A esporotricose é uma zoonose causada por fungos do complexo Sporothrix spp. Esse microrganismo é saprófito e está naturalmente presente no solo, sendo contraído pelos hospedeiros a partir do contato com animais infectados, manuseio de terra e plantas. É uma doença emergente negligenciada, de impacto na saúde pública, e os felinos domésticos têm importante papel na sua propagação. Os hábitos da espécie de afiar suas garras e encobrir seus dejetos, assim como arranhaduras ou mordeduras durante brigas por território e acasalamento, favorecem a inoculação do fungo. A apresentação clínica mais frequente em animais e humanos é a cutânea, mas uma forma sistêmica pode ocorrer em pacientes imunocomprometidos. As saúdes humana, ambiental e animal estão intimamente ligadas e, para que haja bem-estar geral, é preciso que esses três pilares estejam em equilíbrio, com isso, a atuação do médico-veterinário se torna indispensável no controle de zoonoses. A criação de políticas públicas para controle e erradicação da esporotricose é fundamental para controlar a epidemia no Brasil e o médico-veterinário deve participar ativamente desse processo.
Sporotrichosis is a zoonosis caused by fungi of the Sporothirix spp complex. This microorganism is saprophytic and is naturally present in the soil, being contracted by the hosts from contact with infected animals, handling of land and plants. It is an emerging neglected disease with an impact on public health, and domestic cats play an important role in the spread of the disease. The species' habits of sharpening their claws and covering their waste, as well scratches or bites during fights over territory and mating favor the inoculation of the fungus. The most common clinical presentation in animals and humans is cutaneous, but a systemic form can occur immunocompromised patients. Environmental human and animal health are closely linked, and in order for there to be general well-being, these three pillars need to be in balance; then, the role of the veterinarian becomes indispensable in the control of zoonosis. The creation of public policies for the control and eradication of sporotrichosis is essential to control the epidemic in Brazil and the veterinarian must actively participate in this process.
Humanos , Animais , Gatos , Prática Profissional , Esporotricose/veterinária , Sporothrix , Médicos Veterinários , Doenças Negligenciadas/veterinária , Saúde Pública Veterinária , Saúde ÚnicaResumo
Background: Non-specific phenotype feline cardiomyopathy (CFNE) is one that does not fit properly in the other categories, and it is necessary to describe in detail the morphology and cardiac function. The causes of CFNE is not very clear, and it may be due to congenital or acquired disease, or also to primary or secondary myocardial dysfunction associated with other conditions. In symptomatic cases, the clinical signs observed are compatible with left congestive heart failure (ICCE). This study reports a CFNE case in an asymptomatic cat, in order to demonstrate the importance of echocardiographic examination in the early diagnosis of the disease. Case: A 6.5-year-old non-neutered crossbred cat weighing 3.1 kg was seen at the institutions veterinary hospital for routine cardiac evaluation. No clinical signs were reported in the history. On physical examination, the animal presented calm behavior, body score 5/9, heart rate 200 bpm, systolic blood pressure of 102 mmHg, respiratory rate 64 mrp, and other normal parameters. CBC and urinalysis laboratory tests were requested, which were unchanged. The electrocardiogram showed normal patterns. In the conventional echocardiographic examination, a significant increase in the left atrium (LA) was observed, and the LA/Ao ratio was 2.05 and the diastolic function was abnormal. There was no presence of concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle (LV), the thickness of the ventricular wall measured at different points, in the two-dimensional mode and the M mode, was less than 5 millimeters. Other parameters of conventional echocardiography were within the normal range. Through these echocardiographic findings, the suggestive diagnosis was non-specific phenotype cardiomyopathy, with a significant increase in LA. For the...
