Pathological changes in the umbilical region are common in calves. Among such alterations, omphalitis is included. This term is used to define inflammation and infection of the external structures of the umbilicus. According to the affected structures, it can be subclassified into omphalophlebitis, omphaloarteritis, omphalourachitis and panvasculitis. These inflammations are usually associated with bacterial infections. There are predisposing conditions that include inadequate handling such as poor hygiene and neglect of primary care. Omphalitis can affect the animal in a multisystemic way, compromising its well-being and bringing economic losses. In treatment, the use of antimicrobials does not always solve the problem. Thus, surgical treatment can be used, which has good results and should be the choice in the disease. The objective of this work is to report 30 cases of omphalitis in calves, submitted to surgical or conservative treatment. Thirty cases of omphalitis in calves treated in the routine of the Veterinary Hospital of the Paranaense University was analyzed. On physical examination, the animals presented fever, apathy, hyporexia or anorexia and increase of umbilical volume, usually with purulent secretion. Some animals had sepsis and arthritis. In animals with sepsis, hyperemia of the episcleral vessels, dehydration and severe apathy were observed. In calves with arthritis, increased joint volume, pain on palpation and lameness were observed. In animals where the owners did not authorize the surgery, treatment was instituted with sulfadoxine and flunixim meglumine. In dehydrated calves, fluid therapy was used. Animals that were surgically treated received the same clinical treatment protocol as non-operated animals. The surgical procedure was performed under general anesthesia and consisted of resection of the affected umbilical structures. Omphalophlebitis was the most common illness. The most frequent complication was sepsis. Calves treated surgically had a higher survival rate (86.66%) than those treated clinically (46.67%). The clinical signs presented by all animals converged with the literature, allowing for clinical diagnosis. Clinical examination is essential for diagnosis in omphalitis cases. Complementary methods include ultrasound, thermography and laparoscopy, which are important to identify changes in intra-abdominal umbilical structures. Accurate diagnosis of the involved structures was only possible in animals surgically, as well as alterations in organs such as the liver and bladder. There is great variability related to the umbilical structures involved, according to initial care, breeds, seasonality or even the method of conception. Unlike what is observed in the literature, in the present study, there was a higher prevalence of omphalophlebitis, demonstrating variability in relation to the umbilical structures involved. Sepsis, observed in 16.7% of cases, results from bacterial ascension of the umbilical structures. Lameness due to polyarthritis was found in 10% of animals. Meningoencephalitis was observed in 3.3%. Hepatic and retroperitoneal abscedation were observed in 6.7% and 3.3% of cases, respectively. Conservative treatment with antibiotics and local antiseptics has a limited effect on this type of condition, which was proven in the present study, since the survival rate was statistically higher in animals surgically treated.(AU)
Animais , Umbigo/patologia , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Hérnia Umbilical/cirurgia , Hérnia Umbilical/tratamento farmacológico , Hérnia Umbilical/veterinária , BovinosResumo
Background: Cranioschisis is a malformation that occurs during embryological development and results in incomplete closure of the skull, leaving an opening through which the intracranial tissue can project. Meningocele consists of herniation of the meninges containing cerebrospinal fluid through the cranial defect. In cattle, this association usually manifested by the appearance of a floating saccular protrusion of variable size and volume in the frontal or parietal region of the cranium. This manuscript aims to report a case of cranioschisis associated with meningocele and neurological deficit in a newborn calf in the northwestern region of the state of Paraná. Case: A 2-day-old crossbred female calf was diagnosed with cranioschisis associated with meningocele in the frontal region of the head. On initial clinical examination, an ovoid mass with floating appearance was observed, extending from the supraorbital curvature of the frontal bone to the end of the nasal bones following the midline. The patient had normal parameters for the species and age and a positive sucking reflex. Neurological examination showed permanent lateral decubitus position, spastic paresis of the thoracic limbs and opisthotonus. Complementary imaging studies, including xrays and ultrasonography, showed a failure in the frontal bone, approximately 5 cm in diameter. Despite the unfavorable prognosis, surgical reduction was chosen. After drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid, excision of the meningeal sac was continuously performed, exposing the subarachnoid space, showing circular failure in the frontal bone with a diameter of 4.5 cm, making it possible to observe part of the right frontal lobe. We opted for occlusion of the bone defect by covering it with the dura mater. Absorbable 0 catgut suture was applied in a simple...