Lupus erythematosus complex is an immune-mediated dermatological disease, mainly represented by the generalized and discoid forms. The last form described is milder, as it is limited to the appearance of lesions, usually on the face and in mucocutaneous regions. Its pathophysiology is considered multifactorial, however, continuous exposure to ultraviolet radiation seems to be very relevant to trigger and/or worsen clinical manifestations. DeÞ nitive diagnosis is obtained by histopathological analysis, and treatment is mainly based on immunosuppression and protection against ultraviolet radiation. The objective of this study was to report the case and clinical evolution of a mixed breed bitch, diagnosed with discoid lupus erythematosus. The bitch presented moderate desquamation, crusts and depigmentation restricted to the nasal plane. No other clinical or laboratory Þ ndings were evidenced in the screening tests. Upon conÞ rmation by histopathology, the initial therapy was started with oral prednisolone. The owners were also instructed to avoid exposure to sunlight, as well as to use topical protectors against ultraviolet radiation. The patient presented good response to therapy, showing remission of signs. Other sporadic recurrences were observed later, however, they were controlled only with topical corticosteroids, but always reinforcing the other precautions of environmental management. This work also addressed the risks, beneÞ ts and need to institute ongoing care to control discoid lupus erythematosus. Therapeutic success can vary among patients, as the intensity of the disease can be manifested in varying degrees. Therefore, in those individuals in which the condition is mild, it may be advantageous to opt for more conservative therapies in order to avoid side effects.(AU)
O complexo lúpus eritematoso é uma enfermidade dermatológica imunomediada, sendo principalmente representado pela forma generalizada e discoide. A última descrita é mais branda, pois se limita ao aparecimento de lesões geralmente em face e em regiões muco-cutâneas. Sua Þ - siopatogenia é considerada multifatorial, entretanto, a exposição contínua à radiação ultravioleta parece ser muito relevante para desencadear e/ou agravar as manifestações clínicas. O diagnóstico deÞ nitivo é obtido pela análise histopatológica, e o tratamento se baseia principalmente na imunossupressão e proteção contra a radiação ultravioleta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o caso e evolução clínica de uma cadela sem raça deÞ nida, diagnosticada com lúpus eritematoso discoide. A mesma apresentou moderada descamação, crostas e despigmentação restritas ao plano nasal. Nenhum outro achado clínico ou laboratorial foi evidenciado nos demais exames de triagem. Após conÞ rmado pela histopatologia, a terapia inicial foi instituída a partir da prednisolona por via oral. Os tutores também foram orientados a evitar exposição a luz solar, bem como, fazer a utilização de protetores tópicos contra a radiação ultravioleta. A paciente teve boa resposta à terapia, apresentando remissão dos sinais. Após este episódio, outras recidivas esporádicas foram observadas, entretanto, controladas apenas com corticoides tópicos, mas sempre reforçando os demais cuidados com o manejo ambiental. Este trabalho também abordou os riscos, benefícios e necessidade de instituir o cuidado contínuo para controle do lúpus eritematoso discoide. O sucesso terapêutico pode variar entre os pacientes, uma vez que a intensidade da doença pode ser manifestada em vários graus. Portanto, naqueles indivíduos em que o quadro é brando, pode ser vantajoso optar por terapias mais conservadoras, a Þ m de evitar seus efeitos colaterais.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Lúpus Eritematoso Discoide/diagnóstico , Lúpus Eritematoso Discoide/veterinária , Cães/lesões , Prednisolona/farmacologia , Doenças do Cão/diagnósticoResumo
Pheochromocytoma is a functional neoplasm that produces catecholamines, located in the medullary region of the adrenal glands. As it presents nonspeciÀ c signs, scarcity of diagnostic tools and is still associated with concomitant diseases, it may not be easily considered as a differential condition among veterinarians. This is an uncommon neoplasm that usually affects dogs, with medium to advanced age and without racial predilection, being very rare in cats. Clinical manifestations vary according to the effects of catecholamines and/or circulatory impairment due to the local invasion of the tumor into adjacent structures. In this way, systemic arterial hypertension and consequences in target organs such as the central nervous system and kidneys can be observed, in addition to ocular changes. The deÀ nitive diagnosis is given by the histopathological analysis of the excised adrenal gland. However, the increase in the serum concentration of catecholamine metabolites may contribute to the conÀ rmation of the disease. Adrenalectomy is the therapy of choice, but if this is not feasible, α and ß adrenergic blocking drugs should be used. The prognosis varies from reserved to favorable, based on surgical success and the presence of metastases.(AU)
