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Rev. bras. zootec ; 49: e20190095, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443847


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of selective feeding habits on the quality of the ingested diet and the effect of feed restriction on the selectivity and behavior of goats in feedlots. Differences were found only in the amount of feed given to the animals, with a difference in the amount of feed rejected as a function of the nutritional level. Higher levels of orts were measured for those animals that received the ad libitum diet. For the composition of orts, differences were measured only in the ether extract fraction. Animals fed the ad libitum diet increased their intake of ether extract and energy, crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber. Thus, they had a preference for consuming the fibrous and energetic portions of the diet to the detriment of the mineral matter. The granulometry influenced the leftovers for the male and female treatments only in the diet that contained the 2.00- and 0.063-mm sized particles, with larger leftovers for the females. There were statistical differences as a function of feeding level for time spent in rumination, with stereotypical behavior, and in time spent standing up or lying down. As a function of sex, the differences were the same variables, including the time spent with agonistic behavior. Animals that received the ad libitum diet had a greater gain and final weight, whereas the animals that received the 60% restricted diet had the lowest performance, as did the females. Feed restriction changed the natural feeding behavior of goats, with smaller feed particles preferred. The feed restriction and sex also influenced the time spent on nonproductive activities, and the animals became more restless, with females having a higher social behavior than males.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Cabras/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Granuloma/diagnóstico , Ingestão de Alimentos , Valor Nutritivo
Jaboticabal,; s.n; 04/03/2013. 93 p.
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-9679


Pesquisas com ratos e humanos têm comprovado que o estímulo tátil é um importante componente no desenvolvimento físico e psicológico dos filhotes. Os estudos com animais de produção são em menor número, e exploram pouco o potencial desta tecnologia como moduladora do temperamento e crescimento corporal. Na presente pesquisa, a estimulação tátil foi testada em filhotes neonatos de ovinos e suínos sob os efeitos no seu comportamento, na qualidade das interações entre humano e animais e desenvolvimento corporal ao longo do tempo. O estímulo foi aplicado diariamente nos cordeiros do grupo estimulado por 5 minutos, no experimento 1 do 1º ao 60º dia e no experimento 2 do 1º ao 21º dia de vida. Os cordeiros foram pesados posteriormente aos 30 e 60 dias de vida e os leitões na 5ª, 9ª e 12ª semana de vida. A cada sessão de estimulação, o comportamento das ovelhas e cordeiros foi registrado continuamente, e a reação ao estímulo controlada ao longo do tempo. Os leitões foram divididos entre diferentes tratamentos; H: todos da ninhada receberam o estímulo tátil, NH: nenhum animal da ninhada recebeu estímulo tátil, 50/50H: metade da ninhada que recebeu estímulo tátil, 50/50NH: metade que não recebeu estímulo tátil. Os leitões estimulados (H e 50/50H) experimentaram o estímulo por 2 minutos diários, do 5º ao 35º dia de vida. Eles foram avaliados individualmente, e a evolução da reação ao estímulo medida através de uma escala que variava de 1 a 4 (menos reativo para mais reativo). Com 4 semanas de idade, os leitões foram submetidos a um teste de aproximação humana, com uma pessoa familiar e outra não-familiar, dividido em 3 fases, 1) fase de isolamento, 2) fase passiva humana, 3) fase ativa humana. A atividade dos leitões e vocalizações foram medidas no teste. Todos os animais foram pesados ao nascer, na 5ª, 9ª e 12ª semana de vida...