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Cardiomiopatias/diagnóstico por imagem , Cardiomiopatias/veterinária , Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda/diagnóstico por imagem , Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Non-specific phenotype feline cardiomyopathy (CFNE) is one that does not fit properly in the other categories, and it is necessary to describe in detail the morphology and cardiac function. The causes of CFNE is not very clear, and it may be due to congenital or acquired disease, or also to primary or secondary myocardial dysfunction associated with other conditions. In symptomatic cases, the clinical signs observed are compatible with left congestive heart failure (ICCE). This study reports a CFNE case in an asymptomatic cat, in order to demonstrate the importance of echocardiographic examination in the early diagnosis of the disease. Case: A 6.5-year-old non-neutered crossbred cat weighing 3.1 kg was seen at the institutions veterinary hospital for routine cardiac evaluation. No clinical signs were reported in the history. On physical examination, the animal presented calm behavior, body score 5/9, heart rate 200 bpm, systolic blood pressure of 102 mmHg, respiratory rate 64 mrp, and other normal parameters. CBC and urinalysis laboratory tests were requested, which were unchanged. The electrocardiogram showed normal patterns. In the conventional echocardiographic examination, a significant increase in the left atrium (LA) was observed, and the LA/Ao ratio was 2.05 and the diastolic function was abnormal. There was no presence of concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle (LV), the thickness of the ventricular wall measured at different points, in the two-dimensional mode and the M mode, was less than 5 millimeters. Other parameters of conventional echocardiography were within the normal range. Through these echocardiographic findings, the suggestive diagnosis was non-specific phenotype cardiomyopathy, with a significant increase in LA. For the...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Cardiomiopatias/diagnóstico por imagem , Cardiomiopatias/veterinária , Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda/diagnóstico por imagem , Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Electrocardiography is an exam widely used in feline medicine. It consists of recording the electrical activity of the heart in waves representing myocardial depolarization and repolarization. Two electrocardiographic evaluation methods are employed in dogs and cats: computerized and conventional. However, possible differences in ECG results performed by the different methods have been reported. This paper aims to evaluate the observers interference in the interpretation of the electrocardiographic exams and possible differences between the methods: conventional single channel, computerized screen and computerized printed of healthy cats. Materials, Methods & Results: Electrocardiographic tracings were obtained from 58 healthy cats, aged between 1 and 10 years-old, of both sexes, of the Persian and mixed breed and therefore interpreted by 4 observers with similar degree of experience. The examinations were performed in a sequential manner, the computerized method first, and then the conventional method. The animals were gently contained in the right lateral decubitus position. The tracings obtained by the conventional method were printed on thermally sensitive graph paper. The computerized method was performed in computer by means of specific software (TEB® ECGPC version 6.2), being the waves delimited by the observer. The tracings were also printed by means of a jet printer, and also interpreted. The morphology of P waves, QRS complexes and T waves were analyzed in the derivations: I, II, III, aVR, aVL and aVF. Heart rate, amplitude and duration of the P, QRS and T waves, PR, QT and heart rate (HR) intervals were calculated in derivation II. Mean electric axis was determined in leads I and III. Comparing the methods, there was a difference observed in the values of P and R waves, QRS complex, QT and PR intervals and T wave polarity. The interpretation of the evaluators presented statistical differences in the duration of the P...
Animais , Gatos , Eletrocardiografia/métodos , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Interpretação de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodosResumo
A presente revisão tem por objetivo aprimorar o conhecimento sobre Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) em cães, visando à compreensão dos aspectos clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamento. A DCM é caracterizada por dilatação ventricular, disfunção sistólica e arritmias que podem culminar em insuficiência cardíaca e morte. É a segunda cardiopatia mais frequente em cães, acometendo principalmente animais de grande porte e machos. A etiologia é idiopática, mas alguns genes associados à doença já foram identificados. A manifestação clínica é dividida basicamente em estágios oculto e sintomático. O estágio oculto é caracterizado pela presença de alterações elétricas e/ou morfológicas e ausência de sinais clínicos. Os cães podem apresentar o estágio oculto longo até o desenvolvimento de insuficiência cardíaca de forma aguda ou morte súbita. O estágio sintomático é definido pela presença de insuficiência cardíaca esquerda ou biventricular. O diagnóstico somente é confirmado por meio de ecocardiograma e/ou Holter. Estes exames são considerados padrão-ouro, uma vez que apresentam alta sensibilidade na identificação precoce da doença. Cães de raças predispostas devem ser monitorados anualmente a partir dos três anos de idade. O tratamento tem o intuito de minimizar os efeitos da insuficiência cardíaca, sendo instituído de acordo com a fase em que o animal se encontra. O prognóstico após início dos sinais clínicos é desfavorável. Alguns fatores podem influenciar a sobrevida de forma positiva ou negativa. A realização de exames periódicos é de grande importância para obter o diagnóstico precoce e intervir de maneira a retardar a progressão da doença.
The aim of the present review is to improve the knowledge about Cardiomyopathy dilata (CMD) in dogs, in order to understanding clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment. CMD is characterized by ventricular dilation, systolic dysfunction, and arrhythmias that may culminate in heart failure and death. It is the second most common heart disease in dogs, affecting mainly large animals and males. The etiology is idiopathic, but some genes associated with the disease have already been identified. The clinical manifestation is basically divided into occult and symptomatic stages. The occult stage is characterized by the presence of electrical and/or morphological changes and absence of clinical signs. Dogs may present the long occult stage to the development of acute heart failure or sudden death. The symptomatic stage is defined by the presence of left or biventricular heart failure. The diagnosis is only confirmed by echocardiography and/or Holter. These exams are considered gold standard, since they present high sensitivity in the early identification of the disease. Dogs of predisposed breeds should be monitored annually from the age of three. The treatment is intended to minimize the effects of heart failure, and is instituted according to the stage in which the animal is. The prognosis after onset of clinical signs is worse. Some factors may influence survival in a positive or negative way. Periodic examinations are great importance to obtain early diagnosis and interpose in order to delay the progression of the disease.