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Bovinos , Anormalidades Craniofaciais/patologia , Anormalidades Craniofaciais/veterinária , Meningocele/veterinária , Encefalocele/veterinária , Malformações do Sistema Nervoso/veterináriaResumo
Background: Wounds and lacerations are constant in the clinical routine of horses. The treatment of wounds by the secondintention is the most common in the equine clinic; it consists in addition to surgical debridement, the use of allopathic orphytotherapeutic healing. In this context, several phytotherapics used in folk medicine have been used with promisingresults in the equine species, especially marigold (Calendula officinalis L.), recognized by the German scientific committee as antiseptic and healing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the nonionic cream of Calendulaofficinalis at 2% in an extensive lacerating wound in an equine.Case: A 6-month-old female Quarter Horse, weighing 160 kg, a lacerating wound in the pectoral region of unknowntraumatic origin, was treated in the large animal sector of the Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR).Clinical examination revealed an exudative wound in the pectoral region, complicated by the presence of environmentalorganic matter and myiasis, involving transverse pectoral and descending pectoral muscles, with a large tissue separationand exposure of part of the first sternum. After an initial evaluation, a trichotomy was performed around the wound, removalof myiasis and sanitization of the wound with water and PVP-I, which was filled with sterile dressings and covered with adressing using a tubular mesh. Antibiotic therapy was instituted, along with anti-inflammatory medication and antitetanicserum (5,000 IU). Due to the need for surgical debridement, after previous fasting and general anesthesia followed bysite antisepsis, surgical debridement was performed, followed by reduction of dead space with application of standardWolf sutures, for re-approximation of the wound edges was applied suture in Wolf pattern captonated with segmentsof equipment. In the post-surgical period, topical treatment with nitrofurazone ointment and crystal...
Animais , Calendula/química , Cavalos , Cicatrização , Cremes Vegetais , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Lacerações/terapia , Lacerações/veterinária , Medicamento FitoterápicoResumo
Background: Cranioschisis is a malformation that occurs during embryological development and results in incomplete closure of the skull, leaving an opening through which the intracranial tissue can project. Meningocele consists of herniation of the meninges containing cerebrospinal fluid through the cranial defect. In cattle, this association usually manifested by the appearance of a floating saccular protrusion of variable size and volume in the frontal or parietal region of the cranium. This manuscript aims to report a case of cranioschisis associated with meningocele and neurological deficit in a newborn calf in the northwestern region of the state of Paraná. Case: A 2-day-old crossbred female calf was diagnosed with cranioschisis associated with meningocele in the frontal region of the head. On initial clinical examination, an ovoid mass with floating appearance was observed, extending from the supraorbital curvature of the frontal bone to the end of the nasal bones following the midline. The patient had normal parameters for the species and age and a positive sucking reflex. Neurological examination showed permanent lateral decubitus position, spastic paresis of the thoracic limbs and opisthotonus. Complementary imaging studies, including xrays and ultrasonography, showed a failure in the frontal bone, approximately 5 cm in diameter. Despite the unfavorable prognosis, surgical reduction was chosen. After drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid, excision of the meningeal sac was continuously performed, exposing the subarachnoid space, showing circular failure in the frontal bone with a diameter of 4.5 cm, making it possible to observe part of the right frontal lobe. We opted for occlusion of the bone defect by covering it with the dura mater. Absorbable 0 catgut suture was applied in a simple...
