Ao nascimento, a assistência neonatal é essencial, visto que filhotes podem apresentar depressão clínica, bradicardia, apneia persistente ou desconforto respiratório devido à hipóxia, decorrente de uma asfixia prolongada no útero ou durante o parto, necessitando de intervenção imediata. A equipe de recepção ao neonato precisa estar treinada para os procedimentos de reanimação neonatal, que devem ser realizados com enfoque em prover calor ao recém-nascido e no suporte ventilatório e circulatório, mantendo as vias aéreas patentes e uma adequada perfusão tecidual. O conhecimento das características fisiológicas neonatais e das etapas a serem seguidas no protocolo de reanimação, são cruciais para o sucesso da intervenção e maior sobrevivência neonatal.(AU)
At birth, neonatal assistance is essential, since puppies may experience clinical depression, bradycardia, persistent apnea or respiratory discomfort due to hypoxia, resulting from prolonged asphyxia in the uterus or during delivery, requiring immediate intervention. The team needs to be trained in neonatal resuscitation procedures, which must be performed with a focus on providing heat to the newborn and on ventilatory and circulatory support, maintaining patent airways and adequate tissue perfusion. Knowledge of the neonatal physiological characteristics and the steps to be followed in the resuscitation protocol are crucial for the success of the intervention and greater neonatal survival.(AU)
Animais , Reanimação Cardiopulmonar/veterinária , Cuidados Críticos/métodos , Animais Recém-Nascidos/fisiologia , Gatos/fisiologia , Cães/fisiologiaResumo
Background: Phoenicopterus chilensis is a South American wild bird classified as a near threatened specie in the List ofEndangered Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. With the increase of the contact between human population and wild animals, this species habitat is becoming increasingly vulnerable, with a declining population.Due to the importance of its conservation, the knowledge of abnormalities that affect this species becomes essential. Thisreport aims to describe the first diagnosed case of unilateral renal agenesis in chilean-flamingo.Case: A captive male chilean-flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) was found dead in its enclosure and then was referredat necropsy. The cause of death was the presence of tracheal fungal granuloma, caused by Aspergillus sp. Macroscopically,during the examination of the body cavity, the absence of the right kidney was noted, also evidencing the absence of thecaudal renal vein. Emerging from the caudal division of the kidney was noted a blind-end renal vessel. For the histopathological examination, the remaining kidney was fixed in 10% formalin, processed by paraffin embedding technique andstained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). When analyzing the left kidney parenchyma, preserved histological architecturewas noted, without any changes in the tissue structures of the organ. Thus, no hypertrophy by compensatory mechanismsof the remaining kidney was observed.Discussion: Unilateral renal agenesis is a very rare congenital defect in dogs, cats and also in birds. It occurs in the complete absence of one of the kidneys, a situation with which the animal can live satisfactorily if there is a normal kidney toassume the functions. In association, ipsilateral ureteral agenesis and compensatory...
Animais , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Aves , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Rim Único/diagnóstico , Rim Único/veterinária , Animais Selvagens , AutopsiaResumo
Background: Phoenicopterus chilensis is a South American wild bird classified as a near threatened specie in the List ofEndangered Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. With the increase of the contact between human population and wild animals, this species habitat is becoming increasingly vulnerable, with a declining population.Due to the importance of its conservation, the knowledge of abnormalities that affect this species becomes essential. Thisreport aims to describe the first diagnosed case of unilateral renal agenesis in chilean-flamingo.Case: A captive male chilean-flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) was found dead in its enclosure and then was referredat necropsy. The cause of death was the presence of tracheal fungal granuloma, caused by Aspergillus sp. Macroscopically,during the examination of the body cavity, the absence of the right kidney was noted, also evidencing the absence of thecaudal renal vein. Emerging from the caudal division of the kidney was noted a blind-end renal vessel. For the histopathological examination, the remaining kidney was fixed in 10% formalin, processed by paraffin embedding technique andstained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). When analyzing the left kidney parenchyma, preserved histological architecturewas noted, without any changes in the tissue structures of the organ. Thus, no hypertrophy by compensatory mechanismsof the remaining kidney was observed.Discussion: Unilateral renal agenesis is a very rare congenital defect in dogs, cats and also in birds. It occurs in the complete absence of one of the kidneys, a situation with which the animal can live satisfactorily if there is a normal kidney toassume the functions. In association, ipsilateral ureteral agenesis and compensatory...(AU)
