O presente artigo versa sobre as dificuldades enfrentadas por pessoas com deficiência (PCD), no atendimento médico veterinário. PcD representam 15% da população mundial, e enfrentam inúmeros desafios em sua rotina. A Constituição dá direitos iguais a todos os cidadãos brasileiros inclusive a PcD, entretanto na prática seus direitos de ir e vir são lesados, pois encontram dificuldades de acessibilidade, comunicação e inclusão. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar, os desafios ergonômicos encontrados por tutores de animais domésticos que são PcD no município de Mineiros/GO, para acesso ao atendimento médico veterinário, bem como analisar os pontos principais que dificultam esse atendimento. Essa pesquisa contou com a realização de duas etapas distintas, sendo a primeira etapa referente a análise de acessibilidade aos estabelecimentos veterinários do município de Mineiros, e posteriormente a aplicação de questionário semiestruturado, online, voltado para as dificuldades enfrentadas por tutores com deficiência ao atendimento médico veterinário, sendo composto de oito alternativas, disponibilizado por meio de link em rede social de colaboradores do projeto. Por meio desse estudo, foi possível identificar dificuldades específicas em questão de transitabilidade e comunicabilidade enfrentadas por PcD, em atendimento médico veterinário e outros serviços veterinários, no município de Mineiros-GO, e reforça que nenhum estabelecimento veterinário atendeu sobre maneira todos os itens necessários em seu ponto de entrada. Esse estudo conclui que a acessibilidade aos serviços veterinários por tutores de animais que são PcDs informacional no município de Mineiros/GO se dá de forma parcial, visto que o acesso efetivo à informação no espaço físico apresenta ausência de requisitos elencados nas normas e recomendações de acessibilidade, embora haja ausência de requisitos elencados nas normas e recomendações de acessibilidade, embora haja instrumentos adequados e convenientes para prestação de serviços e produtos informacionais adaptados para este público. Ocorrendo da mesma maneira no quesito comunicação, onde parte dos PcDs entrevistados, enfrentam dificuldades de compreensão no atendimento, por funcionários e profissionais médicos veterinários, evidenciando a importância do atendimento humanizado, considerando as necessidades do tutor que é PcD pela classe veterinária.
This paper deals with the difficulties faced by people with disabilities (PwD) in veterinary medical care. PwD represent 15% of the world population and face numerous challenges in their routine. The Constitution gives equal rights to all Brazilian citizens, including PwD; however in practice their rights to come and go are harmed, as they face difficulties in accessibility, communication and inclusion. This work aims to present the ergonomic challenges encountered by tutors of domestic animals that are PwD in the city of Mineiros/GO, for access to veterinary medical care, as well as to analyze the main points that hinder this care. This research consisted of two distinct steps, the first step being the analysis of accessibility to veterinary establishments in the city of Mineiros, and later the application of a semi-structured online questionnaire, aimed at the difficulties faced by tutors with disabilities in medical care veterinarian, consisting of eight alternatives, made available through a link on the project's collaborators' social network. Through this study, it was possible to identify specific difficulties in terms of transitability and communicability faced by PwD, in veterinary medical care and other veterinary services, in the city of Mineiros-GO, and it reinforces that no veterinary establishment has adequately attended to all the items necessary for accessibility at the entrances to services. This study concludes that the accessibility to veterinary services by guardians of animals who are informational PwDs in the municipality of Mineiros/GO is partial, since effective access to information in the physical space lacks the requirements listed in the accessibility standards and recommendations, although there are adequate and convenient instruments for the provision of information services and products adapted for this audience. Occurring in the same way in the question of communication, where part of the PwD interviewed face difficulties in understanding the care, by veterinary staff and professionals, highlighting the importance of humanizing care, considering the needs of the tutor who is PwD by the veterinary class.