Previous research with rats and humans have shown that tactile stimulation is an important component in the physical and psychological development of neonates. Fewer studies had been developed with farm animals, especially those who explore the potential of this technology as a modulator of temperament and body development. In the present study, the tactile stimulation was tested in newborn lambs and piglets upon the effects on their behavior, in the human-animal interactions and body development over time. The stimulus was applied daily in lambs (stimulated group) for 5 minutes in experiment 1 from the 1st to the 60th day and in experiment 2 from the 1st to the 21th day of life. The lambs were weighed at birth, at 30 and 60 days old. In each stimulation session, the behavior of the dams and lambs was recorded continuously, and reaction to stimuli controlled over time. The piglets were divided between different treatments, H: all the litter received the tactile stimulus, NH: no animal received tactile stimulation, 50/50H: half the litter received tactile stimulation, 50/50NH: half of the litter did not receive tactile stimulation. The stimulated piglets (H and 50/50H) experienced the stimulus for 2 minutes daily, from 5th to 35th day of life. The piglets were also evaluated individually, and the evolution of their reaction to the stimulus measured using a scale that ranged from 1 to 4 (least reactive to most reactive). With 4 weeks of age, piglets were subjected to a human approach test, with a familiar and an unfamiliar person, divided into 3 phases, 1) isolation phase, 2) stationary human, 3) moving human. Piglets? acitivity and vocalisations were measured in the test. The animals were weighted at birth and at 5th, 9th and 12th week of life. Multivariate factor analyzes were conducted to assess associations between behavior and performance variables...

Jaboticabal; s.n; 26/02/2010. 75 p.
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-4678


A restrição alimentar é uma técnica muito difundida no meio científico e produtivo, usada para contenção de gastos e exploração do ganho compensatório. Entretanto, há escassez de pesquisas que retratem as suas possíveis consequências ao comportamento e bem-estar dos animais. Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar os possíveis efeitos que a restrição alimentar causa no bem-estar de cabritos mantidos em gaiolas individuais, detectado por possíveis alterações na expressão de seus comportamentos. No estudo do ritmo circadiano, utilizou-se três cabritos Saanen machos, e no segundo experimento utilizou-se 27 cabritos Saanen (machos, fêmeas e castrados) entre 30 e 40 dias de vida, e em ambos os estudos os animais eram submetidos a 3 diferentes níveis nutricionais (sem restrição, restrição intermediária e restrição severa), com consumo individual controlado diariamente. As observações foram realizadas de forma direta e contínua, com uso de câmeras de vídeo, utilizando como variáveis a frequencia e a duração dos comportamentos, perfazendo 702 horas de observação. Através da análise do ritmo circadiano, foi possível verificar alterações na alocação temporal dos comportamentos realizados pelos cabritos e na condição de bem-estar desses animais, sendo que todos os animais apresentaram desenvolvimento de estereotipias. Os cabritos desta pesquisa apresentaram consumo de matéria seca sólida aquém do esperado para a idade em estudo, e os animais dos diferentes sexos reagiram de forma distinta. O presente estudo contribuiu com informações relevantes para os pesquisadores que trabalham com animais em condições restritivas, mostrando que existem custos para os animais e que estes respondem de alguma forma a estas imposições. Entretanto mais esforços dirigidos a esta área se fazem necessários, especialmente com a espécie caprina, ainda pouco estudada

Feed restriction is a common practice in scientific studies and in the animal husbandry. It is used to minimize the production costs and to explore compensatory growth. However, there are few studies that measure their possible consequences in the behavior and welfare of the animals. The aim of this study was verify the possible effects that food restriction causes in the welfare of penned goat kid, detected by possible changes in the expression of their behaviors. For the rhythm study, three male Saanen kids were used. In the second one, 27 goat kids were used from different gender (males, females, castrates), that had between 30 and 40 days of life, and in both studies the animals were subjected to 3 different nutrition levels of diets (without restriction, intermediate restriction and severe restriction), and the individual feed intake was daily controlled. The observations were made on direct way, using video cameras on continuous recording, using the frequency and the length of the behaviors as variables, totalizing 702 hours of observation. By the analyses of the circadian rhythms, it was observed changes in temporal allocation in the behavior and in the welfare conditions of the kids, whereas all animals showed development of behavior stereotypes. The dry matter intake of the solid ratio was below for what was expected from kids with this age, and animals of different sexes reacted in a distinct way. This study contributed with relevant information to researchers who works with animals in a restrictive condition, showing that are costs to the animals and they respond somehow for this charges, however, further studies has to be done for this area, especially with goats, which are still very little studied