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Ars vet ; 33(1): 01-12, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1463424


O conhecimento do processo de luteólise dentro da fisiologia reprodutiva se torna importante para que ocorra a compreensão do reconhecimento materno da gestação e seja possível formular estratégias anti-luteolíticas que visem manter esta fase conferindo aumentos na eficiência reprodutiva e produtiva. Durante o processo de luteólise, o tecido luteal sofre mudanças bruscas na capacidade esteroidogênica, vascularização e remodelamento, resultando em substituição da glândula por tecido conjuntivo, sendo a PGF2α o principal determinante na indução espontânea da luteólise em bovinos. Simultaneamente, ocorre um íntimo processo entre as relações anatômicas que compreende o ovário, útero e suas vascularizações. A exposição do útero à interação coordenada entre P4, E2 e ocitocina aliada à expressão de seus receptores são essenciais para a secreção pulsátil de PGF2α pelo endométrio a qual induzirá a luteólise. Nesta regressão do corpo lúteo (CL), estão envolvidos ainda os hormônios (LH, prolactina, cortisol) e várias substâncias vasoativas (óxido nítrico, VEGF, EG-VEGF, bFGF, END-1, AngII). A concentração de PGF2α pode ser representada pela mensuração sanguínea da concentração de seu metabólito 13,14-dihidro-15-ceto- PGF2α (PGFM) sendo a pulsatilidade da secreção de PGF2α durante os períodos pré-luteolítico, luteolítico e pós-luteolítico mensurável pelo aumento na concentração de PGFM. Neste artigo de revisão, será possível compreender e discutir os principais aspectos endócrinos e moleculares que ocorrem com as mudanças morfofuncionais no CL durante o processo de luteólise fisiológica em fêmeas bovinas.

The knowledge of the luteolysis process within reproductive physiology becomes important to occur the understanding of maternal recognition of gestation being possible to formulate anti-luteolytic strategies aimed at maintaining this phase conferring increases in reproductive and productive efficiency. During the luteolysis process, luteal tissue undergoes abrupt changes in steroidogenic capacity, vascularization and remodeling, resulting in replacement of the gland by connective tissue, and PGF2α is the main determinant in the spontaneous induction of luteolysis in cattle. Simultaneously, an intimate process occurs between the anatomical relationships that comprise the ovary, uterus and its vascularizations. The exposure of the uterus to the coordinated interaction between P4, E2 and oxytocin, together with the expression of its receptors, are essential for the pulsating secretion of PGF2α by the endometrium, which will induce luteolysis. In this regression of the corpus luteum (CL), hormones (LH, prolactin, cortisol) and various vasoactive substances (nitric oxide, VEGF, EG-VEGF, bFGF, END-1, AngII) are also involved. The concentration of PGF2α can be represented by the blood measurement of the concentration of its metabolite 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2α (PGFM),being the pulsatility of PGF2α secretion during the pre-luteolytic, luteolytic and post-luteolytic measured by the increased concentration of PGFM. In this review article, it will be possible to understand and discuss the main endocrine and molecular aspects that occur with the morphofunctional changes in CL during the physiological luteolysis process in bovine females.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Corpo Lúteo/fisiologia , Dinoprosta/análise , Luteólise/fisiologia , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos
Ars Vet. ; 33(1): 01-12, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15717


O conhecimento do processo de luteólise dentro da fisiologia reprodutiva se torna importante para que ocorra a compreensão do reconhecimento materno da gestação e seja possível formular estratégias anti-luteolíticas que visem manter esta fase conferindo aumentos na eficiência reprodutiva e produtiva. Durante o processo de luteólise, o tecido luteal sofre mudanças bruscas na capacidade esteroidogênica, vascularização e remodelamento, resultando em substituição da glândula por tecido conjuntivo, sendo a PGF2α o principal determinante na indução espontânea da luteólise em bovinos. Simultaneamente, ocorre um íntimo processo entre as relações anatômicas que compreende o ovário, útero e suas vascularizações. A exposição do útero à interação coordenada entre P4, E2 e ocitocina aliada à expressão de seus receptores são essenciais para a secreção pulsátil de PGF2α pelo endométrio a qual induzirá a luteólise. Nesta regressão do corpo lúteo (CL), estão envolvidos ainda os hormônios (LH, prolactina, cortisol) e várias substâncias vasoativas (óxido nítrico, VEGF, EG-VEGF, bFGF, END-1, AngII). A concentração de PGF2α pode ser representada pela mensuração sanguínea da concentração de seu metabólito 13,14-dihidro-15-ceto- PGF2α (PGFM) sendo a pulsatilidade da secreção de PGF2α durante os períodos pré-luteolítico, luteolítico e pós-luteolítico mensurável pelo aumento na concentração de PGFM. Neste artigo de revisão, será possível compreender e discutir os principais aspectos endócrinos e moleculares que ocorrem com as mudanças morfofuncionais no CL durante o processo de luteólise fisiológica em fêmeas bovinas.(AU)

