Abstract Restingas are coastal ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest. They are threatened by habitat degradation and forest fragmentation due to intense human occupation. Many restingas have coastal lagoons formed by bay sedimentation of bays, the presence of river estuaries, or emerging groundwater. The distance between lagoons and the ocean influences the biotic community in them. This study aimed to compare the diversity (composition, abundance and richness) of bat communities associated with three lagoons within the Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo state. Two lagoons (Feia and Vermelha lagoons) are 2 km away from the ocean, while the third (Caraís lagoon) is just a few meters distant from the ocean. Species composition did not differ among the lagoons. Abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina was higher in the Caraís lagoon. Abundance of Artibeus lituratus and Platyrrhinus lineatus was higher in the Vermelha lagoon. Species with higher abundance in the Vermelha are usually associated with urban and disturbed environments. Vermelha lagoon is closer to human settlements and this could be a major driver of bat species abundance associated with this lagoon instead of distance from the ocean. These results may be used to guide conservations efforts in the restingas or habitats associated with restingas.
Restingas are coastal ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest. They are threatened by habitat degradation and forest fragmentation due to intense human occupation. Many restingas have coastal lagoons formed by bay sedimentation of bays, the presence of river estuaries, or emerging groundwater. The distance between lagoons and the ocean influences the biotic community in them. This study aimed to compare the diversity (composition, abundance and richness) of bat communities associated with three lagoons within the Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo state. Two lagoons (Feia and Vermelha lagoons) are 2 km away from the ocean, while the third (Caraís lagoon) is just a few meters distant from the ocean. Species composition did not differ among the lagoons. Abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina was higher in the Caraís lagoon. Abundance of Artibeus lituratus and Platyrrhinus lineatus was higher in the Vermelha lagoon. Species with higher abundance in the Vermelha are usually associated with urban and disturbed environments. Vermelha lagoon is closer to human settlements and this could be a major driver of bat species abundance associated with this lagoon instead of distance from the ocean. These results may be used to guide conservations efforts in the restingas or habitats associated with restingas.(AU)
Animais , Quirópteros/classificação , Quirópteros/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecossistema , Biodegradação Ambiental , BiotaResumo
The Order Chiroptera plays a vital role in ecosystem dynamics. Among the states of Southeastern Brazil, Espírito Santo State is the one with the least known bat fauna. This study reports on the current state of knowledge on Espírito Santo bats generating this data bank. We have catalogued the bats deposited in the Biology Museum Prof. Mello Leitão (MBML), Laboratory of Bat Studies of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (LABEQ), Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ), Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), and University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (UMMZ). In addition, we have investigated the literature seeking articles about bats exclusively for the State. About bats were published in the state 42 papers, three thesis and 11 monographs. There are recognized 63 bat species in the State, if considering the museum collections and published papers, from 37 of the 78 municipalities of Espírito Santo. The highest species richness was found in the municipalities of Linhares and Santa Teresa. This was probably occasioned by bias on sampling. The great potential for new bat occurrences in Espírito Santo is due to the lack of knowledge about bats in this State. This emphasizes the importance for new future studies about bats in that area.
A Ordem Chiroptera apresenta importância relevante na dinâmica dos ecossistemas, sendo a ordem de mamíferos com maior diversidade de hábitos de vida. Dentre os estados da região Sudeste do Brasil, o Espírito Santo é um dos mais carentes em relação ao conhecimento de morcegos. Este estudo sintetizou o estado do conhecimento sobre quirópteros gerado no Espírito Santo. Para isso, foram catalogados os morcegos depositados no Museu de Biologia Prof. Mello Leitão (MBML), no Laboratório de Estudos de Quirópteros da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (LABEQ), Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ), Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) e University of Michigan Museum Zoology (UMMZ). Além disso, foi realizada uma busca por artigos publicados sobre morcegos do Espírito Santo. Foram revistos 49 artigos científicos, realizadas três teses de mestrado e 11 monografias. Considerando as coleções amostradas e artigos publicados totalizam-se 63 espécies de morcegos para o estado, provenientes de 37 dos 78 municípios do Espírito Santo. A maior riqueza de espécies de morcegos foi encontrada nos municípios de Linhares e Santa Teresa, o que é provavelmente reflexo da maior parte dos espécimes depositados nos museus também serem desses municípios. O Espírito Santo apresenta um grande potencial para se encontrar novas ocorrências de espécies, enfatizando a importância da realização de futuros estudos sobre morcegos no estado.
