In this paper the influence of the kind of semen and of the female donator in the embryo recuperationand the influence of the receptor female in the pregnancy level. 22 donators, 60 receptors were used and 1 studfor the collection of fresh semen. The donators and the stud were of the American Quarter Horse breed and thereceptors were not of any defined breed. The cooled semen was shipped from Sao Paulo and the frozen semenwas stored in the stud farm itself. The embryo recuperation level of the donators was of 62,69% (n=42), andthere wasnt any statistical difference (P>0,05) in the influence of the donator. T|he level of the pregnancy wasof 78,77% (n=33) and there wasnt any influence of the receptor (P>0,05). The kind of semen influenced in theembryo recuperation (P>0,05), so the fresh semen obtained the best result (90%). So, of all the analysed factors,the only one which influenced on the resultsof the reproductive efficiency of the donators was the kind of semen.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos/embriologia , Transferência Embrionária/métodos , Transferência Embrionária/veterináriaResumo
In this paper the influence of the kind of semen and of the female donator in the embryo recuperationand the influence of the receptor female in the pregnancy level. 22 donators, 60 receptors were used and 1 studfor the collection of fresh semen. The donators and the stud were of the American Quarter Horse breed and thereceptors were not of any defined breed. The cooled semen was shipped from Sao Paulo and the frozen semenwas stored in the stud farm itself. The embryo recuperation level of the donators was of 62,69% (n=42), andthere wasnt any statistical difference (P>0,05) in the influence of the donator. T-he level of the pregnancy wasof 78,77% (n=33) and there wasnt any influence of the receptor (P>0,05). The kind of semen influenced in theembryo recuperation (P>0,05), so the fresh semen obtained the best result (90%). So, of all the analysed factors,the only one which influenced on the resultsof the reproductive efficiency of the donators was the kind of semen.