Animais , Aves , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Rim Único/diagnóstico , Rim Único/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Animais Selvagens , AutopsiaResumo
Congenital defects can cause changes in the normal function or morphology of organs, thus contributing to neonatal mortality. Malformations in dogs occur as a result of genetic factors or by the action of teratogenic agents during pregnancy. Genetic defects can be inherited from one or both parents. These defects are more common in purebred puppies or can even be the result of consanguinity. Teratogenic agents, such as toxins, drugs, infectious diseases, mechanical influences, and irradiation, may affect the litters during gestational development. Hypoplasia of ribs has been described in human newborns. It is a rare and lethal malformation of autosomal recessive inheritance that prevents thoracic expansion and reduces pulmonary compliance, causing respiratory failure. A pregnant bitch of undefined breed was submitted to caesarean section. At birth, a neonate exhibited respiratory distress, and the palpation of the thorax indicated absence of ribs. In addition, the newborn had cleft palate and cleft lip, which led to perform the euthanasia of the animal. Post-mortem examination indicated hypoplasia of ribs and unilateral renal agenesis. As in the canine neonate, hypoplasia of ribs in human newborns is also associated with other malformations, such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and urogenital defects. The present report describes the first case of hypoplasia of ribs associated with other malformations in a canine neonate, the cause being possibly related to a genetic hereditary factor.(AU)
Os defeitos congênitos podem causar alterações na função ou na morfologia normal de órgãos, contribuindo para a mortalidade neonatal canina. As malformações em cães podem ocorrer devido a fatores genéticos ou por ação de agentes teratogênicos durante a gestação. Os defeitos genéticos podem ser herdados de um ou ambos os pais, sendo mais comum em filhotes de raça pura, ou ainda ocorrerem por consaguinidade. Já os agentes teratogênicos como toxinas, fármacos, doenças infecciosas, influências mecânicas e irradiação, podem afetar a ninhada durante o desenvolvimento gestacional. A hipoplasia de costelas é relatada em recém-nascidos humanos, é uma malformação rara e letal de herança autossômica recessiva que impede a expansão torácica e reduz a complacência pulmonar, causando insuficiência respiratória. Uma cadela prenhe sem raça definida foi submetida à cesariana, ao nascimento um neonato apresentou sofrimento respiratório, à palpação do tórax presumiu-se ausência de costelas, o recém-nascido apresentava ainda fenda palatina e lábio leporino, e optou-se pela eutanásia do animal. No exame post-mortem foi diagnosticado hipoplasia de costelas e agenesia renal unilateral. Assim como encontrado no neonato canino, em recém-nascidos humanos a hipoplasia de costelas também está associada com outras malformações, como fenda labial e do palato e defeitos urogenitais. O presente relato descreve o primeiro caso de hipoplasia de costelas em neonato canino, associada com outras malformações, sendo a causa possivelmente relacionada a um fator genético hereditário.(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Cães , Síndrome de Costela Curta e Polidactilia/veterinária , Síndrome de Costela Curta e Polidactilia/complicações , Fissura Palatina/veterinária , Fenda Labial/veterinária , Nefropatias/veterinária , Costelas/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/mortalidade , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Chrysocyon brachyurus is a South American wild canid considered a species near threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and is classified as vulnerable in the National List of Endangered Species. With the increase of the contact between domestic animals, human population and wild animals, there was a greater exposure of the maned wolf to pathogens. Due to the importance of its conservation, the knowledge of emerging infectious diseases that affect this species becomes essential. This report aims to describe the first diagnosed case of dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum canis in a maned wolf.Case: A free-living female maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), approximately 60 days old, was rescued with presence of alopecia, non-pruritic lesions, one of circular shape located in the nasal plane and the other with signs of scaling and crusts in the region of the left pina. The animal was active, in good general condition and without other significant changes to clinical examination. Skin scraping was performed for mycological culture of both lesions. Fungal growth on Sabourauds agar identified Microsporum canis. Topical therapy with ketoconazole ointment and cleaning of lesions with 0.2% chlorhexidine was instituted. After 20 days of treatment, remission of clinical signs and repilation of affected areas were observed. New mycological cultures of both areas were carried out, which were negative for Microsporum canis.Discussion: Although Microsporum canis is described as causing dermatophytosis in several animal species, it has apparently not yet been reported in maned wolves. Microsporum canis is one of the most isolated zoophilic dermatophytes in domestic cats and is also cited in reports of symptomatic wild felids, such as tigers, in which it has been identified as either the only agent of infection or in association with Trichophyton mentagrophytes.[...]