Animais , Cães , Ecocardiografia/veterinária , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/veterinária , Diagnóstico Precoce , Cães/anormalidades , Cardiopatias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Uterine twisting in bitches is an uncommon disease in which the difficulty of diagnosis is due to non specific clinical signs. This condition is more commonly observed in pluriparous females and is usually associated with a pregnant uterus close to birth, or associated with hemometra, pyometra and neoplasms in non-pregnant bitches. This study reports a case of an 11-year-old Poodle bitch with a rare case of uterine twisting in a non-pregnant womb. Case: A 11-year-old Poodle dog, weighing 3.2 kg, was admitted at the institution with a history of anorexia, oligodipsia and apathy during one day. There was no information on the last phase of estrus or previous pregnancies. The patient arrived at the emergency room of the veterinary hospital with cardiorespiratory arrest and was resuscitated with mechanical ventilation, cardiac massage and administration of adrenaline (0.1 mg/kg IV, 1 mg/ml concentration), tramadol hydrochloride (2mg/kg via IV) and oxygen therapy. Clinical examination revealed a distended and tense abdomen with a palpable mass inthe mesogastric region. Ultrasound examination showed a heterogeneous structure (> 10cm. in diameter), with cavitary areas filled with heterogeneous anechoic content and septations, located between the liver and urinary bladder. It was notpossible to identify in which organ or structure the mass originated, and the possibility of gestation and fetal death was discarded. The female died six hours after admission. The patient was submitted to necropsy and histopathological analysis revealed a dark red and enlarged segment of the uterine horn with a 360º twist, occupying most of the abdominal cavity.The left uterine horn was about 10 cm in diameter and firm, and cystic areas were observed on a reddish-black surface containing a large amount of bloody fluid. The right uterine horn was normal in appearance, but with a small amount of fluid...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Anormalidade Torcional/veterinária , Doenças Uterinas/veterinária , Hematometra/veterinária , ReproduçãoResumo
Background: Uterine twisting in bitches is an uncommon disease in which the difficulty of diagnosis is due to non specific clinical signs. This condition is more commonly observed in pluriparous females and is usually associated with a pregnant uterus close to birth, or associated with hemometra, pyometra and neoplasms in non-pregnant bitches. This study reports a case of an 11-year-old Poodle bitch with a rare case of uterine twisting in a non-pregnant womb. Case: A 11-year-old Poodle dog, weighing 3.2 kg, was admitted at the institution with a history of anorexia, oligodipsia and apathy during one day. There was no information on the last phase of estrus or previous pregnancies. The patient arrived at the emergency room of the veterinary hospital with cardiorespiratory arrest and was resuscitated with mechanical ventilation, cardiac massage and administration of adrenaline (0.1 mg/kg IV, 1 mg/ml concentration), tramadol hydrochloride (2mg/kg via IV) and oxygen therapy. Clinical examination revealed a distended and tense abdomen with a palpable mass inthe mesogastric region. Ultrasound examination showed a heterogeneous structure (> 10cm. in diameter), with cavitary areas filled with heterogeneous anechoic content and septations, located between the liver and urinary bladder. It was notpossible to identify in which organ or structure the mass originated, and the possibility of gestation and fetal death was discarded. The female died six hours after admission. The patient was submitted to necropsy and histopathological analysis revealed a dark red and enlarged segment of the uterine horn with a 360º twist, occupying most of the abdominal cavity.The left uterine horn was about 10 cm in diameter and firm, and cystic areas were observed on a reddish-black surface containing a large amount of bloody fluid. The right uterine horn was normal in appearance, but with a small amount of fluid...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Doenças Uterinas/veterinária , Anormalidade Torcional/veterinária , Hematometra/veterinária , ReproduçãoResumo
A relação fisiopatológica entre os rins e o coração na doença, conhecida como síndrome cardiorrenal (SCR), envolve distúrbios do coração e dos rins, pois a disfunção aguda ou crônica em um órgão pode induzir a disfunção aguda ou crônica do outro. Em Medicina Veterinária são descritos 5 subtipos de síndrome cardiorrenal: cardiorrenal aguda, cardiorrenal crônica, renocárdica aguda, renocárdica crônica e secundária. A anemia é um achado comum em cães com disfunção cardíaca e renal, caracterizando a chamada síndrome da anemia cardiorrenal. Os mecanismos envolvidos na fisiopatologia da síndrome cardiorrenal envolvem, não somente alterações hemodinâmicas e ativação de sistemas neuro-hormonais, como também a ativação de mecanismos compensatórios do próprio organismo, que acabam contribuindo para a piora da função cardíaca e renal, levando ao desenvolvimento da SCR. O grande desafio encontrado em medicina veterinária está relacionado ao diagnóstico precoce dessa síndrome e, principalmente, ao correto manejo terapêutico, uma vez que que a terapia da cardiopatia pode deteriorar a função renal, e vice-versa. Portanto, é importante compreender como a fisiopatologia de uma doença pode impactar a função do outro órgão. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo trazer uma completa abordagem da fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e tratamento da síndrome cardiorrenal em cães.(AU)