The knowledge of the luteolysis process within reproductive physiology becomes important to occur the understanding of maternal recognition of gestation being possible to formulate anti-luteolytic strategies aimed at maintaining this phase conferring increases in reproductive and productive efficiency. During the luteolysis process, luteal tissue undergoes abrupt changes in steroidogenic capacity, vascularization and remodeling, resulting in replacement of the gland by connective tissue, and PGF2α is the main determinant in the spontaneous induction of luteolysis in cattle. Simultaneously, an intimate process occurs between the anatomical relationships that comprise the ovary, uterus and its vascularizations. The exposure of the uterus to the coordinated interaction between P4, E2 and oxytocin, together with the expression of its receptors, are essential for the pulsating secretion of PGF2α by the endometrium, which will induce luteolysis. In this regression of the corpus luteum (CL), hormones (LH, prolactin, cortisol) and various vasoactive substances (nitric oxide, VEGF, EG-VEGF, bFGF, END-1, AngII) are also involved. The concentration of PGF2α can be represented by the blood measurement of the concentration of its metabolite 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2α (PGFM),being the pulsatility of PGF2α secretion during the pre-luteolytic, luteolytic and post-luteolytic measured by the increased concentration of PGFM. In this review article, it will be possible to understand and discuss the main endocrine and molecular aspects that occur with the morphofunctional changes in CL during the physiological luteolysis process in bovine females.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Corpo Lúteo/fisiologia , Luteólise/fisiologia , Dinoprosta/análise , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 11(3): 246-253, July-Sept. 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461125


Modern protocols to synchronize ovulations for timed artificial insemination and timed embryo transfer that include manipulations in the proestrus period (i.e., between luteolysis and estrus) affect fertility in cattle. Specifically, stimulating pre-ovulatory follicle growth and exposure to estrogens after CL regression increase the proportion of cows pregnant and decrease late embryo mortality. Such effects may be due to both pre-ovulatory actions of estrogens and post-ovulatory actions of progesterone, as concentrations of the later hormone may be changed in response to manipulations conducted during proestrus. In the first portion of this paper we describe strategies used recently to manipulate the proestrus period in protocols for synchronization of ovulation, and to present evidence of their effects on fertility. Manipulations of timing and prominence of sex steroids during the proestrus and early diestrus that affect fertility may act on targets such as the endometrium. This tissue expresses receptors for both estrogens and progesterone and these hormones change endometrial function to support conceptus growth and pregnancy maintenance. However, specific cellular and molecular mechanisms through which fertility is affected via manipulations of the proestrus are poorly understood. In the second portion of this paper we describe a well-defined animal model to study changes in endometrial function induced by manipulations conducted during the proestrus. Such manipulations induced endometrial changes on sex steroid receptors expression, cell proliferation, oxidative metabolism and eicosanoid synthesis in the uterus, but not on glucose transport to uterine lumen . In summary, evidence is accumulating to support a positive role of increasing duration and estrogen availability during the proestrus on fertility to synchronization protocols. Such positive effects may be through changes in endometrial function to stimulate conceptus growth and survival.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Fase Luteal/fisiologia , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Ovulação/fisiologia , Proestro/fisiologia , Endométrio/fisiologia , Estradiol/administração & dosagem
Anim. Reprod. ; 11(3): 246-253, July-Sept. 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-11376


Modern protocols to synchronize ovulations for timed artificial insemination and timed embryo transfer that include manipulations in the proestrus period (i.e., between luteolysis and estrus) affect fertility in cattle. Specifically, stimulating pre-ovulatory follicle growth and exposure to estrogens after CL regression increase the proportion of cows pregnant and decrease late embryo mortality. Such effects may be due to both pre-ovulatory actions of estrogens and post-ovulatory actions of progesterone, as concentrations of the later hormone may be changed in response to manipulations conducted during proestrus. In the first portion of this paper we describe strategies used recently to manipulate the proestrus period in protocols for synchronization of ovulation, and to present evidence of their effects on fertility. Manipulations of timing and prominence of sex steroids during the proestrus and early diestrus that affect fertility may act on targets such as the endometrium. This tissue expresses receptors for both estrogens and progesterone and these hormones change endometrial function to support conceptus growth and pregnancy maintenance. However, specific cellular and molecular mechanisms through which fertility is affected via manipulations of the proestrus are poorly understood. In the second portion of this paper we describe a well-defined animal model to study changes in endometrial function induced by manipulations conducted during the proestrus. Such manipulations induced endometrial changes on sex steroid receptors expression, cell proliferation, oxidative metabolism and eicosanoid synthesis in the uterus, but not on glucose transport to uterine lumen . In summary, evidence is accumulating to support a positive role of increasing duration and estrogen availability during the proestrus on fertility to synchronization protocols. Such positive effects may be through changes in endometrial function to stimulate conceptus growth and survival. (AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Proestro/fisiologia , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Ovulação/fisiologia , Fase Luteal/fisiologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Endométrio/fisiologia , Estradiol/administração & dosagem