Animais , Lobos , Microsporum , Tinha/diagnóstico , Tinha/terapia , ArthrodermataceaeResumo
Background: Chrysocyon brachyurus is a South American wild canid considered a species near threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and is classified as vulnerable in the National List of Endangered Species. With the increase of the contact between domestic animals, human population and wild animals, there was a greater exposure of the maned wolf to pathogens. Due to the importance of its conservation, the knowledge of emerging infectious diseases that affect this species becomes essential. This report aims to describe the first diagnosed case of dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum canis in a maned wolf.Case: A free-living female maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), approximately 60 days old, was rescued with presence of alopecia, non-pruritic lesions, one of circular shape located in the nasal plane and the other with signs of scaling and crusts in the region of the left pina. The animal was active, in good general condition and without other significant changes to clinical examination. Skin scraping was performed for mycological culture of both lesions. Fungal growth on Sabourauds agar identified Microsporum canis. Topical therapy with ketoconazole ointment and cleaning of lesions with 0.2% chlorhexidine was instituted. After 20 days of treatment, remission of clinical signs and repilation of affected areas were observed. New mycological cultures of both areas were carried out, which were negative for Microsporum canis.Discussion: Although Microsporum canis is described as causing dermatophytosis in several animal species, it has apparently not yet been reported in maned wolves. Microsporum canis is one of the most isolated zoophilic dermatophytes in domestic cats and is also cited in reports of symptomatic wild felids, such as tigers, in which it has been identified as either the only agent of infection or in association with Trichophyton mentagrophytes.[...](AU)
Animais , Lobos , Tinha/diagnóstico , Tinha/terapia , Microsporum , ArthrodermataceaeResumo
Esse trabalho avaliou a glicemia de gatos obesos por meio do teste de tolerância à glicose, a fim de identificar a hiperglicemia por resistência à insulina nesses animais. Foram avaliados 16 gatos, sendo oito com condição corpórea ideal (Grupo Controle) e oito com sobrepeso (Grupo Sobrepeso). Após jejum alimentar de 12 horas, os animais receberam glicose, via intravenosa, na dose de 0,5g/kg e amostras de sangue foram coletadas para aferição da glicemia no Tempo zero, após 10 (Tempo 1), 30 (Tempo 2), 60 (Tempo 3), 90 (Tempo 4) e 120 (Tempo 5) minutos. No teste de tolerância à glicose, não houve diferença significativa na comparação da glicemia entre os tempos dos dois grupos. Na comparação entre os tempos de um mesmo grupo pode-se verificar que diferentemente do Grupo Controle, não houve diferença significativa entre os Tempo 1 e Tempo 2 do Grupo Sobrepeso, sugerindo um discreto retardo na redução da concentração de glicose entre esses tempos. No estudo realizado, o teste de tolerância à glicose intravenosa apresentou-se factível, porém o período mínimo de 2 anos de obesidade foi insuficiente para a observação de alterações significativas no metabolismo da glicose em gatos obesos. Entretanto, foi possível observar o retardo na redução da concentração de glicose entre 10 e 30 minutos, o que pode estar relacionado à resistência à insulina.(AU)
This study evaluated by glucose tolerance test, the blood glucose of 16 cats, eight with ideal body condition (Control Group)and eight overweight cats (Overweight Group), aiming at the insulin resistance hyperglycemia identification in obese cats.After 12 hour feedings, the animals were given intravenous glucose at a dose of 0.5 g / kg and blood samples were collected forthe measurement of glycemia at time zero after 10 (Time 1), 30 (Time 2), 60 (Time 3), 90 (Time 4) and 120 (Time 5) minutes. In theglucose tolerance test, there was no significant difference in the glycemia comparison between the times of the two groups. Theanalysis between the times of same group, it was possible to notice that unlike Control Group, there was no significant differencebetween Time 1 and Time 2 of the Overweight Group, suggesting a slight delay in the glucose concentration decrease betweenthese times, indicating a possible tendency to insulin resistance. In the study, the intravenous glucose tolerance test presented befeasible, but the minimum period of two years of obesity was insufficient for observing significant changes in glucose metabolismin obese cats. However, it was possible to observe the delay in the reduction of glucose concentration between 10 and 30 minutes,which may be related to insulin resistance.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos/fisiologia , Gatos/metabolismo , Teste de Tolerância a Glucose , Teste de Tolerância a Glucose/veterinária , Glicemia/fisiologia , Sobrepeso/veterináriaResumo