The physiopathological relationship between the kidneys and the heart in the disease, known as cardiorenal syndrome (CRS), involves disorders of the heart and kidneys, since acute or chronic dysfunction in one organ can induce acute or chronic dysfunction of the other. In veterinary medicine, 5 subtypes of cardiorenal syndrome are described: acute cardiorenal, chronic cardiorenal, acute renocardial, chronic and secondary renocardial. Anemia is a common finding in dogs with cardiac and renal dysfunction, characterizing the so-called cardiorenal anemia syndrome. The mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of the cardiorenal syndrome involve not only hemodynamic changes and activation of neurohormonal systems, but also the activation of compensatory mechanisms of the organism itself, which end up contributing to worsening cardiac and renal function, leading to the development of CRS. The great challenge found in Veterinary Medicine is related to the early diagnosis of this syndrome and, mainly, to the correct therapeutic management, since that the therapy of the cardiopathy can deteriorate the renal function, and vice versa. Therefore, it is important to understand how the pathophysiology of one disease can impact the function of the other organ. The present work aims to bring a complete approach to the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of cardiorenal syndrome in dogs.(AU)
La relación fisiopatológica entre los riñones y el corazón en la enfermedad, conocida como síndrome cardiorrenal (SCR), involucra trastornos cardíacos y renales, ya que la disfunción aguda o crónica en un órgano puede inducir disfunción aguda o crónica en el otro. En medicina veterinaria se describen 5 subtipos de síndrome cardiorrenal: cardiorrenal agudo, cardiorrenal crónico, renocardial agudo, renocardial crónico y secundario. La anemia es un hallazgo común en perros con disfunción cardíaca y renal, que caracteriza el llamado síndrome de anemia cardiorrenal. Los mecanismos involucrados en la fisiopatología del síndrome cardiorrenal implican no solo cambios hemodinámicos y activación de los sistemas neurohormonales, sino también la activación de mecanismos compensatorios del propio cuerpo, que en última instancia contribuyen al empeoramiento de la función cardíaca y renal, lo que conduce al desarrollo de CRS. El principal desafío que se encuentra en la medicina veterinaria está relacionado con el diagnóstico precoz de este síndrome y, especialmente, con el tratamiento terapéutico correcto, ya que la terapia de la enfermedad cardíaca puede deteriorar la función renal y viceversa. Por lo tanto, es importante comprender cómo la fisiopatología de una enfermedad puede afectar la función del otro órgano. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo brindar un enfoque completo de la fisiopatología, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento del síndrome cardiorrenal en perros.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Síndrome Cardiorrenal/prevenção & controle , Síndrome Cardiorrenal/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Nefropatias/prevenção & controle , Nefropatias/veterinária , Cardiopatias/prevenção & controle , Cardiopatias/veterináriaResumo
A presente revisão tem por objetivo aprimorar o conhecimento sobre Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) em cães, visando à compreensão dos aspectos clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamento. A DCM é caracterizada por dilatação ventricular, disfunção sistólica e arritmias que podem culminar em insuficiência cardíaca e morte. É a segunda cardiopatia mais frequente em cães, acometendo principalmente animais de grande porte e machos. A etiologia é idiopática, mas alguns genes associados à doença já foram identificados. A manifestação clínica é dividida basicamente em estágios oculto e sintomático. O estágio oculto é caracterizado pela presença de alterações elétricas e/ou morfológicas e ausência de sinais clínicos. Os cães podem apresentar o estágio oculto longo até o desenvolvimento de insuficiência cardíaca de forma aguda ou morte súbita. O estágio sintomático é definido pela presença de insuficiência cardíaca esquerda ou biventricular. O diagnóstico somente é confirmado por meio de ecocardiograma e/ou Holter. Estes exames são considerados padrão-ouro, uma vez que apresentam alta sensibilidade na identificação precoce da doença. Cães de raças predispostas devem ser monitorados anualmente a partir dos três anos de idade. O tratamento tem o intuito de minimizar os efeitos da insuficiência cardíaca, sendo instituído de acordo com a fase em que o animal se encontra. O prognóstico após início dos
