The aim of the study was to establish an effective feminization protocol for Leporinus macrocephalus using the 17-estradiol (E2). Thus, one hundred and fifty fingerlings with 50 days old post-hatch were randomly distributed in fifteen experimental tanks of 90L and fed for 60 days on a diet supplemented with 50 or 100mg Kg-1 of E2. At the end of the experiment, sex ratios were determined through histological and macroscopic observations. Histologically, the differentiated ovaries were evidenced by the presence of numerous nests of oogonia and oocytes in primary growth stage. The female ratio (73%) for the group treated with 100mg Kg-1 E2 was significantly higher than those of control (52%) and 50mg Kg-1 treatment (48%) groups. These results indicate that 100 mg Kg-1 E2 administered for 60 days was the most effective treatment for 50 days old L. macrocephalus post larval feminization. In conclusion, the successful sex control can be achieved through dietary hormonal manipulation. However, future studies should be conducted to evaluate the economic feasibility of this technique.
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito do 17-estradiol (E2) na feminização de Leporinus macrocephalus. Dessa forma, 150 alevinos com 50 dias de idade foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 15 tanques experimentais de 90 L e alimentados por 60 dias com dieta suplementada com 50 ou 100 mg kg-1 de E2. No final do experimento, as proporções sexuais foram determinadas por meio de observações histológicas e macroscópicas. Histologicamente, os ovários diferenciados foram evidenciados pela presença de numerosos ninhos de oogonia e oócitos em fase crescimento primário. O percentual de fêmeas (77%) do grupo tratado com 100 mg kg-1 E2 foi significativamente maior comparado ao grupo controle (52%) e ao grupo 50 mg kg-1 (48%). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo inicial indicaram que 100 mg kg-1 de E2, administrados durante 60 dias, foi o tratamento mais efetivo na feminização de L. macrocephalus com 50 dias de idade. No entanto, estudos futuros com variações no intervalo de aplicações podem trazer ainda melhores resultados.
Animais , Estradiol/administração & dosagem , Feminização , Peixes , SexoResumo
The aim of the study was to establish an effective feminization protocol for Leporinus macrocephalus using the 17-estradiol (E2). Thus, one hundred and fifty fingerlings with 50 days old post-hatch were randomly distributed in fifteen experimental tanks of 90L and fed for 60 days on a diet supplemented with 50 or 100mg Kg-1 of E2. At the end of the experiment, sex ratios were determined through histological and macroscopic observations. Histologically, the differentiated ovaries were evidenced by the presence of numerous nests of oogonia and oocytes in primary growth stage. The female ratio (73%) for the group treated with 100mg Kg-1 E2 was significantly higher than those of control (52%) and 50mg Kg-1 treatment (48%) groups. These results indicate that 100 mg Kg-1 E2 administered for 60 days was the most effective treatment for 50 days old L. macrocephalus post larval feminization. In conclusion, the successful sex control can be achieved through dietary hormonal manipulation. However, future studies should be conducted to evaluate the economic feasibility of this technique.(AU)
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito do 17-estradiol (E2) na feminização de Leporinus macrocephalus. Dessa forma, 150 alevinos com 50 dias de idade foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 15 tanques experimentais de 90 L e alimentados por 60 dias com dieta suplementada com 50 ou 100 mg kg-1 de E2. No final do experimento, as proporções sexuais foram determinadas por meio de observações histológicas e macroscópicas. Histologicamente, os ovários diferenciados foram evidenciados pela presença de numerosos ninhos de oogonia e oócitos em fase crescimento primário. O percentual de fêmeas (77%) do grupo tratado com 100 mg kg-1 E2 foi significativamente maior comparado ao grupo controle (52%) e ao grupo 50 mg kg-1 (48%). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo inicial indicaram que 100 mg kg-1 de E2, administrados durante 60 dias, foi o tratamento mais efetivo na feminização de L. macrocephalus com 50 dias de idade. No entanto, estudos futuros com variações no intervalo de aplicações podem trazer ainda melhores resultados.(AU)
Animais , Estradiol/administração & dosagem , Feminização , Peixes , SexoResumo
The morphological knowledge of the salivary glands in wild species is fundamental, since these studiescan be used as conservation strategies, clinical treatments and the preservation of species threatened with extinction. Thus, the aim of the study was to anatomically describe the larger salivary glands: parotid, mandibular, sublingual and molar of the jaguar. For this, two specimens of puma (Puma concolor) were used, after death by road traffic accident, donated by the Clinical Surgical Service Department of the Veterinary Hospital Dr. Halim Atique (UNIRP). The animals were fixed with 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution, dissected, descriptively analyzed and photographed. Morphologically, the parotid gland is grayish-yellow in color, distinctly lobulated, and has a semilunar shape. This gland is located in the posterolateral region of the face and at its ventral end we observe the parotid duct. The mandibular gland presents a slightly rounded outline, a grayish color and its surface is covered by a capsule of connective tissue. This gland is located in the posterolateral region of the face and we find the mandibular duct at its ventral end. The monostomatic sublingual gland is located on the rostral border of the mandibular gland and it is covered by the mandibular lymph nodes. The molar gland is a yellowish-gray membranous protuberance, elongated, with rectangular shape and it lies dorsally to the labial commissure. Based on the dissections, we conclude that the morphological and topographic characteristics of salivary glands of puma follow the same structural pattern described for other species of carnivorous mammals (domestic and wild).