Congenital defects can cause changes in the normal function or morphology of organs, thus contributing to neonatal mortality. Malformations in dogs occur as a result of genetic factors or by the action of teratogenic agents during pregnancy. Genetic defects can be inherited from one or both parents. These defects are more common in purebred puppies or can even be the result of consanguinity. Teratogenic agents, such as toxins, drugs, infectious diseases, mechanical influences, and irradiation, may affect the litters during gestational development. Hypoplasia of ribs has been described in human newborns. It is a rare and lethal malformation of autosomal recessive inheritance that prevents thoracic expansion and reduces pulmonary compliance, causing respiratory failure. A pregnant bitch of undefined breed was submitted to caesarean section. At birth, a neonate exhibited respiratory distress, and the palpation of the thorax indicated absence of ribs. In addition, the newborn had cleft palate and cleft lip, which led to perform the euthanasia of the animal. Post-mortem examination indicated hypoplasia of ribs and unilateral renal agenesis. As in the canine neonate, hypoplasia of ribs in human newborns is also associated with other malformations, such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and urogenital defects. The present report describes the first case of hypoplasia of ribs associated with
Os defeitos congênitos podem causar alterações na função ou na morfologia normal de órgãos, contribuindo para a mortalidade neonatal canina. As malformações em cães podem ocorrer devido a fatores genéticos ou por ação de agentes teratogênicos durante a gestação. Os defeitos genéticos podem ser herdados de um ou ambos os pais, sendo mais comum em filhotes de raça pura, ou ainda ocorrerem por consaguinidade. Já os agentes teratogênicos como toxinas, fármacos, doenças infecciosas, influências mecânicas e irradiação, podem afetar a ninhada durante o desenvolvimento gestacional. A hipoplasia de costelas é relatada em recém-nascidos humanos, é uma malformação rara e letal de herança autossômica recessiva que impede a expansão torácica e reduz a complacência pulmonar, causando insuficiência respiratória. Uma cadela prenhe sem raça definida foi submetida à cesariana, ao nascimento um neonato apresentou sofrimento respiratório, à palpação do tórax presumiu-se ausência de costelas, o recém-nascido apresentava ainda fenda palatina e lábio leporino, e optou-se pela eutanásia do animal. No exame post-mortem foi diagnosticado hipoplasia de costelas e agenesia renal unilateral. Assim como encontrado no neonato canino, em recém-nascidos humanos a hipoplasia de costelas também está associada com outras malformações, como fenda labial e do palato e defeitos urogenitais. O presente relato descrev
Congenital defects can cause changes in the normal function or morphology of organs, thus contributing to neonatal mortality. Malformations in dogs occur as a result of genetic factors or by the action of teratogenic agents during pregnancy. Genetic defects can be inherited from one or both parents. These defects are more common in purebred puppies or can even be the result of consanguinity. Teratogenic agents, such as toxins, drugs, infectious diseases, mechanical influences, and irradiation, may affect the litters during gestational development. Hypoplasia of ribs has been described in human newborns. It is a rare and lethal malformation of autosomal recessive inheritance that prevents thoracic expansion and reduces pulmonary compliance, causing respiratory failure. A pregnant bitch of undefined breed was submitted to caesarean section. At birth, a neonate exhibited respiratory distress, and the palpation of the thorax indicated absence of ribs. In addition, the newborn had cleft palate and cleft lip, which led to perform the euthanasia of the animal. Post-mortem examination indicated hypoplasia of ribs and unilateral renal agenesis. As in the canine neonate, hypoplasia of ribs in human newborns is also associated with other malformations, such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and urogenital defects. The present report describes the first case of hypoplasia of ribs associated with