The aim of the present review is to improve the knowledge about Cardiomyopathy dilata (CMD) in dogs, in order to understanding clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment. CMD is characterized by ventricular dilation, systolic dysfunction, and arrhythmias that may culminate in heart failure and death. It is the second most common heart disease in dogs, affecting mainly large animals and males. The etiology is idiopathic, but some genes associated with the disease have already been identified. The clinical manifestation is basically divided into occult and symptomatic stages. The occult stage is characterized by the presence of electrical and/or morphological changes and absence of clinical signs. Dogs may present the long occult stage to the development of acute heart failure or sudden death. The symptomatic stage is defined by the presence of left or biventricular heart failure. The diagnosis is only confirmed by echocardiography and/or Holter. These exams are considered gold standard, since they present high sensitivity in the early identification of the disease. Dogs of predisposed breeds should be monitored annually from the age of three. The treatment is intended to minimize the effects of heart failure, and is instituted according to the stage in which the animal is. The prognosis after onset of clinical signs is worse. Some factors may influence survival in a positive or negative way. Periodic examinations are great importance to obtain early diagnosis and interpose in order to delay the progression of the disease.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/classificação , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/diagnóstico , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/veterinária , Cães/anormalidadesResumo
A presente revisão tem por objetivo aprimorar o conhecimento sobre Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) em cães, visando à compreensão dos aspectos clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamento. A DCM é caracterizada por dilatação ventricular, disfunção sistólica e arritmias que podem culminar em insuficiência cardíaca e morte. É a segunda cardiopatia mais frequente em cães, acometendo principalmente animais de grande porte e machos. A etiologia é idiopática, mas alguns genes associados à doença já foram identificados. A manifestação clínica é dividida basicamente em estágios oculto e sintomático. O estágio oculto é caracterizado pela presença de alterações elétricas e/ou morfológicas e ausência de sinais clínicos. Os cães podem apresentar o estágio oculto longo até o desenvolvimento de insuficiência cardíaca de forma aguda ou morte súbita. O estágio sintomático é definido pela presença de insuficiência cardíaca esquerda ou biventricular. O diagnóstico somente é confirmado por meio de ecocardiograma e/ou Holter. Estes exames são considerados padrão-ouro, uma vez que apresentam alta sensibilidade na identificação precoce da doença. Cães de raças predispostas devem ser monitorados anualmente a partir dos três anos de idade. O tratamento tem o intuito de minimizar os efeitos da insuficiência cardíaca, sendo instituído de acordo com a fase em que o animal se encontra. O prognóstico após início dos
The aim of the present review is to improve the knowledge about Cardiomyopathy dilata (CMD) in dogs, in order to understanding clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment. CMD is characterized by ventricular dilation, systolic dysfunction, and arrhythmias that may culminate in heart failure and death. It is the second most common heart disease in dogs, affecting mainly large animals and males. The etiology is idiopathic, but some genes associated with the disease have already been identified. The clinical manifestation is basically divided into occult and symptomatic stages. The occult stage is characterized by the presence of electrical and/or morphological changes and absence of clinical signs. Dogs may present the long occult stage to the development of acute heart failure or sudden death. The symptomatic stage is defined by the presence of left or biventricular heart failure. The diagnosis is only confirmed by echocardiography and/or Holter. These exams are considered gold standard, since they present high sensitivity in the early identification of the disease. Dogs of predisposed breeds should be monitored annually from the age of three. The treatment is intended to minimize the effects of heart failure, and is instituted according to the stage in which the animal is. The prognosis after onset of clinical signs is worse. Some factors may influence survival in a positive or negative way. Periodic examinations are great importance to obtain early diagnosis and interpose in order to delay the progression of the disease.
Animais , Cães , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/classificação , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/diagnóstico , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/veterinária , Cães/anormalidadesResumo
A relação fisiopatológica entre os rins e o coração na doença, conhecida como síndrome cardiorrenal (SCR), envolve distúrbios do coração e dos rins, pois a disfunção aguda ou crônica em um órgão pode induzir a disfunção aguda ou crônica do outro. Em Medicina Veterinária são descritos 5 subtipos de síndrome cardiorrenal: cardiorrenal aguda, cardiorrenal crônica, renocárdica aguda, renocárdica crônica e secundária. A anemia é um achado comum em cães com disfunção cardíaca e renal, caracterizando a chamada síndrome da anemia cardiorrenal. Os mecanismos envolvidos na fisiopatologia da síndrome cardiorrenal envolvem, não somente alterações hemodinâmicas e ativação de sistemas neuro-hormonais, como também a ativação de mecanismos compensatórios do próprio organismo, que acabam contribuindo para a piora da função cardíaca e renal, levando ao desenvolvimento da SCR. O grande desafio encontrado em medicina veterinária está relacionado ao diagnóstico precoce dessa síndrome e, principalmente, ao correto manejo terapêutico, uma vez que que a terapia da cardiopatia pode deteriorar a função renal, e vice-versa. Portanto, é importante compreender como a fisiopatologia de uma doença pode impactar a função do outro órgão. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo trazer uma completa abordagem da fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e tratamento da síndrome cardiorrenal em cães.