Animais , Feocromocitoma/veterinária , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Neoplasias das Glândulas Suprarrenais/diagnóstico , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Gatos , CãesResumo
Background: Juvenile panhypopituitarism is an endocrinopathy that affects young dogs and must be differentiated from other causes of height disorders, as one could have a deficiency of one or more adenohypophysis hormones, besides growth hormone. Diagnosis consists of excluding endocrine and non-endocrine causes. Treatment requires administration of heterologous porcine growth hormone or progestins, as well as supplementing other hormones that are deficient in the circulation. The prognosis for these patients tends to be unfavorable and they have a shorter life expectancy. The present case aimed to report the therapeutic challenges in a dog diagnosed with juvenile panhypopituitarism. Case: This study presents the case of a 6-month-old crossbred Labrador/Brazilian Fila dog, not neutered, 6.7 kg of body weight (body condition score 5/9), with a growth disorder and persistence of the puppy coat, when compared to other members of the same litter. During inspection, it was possible to observe an undersized dog and soft puppy coat, besides no bone irregularities or joint tenderness was noted. The other physical examination parameters were within the normal range for the species. No changes in complete blood count and only increases in urea, cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase activity were observed. Thyroid and abdominal ultrasound (US) examination did not reveal any remarkable changes. After serum dosage of insulin-like growth factor, thyroxine, thyrostimulating hormone, and cortisol, the patient was diagnosed with juvenile panhypopituitarism and underwent therapy with medroxyprogesterone and thyroid hormone supplementation. Monitoring was instituted at intervals of 3, 6, and 12 weeks, and currently every 3 or 4 months and the IGF-1 values normalized after 6 months with. After 8 months of therapy, the patient had good body growth and bone mineralization compared to the time of diagnosis. However, skeletal development was completed only 12 months after hormone replacement, accompanied by the presence of vertebral osteophytes and coxofemoral osteoarticular alterations. Considering chronic use of progestins, ovariosalpingohysterectomy (OSH) was recommended, but for personal reasons, the owners chose to do not submit her to surgery. After 18 months of treatment, the dog starts to exhibit prostration, selective appetite, and increased abdominal volume. After imaging exam, she was forwarded for OSH, due to consistent findings of pyometra. Subsequently, even the supervision of possible comorbidities involved in the chronic use of progestins was maintained at half-yearly intervals, the bitch returned to the service with skin thickening, increased limb volume, and macroglossia after 60 months of therapy. At this point IGF-1 values were higher when compared to the previous measurements and the application of medroxyprogesterone was suspended. Its supplementation was reintroduced only after 8 months when IGF-1 was significantly reduced. To date, the patient is close to 6 years of age and with a good quality of life. Discussion: The greatest therapeutic challenge for these patients involves dealing with the adverse effects of progestins, mainly related to reproductive disorders and alopecia at the application site, as well as maintaining adequate hormone replacement in order to avoid hypersomatotropism. Although longevity is lower in these individuals, the patient in this report has achieved 6 years of age and has had an excellent quality of life so far.
Animais , Cães , Glândula Tireoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Hormônio do Crescimento/uso terapêutico , Nanismo Hipofisário/veterinária , Hipopituitarismo/veterinária , Medroxiprogesterona/administração & dosagem , Adeno-Hipófise/anormalidades , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterináriaResumo
Abstract The effect of four diets on the performance of Dorper lambs that were artificially mix-infected with 1000 infective larvae (L3) of Haemonchus contortus and 1000 L3 of Trichostrongylus colubriformis every three days for 12 weeks was evaluated. For each diet, one infected group (n = 7) and one control group (n = 4) were set up. The four diets contained the following proportions of hay (H) and concentrate (C): Diet 1 - 100%H; Diet 2 - 75%H:25%C; Diet 3 - 50%H:50%C; Diet 4 - 25%H:75. All the infected groups showed decreases in mean packed cell volume (PCV) and total plasma protein, especially the Diet 1-infected, which was also the group with the highest fecal egg count. The diets and infection had significant effects (P < 0.05) on daily body weight gain (DBWG), cold carcass weight and daily food consumption. The control and infected groups had mean DBWG (in kg), respectively, of 0.048 and 0.025 with Diet 1; 0.082 and 0.067 with Diet 2; 0.188 and 0.189 with Diet 3; and 0.303 and 0.221 with Diet 4. In conclusion, the infection affected the productive performance regardless of the diet; however, with increased metabolizable protein and energy, the risk of occurrence of anemia and hypoproteinemia diminished.