A Mata Atlântica é considerada uma das formações florestais naturais mais ameaçadas do planeta, devido à destruição e fragmentação da floresta nativa. Este estudo objetiva ampliar o conhecimento sobre as espécies de morcegos existentes em uma área caracterizada por pequenos fragmentos florestais cercados por áreas rurais no município de Alfredo Chaves. Neste trabalho foram realizadas 24 noites de coletas utilizando redes de neblina. Durante o trabalho de campo, foram capturados 432 indivíduos, pertencentes a 19 espécies. Artibeus lituratus e Carollia perspicillata foram as espécies mais abundantes, presentes em todas as noites de coletas e em todas as áreas amostradas. A família Phyllostomidae foi a mais abundante, sendo os frugívoros os mais representados. A grande representatividade da família Phyllostomidae é comum em estudos realizados na região Neotropical, já que é a família mais abundante dos neotrópicos.(AU)
The Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatened ecosystems of the planet due to habitat destruction and fragmentation. This study adds information on bat species of Alfredo Chaves municipality, Espírito Santo state, Brazil. We captured 432 individuals from 19 species in 24 nights with mist nets. Artibeus lituratus and Carollia perspicillata were the most abundant species, being captured in all nights and areas. Phyllostomidae was the most abundant family, and the most represented guild was the frugivorous one. The presence of Phyllostomidae family in Neotropical studies is common, considering that is the most abundant family in the Neotropics.(AU)
Animais , Quirópteros/classificação , Classificação/métodos , Zona RuralResumo
The Order Chiroptera plays a vital role in ecosystem dynamics. Among the states of Southeastern Brazil, Espírito Santo State is the one with the least known bat fauna. This study reports on the current state of knowledge on Espírito Santo bats generating this data bank. We have catalogued the bats deposited in the Biology Museum Prof. Mello Leitão (MBML), Laboratory of Bat Studies of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (LABEQ), Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ), Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), and University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (UMMZ). In addition, we have investigated the literature seeking articles about bats exclusively for the State. About bats were published in the state 42 papers, three thesis and 11 monographs. There are recognized 63 bat species in the State, if considering the museum collections and published papers, from 37 of the 78 municipalities of Espírito Santo. The highest species richness was found in the municipalities of Linhares and Santa Teresa. This was probably occasioned by bias on sampling. The great potential for new bat occurrences in Espírito Santo is due to the lack of knowledge about bats in this State. This emphasizes the importance for new future studies about bats in that area.
A Ordem Chiroptera apresenta importância relevante na dinâmica dos ecossistemas, sendo a ordem de mamíferos com maior diversidade de hábitos de vida. Dentre os estados da região Sudeste do Brasil, o Espírito Santo é um dos mais carentes em relação ao conhecimento de morcegos. Este estudo sintetizou o estado do conhecimento sobre quirópteros gerado no Espírito Santo. Para isso, foram catalogados os morcegos depositados no Museu de Biologia Prof. Mello Leitão (MBML), no Laboratório de Estudos de Quirópteros da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (LABEQ), Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ), Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) e University of Michigan Museum Zoology (UMMZ). Além disso, foi realizada uma busca por artigos publicados sobre morcegos do Espírito Santo. Foram revistos 49 artigos científicos, realizadas três teses de mestrado e 11 monografias. Considerando as coleções amostradas e artigos publicados totalizam-se 63 espécies de morcegos para o estado, provenientes de 37 dos 78 municípios do Espírito Santo. A maior riqueza de espécies de morcegos foi encontrada nos municípios de Linhares e Santa Teresa, o que é provavelmente reflexo da maior parte dos espécimes depositados nos museus também serem desses municípios. O Espírito Santo apresenta um grande potencial para se encontrar novas ocorrências de espécies, enfatizando a importância da realização de futuros estudos sobre morcegos no estado.
A Mata Atlântica é considerada uma das formações florestais naturais mais ameaçadas do planeta, devido à destruição e fragmentação da floresta nativa. Este estudo objetiva ampliar o conhecimento sobre as espécies de morcegos existentes em uma área caracterizada por pequenos fragmentos florestais cercados por áreas rurais no município de Alfredo Chaves. Neste trabalho foram realizadas 24 noites de coletas utilizando redes de neblina. Durante o trabalho de campo, foram capturados 432 indivíduos, pertencentes a 19 espécies. Artibeus lituratus e Carollia perspicillata foram as espécies mais abundantes, presentes em todas as noites de coletas e em todas as áreas amostradas. A família Phyllostomidae foi a mais abundante, sendo os frugívoros os mais representados. A grande representatividade da família Phyllostomidae é comum em estudos realizados na região Neotropical, já que é a família mais abundante dos neotrópicos.
The Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatened ecosystems of the planet due to habitat destruction and fragmentation. This study adds information on bat species of Alfredo Chaves municipality, Espírito Santo state, Brazil. We captured 432 individuals from 19 species in 24 nights with mist nets. Artibeus lituratus and Carollia perspicillata were the most abundant species, being captured in all nights and areas. Phyllostomidae was the most abundant family, and the most represented guild was the frugivorous one. The presence of Phyllostomidae family in Neotropical studies is common, considering that is the most abundant family in the Neotropics.
Animais , Classificação/métodos , Quirópteros/classificação , Zona RuralResumo
Mammals are among the most charismatic and well-studied organisms, and Brazil harbors the largest mammal diversity of the world. The Brazilian Society of Mammalogy was established in 1985, and since 2001 it organizes the Brazilian Congress of Mammalogy. We used the proceedings of all three editions of this congress together with papers indexed in Web of Science and Scielo to evaluate trends in Brazilian mammalogy. All contributions were categorized according to mammalian order, biome, topic of research and state of authors' affiliation. Our results show that mammalian orders with higher species richness receive more attention, but the ranking is different between abstracts and papers. Higher species richness did not translate into more attention for more speciose biomes, and again the ranking was different between papers and abstracts. There are research topics that receive much higher attention than others, and also other important ones, like Taxonomy, that have been neglected. States with greater human populations produce both more papers and abstracts. We conclude that the higher number of publication in the Atlantic Forest is caused by the concentration of mammalogists in the south and southeastern regions of the country. Contrary to what is normally believed, mammalian orders received attention according to their species richness, and not their charisma, probably because richer orders provide more study models. We suggest that additional funding mechanisms should be set in place in order to encourage more research on mammalian orders, topics, and states which have been neglected so far, in order to improve the knowledge on important Brazilian mammal biodiversity.
Mammals are among the most charismatic and well-studied organisms, and Brazil harbors the largest mammal diversity of the world. The Brazilian Society of Mammalogy was established in 1985, and since 2001 it organizes the Brazilian Congress of Mammalogy. We used the proceedings of all three editions of this congress together with papers indexed in Web of Science and Scielo to evaluate trends in Brazilian mammalogy. All contributions were categorized according to mammalian order, biome, topic of research and state of authors' affiliation. Our results show that mammalian orders with higher species richness receive more attention, but the ranking is different between abstracts and papers. Higher species richness did not translate into more attention for more speciose biomes, and again the ranking was different between papers and abstracts. There are research topics that receive much higher attention than others, and also other important ones, like Taxonomy, that have been neglected. States with greater human populations produce both more papers and abstracts. We conclude that the higher number of publication in the Atlantic Forest is caused by the concentration of mammalogists in the south and southeastern regions of the country. Contrary to what is normally believed, mammalian orders received attention according to their species richness, and not their charisma, probably because richer orders provide more study models. We suggest that additional funding mechanisms should be set in place in order to encourage more research on mammalian orders, topics, and states which have been neglected so far, in order to improve the knowledge on important Brazilian mammal biodiversity.
Mammals are among the most charismatic and well-studied organisms, and Brazil harbors the largest mammal diversity of the world. The Brazilian Society of Mammalogy was established in 1985, and since 2001 it organizes the Brazilian Congress of Mammalogy. We used the proceedings of all three editions of this congress together with papers indexed in Web of Science and Scielo to evaluate trends in Brazilian mammalogy. All contributions were categorized according to mammalian order, biome, topic of research and state of authors' affiliation. Our results show that mammalian orders with higher species richness receive more attention, but the ranking is different between abstracts and papers. Higher species richness did not translate into more attention for more speciose biomes, and again the ranking was different between papers and abstracts. There are research topics that receive much higher attention than others, and also other important ones, like Taxonomy, that have been neglected. States with greater human populations produce both more papers and abstracts. We conclude that the higher number of publication in the Atlantic Forest is caused by the concentration of mammalogists in the south and southeastern regions of the country. Contrary to what is normally believed, mammalian orders received attention according to their species richness, and not their charisma, probably because richer orders provide more study models. We suggest that additional funding mechanisms should be set in place in order to encourage more research on mammalian orders, topics, and states which have been neglected so far, in order to improve the knowledge on important Brazilian mammal biodiversity.