Feminino , Animais , Recém-Nascido , Bovinos , Anormalidades Craniofaciais/patologia , Anormalidades Craniofaciais/veterinária , Encefalocele/veterinária , Meningocele/veterinária , Malformações do Sistema Nervoso/veterináriaResumo
Background: Wounds and lacerations are constant in the clinical routine of horses. The treatment of wounds by the secondintention is the most common in the equine clinic; it consists in addition to surgical debridement, the use of allopathic orphytotherapeutic healing. In this context, several phytotherapics used in folk medicine have been used with promisingresults in the equine species, especially marigold (Calendula officinalis L.), recognized by the German scientific committee as antiseptic and healing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the nonionic cream of Calendulaofficinalis at 2% in an extensive lacerating wound in an equine.Case: A 6-month-old female Quarter Horse, weighing 160 kg, a lacerating wound in the pectoral region of unknowntraumatic origin, was treated in the large animal sector of the Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR).Clinical examination revealed an exudative wound in the pectoral region, complicated by the presence of environmentalorganic matter and myiasis, involving transverse pectoral and descending pectoral muscles, with a large tissue separationand exposure of part of the first sternum. After an initial evaluation, a trichotomy was performed around the wound, removalof myiasis and sanitization of the wound with water and PVP-I, which was filled with sterile dressings and covered with adressing using a tubular mesh. Antibiotic therapy was instituted, along with anti-inflammatory medication and antitetanicserum (5,000 IU). Due to the need for surgical debridement, after previous fasting and general anesthesia followed bysite antisepsis, surgical debridement was performed, followed by reduction of dead space with application of standardWolf sutures, for re-approximation of the wound edges was applied suture in Wolf pattern captonated with segmentsof equipment. In the post-surgical period, topical treatment with nitrofurazone ointment and crystal...(AU)
Animais , Calendula/química , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Cremes Vegetais , Lacerações/terapia , Lacerações/veterinária , Cavalos , Cicatrização , Medicamento FitoterápicoResumo
Leptospirosis and toxoplasmosis are diseases that may affect man and domestic and wild animals. They also have wide geographical distributions and thus cause large public health issues. The objective of the current study was to conduct leptospirosis and toxoplasmosis seroepidemiology in horses used for animal traction in small rural propertiesof the municipality of Umuarama, in northwest region of the state of Paraná, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 312 horses from 87 small farms. Microscopic agglutination tests (MAT) and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) analysis were performed on sera to detect leptospirosis and toxoplasmosis, respectively. These were performed in conjunction with an epidemiological questionnaire. The MAT results included 180 (57.69%) samples that were considered reactive with titers between 100 and 12800 for one or more serovars. Thirty-three (10.57%) samples subjected to IIF were considered reactive, with titers ranging between 64 and 1024. From the analyzed variables, contact with wild animals (p= 0.012) and animal exchange between properties (p = 0.004) were associated with toxoplasma infection. The study revealed that horses in the northwestern region of Paraná were exposed to Leptospira spp. and Toxoplasma gondii, with an insignificant implication of the animals clinical condition; however, since it is possible for animals to transmit...(AU)
A leptospirose e a toxoplasmose são enfermidades de ampla distribuição geográfica e podem acometer o homem, animais domésticos e selvagens que causam elevados problemas para a saúde pública. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a soroepidemiologia da leptospirose e toxoplasmose em equinos utilizados como tração animal de pequenas propriedades rurais do município de Umuarama, região noroeste do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 312 equinos de 87 pequenas propriedades rurais. Para detectar a leptospirose e toxoplasmose os soros foram submetidos às técnicas de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) e imunofluorescencia indireta (IFI) respectivamente associada ao preenchimento de um questionário epidemiológico. Na SAM, 180 (57,69%) amostras foram consideradas reagentes apresentando títulos entre 100 e 12800, para um ou mais sorovares. Na IFI, 33 (10,57%) amostras foram consideradas reagentes com títulos de 64 a 1024. Em relação às variáveis analisadas, o contato com animais selvagens (p= 0,012) e troca de animais entre propriedades (p= 0,004) foram associados à infecção toxoplásmica. O estudo revela que os equinos da região noroeste do Paraná estão expostos a Leptospira spp. e ao Toxoplasma gondii, tendo uma implicação insignificante relacionado ao aspecto clínico destes animais, porém podendo ser considerados um problema para a saúde única, pois, os...