Resumo Avaliou-se o efeito de quatro dietas sobre o desempenho de cordeiros Dorper infectados artificialmente, a cada três dias, durante 12 semanas, com 1.000 larvas infectantes (L3) de Haemonchus contortus e 1.000 L3 de Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Um grupo infectado (n=7) e um controle (n=4) foram constituídos para cada uma das dietas, que continham a seguinte proporção de feno (F) e concentrado (C): Dieta 1 - 100%F; Dieta 2 - 75%F:25%C; Dieta 3 - 50%F:50%C; Dieta 4 - 25%F:75%C. Todos os grupos infectados apresentaram redução nas médias de hematócrito (VG) e proteína plasmática total (PPT), principalmente o grupo Dieta 1 infectado, que também apresentou maior contagem de ovos nas fezes. Houve efeito significativo da dieta e da infecção (P <0,05) no ganho em peso médio diário, peso da carcaça e consumo diário de alimento. Os grupos controle e infectado tiveram ganho em peso médio diário (em kg), respectivamente, de 0,048 e 0,025 na Dieta 1; 0,082 e 0,067 na Dieta 2; 0,188 e 0,189 na Dieta 3; e 0,303 e 0,221 na Dieta 4. Concluiu-se que a infecção afetou o desempenho produtivo independentemente da dieta, porém, com o aumento da proteína e da energia metabolizável, o risco de ocorrência de anemia e hipoproteinemia diminuiu.
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Tricostrongilose/veterinária , Hemoncose/veterinária , Haemonchus , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas/veterinária , Trichostrongylus , Ovinos , Suplementos Nutricionais , FezesResumo
The effect of four diets on the performance of Dorper lambs that were artificially mix-infected with 1000 infective larvae (L3) of Haemonchus contortus and 1000 L3 of Trichostrongylus colubriformis every three days for 12 weeks was evaluated. For each diet, one infected group (n = 7) and one control group (n = 4) were set up. The four diets contained the following proportions of hay (H) and concentrate (C): Diet 1 - 100%H; Diet 2 - 75%H:25%C; Diet 3 - 50%H:50%C; Diet 4 - 25%H:75. All the infected groups showed decreases in mean packed cell volume (PCV) and total plasma protein, especially the Diet 1-infected, which was also the group with the highest fecal egg count. The diets and infection had significant effects (P 0.05) on daily body weight gain (DBWG), cold carcass weight and daily food consumption. The control and infected groups had mean DBWG (in kg), respectively, of 0.048 and 0.025 with Diet 1; 0.082 and 0.067 with Diet 2; 0.188 and 0.189 with Diet 3; and 0.303 and 0.221 with Diet 4. In conclusion, the infection affected the productive performance regardless of the diet; however, with increased metabolizable protein and energy, the risk of occurrence of anemia and hypoproteinemia diminished.(AU)
Avaliou-se o efeito de quatro dietas sobre o desempenho de cordeiros Dorper infectados artificialmente, a cada três dias, durante 12 semanas, com 1.000 larvas infectantes (L3) de Haemonchus contortus e 1.000 L3 de Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Um grupo infectado (n=7) e um controle (n=4) foram constituídos para cada uma das dietas, que continham a seguinte proporção de feno (F) e concentrado (C): Dieta 1 - 100%F; Dieta 2 - 75%F:25%C; Dieta 3 - 50%F:50%C; Dieta 4 - 25%F:75%C. Todos os grupos infectados apresentaram redução nas médias de hematócrito (VG) e proteína plasmática total (PPT), principalmente o grupo Dieta 1 infectado, que também apresentou maior contagem de ovos nas fezes. Houve efeito significativo da dieta e da infecção (P 0,05) no ganho em peso médio diário, peso da carcaça e consumo diário de alimento. Os grupos controle e infectado tiveram ganho em peso médio diário (em kg), respectivamente, de 0,048 e 0,025 na Dieta 1; 0,082 e 0,067 na Dieta 2; 0,188 e 0,189 na Dieta 3; e 0,303 e 0,221 na Dieta 4. Concluiu-se que a infecção afetou o desempenho produtivo independentemente da dieta, porém, com o aumento da proteína e da energia metabolizável, o risco de ocorrência de anemia e hipoproteinemia diminuiu.(AU)