The physiopathological relationship between the kidneys and the heart in the disease, known as cardiorenal syndrome (CRS), involves disorders of the heart and kidneys, since acute or chronic dysfunction in one organ can induce acute or chronic dysfunction of the other. In veterinary medicine, 5 subtypes of cardiorenal syndrome are described: acute cardiorenal, chronic cardiorenal, acute renocardial, chronic and secondary renocardial. Anemia is a common finding in dogs with cardiac and renal dysfunction, characterizing the so-called cardiorenal anemia syndrome. The mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of the cardiorenal syndrome involve not only hemodynamic changes and activation of neurohormonal systems, but also the activation of compensatory mechanisms of the organism itself, which end up contributing to worsening cardiac and renal function, leading to the development of CRS. The great challenge found in Veterinary Medicine is related to the early diagnosis of this syndrome and, mainly, to the correct therapeutic management, since that the therapy of the cardiopathy can deteriorate the renal function, and vice versa. Therefore, it is important to understand how the pathophysiology of one disease can impact the function of the other organ. The present work aims to bring a complete approach to the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of cardiorenal syndrome in dogs.
La relación fisiopatológica entre los riñones y el corazón en la enfermedad, conocida como síndrome cardiorrenal (SCR), involucra trastornos cardíacos y renales, ya que la disfunción aguda o crónica en un órgano puede inducir disfunción aguda o crónica en el otro. En medicina veterinaria se describen 5 subtipos de síndrome cardiorrenal: cardiorrenal agudo, cardiorrenal crónico, renocardial agudo, renocardial crónico y secundario. La anemia es un hallazgo común en perros con disfunción cardíaca y renal, que caracteriza el llamado síndrome de anemia cardiorrenal. Los mecanismos involucrados en la fisiopatología del síndrome cardiorrenal implican no solo cambios hemodinámicos y activación de los sistemas neurohormonales, sino también la activación de mecanismos compensatorios del propio cuerpo, que en última instancia contribuyen al empeoramiento de la función cardíaca y renal, lo que conduce al desarrollo de CRS. El principal desafío que se encuentra en la medicina veterinaria está relacionado con el diagnóstico precoz de este síndrome y, especialmente, con el tratamiento terapéutico correcto, ya que la terapia de la enfermedad cardíaca puede deteriorar la función renal y viceversa. Por lo tanto, es importante comprender cómo la fisiopatología de una enfermedad puede afectar la función del otro órgano. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo brindar un enfoque completo de la fisiopatología, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento del síndrome cardiorrenal en perros.
Animais , Cães , Anemia/veterinária , Síndrome Cardiorrenal/prevenção & controle , Síndrome Cardiorrenal/veterinária , Cardiopatias/prevenção & controle , Cardiopatias/veterinária , Nefropatias/prevenção & controle , Nefropatias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pyothorax is characterized by the accumulation of septic purulent fluid within the pleural space. Most of the times, it is the true identified infection way in only 2 to 22% of dog cases. Reports show that the most common cause is the migration of grass edges and plant materials, mainly in regions of California, USA. The current study reports an unusual case of a Cassia fistula pod (Brazilian Acácia Imperial), of around 10x3 cm long, causing chronic Pyothorax in a Border Collie female dog. Case: It was admitted in a Teaching Veterinary Hospital a 2-year-old female Border Collie, weighing 16.5 kg. The complaint was producing of severe cough, dyspnoea, hyporexia and loss of weight in the past three months. The animal could have been horse-kicked, as it is used to herding. In the physical examination, it was detected bilateral thick lung crepitations, more evident in the ventral skull area, dyspnoea, tachypnea, fever, splenomegaly and low body condition score (3/9). The laboratory tests revealed nonregenerative anemia and leukemoid reaction. The chest x-ray showed intense pulmonary opacification and free fluids in the pleural space along with a heterogenic cylindrical image of the mixed radiopacity. This image was then confirmed as the intrathoracic foreing body by the use of a computerized tomography. In this exam it was also possible to observe the damage of part of the middle and inferior right lung lobe. The cytology of the pleural effusion found mixed inflammation and coccoid bacteria, and the microbiological culture Streptococcus sp., and Escherichia coli. The dog underwent thoracotomy in order to remove the foreign body, which was later identified as being a Cassia fistula pod (Brazilian Acácia Imperial), of around 10x3 cm long. Due to the intense lung damage, a right pneumonectomy was required. After 30 days the animal was fully recovered.[...]