Esta articulación trata de las dificultades que enfrentan las personas con discapacidad (PWD) en la atención médica veterinaria. Las personas con discapacidad representan el 15% de la población mundial y enfrentan numerosos desafíos en su rutina. La Constitución otorga los mismos derechos a todos los ciudadanos brasileños incluidas las personas con discapacidad sin embargo, en la práctica, sus derechos de ir y venir se ven perjudicados, ya que enfrentan dificultades de accesibilidad, comunicación e inclusión. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los desafíos ergonómicos que enfrentan los tutores de animales domésticos que son PwD en la ciudad de Mineiros / GO, para acceder a la atención médica veterinaria, así como analizar los principales puntos que dificultan esta atención. Esta investigación constó de dos pasos diferenciados, siendo el primer paso el análisis de la accesibilidad a los establecimientos veterinarios del municipio de Mineiros, y posteriormente la aplicación de un cuestionario online semiestructurado, dirigido a las dificultades que enfrentan los tutores con discapacidad en la atención médica veterinaria, compuesto por ocho alternativas, disponibles a través de un enlace en la red social de colaboradores del proyecto. A través de este estudio se logró identificar dificultades específicas en cuanto a la transitabilidad y comunicabilidad que enfrentan las PCD, en la atención médica veterinaria y otros servicios veterinarios, en la ciudad de Mineiros-GO, y refuerza que ningún establecimiento veterinario ha atendido adecuadamente a todos. los elementos necesarios para la accesibilidad en las entradas a los servicios. Este estudio concluye que la accesibilidad a los servicios veterinarios por parte de los guardianes de animales PwD informativos en el municipio de Mineiros / GO es parcial, ya que el acceso efectivo a la información en el espacio físico carece de los requisitos enumerados en las normas y recomendaciones de accesibilidad, aunque existen instrumentos adecuados y convenientes para la prestación de servicios y productos de información adaptados a esta audiencia. Ocurriendo de la misma forma en la cuestión de la comunicación, donde parte de las PwD entrevistadas enfrentan dificultades en la comprensión de la atención, por parte del personal veterinario y los profesionales, destacando la importancia de humanizar la atención, considerando las necesidades del tutor que es PwD por la clase de veterinaria.
Humanos , Animais , Acessibilidade Arquitetônica/métodos , Pessoas com Deficiência , Hospitais Veterinários/normas , Ergonomia/normas , Brasil , Animais de EstimaçãoResumo
The presence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and resistance to beta-lactams in healthy sheep represents a potential public health risk. This study aimed to characterize STEC isolates in sheep feces for toxin production and resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics. In the present study, among the 40 isolates, we found a predominance of subtype Stx1 (22/40), followed by subtype Stx1 + Stx2 (11/40), while the less prevalent group was Stx2 (7/40). Also, we found phenotypical resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics in 50% (20/40) of the strains analyzed, forming two groups, one with resistant isolates and the other with non-resistant isolates. The cytotoxicity of the isolates did not vary among the groups. In addition to having this characteristic, some multiresistant isolates produced significant amounts of toxins. This leads to the conclusion that the mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance via beta-lactamases are present in sheep STEC and that the cytotoxicity of those isolates is variable regarding such resistance.(AU)
A presença de Escherichia coli produtora de toxina Shiga (STEC) e resistente a beta-lactâmicos em ovinos saudáveis, representa um risco potencial para a saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar isolados STEC presentes em fezes de ovinos, quanto a produção de toxina, bem como a resistência aos antibióticos beta-lactâmicos. No presente estudo, dentre os quarenta isolados, foi observada a predominância do subtipo Stx1 (22/40), seguido do subtipo Stx1+ Stx2 (11/40), enquanto o grupo menos prevalente foi Stx2 (7/40). A resistência fenotípica aos antibióticos beta-lactâmicos foi observada em 50% (20/40) das cepas analisadas, formando dois grupos, um com isolados resistentes e outro de isolados não resistentes. A citotoxicidade dos isolados não variou entre os grupos. Alguns isolados multirresistentes, além de possuírem essa característica, produziram quantidades significativas de toxinas. Isto conclui, que os mecanismos de resistencia antimicrobiana, por meio de beta-lactamases estão presentes em STEC de ovinos, e que a citotoxicidade desses isolados é variável com relação a esta resistência.(AU)
Animais , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos , Ovinos/imunologia , Toxinas Shiga/isolamento & purificação , Citotoxicidade Imunológica , beta-Lactamas/efeitos adversos , Escherichia coliResumo
Background: The presence of resistant and potentially virulent bacterial strains in a veterinary hospital environment is a neglected problem. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic microorganism present and circulating in the veterinary hospital environment, of clinical importance and zooanthroponotic transmission of P. aeruginosa has also been reported. The aim of this study was to characterize the population of P. aeruginosa present in a veterinary hospital environment by evaluating their resistance profile and biofilm production. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 306 samples were collected from the veterinary hospital environment (swabs from consultation tables, surgical tables, door handles, hospitalization cages, stethoscopes, thermometers, and muzzles). The isolates were biochemically identified as belonging to the species Pseudomonas aeruginosa through nitrate to nitrite reduction, motility and oxidase test, growth at 42°C, pigment production, and alkalinization of acetamide. Antimicrobial resistance was tested using the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test. Twenty seven isolates of P. aeruginosa were obtained, with a frequency of 8.8%. The detection of beta-lactamase production and biofilm formation genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Two multidrug resistant (MDR) and 3 single-drug resistant (SDR) strains of P. aeruginosa were identified. Furthermore, it was observed that the strains carried genes related to beta-lactamase production (TEM and CTX-M group 25) and biofilm production (pelA, pslA, ppyR). Discussion: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is considered a major cause of opportunistic hospital infections, as it causes significant morbidity and mortality in immunosuppressed individuals, both in...
Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/imunologia , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/isolamento & purificação , Biofilmes , Brasil , Hospitais Veterinários , beta-LactamasResumo
Background: The presence of resistant and potentially virulent bacterial strains in a veterinary hospital environment is a neglected problem. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic microorganism present and circulating in the veterinary hospital environment, of clinical importance and zooanthroponotic transmission of P. aeruginosa has also been reported. The aim of this study was to characterize the population of P. aeruginosa present in a veterinary hospital environment by evaluating their resistance profile and biofilm production. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 306 samples were collected from the veterinary hospital environment (swabs from consultation tables, surgical tables, door handles, hospitalization cages, stethoscopes, thermometers, and muzzles). The isolates were biochemically identified as belonging to the species Pseudomonas aeruginosa through nitrate to nitrite reduction, motility and oxidase test, growth at 42°C, pigment production, and alkalinization of acetamide. Antimicrobial resistance was tested using the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test. Twenty seven isolates of P. aeruginosa were obtained, with a frequency of 8.8%. The detection of beta-lactamase production and biofilm formation genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Two multidrug resistant (MDR) and 3 single-drug resistant (SDR) strains of P. aeruginosa were identified. Furthermore, it was observed that the strains carried genes related to beta-lactamase production (TEM and CTX-M group 25) and biofilm production (pelA, pslA, ppyR). Discussion: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is considered a major cause of opportunistic hospital infections, as it causes significant morbidity and mortality in immunosuppressed individuals, both in...(AU)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa/imunologia , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/isolamento & purificação , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , beta-Lactamas , Biofilmes , Hospitais Veterinários , BrasilResumo
Background: Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL) is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacteriumpseudotuberculosis, which is considered the main agent responsible for abscess lesions. In the visceral form it can affect theinternal organs of sheep and goats, which could negatively affect animal health and cause large economic losses for producers.Case: This study aims to report a case of intestinal CL in sheep, with suspected diagnosis during physical examinationand identification during the performance of the oophorectomy procedure, adopted as a management approach. It is amixed breed sheep, aged over 5 years; weight 28 kg; emaciated on physical examination; with pale pink and moist eyelidmucosa; heart and respiratory rate: 81 beats/min and 22 movements/min, respectively; body temperature 39.2°C; ruminalmovements at 1 movement/min; without identification of lymphadenomegaly on palpation, however, it was observed thatthe right submandibular lymph node presented tissue retraction compatible with the healing process. For the surgical procedure, an 18-h fast was used and pre-anesthetic medication with 2% xylazine (0.1 mg/kg), 10% ketamine (5 mg/kg) and50 mg/mL tramadol (2 mg/kg) administrated intramuscularly. The animal was placed in the left lateral decubitus position,then was performed trichotomy and epidural administration of 2% lidocaine (4 mg/kg) and maintenance with propofol10 mg/mL intravenous dose-effect and oxygen mask 3 L/min, antibiotic prophylaxis was performed with 10% enrofloxacin(2.5 mg/kg). Flank oophorectomy was performed according to the classic technique and during...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/microbiologia , Linfadenite/veterinária , Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis , Infecções por Corynebacterium/veterinária , Linfadenite/diagnóstico , Abscesso/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Biópsia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL) is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacteriumpseudotuberculosis, which is considered the main agent responsible for abscess lesions. In the visceral form it can affect theinternal organs of sheep and goats, which could negatively affect animal health and cause large economic losses for producers.Case: This study aims to report a case of intestinal CL in sheep, with suspected diagnosis during physical examinationand identification during the performance of the oophorectomy procedure, adopted as a management approach. It is amixed breed sheep, aged over 5 years; weight 28 kg; emaciated on physical examination; with pale pink and moist eyelidmucosa; heart and respiratory rate: 81 beats/min and 22 movements/min, respectively; body temperature 39.2°C; ruminalmovements at 1 movement/min; without identification of lymphadenomegaly on palpation, however, it was observed thatthe right submandibular lymph node presented tissue retraction compatible with the healing process. For the surgical procedure, an 18-h fast was used and pre-anesthetic medication with 2% xylazine (0.1 mg/kg), 10% ketamine (5 mg/kg) and50 mg/mL tramadol (2 mg/kg) administrated intramuscularly. The animal was placed in the left lateral decubitus position,then was performed trichotomy and epidural administration of 2% lidocaine (4 mg/kg) and maintenance with propofol10 mg/mL intravenous dose-effect and oxygen mask 3 L/min, antibiotic prophylaxis was performed with 10% enrofloxacin(2.5 mg/kg). Flank oophorectomy was performed according to the classic technique and during...