and the number at the infundibulum was higher (P < 0.001) during the metaestrus phase than at estrus. The number of mast cells was highest at the isthmus regardless of the estrus phase, and highest at the infundibulum (P < 0.001) and ampulla (P < 0.05) during the metaestrus phase. Significant correlations were found between the number of mast cells and plasma progesterone levels at the infundibulum (P < 0.001; r = 0.69) and ampulla (P < 0.03; r = 0.51). No correlation was seen between numbers of eosinophils and mast cells, progesterone and 17β-estradiol concentrations. Therefore, the distribution of mucosal eosinophils in the oviduct of heifers is apparently not related to the circulating levels of 17β-estradiol and progesterone; however, the highest number of mast cells found at the metaestrus phase of the cycle, at least for the infundibulum and ampulla, appears to be related to the high circulating progesterone plasma levels in metaestrus phase compared to estrus phase. No differences were found between animals subjected or not to superovulation.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Mucosa/anatomia & histologia , Estradiol/química , Estro/fisiologia , Eosinófilos , Bovinos/classificação
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 6(2): 386-391, 2009. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461592


Quantification of mucosal eosinophils and mast cells in the oviducts from 22 crossbred heifers was performed in both natural (estrus, metaestrus and diestrus) and superovulated (estrus and metaestrus) estrous cycles. The number of cells/square millimeter of mucosa was obtained through counts at different regions of the oviduct (infundibulum, ampulla, ampullary/isthmic transition and isthmus). Differences were not found (P > 0.05) among numbers of cells at the different phases of the natural estrous cycle nor between natural or superovulated cycles. When all animals were separated into two phases of the estrous cycle (estrus and metaestrus), the number of eosinophils at the ampullary/isthmic transition and isthmus was higher (P < 0.01) at the estrus cycle phase, and the number at the infundibulum was higher (P < 0.001) during the metaestrus phase than at estrus. The number of mast cells was highest at the isthmus regardless of the estrus phase, and highest at the infundibulum (P < 0.001) and ampulla (P < 0.05) during the metaestrus phase. Significant correlations were found between the number of mast cells and plasma progesterone levels at the infundibulum (P < 0.001; r = 0.69) and ampulla (P < 0.03; r = 0.51). No correlation was seen between numbers of eosinophils and mast cells, progesterone and 17β-estradiol concentrations. Therefore, the distribution of mucosal eosinophils in the oviduct of heifers is apparently not related to the circulating levels of 17β-estradiol and progesterone; however, the highest number of mast cells found at the metaestrus phase of the cycle, at least for the infundibulum and ampulla, appears to be related to the high circulating progesterone plasma levels in metaestrus phase compared to estrus phase. No differences were found between animals subjected or not to superovulation.

Animais , Bovinos , Eosinófilos , Estradiol/química , Estro/fisiologia , Mucosa/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos/classificação
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 57(3): 326-333, jun. 2005. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-6359


Tubas uterinas de 21 novilhas mestiças Bos taurus taurus x Bos taurus indicus, em diferentes fases do ciclo estral natural (estro, metaestro e diestro) ou induzido pelo tratamento superovulatório (estro e metaestro superovulados), foram avaliadas quanto à presença de cistos intra-epiteliais e à caracterização histoquímica de seu conteúdo. Verificou-se a ocorrência de cistos intra-epiteliais nas tubas uterinas em todos os animais, mais freqüentes nas regiões do infundíbulo e ampola. Eles ocorreram nos lados direito e esquerdo, ipsi- e contralateral ao ovário ativo (folículo pré-ovulatório ou corpo lúteo), nas fases estrogênica e progesterônica do ciclo. No conteúdo cístico, houve predominância de mucinas neutras e ácidas carboxiladas, sendo as mucinas sulfatadas presentes em menor intensidade, e não se observou glicogênio. Os resultados sustentam a hipótese de que esses cistos formam-se pela fusão de luminações intracitoplasmáticas e/ou vacúolos ciliados do epitélio tubário. (AU)

Uterine tubes from 21 crossbred heifers (Bos taurus taurus × Bos taurus indicus) at different phases of the natural estrus cycle (estrus, metaestrus and diestrus) or submitted to superovulation (superovulated estrus and metaestrus) were evaluated for the presence of intraepithelial cysts and for histochemical labelling of its contents. All studied animals had intraepithelial cysts mainly in the infundibular and ampullary regions. Such cysts were present regardless of the side of the uterine tube, ipsi- or contralateral to the active ovary (preovulatory follicle or corpus luteum) or of the cycle phase (estrogenic or progesteronic). Histochemical analysis revealed that neutral and acid mucins were the major substances found within the cysts. Sulphated mucins were present in low amounts and glycogen was absent. These results suggest that these cysts are probably formed by the fusion of intracytoplasmic lumina and/or ciliated vacuoles of the uterine tube epithelium.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Tubas Uterinas/fisiopatologia , Cistos/fisiopatologia , Bovinos , Cistos/epidemiologia , Tubas Uterinas/anatomia & histologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 56(1): 36-45, fev. 2004. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-2078