Os morcegos representam aproximadamente 22% das espécies conhecidas de mamíferos no mundo (Reis et al. 2007) e por partilharem recursos, em especial os alimentares, influenciam a dinâmica dos ecossistemas (Kunz e Pierson 1994).[...]
Para o V Encontro Brasileiro para o Estudo de Quirópteros, 59 trabalhos foram avaliados pela Comissão Científica. Apesar deste número não parecer tão expressivo quando analisado isoladamente, ele é superior ao de outros EBEQs. É importante também considerar que esta edição do EBEQ está sendo realizada logo após o Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia (fevereiro de 2010) e cerca de seis meses depois do Congresso Brasileiro de Ecologia (setembro de 2009). Para um encontro que teve algumas tentativas anteriores de realização frustradas e não apresenta periodicidade regular este número de resumo representa, portanto, um sucesso.[...]
Bats use a wide array of roosts, both natural and artificial (Kunz e Lumsden 2003). Day roosts are generally used for protection against predators and weather, for resting and for social interactions (Kunz 1982; Keeley e Tuttle 1999). Night roosts are generally used for feeding between foraging periods (Keeley e Tuttle 1999). Roost selection may be influenced by roost abundance and availability, predation risk, abundance and distribution of food resources and social structure. Abiotic factors, such as luminosity, temperature and humidity, also influence roost selection by bats (Kunz 1982).[...]
Among bats, the genus Myotis has the largest geographic distribution, being found nearly worldwide. Six species of this genus occur in Brazil: M. albescens, M. levis, M. nigricans, M. riparius, M. ruber and M. simus. Of these, only M. nigricans has been recorded for the state of Espirito Santo. Here we report the first occurrence of three species of the genus Myotis for the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil, M. ruber, M. albescens and M. levis. Bats were captured with mist nets in three different locations in the state of Espirito Santo. Four specimens were captured: two individuals of M. ruber, one individual of M. albescens, and one individual of M. levis. The results add these species to state of Espirito Santo, and thereby broaden the geographic distribution for M. levis. M. ruber and M. albescens are valuable, but not unexpected findings. However, M. levis was not expected for Espirito Santo, and finding it in this state rejects the hypothesis that this region is beyond the distributional limits for this species.
Among bats, the genus Myotis has the largest geographic distribution, being found nearly worldwide. Six species of this genus occur in Brazil: M. albescens, M. levis, M. nigricans, M. riparius, M. ruber and M. simus. Of these, only M. nigricans has been recorded for the state of Espirito Santo. Here we report the first occurrence of three species of the genus Myotis for the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil, M. ruber, M. albescens and M. levis. Bats were captured with mist nets in three different locations in the state of Espirito Santo. Four specimens were captured: two individuals of M. ruber, one individual of M. albescens, and one individual of M. levis. The results add these species to state of Espirito Santo, and thereby broaden the geographic distribution for M. levis. M. ruber and M. albescens are valuable, but not unexpected findings. However, M. levis was not expected for Espirito Santo, and finding it in this state rejects the hypothesis that this region is beyond the distributional limits for this species.
A Mata Atlântica é considerada uma das formações florestais naturais mais ameaçadas do planeta, devido à destruição e fragmentação da floresta nativa. Este estudo objetiva ampliar o conhecimento sobre as espécies de morcegos existentes em uma área caracterizada por pequenos fragmentos florestais cercados por áreas rurais no município de Alfredo Chaves. Neste trabalho foram realizadas 24 noites de coletas utilizando redes de neblina. Durante o trabalho de campo, foram capturados 432 indivíduos, pertencentes a 19 espécies. Artibeus lituratus e Carollia perspicillata foram as espécies mais abundantes, presentes em todas as noites de coletas e em todas as áreas amostradas. A família Phyllostomidae foi a mais abundante, sendo os frugívoros os mais representados. A grande representatividade da família Phyllostomidae é comum em estudos realizados na região Neotropical, já que é a família mais abundante dos neotrópicos.
Despite their great ecological and economical importance, there are only few specialized scientific publications dedicated to bats. Chiroptera Neotropical is the only one dedicated to the Neotropical bat fauna. The objective of the present study is to provide a balance of the contribution of Chiroptera Neotropical to bat research over the last 10 years, by analyzing its accomplishments and suggesting ways for its improvement. We surveyed all 52 contributions published in Chiroptera Neotropical from 1995 to 2005. The great majority of articles were written by authors based in South American institutions and most of them in Brazil. Most studies were species inventories, and most of the fieldwork researches were carried out in the Atlantic Forest. Chiroptera Neotropical is already an important medium for disseminating scientific knowledge on Neotropical bats. However, it is time for the journal to grow and to increase its importance in the international scientific community.