Animais , Cães , Cassia , Cavidade Torácica , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Empiema Pleural/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pyothorax is characterized by the accumulation of septic purulent fluid within the pleural space. Most of the times, it is the true identified infection way in only 2 to 22% of dog cases. Reports show that the most common cause is the migration of grass edges and plant materials, mainly in regions of California, USA. The current study reports an unusual case of a Cassia fistula pod (Brazilian Acácia Imperial), of around 10x3 cm long, causing chronic Pyothorax in a Border Collie female dog. Case: It was admitted in a Teaching Veterinary Hospital a 2-year-old female Border Collie, weighing 16.5 kg. The complaint was producing of severe cough, dyspnoea, hyporexia and loss of weight in the past three months. The animal could have been horse-kicked, as it is used to herding. In the physical examination, it was detected bilateral thick lung crepitations, more evident in the ventral skull area, dyspnoea, tachypnea, fever, splenomegaly and low body condition score (3/9). The laboratory tests revealed nonregenerative anemia and leukemoid reaction. The chest x-ray showed intense pulmonary opacification and free fluids in the pleural space along with a heterogenic cylindrical image of the mixed radiopacity. This image was then confirmed as the intrathoracic foreing body by the use of a computerized tomography. In this exam it was also possible to observe the damage of part of the middle and inferior right lung lobe. The cytology of the pleural effusion found mixed inflammation and coccoid bacteria, and the microbiological culture Streptococcus sp., and Escherichia coli. The dog underwent thoracotomy in order to remove the foreign body, which was later identified as being a Cassia fistula pod (Brazilian Acácia Imperial), of around 10x3 cm long. Due to the intense lung damage, a right pneumonectomy was required. After 30 days the animal was fully recovered.[...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Empiema Pleural/veterinária , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Cassia , Cavidade Torácica , /veterináriaResumo
Background: The multiple myeloma is a neoplasia characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation of plasma cells (plasmacytes) in the bone marrow and in other tissues. The infiltration of the neoplasia cells associated to the high level of anomalous immunoglobulin production (M protein) results in a variety of clinic-pathologic anomalies. It is a rare disease in dogs, corresponding to 0.3% of all malignant neoplasia and 2% of the hematopoietic, with few literature descriptions. So, the present paper aims at properly report a multiple myeloma in a dog of non-defined breed, emphasizing the clinic, laboratorial, radiographic and pathologic aspects. Case: In a Veterinary Teaching Hospital, an 11-year-old dog of non-defined breed was admitted, weighing 10.8 kg of body mass. The clinic history was claudication of the right thoracic member, hyporexia and lethargy in the past 20 days. The main abnormalities in the physical examination were holosystolic cardiac murmur III/VI on mitral focus, and high sensibility to touch in the right humerus. Laboratory tests showed pancytopenia, serum hypercalcemia and Bence-Jones proteinuria. Radiographic examination confirmed polyostotic punctate osteolysis on the right humerus; pelvic, femurs and vertebrae bones from L2 to L7, on generalized condition. Cytology by aspiration puncture from the left femur marrow bone did not confirm neoplasia cells [...]
Animais , Cães , Medula Óssea , Mieloma Múltiplo , Mieloma Múltiplo/patologia , Mieloma Múltiplo/veterinária , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterináriaResumo
Background: The multiple myeloma is a neoplasia characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation of plasma cells (plasmacytes) in the bone marrow and in other tissues. The infiltration of the neoplasia cells associated to the high level of anomalous immunoglobulin production (M protein) results in a variety of clinic-pathologic anomalies. It is a rare disease in dogs, corresponding to 0.3% of all malignant neoplasia and 2% of the hematopoietic, with few literature descriptions. So, the present paper aims at properly report a multiple myeloma in a dog of non-defined breed, emphasizing the clinic, laboratorial, radiographic and pathologic aspects. Case: In a Veterinary Teaching Hospital, an 11-year-old dog of non-defined breed was admitted, weighing 10.8 kg of body mass. The clinic history was claudication of the right thoracic member, hyporexia and lethargy in the past 20 days. The main abnormalities in the physical examination were holosystolic cardiac murmur III/VI on mitral focus, and high sensibility to touch in the right humerus. Laboratory tests showed pancytopenia, serum hypercalcemia and Bence-Jones proteinuria. Radiographic examination confirmed polyostotic punctate osteolysis on the right humerus; pelvic, femurs and vertebrae bones from L2 to L7, on generalized condition. Cytology by aspiration puncture from the left femur marrow bone did not confirm neoplasia cells [...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Mieloma Múltiplo/patologia , Mieloma Múltiplo , Mieloma Múltiplo/veterinária , Medula Óssea , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterináriaResumo
The oral papillomatosis is a benign epithelial neoplasm of viral etiology that affects mainly young and immunosuppressed animals, characterized by the development of proliferative masses called papillomas. The therapy of this disease is controversial and there isnt a highly effective treatment protocol yet. This study aims to report the use of a therapeutic protocol involving vincristine sulfate to immunostimulatory the basis of Propionibacterium acnes and liposaccharides of Escherichia coli in the treatment of oral papillomatosis in a dog. The treatment protocol consisted of weekly administration of vincristine intravenously starting at a dose of 0,025mg/kg; 0.035 mg/kg during the second week; and then 0.05mg/kg. P. acnes has administered at a dose of 1 ml intramuscularly according to the manufacturer"s indications (1 ml/10 kg) every 15 days. From the third week, there was the beginning of the involution of papillomas that were gradually receding until complete resolution of the disease in three months. In this case, the using therapy proved effective, since it has provided a cure of the disease. Thus, this therapeutic protocol may be an alternative for cases refractory to usual therapy with Thuya occidentalis.
