O exame andrológico é uma ferramenta importante para o manejo reprodutivo do rebanho, uma vez que compreende etapas como, anamnese, exame clínico geral e dos órgãos genitais, avaliação do comportamento sexual, além da avaliação da produção, motilidade e morfologia espermática. Apesar de apresentar uma estrutura simples, o exame andrológico deve ser bem executado em cada uma de suas etapas, pois por meio desse procedimento é possível identificar precocemente e remover do rebanho machos inaptos à reprodução. Sendo assim, é fundamental ter conhecimento sobre as características anatômicas e fisiológicas básicas da espécie, e sobre os avanços obtidos em andrologia suína nos últimos anos para realizar adequadamente o exame e, consequentemente, beneficiar toda a cadeia produtiva de suínos.(AU)
Breeding soundness evaluation is a valuable tool for herd management, since the exam includes anamnesis, general and physical exams, boar sexual behavior, and the traditional exams such as sperm production, sperm motility and sperm morphology evaluations. Regardless of its easy execution, examinations must be well performed, considering every step, since this procedure allows the early identification of boars unsuitable for reproduction and their removal from a herd. Thus, it is essential to know about anatomic and physiologic aspects of this species and the updates in swine breeding soundness over the last years, in order to perform this exam properly and, consequently, bringing benefits for whole swine production.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Suínos/fisiologia , Andrologia/métodos , Andrologia/tendências , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Comportamento Sexual AnimalResumo
O exame andrológico é uma ferramenta importante para o manejo reprodutivo do rebanho, uma vez que compreende etapas como, anamnese, exame clínico geral e dos órgãos genitais, avaliação do comportamento sexual, além da avaliação da produção, motilidade e morfologia espermática. Apesar de apresentar uma estrutura simples, o exame andrológico deve ser bem executado em cada uma de suas etapas, pois por meio desse procedimento é possível identificar precocemente e remover do rebanho machos inaptos à reprodução. Sendo assim, é fundamental ter conhecimento sobre as características anatômicas e fisiológicas básicas da espécie, e sobre os avanços obtidos em andrologia suína nos últimos anos para realizar adequadamente o exame e, consequentemente, beneficiar toda a cadeia produtiva de suínos.
Breeding soundness evaluation is a valuable tool for herd management, since the exam includes anamnesis, general and physical exams, boar sexual behavior, and the traditional exams such as sperm production, sperm motility and sperm morphology evaluations. Regardless of its easy execution, examinations must be well performed, considering every step, since this procedure allows the early identification of boars unsuitable for reproduction and their removal from a herd. Thus, it is essential to know about anatomic and physiologic aspects of this species and the updates in swine breeding soundness over the last years, in order to perform this exam properly and, consequently, bringing benefits for whole swine production.
Masculino , Animais , Andrologia/métodos , Andrologia/tendências , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Suínos/fisiologia , Comportamento Sexual AnimalResumo
O exame andrológico de reprodutores suínos tem grande importância no que se refere a características dos animais e qualidade dos ejaculados por esses produzidos. Este exame compreende a avaliação da saúde geral do plantel, com foco principal nas características reprodutivas, sendo indicada a sua realização a cada 30-50 dias. Dentre as avaliações realizadas no exame andrológico, incluem-se a anamnese, o exame físico e o comportamento sexual dos reprodutores. A anamnese é definida como a obtenção do histórico dos animais e de informações sobre as condições de criação dos mesmos. O exame físico consiste na inspeção e palpação de diferentes estruturas, incluindo a avaliação do animal como um todo, de membros locomotores, cascos e órgãos reprodutivos. A avaliação do comportamento sexual dos reprodutores inclui o acompanhamento dos animais no momento da monta no manequim. Vale ressaltar que um único exame andrológico não é suficiente para determinar a capacidade produtiva e fecundante do reprodutor e que a periodicidade da realização das avaliações é o ponto chave para manter a alta qualidade nas centrais de inseminação artificial.(AU)
Breeding soundness is important regarding boar characteristics and quality of their ejaculates. This exam includes herd general health evaluation focusing mainly on reproductive aspects, and it is indicated to perform it every 30-50 days. Breeding soundness evaluation comprises anamnesis, physical exam and boar sexual behavior. Anamnesis is defined as the obtaining history of the animals and information about housing conditions. Physical examination consists in inspection and palpation of different structures, including evaluation of whole animal, legs, feet and reproductive organs. Sexual behavior evaluation includes monitoring the animals at the time they are mounting a collection dummy. It is important to note that a single breeding soundness examination is not sufficient to determine boar productive and reproductive capacity and, the periodicity of the evaluation is the key to maintain high quality in boar studs.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Sus scrofa , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Anamnese/veterinária , Exame Físico/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/métodos , Suínos , Inseminação Artificial/veterináriaResumo
O exame andrológico de reprodutores suínos tem grande importância no que se refere a características dos animais e qualidade dos ejaculados por esses produzidos. Este exame compreende a avaliação da saúde geral do plantel, com foco principal nas características reprodutivas, sendo indicada a sua realização a cada 30-50 dias. Dentre as avaliações realizadas no exame andrológico, incluem-se a anamnese, o exame físico e o comportamento sexual dos reprodutores. A anamnese é definida como a obtenção do histórico dos animais e de informações sobre as condições de criação dos mesmos. O exame físico consiste na inspeção e palpação de diferentes estruturas, incluindo a avaliação do animal como um todo, de membros locomotores, cascos e órgãos reprodutivos. A avaliação do comportamento sexual dos reprodutores inclui o acompanhamento dos animais no momento da monta no manequim. Vale ressaltar que um único exame andrológico não é suficiente para determinar a capacidade produtiva e fecundante do reprodutor e que a periodicidade da realização das avaliações é o ponto chave para manter a alta qualidade nas centrais de inseminação artificial.