(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/sangue , Leptospirose/sangue , Leptospirose/epidemiologia , Leptospirose/veterinária , Toxoplasmose Animal/sangue , Toxoplasmose Animal/epidemiologia , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Fatores de Risco , Zoonoses , BrasilResumo
Spotted fever is a typically endemic infectious disease caused by rickettsiae from the spotted fever group, of which Rickettsia rickettsii is the main etiologic agent. It presents high mortality rates in Brazil, with transmission to humans or animals through the bite of infected ticks. The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is an important reservoir for Rickettsia spp.; these bacteria can circulate in an infected animal presenting only fever as a clinical sign of the disease, as demonstrated by experimental infection. Considering the high zoonotic potential and the damage caused to human, animal, and environmental health, this study searched for anti-Rickettsia rickettsii antibodies in capybaras from an agricultural landscape in the city of Araras, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) technique was used to detect anti-R. rickettsii antibodies. From the 28 serum samples tested using IFA, 18 (64.28%) were considered reactive, with antibody titers ranging from 256 to 2048. Seven (38.88%) samples presented titers of 256, three (16.67%) with titers of 512, five (27.78%) with titers of 1024, and three (16.67%) with titers of 2048. However, it was not possible to significantly associate gender to these serologic results. These results demonstrate that at some point during their lives, the studied capybaras were exposed to the etiologic agent, but it is impossible to know when this occurred. Further studies need to be performed to clarify which serological titers ensure an infection in capybaras, basedon clinical and laboratory assessment of rickettsemia, and to establish the relationship between titers and the chronicity of disease. This is necessary owing to the possibility of cross-reactions with other rickettsiae species of the same subgroup, leading to the need for molecular tests to confirm diagnosis.
A febre maculosa é uma doença infecciosa, causada por rickéttsias do Grupo da Febre Maculosa, que geralmente se desenvolve em caráter endêmico e tem como principal agente etiológico Rickettsia rickettsii. Apresenta elevadas taxas de letalidade no Brasil, e a transmissão do agente ao homem ou animal ocorre pela picada de carrapatos infectados. A capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) é um importante reservatório de Rickettsia spp., e por meio de infecção experimental demonstrou-se sua capacidade de mantê-la circulante no organismo, sem apresentar sinais clínicos da doença. Considerando o elevado potencial zoonótico e os prejuízos causados na saúde única por esse agente, este trabalho teve o objetivo de detectar anticorpos anti-Rickettsia rickettsii em capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) de um bosque urbano de Araras, São Paulo, Brasil. Foi utilizada a técnica de imunofluorescência indireta (IFA) para detectar anticorpos anti-R. rickettsii. Das 28 amostras de soro testadas na IFA, 18 (64,28%) foram consideradas reagentes com títulos de anticorpos variando de 256 a 2048, sendo que sete (38,88%) amostras apresentaram títulos de 256, três (16,67%) títulos de 512, cinco (27,78%) títulos de 1024 e três (16,67%) títulos de 2048 e não foi possível a associação da variável sexo (p?0.05) com os resultados sorológicos para Rickettsia rickettsii. Outros estudos serão necessários para esclarecer que títulos sorológicos na IFA podem assegurar a positividade da infecção na capivara, a partir deavaliação clínica e laboratorial frente à rickettsemia, e estabelecer a relação entre títulos e a cronicidade da doença. Isso decorre da possibilidade de ocorrência de reações cruzadas com outras espécies de rickéttsias dos mesmos subgrupos, levando à necessidade da realização de testes moleculares para se confirmar o diagnóstico para a enfermidade.
