The Brazilian Purpuric Fever (BPF) is a systemic disease with many clinical features of meningococcal sepsis and is usually preceded by purulent conjunctivitis. The illness is caused by Haemophilus influenza biogroup aegyptius, which was associated exclusively with conjunctivitis. In this work construction of the las gene, hypothetically responsible for this virulence, were fusioned with ermAM cassette in Neisseria meningitidis virulent strains and had its DNA transfer to non BPF H. influenzae strains. The effect of the las transfer was capable to increase the cytokines TNFα and IL10 expression in Hec-1B cells line infected with these transformed mutants (in eight log scale of folding change RNA expression). This is the first molecular study involving the las transfer to search an elucidation of the pathogenic factors by horizontal intergeneric transfer from meningococci to H. influenzae.
Humanos , Citocinas/biossíntese , Células Epiteliais/imunologia , Células Epiteliais/microbiologia , Infecções por Haemophilus/imunologia , Haemophilus influenzae/imunologia , Fatores de Virulência/imunologia , Brasil , Linhagem Celular , Clonagem Molecular , Infecções por Haemophilus/microbiologia , Infecções por Haemophilus/patologia , Haemophilus influenzae/genética , Proteínas Recombinantes/genética , Fatores de Virulência/genéticaResumo
O processo de comutação capsular indica a ação de anticorpos capsulares específicos na adaptação de linhagens de meningococo. Foram empregados diferentes anticorpos para verificar o efeito da opzonização sobre a transformação de Neisseria meningitidis dos sorogrupos C e W135. Essas análises mostraram o bloqueio da transformação pela ação de anticorpos capsulares específicos ao meningococo, demonstrando assim o efeito bloqueador da ação desses componentes sobre o processo de transformação de N. meningitidis. Tal efeito pode estar ligado com o processo de comutação capsular e abre novos campos para exploração científica.(AU)
The capsular switching process indicates the action of specific capsular antibodies on the meningococcal strains adaptation. Different antibodies were employed for assessing the effect of opsonization on the transformation of Neisseria meningitidis serogroups C and W135. These analyses showed the blocking action of the specific capsular antibodies on the meningococcal transformation capacity. Thus, the blocking effect of these antibodies on N. meningitidis transformation process was demonstrated. This effect could be involved in the capsular switching process and the found data might open new subjects for scientific exploration.(AU)