Descrevem-se as características anatomopatológicas e histoquímicas de 124 tubas uterinas de porcas (matrizes) abatidas em matadouros, nas fases folicular e luteínica do ciclo estral. As tubas uterinas foram distribuídas em quatro grupos: LSP- fase luteínica sem patologia tubárica (n=45), LCP- fase luteínica com patologia tubárica (n=19), FSP- fase folicular sem patologia tubárica (n=45) e FCP- fase folicular com patologia tubárica (n=15). Para estudo histoquímico de mucossubstâncias foram utilizadas as colorações de periodic acid Schiff (PAS) com e sem digestão prévia pela amilase salivar e Alcian Blue (AB) em pH 2,5 e 0,4. Utilizou-se a coloração de Ninhidrina-Schiff para evidenciação de proteínas ricas em radicais -NH2. Foram observadas alterações em 34 tubas uterinas. Independente da fase do ciclo estral, as patologias mais comumente encontradas foram os cistos de parede e a metaplasia escamosa. Em menor número foram observados divertículo e adenomiose. A ampola e o infundíbulo foram os segmentos mais afetados. Na fase folicular, o infundíbulo apresentou maior intensidade de secreção de mucossubstâncias neutras e AB 2,5-positivas. Na ampola houve maior intensidade de secreção de mucossubstâncias AB 2,5-positivas, sulfomucinas e de proteínas ricas em radicais -NH2. As patologias não reduziram significativamente a secreção de mucossubstâncias nas regiões adjacentes em nenhum dos segmentos tubáricos, tanto na fase luteínica quanto na folicular. Nas áreas de metaplasia escamosa do epitélio tubárico e nos cistos de parede houve redução da secreção de mucossubstâncias neutras e ácidas.(AU)

The goal of this study was to describe the anatomopathological and histochemical features of uterine tubes from 62 sexually mature sows, in both follicular and luteal phases. The animals were assigned into four groups as follows: the first (LSP) containing sows in the luteal phase without tube pathology (n=45), the second (LCP) with sows in the luteal phase with tube pathology (n=19), the third (FSP) with sows in the follicular phase without tube pathology (n=45) and the fourth (FCP) with sows in the follicular phase with tube pathology (n=15). PAS, Alcian Blue (pH 2.5 and 0.4), and Ninhidrina-Schiff stains were used for the histochemical study. Grossly, 34 uterine tubes presented morphological lesions. Wall cysts and squamous metaplasia were the changes found more frequently in both phases. Ampulla and infundibulum were the segments affected more frequently. In the follicular phase, the infundibulum had a higher secretion intensity of neutral mucosubstances, whereas the ampulla and the infundibulum had a higher secretion intensity of AB 2.5-positive mucosubstances. The ampulla had a higher intensity of sulphomucins and Ninhidrina-Schiff-positive secretions in the follicular phase. The morphologic changes did not correlate with reduction in secretion of mucosubstance in the adjacent areas of the uterine tube in both follicular and luteal phases. There was a reduction in secretion of neutral and acid mucosubstances in areas affected by squamous metaplasia and wall cysts.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Secreções Corporais , Útero , Fase Folicular , Fase Luteal , Fertilização in vitro , Estruturas Embrionárias , Suínos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 55(2): 226-229, abr. 2003. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-7521


The aim of this work was to perform a morphometric analysis of the uterine tube epithelium of sexually mature sows, with or without pathological changes. The sows were either in follicular or luteal phases. One hundred and twenty-four uterine tubes of sixty-two sows were obtained from slaughterhouses. Sections of the uterine tube, uterus and ovary were processed for morphometrical evaluation. The uterine tubes were divided into four groups. The first (LSP) group was composed by animals in luteal phase without pathological changes (n=45), the second (LCP) by animals in luteal phase with pathological changes (n=19), the third (FSP) by animals in follicular phase without pathological changes (n=45) and the fourth (FCP) by animals in follicular phase with pathological changes (n=15). In the follicular phase (FSP), the ampulla had a higher epithelium, followed by the infundibulum and the isthmus (P<0.05). Tubal epithelium was higher in the animals of FSP and FCP groups when compared to LSP and LCP, suggesting that estrogens influence epithelial height. In the isthmus, there were significant differences between FSP and LSP groups (P<0.05). These results indicate that the porcine uterine tube epithelium changes its height during the estrous cycle. The epithelial height does not appear to be influenced by tubarian pathologies.(AU)