Animais , Rickettsia rickettsii/patogenicidade , Roedores/microbiologia , Roedores/parasitologia , Carrapatos , Febre Maculosa das Montanhas Rochosas , Produtos AgrícolasResumo
Spotted fever is a typically endemic infectious disease caused by rickettsiae from the spotted fever group, of which Rickettsia rickettsii is the main etiologic agent. It presents high mortality rates in Brazil, with transmission to humans or animals through the bite of infected ticks. The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is an important reservoir for Rickettsia spp.; these bacteria can circulate in an infected animal presenting only fever as a clinical sign of the disease, as demonstrated by experimental infection. Considering the high zoonotic potential and the damage caused to human, animal, and environmental health, this study searched for anti-Rickettsia rickettsii antibodies in capybaras from an agricultural landscape in the city of Araras, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) technique was used to detect anti-R. rickettsii antibodies. From the 28 serum samples tested using IFA, 18 (64.28%) were considered reactive, with antibody titers ranging from 256 to 2048. Seven (38.88%) samples presented titers of 256, three (16.67%) with titers of 512, five (27.78%) with titers of 1024, and three (16.67%) with titers of 2048. However, it was not possible to significantly associate gender to these serologic results. These results demonstrate that at some point during their lives, the studied capybaras were exposed to the etiologic agent, but it is impossible to know when this occurred. Further studies need to be performed to clarify which serological titers ensure an infection in capybaras, basedon clinical and laboratory assessment of rickettsemia, and to establish the relationship between titers and the chronicity of disease. This is necessary owing to the possibility of cross-reactions with other rickettsiae species of the same subgroup, leading to the need for molecular tests to confirm diagnosis.(AU)
A febre maculosa é uma doença infecciosa, causada por rickéttsias do Grupo da Febre Maculosa, que geralmente se desenvolve em caráter endêmico e tem como principal agente etiológico Rickettsia rickettsii. Apresenta elevadas taxas de letalidade no Brasil, e a transmissão do agente ao homem ou animal ocorre pela picada de carrapatos infectados. A capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) é um importante reservatório de Rickettsia spp., e por meio de infecção experimental demonstrou-se sua capacidade de mantê-la circulante no organismo, sem apresentar sinais clínicos da doença. Considerando o elevado potencial zoonótico e os prejuízos causados na saúde única por esse agente, este trabalho teve o objetivo de detectar anticorpos anti-Rickettsia rickettsii em capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) de um bosque urbano de Araras, São Paulo, Brasil. Foi utilizada a técnica de imunofluorescência indireta (IFA) para detectar anticorpos anti-R. rickettsii. Das 28 amostras de soro testadas na IFA, 18 (64,28%) foram consideradas reagentes com títulos de anticorpos variando de 256 a 2048, sendo que sete (38,88%) amostras apresentaram títulos de 256, três (16,67%) títulos de 512, cinco (27,78%) títulos de 1024 e três (16,67%) títulos de 2048 e não foi possível a associação da variável sexo (p?0.05) com os resultados sorológicos para Rickettsia rickettsii. Outros estudos serão necessários para esclarecer que títulos sorológicos na IFA podem assegurar a positividade da infecção na capivara, a partir deavaliação clínica e laboratorial frente à rickettsemia, e estabelecer a relação entre títulos e a cronicidade da doença. Isso decorre da possibilidade de ocorrência de reações cruzadas com outras espécies de rickéttsias dos mesmos subgrupos, levando à necessidade da realização de testes moleculares para se confirmar o diagnóstico para a enfermidade.(AU)
Animais , Rickettsia rickettsii/patogenicidade , Roedores/microbiologia , Roedores/parasitologia , Produtos Agrícolas , Febre Maculosa das Montanhas Rochosas , CarrapatosResumo