Despite their great ecological and economical importance, there are only few specialized scientific publications dedicated to bats. Chiroptera Neotropical is the only one dedicated to the Neotropical bat fauna. The objective of the present study is to provide a balance of the contribution of Chiroptera Neotropical to bat research over the last 10 years, by analyzing its accomplishments and suggesting ways for its improvement. We surveyed all 52 contributions published in Chiroptera Neotropical from 1995 to 2005. The great majority of articles were written by authors based in South American institutions and most of them in Brazil. Most studies were species inventories, and most of the fieldwork researches were carried out in the Atlantic Forest. Chiroptera Neotropical is already an important medium for disseminating scientific knowledge on Neotropical bats. However, it is time for the journal to grow and to increase its importance in the international scientific community.
Predation is well studied experimentally and empirically, even though it may be difficult to be observedin the field for nocturnal species, such as bats. We studied bat assemblages through mist-netting in four AtlanticForest sites in the states of Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brazil. Here we reportthe observation of four predation events of individuals of the species Glossophaga soricina, Carollia perspicillata and Myotis nigricans by Phyllostomus hastatus. Our observations suggest that P. hastatus may opportunistically prey upon smaller bats.
Para o V Encontro Brasileiro para o Estudo de Quirópteros, 59 trabalhos foram avaliados pela Comissão Científica. Apesar deste número não parecer tão expressivo quando analisado isoladamente, ele é superior ao de outros EBEQs. É importante também considerar que esta edição do EBEQ está sendo realizada logo após o Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia (fevereiro de 2010) e cerca de seis meses depois do Congresso Brasileiro de Ecologia (setembro de 2009). Para um encontro que teve algumas tentativas anteriores de realização frustradas e não apresenta periodicidade regular este número de resumo representa, portanto, um sucesso.[...]
Os morcegos representam aproximadamente 22% das espécies conhecidas de mamíferos no mundo (Reis et al. 2007) e por partilharem recursos, em especial os alimentares, influenciam a dinâmica dos ecossistemas (Kunz e Pierson 1994).[...]
Bats use a wide array of roosts, both natural and artificial (Kunz e Lumsden 2003). Day roosts are generally used for protection against predators and weather, for resting and for social interactions (Kunz 1982; Keeley e Tuttle 1999). Night roosts are generally used for feeding between foraging periods (Keeley e Tuttle 1999). Roost selection may be influenced by roost abundance and availability, predation risk, abundance and distribution of food resources and social structure. Abiotic factors, such as luminosity, temperature and humidity, also influence roost selection by bats (Kunz 1982).[...]
Among bats, the genus Myotis has the largest geographic distribution, being found nearly worldwide. Six species of this genus occur in Brazil: M. albescens, M. levis, M. nigricans, M. riparius, M. ruber and M. simus. Of these, only M. nigricans has been recorded for the state of Espirito Santo. Here we report the first occurrence of three species of the genus Myotis for the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil, M. ruber, M. albescens and M. levis. Bats were captured with mist nets in three different locations in the state of Espirito Santo. Four specimens were captured: two individuals of M. ruber, one individual of M. albescens, and one individual of M. levis. The results add these species to state of Espirito Santo, and thereby broaden the geographic distribution for M. levis. M. ruber and M. albescens are valuable, but not unexpected findings. However, M. levis was not expected for Espirito Santo, and finding it in this state rejects the hypothesis that this region is beyond the distributional limits for this species.
Among bats, the genus Myotis has the largest geographic distribution, being found nearly worldwide. Six species of this genus occur in Brazil: M. albescens, M. levis, M. nigricans, M. riparius, M. ruber and M. simus. Of these, only M. nigricans has been recorded for the state of Espirito Santo. Here we report the first occurrence of three species of the genus Myotis for the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil, M. ruber, M. albescens and M. levis. Bats were captured with mist nets in three different locations in the state of Espirito Santo. Four specimens were captured: two individuals of M. ruber, one individual of M. albescens, and one individual of M. levis. The results add these species to state of Espirito Santo, and thereby broaden the geographic distribution for M. levis. M. ruber and M. albescens are valuable, but not unexpected findings. However, M. levis was not expected for Espirito Santo, and finding it in this state rejects the hypothesis that this region is beyond the distributional limits for this species.