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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41(supl.1): Pub. 37, 2013. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1372630


Background: Researches have suggested that mycotoxins could corroborate the pathogenesis of porcine viral diseases. Zearalenone (ZEA), one of the most import mycotoxicosis in pigs result significant reproductive disorders. The circovirosis syndromes in pigs have been associated with multifactorial or predisposing conditions. No previous data have correlated ZEA with viral syndromes in Sus scrofa. In this report are described anamnesis, clinical and histological findings with zearalenone ingestion and PCV-2 infection in a Brazilian livestock. Case: Feeding ration was mixed and produced at the farm with low quality corn that was stored in barn with cement floor. During ten months, 28 farrowing occurred. Fifteen of them were normal and produced 145 animals, mean of 9.66 piglets per litter. Thirteen sows presented reproductive disorders, and one died. Eight of them had the delayed farrowing and three aborted. These animals produced 57 mummified fetuses (10-16cm crown-rump length), 23 aborted fetuses (60-72 days of gestation), four stillborn, two teratogenic fetuses and only 16 normal piglets. Skin pustules, hemorrhagic spots and petechiae, as well as coughing were observed in 88% of the animals and four piglets died. Diarrhea outbreaks frequently occurred in this period. Twenty five of 34 gilts (75%) showed longer estrous cycle, estrus returning, vulvae volume and mammary glands enlargement. Necropsies showed enlarged lymphatic nodes and kidneys. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis indicated the presence of Porcine Circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) in analyzed tissues. Toxicological tests demonstrated the presence of zearalenone (ZEA) in stomach contents with average of 8.75 µg/g and pesticides and aflatoxins were not detected. Discussion: The history, the clinical signs, the necropsy and histological findings suggested a mix of zearalenone mycotoxicosis and PVC-2 syndrome that was confirmed by PVC-2 tissue detection in immunohistochemical assay, and by food toxicological analysis. The ZEA average founded in stomach contents (8.75 µg/g could produce the reproductive disorders and could has exacerbated the circovirosis. The most frequent reproductive alteration observed in the farrowing was mummified fetuses that corresponded 66.7% of its products. The several reproductive disorders as abortion, stillborn, mummified fetuses, estrus returning, vulvae volume and mammary glands enlargement in gilts are frequently related to zearalenone mycotoxicosis. Appetite loss, apathy, wasting, cough and diarrhea and increased mortality and withdrawal rate in growth and post-weaning phases observed in this study are liked as the several descriptions in the Post-Weaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome. The hemorrhagic skin spots and increased kidneys, with multifocal glomerulonephritis, lymphohistiocytic interstitial nephritis to remember the several alterations in Porcine Dermatitis and Nephropathy Syndrome. Both syndromes by PCV-2 could be simultaneity occurring in this herd and could have a co-participation of the ZEA ingestion as aggravated factor. After contaminated corn to sorghum free of ZEA exchange at ration, the reproduction returned to normal level and no PCV-2 lesions were observed, suggesting the ZEA ingestion as one initial or aggravating factor for the PCV-2 syndromes. For the first time, this report describes historical, anamnesis, clinical and histological findings possibly associated with zearalenone contamination and PCV-2 infection in pigs.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Doenças dos Suínos/diagnóstico , Zearalenona/toxicidade , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Circovirus/patogenicidade , Infecções por Circoviridae/veterinária , Suínos
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 5(2): 184-191, 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414016


This study evaluated composting as a means of treating wastes from rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and hamsters from animal care facilities and its subsequent use for agricultural purposes. We built six compost windrows with 500kg solid wastes mixed with 221.65kg of cotton waste each, which gave a C:N ratio of nearly 30:1. Chemical, microbiological and parasitological analyses of the wastes and the composts were performed before and after treatment. Temperature and pH were measured inside the windrows throughout the experiment. The initial temperature of 28°C increased to a peak of 60°C and decreased to stabilization within approximately 100 days. The pH values oscillated between 6.5 and 8.0, the range indicated to assure pathogen removal and compost quality. At the end of the experiment, over 90% of Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp, protozoan oocysts and helminth eggs were efficiently eliminated in most of the composts. Chemical analyses detected suitable contents of macro and micronutrients and acceptable levels of heavy metals in the composts. We conclude that composting is an efficient method to treat the solid wastes produced by the studied species held in animal care facilities. It eliminates or reduces microorganism content, producing class B biosolids that can be used with restriction in agricultural practices.

Animais , Resíduos/análise , Compostagem/métodos , Eliminação de Resíduos/métodos , Laboratórios Clínicos/normas , Animais de Laboratório
Ci. Rural ; 38(5): 1279-1285, ago. 2008. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-4819


Este estudo avaliou a contaminação por ovos de helmintos, cistos e oocistos de protozoários em compostos orgânicos utilizando lodo de esgoto doméstico e resíduos agropecuários. Foram realizadas análises parasitológicas em amostras de 25 diferentes compostos orgânicos, antes e após tratamento térmico a 60ºC durante 12 horas. Os resultados demonstraram elevada contaminação parasitária em todos os compostos analisados antes do tratamento e a não redução dessa contaminação após o tratamento térmico. A identificação das larvas obtidas em coproculturas antes e após o tratamento térmico dos compostos indicou que os gêneros mais freqüentemente observados foram Cooperia e Trichostrongylus, que são nematóides gastrintestinais de ruminantes. Estes resultados demonstram que ovos de helmintos podem permanecer viáveis mesmo após o processo de compostagem e o tratamento térmico. Os compostos produzidos com lodo de esgoto doméstico e resíduo agropecuários, utilizando esses processos de tratamentos, podem constituir riscos de contaminação para humanos e animais.(AU)

This research aimed at evaluating the cysts, oocysts and eggs contamination before and after thermal treatment of 60ºC for 12 hours, in 25 different organic composts produced with biosolids from domestic waste-water treatment and animal and agricultural residues. The results showed high parasitological contamination for all organic composts before the treatment and these contaminations were not reduced after thermic treatment. The larva identification in coprocultures before and after thermic treatment showed Cooperia spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. were the most prevalent nematodes. These results demonstrated that helmintus' eggs can remain viable even after the composing and thermic treatment. The obtained composition with sewage sludge and agricultural residues through these treatment processes can establish contamination risks for humans and animals.(AU)

Esgotos Domésticos , Parasitos/parasitologia