Breeding soundness is important regarding boar characteristics and quality of their ejaculates. This exam includes herd general health evaluation focusing mainly on reproductive aspects, and it is indicated to perform it every 30-50 days. Breeding soundness evaluation comprises anamnesis, physical exam and boar sexual behavior. Anamnesis is defined as the obtaining history of the animals and information about housing conditions. Physical examination consists in inspection and palpation of different structures, including evaluation of whole animal, legs, feet and reproductive organs. Sexual behavior evaluation includes monitoring the animals at the time they are mounting a collection dummy. It is important to note that a single breeding soundness examination is not sufficient to determine boar productive and reproductive capacity and, the periodicity of the evaluation is the key to maintain high quality in boar studs.
Masculino , Animais , Anamnese/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Exame Físico/veterinária , Sus scrofa , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/métodos , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , SuínosResumo
Background: Gilts represent the largest category (18-20%) of female pigs in a breeding herd. Under field conditions, the amplitude of growth rate and age at the first mating of gilts are remarkably higher than the recommendations made by the genetic companies. There are several studies that have considered the management of these animals starting from their introduction to the herd till the mating. It has been noted that the genetic selection constantly promotes evolution that may change certain traits of these animals. However, there is a lack of the studies that evaluate the management strategies suitable for the modern sows. This study, therefore, aimed to evaluate the effect of age and growth rate of gilts at the first mating on productive performance and retention rate until the third farrowing. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was performed in a gilt development unit (GDU) with a breeding stock capacity of 1000 females and a goal of 90 gilts mating per week. The groups were retrospectively created according to age ( 0.05) on farrowing rate after first, second, and third mating. The total number of piglets born in the three first farrowing and over three parities were not affected (P > 0.05) by the age and GR at first mating. The retention rate until the third farrowing of gilts inseminated with more than 210 days of age was approximately 7% greater than in the gilts mated younger; however, no statistical difference (P > 0.05) was detected. An effect of the age at the first mating was observed in the age to reach the third farrowing. Gilts mated with less than 210 and more than 210 days reached the third farrowing, respectively, at 604.5 ±1.9 and 625.1 ± 2.7 days of age (P < 0.001). Discussion: With a minimum GR of 550 g/d, 180 days of age, and at least 130 kg of weight, gilts are eligible to be inseminated without impairing their litter size, farrowing, and retention rate until the third parity. [...]
Feminino , Animais , Cruzamento , Reprodução/genética , Seleção Genética , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Suínos/fisiologia , Fatores EtáriosResumo
Background: Gilts represent the largest category (18-20%) of female pigs in a breeding herd. Under field conditions, the amplitude of growth rate and age at the first mating of gilts are remarkably higher than the recommendations made by the genetic companies. There are several studies that have considered the management of these animals starting from their introduction to the herd till the mating. It has been noted that the genetic selection constantly promotes evolution that may change certain traits of these animals. However, there is a lack of the studies that evaluate the management strategies suitable for the modern sows. This study, therefore, aimed to evaluate the effect of age and growth rate of gilts at the first mating on productive performance and retention rate until the third farrowing. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was performed in a gilt development unit (GDU) with a breeding stock capacity of 1000 females and a goal of 90 gilts mating per week. The groups were retrospectively created according to age ( 0.05) on farrowing rate after first, second, and third mating. The total number of piglets born in the three first farrowing and over three parities were not affected (P > 0.05) by the age and GR at first mating. The retention rate until the third farrowing of gilts inseminated with more than 210 days of age was approximately 7% greater than in the gilts mated younger; however, no statistical difference (P > 0.05) was detected. An effect of the age at the first mating was observed in the age to reach the third farrowing. Gilts mated with less than 210 and more than 210 days reached the third farrowing, respectively, at 604.5 ±1.9 and 625.1 ± 2.7 days of age (P < 0.001). Discussion: With a minimum GR of 550 g/d, 180 days of age, and at least 130 kg of weight, gilts are eligible to be inseminated without impairing their litter size, farrowing, and retention rate until the third parity. [...](AU)