A papilomatose oral é uma neoplasia epitelial benigna de etiologia viral que acomete, principalmente, animais jovens e imunossuprimidos, sendo caracterizada pelo desenvolvimento de massas proliferativas denominadas de papilomas. A terapia dessa enfermidade é assunto controverso, e até o momento, não há um protocolo terapêutico altamente eficaz. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a utilização de um protocolo terapêutico associando Sulfato de vincristina ao imunoestimulante a base de Propionibacterium acnes e lipossacarideos de Escherichia coli no tratamento de papilomatose oral em um cão. O protocolo terapêutico consistiu na administração semanal de vincristina por via intravenosa, iniciando com a dose de 0,025mg/kg; 0,035mg/kg na segunda semana; e, posteriormente, 0,05mg/kg. O P. acnes foi administrado na dose de 1ml por via intramuscular, segundo a indicação do fabricante (1ml/10kg), a cada 15 dias. A partir da terceira semana, observou-se o início da involução dos papilomas, que foram regredindo progressivamente até a resolução completa da doença em três meses. No presente caso, a terapia empregada mostrou ser eficaz, uma vez que proporcionou a cura da doença. Dessa maneira, esse protocolo terapêutico pode ser uma alternativa para casos refratários à terapia usual com Thuya occidentalis.
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Bucais/reabilitação , Papiloma/veterinária , Propionibacterium acnes , Terapia de Imunossupressão/veterinária , Terapêutica/veterinária , Vincristina/administração & dosagem , Antígenos de Neoplasias/análise , Escherichia coli , Injeções Intravenosas/métodos , Neoplasias/reabilitação , Resultado do Tratamento , Tempo para o Tratamento , Transtornos de Deglutição/veterinária , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterináriaResumo
The oral papillomatosis is a benign epithelial neoplasm of viral etiology that affects mainly young and immunosuppressed animals, characterized by the development of proliferative masses called papillomas. The therapy of this disease is controversial and there isnt a highly effective treatment protocol yet. This study aims to report the use of a therapeutic protocol involving vincristine sulfate to immunostimulatory the basis of Propionibacterium acnes and liposaccharides of Escherichia coli in the treatment of oral papillomatosis in a dog. The treatment protocol consisted of weekly administration of vincristine intravenously starting at a dose of 0,025mg/kg; 0.035 mg/kg during the second week; and then 0.05mg/kg. P. acnes has administered at a dose of 1 ml intramuscularly according to the manufacturer"s indications (1 ml/10 kg) every 15 days. From the third week, there was the beginning of the involution of papillomas that were gradually receding until complete resolution of the disease in three months. In this case, the using therapy proved effective, since it has provided a cure of the disease. Thus, this therapeutic protocol may be an alternative for cases refractory to usual therapy with Thuya occidentalis.(AU)
A papilomatose oral é uma neoplasia epitelial benigna de etiologia viral que acomete, principalmente, animais jovens e imunossuprimidos, sendo caracterizada pelo desenvolvimento de massas proliferativas denominadas de papilomas. A terapia dessa enfermidade é assunto controverso, e até o momento, não há um protocolo terapêutico altamente eficaz. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a utilização de um protocolo terapêutico associando Sulfato de vincristina ao imunoestimulante a base de Propionibacterium acnes e lipossacarideos de Escherichia coli no tratamento de papilomatose oral em um cão. O protocolo terapêutico consistiu na administração semanal de vincristina por via intravenosa, iniciando com a dose de 0,025mg/kg; 0,035mg/kg na segunda semana; e, posteriormente, 0,05mg/kg. O P. acnes foi administrado na dose de 1ml por via intramuscular, segundo a indicação do fabricante (1ml/10kg), a cada 15 dias. A partir da terceira semana, observou-se o início da involução dos papilomas, que foram regredindo progressivamente até a resolução completa da doença em três meses. No presente caso, a terapia empregada mostrou ser eficaz, uma vez que proporcionou a cura da doença. Dessa maneira, esse protocolo terapêutico pode ser uma alternativa para casos refratários à terapia usual com Thuya occidentalis.(AU)