Os defeitos congênitos podem causar alterações na função ou na morfologia normal de órgãos, contribuindo para a mortalidade neonatal canina. As malformações em cães podem ocorrer devido a fatores genéticos ou por ação de agentes teratogênicos durante a gestação. Os defeitos genéticos podem ser herdados de um ou ambos os pais, sendo mais comum em filhotes de raça pura, ou ainda ocorrerem por consaguinidade. Já os agentes teratogênicos como toxinas, fármacos, doenças infecciosas, influências mecânicas e irradiação, podem afetar a ninhada durante o desenvolvimento gestacional. A hipoplasia de costelas é relatada em recém-nascidos humanos, é uma malformação rara e letal de herança autossômica recessiva que impede a expansão torácica e reduz a complacência pulmonar, causando insuficiência respiratória. Uma cadela prenhe sem raça definida foi submetida à cesariana, ao nascimento um neonato apresentou sofrimento respiratório, à palpação do tórax presumiu-se ausência de costelas, o recém-nascido apresentava ainda fenda palatina e lábio leporino, e optou-se pela eutanásia do animal. No exame post-mortem foi diagnosticado hipoplasia de costelas e agenesia renal unilateral. Assim como encontrado no neonato canino, em recém-nascidos humanos a hipoplasia de costelas também está associada com outras malformações, como fenda labial e do pa
Congenital defects can cause changes in the normal function or morphology of organs, thus contributing to neonatal mortality. Malformations in dogs occur as a result of genetic factors or by the action of teratogenic agents during pregnancy. Genetic defects can be inherited from one or both parents. These defects are more common in purebred puppies or can even be the result of consanguinity. Teratogenic agents, such as toxins, drugs, infectious diseases, mechanical influences, and irradiation, may affect the litters during gestational development. Hypoplasia of ribs has been described in human newborns. It is a rare and lethal malformation of autosomal recessive inheritance that prevents thoracic expansion and reduces pulmonary compliance, causing respiratory failure. A pregnant bitch of undefined breed was submitted to caesarean section. At birth, a neonate exhibited respiratory distress, and the palpation of the thorax indicated absence of ribs. In addition, the newborn had cleft palate and cleft lip, which led to perform the euthanasia of the animal. Post-mortem examination indicated hypoplasia of ribs and unilateral renal agenesis. As in the canine neonate, hypoplasia of ribs in human newborns is also associated with other malformations, such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and urogenital defects. The present report describes the first case of hypoplasia of ribs associated with
Os defeitos congênitos podem causar alterações na função ou na morfologia normal de órgãos, contribuindo para a mortalidade neonatal canina. As malformações em cães podem ocorrer devido a fatores genéticos ou por ação de agentes teratogênicos durante a gestação. Os defeitos genéticos podem ser herdados de um ou ambos os pais, sendo mais comum em filhotes de raça pura, ou ainda ocorrerem por consaguinidade. Já os agentes teratogênicos como toxinas, fármacos, doenças infecciosas, influências mecânicas e irradiação, podem afetar a ninhada durante o desenvolvimento gestacional. A hipoplasia de costelas é relatada em recém-nascidos humanos, é uma malformação rara e letal de herança autossômica recessiva que impede a expansão torácica e reduz a complacência pulmonar, causando insuficiência respiratória. Uma cadela prenhe sem raça definida foi submetida à cesariana, ao nascimento um neonato apresentou sofrimento respiratório, à palpação do tórax presumiu-se ausência de costelas, o recém-nascido apresentava ainda fenda palatina e lábio leporino, e optou-se pela eutanásia do animal. No exame post-mortem foi diagnosticado hipoplasia de costelas e agenesia renal unilateral. Assim como encontrado no neonato canino, em recém-nascidos humanos a hipoplasia de costelas também está associada com outras malformações, como fenda labial e do pa