Animais , Suínos , Tubas Uterinas/patologia , Fase Folicular , Fase Luteal
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-447595


Sixty-four ovaries of adult woolly sheep from the Centro de Pesquisa dos Campos Sul Brasileiros - Embrapa, Bagé-RS, Brazil, were analyzed histologically. The presence of the rete ovarii was detected in 55 of the 64 ovaries (85.9%), located in the periovarian tissue, in the hilus and in the medullary or cortical regions. As also observed in other mammals, the rete ovarii of sheep is morphologically divided into three portions: intraovarian rete, connecting rete and extraovarian rete. Continuity between the extraovarian rete and the uterine tube was observed in five ovaries (7.8%), suggesting a tuboretial connection, as reported for cows and does. Pathological examination of the rete showed the formation of cysts surrounding the connecting and/or extraovarian rete in seven cases (10.9%) and one case of hyperplasia of the extraovarian rete (1.6%).

Foram analisados histologicamente 64 ovários de ovelhas lanadas adultas, procedentes do Centro de Pesquisa dos Campos Sul Brasileiros-Embrapa, Bagé-RS. Constatou-se, em 55 dos 64 ovários (85,9%), a presença da rete ovarii, localizada no tecido periovariano, no hilo, na medular ou na cortical. À semelhança do observado em outros mamíferos, a rete ovarii na ovelha é morfologicamente dividida em três porções: rete intra-ovárica, rete conectante e rete extra-ovárica. Em cinco ovários (7,8%) foi possível verificar uma continuidade entre a rete extra-ovárica e a tuba uterina, sugerindo uma conexão tubo-retial, de maneira similar à descrita para bovinos e para a corça. Quanto à patologia da rete, observaram-se a formação de cistos envolvendo a rete conectante e/ou extra-ovárica em sete casos (10,9%) e um caso de hiperplasia da rete extra-ovárica (1,6%).

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 54(3): 267-272, June 2002. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-7604


The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of pinealectomy, adrenalectomy and pinealectomy-adrenalectomy upon the quantification of spermatogenic cells of rats. As such, 32 adult Wistar rats with a mean body weight of 331.7± 15.5g were assigned into one of the following treatments: (a) a sham-operated control group, consisting of nine animals; (b) ten pinealectomized animals; (c) seven adrenalectomized animals and (d) six pinealectomized plus adrenalectomized animals. No significant differences were observed between groups for the following parameters: body, testes, prostate and seminal vesicle weights, seminiferous tubular diameter, number of cells per seminiferous tubular cross sections (primary spermatocytes at pachytene, round spermatids, Sertoli cells) and numbers of germ cells per Sertoli cell (primary spermatocytes at pachytene and round spermatids ). Although no increase in testicular weight was observed following pinealectomy, a significant (P<0.05) increase of approximately 11.5% in the number of round spermatids per Sertoli cell (Sertoli cell ratio) occurred thus suggesting that short-term pinealectomy abolishes the antigonadal effect of the pineal gland upon adult Wistar rat testes.(AU)

Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar os efeitos da pinealectomia, da adrenalectomia e da adrenalectomia mais pinealectomia na quantificação das células espermatogênicas de ratos. Assim, 32 ratos adultos Wistar com peso corporal médio de 331,7± 15,5g foram alocados em um dos seguintes tratamentos: (a) um grupo controle simulado, composto de nove animais; (b) dez animais pinealectomizados; (c) sete animais adrenalectomizados e (d) seis animais pinealectomizados+adrenalectomizados. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre grupos para os seguintes parâmetros: pesos corporal, dos testículos, da próstata e das vesículas seminais, diâmetro dos túbulos seminíferos, número de células por corte transversal de túbulo seminífero (espermatócitos primários em paquíteno, espermátides arredondadas, células de Sertoli) e números de células espermáticas por célula de Sertoli (espermatócitos primários em paquíteno e espermátides arredondadas). Apesar do peso testicular não ter aumentado após a pinealectomia, houve aumento significativo (P<0,05) de aproximadamente 11,5% no número de espermátides arredondadas por célula de Sertoli (índice de célula de Sertoli), sugerindo que após curto intervalo a pinealectomia abole o efeito anti-gonádico da pineal sobre os testículos de ratos Wistar adultos.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Adulto , Ratos , Espermatogênese , Adrenalectomia