Spotted fever is a typically endemic infectious disease caused by rickettsiae from the spotted fever group, of which Rickettsia rickettsii is the main etiologic agent. It presents high mortality rates in Brazil, with transmission to humans or animals through the bite of infected ticks. The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is an important reservoir for Rickettsia spp.; these bacteria can circulate in an infected animal presenting only fever as a clinical sign of the disease, as demonstrated by experimental infection. Considering the high zoonotic potential and the damage caused to human, animal, and environmental health, this study searched for anti-Rickettsia rickettsii antibodies in capybaras from an agricultural landscape in the city of Araras, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) technique was used to detect anti-R. rickettsii antibodies. From the 28 serum samples tested using IFA, 18 (64.28%) were considered reactive, with antibody titers ranging from 256 to 2048. Seven (38.88%) samples presented titers of 256, three (16.67%) with titers of 512, five (27.78%) with titers of 1024, and three (16.67%) with titers of 2048. However, it was not possible to significantly associate gender to these serologic results. These results demonstrate that at some point during their lives, the studied capybaras were exposed to the etiologic agent, but it is i
A febre maculosa é uma doença infecciosa, causada por rickéttsias do Grupo da Febre Maculosa, que geralmente se desenvolve em caráter endêmico e tem como principal agente etiológico Rickettsia rickettsii. Apresenta elevadas taxas de letalidade no Brasil, e a transmissão do agente ao homem ou animal ocorre pela picada de carrapatos infectados. A capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) é um importante reservatório de Rickettsia spp., e por meio de infecção experimental demonstrou-se sua capacidade de mantê-la circulante no organismo, sem apresentar sinais clínicos da doença. Considerando o elevado potencial zoonótico e os prejuízos causados na saúde única por esse agente, este trabalho teve o objetivo de detectar anticorpos anti-Rickettsia rickettsii em capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) de um bosque urbano de Araras, São Paulo, Brasil. Foi utilizada a técnica de imunofluorescência indireta (IFA) para detectar anticorpos anti-R. rickettsii. Das 28 amostras de soro testadas na IFA, 18 (64,28%) foram consideradas reagentes com títulos de anticorpos variando de 256 a 2048, sendo que sete (38,88%) amostras apresentaram títulos de 256, três (16,67%) títulos de 512, cinco (27,78%) títulos de 1024 e três (16,67%) títulos de 2048 e não foi possível a associação da variável sexo (p?0.05) com os resultados sorológicos para Rickettsia rickettsii. Outros estudos serão necessários para esclare
Leptospirosis and toxoplasmosis are diseases that may affect man and domestic and wild animals. They also have wide geographical distributions and thus cause large public health issues. The objective of the current study was to conduct leptospirosis and toxoplasmosis seroepidemiology in horses used for animal traction in small rural propertiesof the municipality of Umuarama, in northwest region of the state of Paraná, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 312 horses from 87 small farms. Microscopic agglutination tests (MAT) and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) analysis were performed on sera to detect leptospirosis and toxoplasmosis, respectively. These were performed in conjunction with an epidemiological questionnaire. The MAT results included 180 (57.69%) samples that were considered reactive with titers between 100 and 12800 for one or more serovars. Thirty-three (10.57%) samples subjected to IIF were considered reactive, with titers ranging between 64 and 1024. From the analyzed variables, contact with wild animals (p= 0.012) and animal exchange between properties (p = 0.004) were associated with toxoplasma infection. The study revealed that horses in the northwestern region of Paraná were exposed to Leptospira spp. and Toxoplasma gondii, with an insignificant implication of the animals clinical condition; however, since it is possible for animals to transmit...
A leptospirose e a toxoplasmose são enfermidades de ampla distribuição geográfica e podem acometer o homem, animais domésticos e selvagens que causam elevados problemas para a saúde pública. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a soroepidemiologia da leptospirose e toxoplasmose em equinos utilizados como tração animal de pequenas propriedades rurais do município de Umuarama, região noroeste do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 312 equinos de 87 pequenas propriedades rurais. Para detectar a leptospirose e toxoplasmose os soros foram submetidos às técnicas de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) e imunofluorescencia indireta (IFI) respectivamente associada ao preenchimento de um questionário epidemiológico. Na SAM, 180 (57,69%) amostras foram consideradas reagentes apresentando títulos entre 100 e 12800, para um ou mais sorovares. Na IFI, 33 (10,57%) amostras foram consideradas reagentes com títulos de 64 a 1024. Em relação às variáveis analisadas, o contato com animais selvagens (p= 0,012) e troca de animais entre propriedades (p= 0,004) foram associados à infecção toxoplásmica. O estudo revela que os equinos da região noroeste do Paraná estão expostos a Leptospira spp. e ao Toxoplasma gondii, tendo uma implicação insignificante relacionado ao aspecto clínico destes animais, porém podendo ser considerados um problema para a saúde única, pois, os...
Animais , Cavalos/sangue , Leptospirose/epidemiologia , Leptospirose/sangue , Leptospirose/veterinária , Toxoplasmose Animal/epidemiologia , Toxoplasmose Animal/sangue , Brasil , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Fatores de Risco , ZoonosesResumo
Spotted fever is a typically endemic infectious disease caused by rickettsiae from the spotted fever group, of which Rickettsia rickettsii is the main etiologic agent. It presents high mortality rates in Brazil, with transmission to humans or animals through the bite of infected ticks. The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is an important reservoir for Rickettsia spp.; these bacteria can circulate in an infected animal presenting only fever as a clinical sign of the disease, as demonstrated by experimental infection. Considering the high zoonotic potential and the damage caused to human, animal, and environmental health, this study searched for anti-Rickettsia rickettsii antibodies in capybaras from an agricultural landscape in the city of Araras, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) technique was used to detect anti-R. rickettsii antibodies. From the 28 serum samples tested using IFA, 18 (64.28%) were considered reactive, with antibody titers ranging from 256 to 2048. Seven (38.88%) samples presented titers of 256, three (16.67%) with titers of 512, five (27.78%) with titers of 1024, and three (16.67%) with titers of 2048. However, it was not possible to significantly associate gender to these serologic results. These results demonstrate that at some point during their lives, the studied capybaras were exposed to the etiologic agent, but it is i
A febre maculosa é uma doença infecciosa, causada por rickéttsias do Grupo da Febre Maculosa, que geralmente se desenvolve em caráter endêmico e tem como principal agente etiológico Rickettsia rickettsii. Apresenta elevadas taxas de letalidade no Brasil, e a transmissão do agente ao homem ou animal ocorre pela picada de carrapatos infectados. A capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) é um importante reservatório de Rickettsia spp., e por meio de infecção experimental demonstrou-se sua capacidade de mantê-la circulante no organismo, sem apresentar sinais clínicos da doença. Considerando o elevado potencial zoonótico e os prejuízos causados na saúde única por esse agente, este trabalho teve o objetivo de detectar anticorpos anti-Rickettsia rickettsii em capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) de um bosque urbano de Araras, São Paulo, Brasil. Foi utilizada a técnica de imunofluorescência indireta (IFA) para detectar anticorpos anti-R. rickettsii. Das 28 amostras de soro testadas na IFA, 18 (64,28%) foram consideradas reagentes com títulos de anticorpos variando de 256 a 2048, sendo que sete (38,88%) amostras apresentaram títulos de 256, três (16,67%) títulos de 512, cinco (27,78%) títulos de 1024 e três (16,67%) títulos de 2048 e não foi possível a associação da variável sexo (p?0.05) com os resultados sorológicos para Rickettsia rickettsii. Outros estudos serão necessários para esclare