O conhecimento morfológico das glândulas salivares em espécies silvestres é fundamental, pois podem ser utilizadas como estratégias de conservação, tratamentos clínicos e preservação de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo foi descrever anatomicamente as glândulas salivares maiores: parótida, mandibular, sublingual e molar da onça-parda. Para isso, foram utilizados dois espécimes de onça-parda (Puma concolor), após morte por atropelamento, doados pelo Setor de Atendimento Clínico Cirúrgico de Animais Selvagens (SACCAS) do Hospital Veterinário Dr. HalimAtique (UNIRP). Os animais foram fixados com solução aquosa de formol a 10%, dissecados, analisados descritivamente e fotografados. Morfologicamente, a glândula parótida possui uma coloração cinza amarelada, é distintamente lobulada e apresenta um formato semilunar. Essa glândula localiza-se na região póstero-dorsal da face, e na sua extremidade ventral observamos o ducto parotídeo. A glândula mandibular apresenta um contorno levemente arredondado, coloração acinzentada e sua superfície é revestida por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo. Essa glândula situa-se na região póstero-ventral da face e na sua extremidade ventral encontramos o ducto mandibular. A glândula sublingual monostomática está localizada na borda rostral da glândula mandibular e apresenta-se coberta pelos linfonodos mandibulares. A glândula molar é uma protuberância membranosa de coloração cinza amarelada, formato retangular alongado que fica situada ventralmente a comissura labial. Fundamentado nas dissecações, concluímos que as características morfológicas e topográficas das glândulas salivares da onça-parda seguem o mesmo padrão estrutural descrito para outras espécies de mamíferos carnívoros (domésticos e silvestres).
Animais , Carnívoros/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Salivares/anatomia & histologia , Mamíferos , Puma/anatomia & histologia , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The morphological knowledge of the salivary glands in wild species is fundamental, since these studiescan be used as conservation strategies, clinical treatments and the preservation of species threatened with extinction. Thus, the aim of the study was to anatomically describe the larger salivary glands: parotid, mandibular, sublingual and molar of the jaguar. For this, two specimens of puma (Puma concolor) were used, after death by road traffic accident, donated by the Clinical Surgical Service Department of the Veterinary Hospital Dr. Halim Atique (UNIRP). The animals were fixed with 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution, dissected, descriptively analyzed and photographed. Morphologically, the parotid gland is grayish-yellow in color, distinctly lobulated, and has a semilunar shape. This gland is located in the posterolateral region of the face and at its ventral end we observe the parotid duct. The mandibular gland presents a slightly rounded outline, a grayish color and its surface is covered by a capsule of connective tissue. This gland is located in the posterolateral region of the face and we find the mandibular duct at its ventral end. The monostomatic sublingual gland is located on the rostral border of the mandibular gland and it is covered by the mandibular lymph nodes. The molar gland is a yellowish-gray membranous protuberance, elongated, with rectangular shape and it lies dorsally to the labial commissure. Based on the dissections, we conclude that the morphological and topographic characteristics of salivary glands of puma follow the same structural pattern described for other species of carnivorous mammals (domestic and wild).(AU)
O conhecimento morfológico das glândulas salivares em espécies silvestres é fundamental, pois podem ser utilizadas como estratégias de conservação, tratamentos clínicos e preservação de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo foi descrever anatomicamente as glândulas salivares maiores: parótida, mandibular, sublingual e molar da onça-parda. Para isso, foram utilizados dois espécimes de onça-parda (Puma concolor), após morte por atropelamento, doados pelo Setor de Atendimento Clínico Cirúrgico de Animais Selvagens (SACCAS) do Hospital Veterinário Dr. HalimAtique (UNIRP). Os animais foram fixados com solução aquosa de formol a 10%, dissecados, analisados descritivamente e fotografados. Morfologicamente, a glândula parótida possui uma coloração cinza amarelada, é distintamente lobulada e apresenta um formato semilunar. Essa glândula localiza-se na região póstero-dorsal da face, e na sua extremidade ventral observamos o ducto parotídeo. A glândula mandibular apresenta um contorno levemente arredondado, coloração acinzentada e sua superfície é revestida por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo. Essa glândula situa-se na região póstero-ventral da face e na sua extremidade ventral encontramos o ducto mandibular. A glândula sublingual monostomática está localizada na borda rostral da glândula mandibular e apresenta-se coberta pelos linfonodos mandibulares. A glândula molar é uma protuberância membranosa de coloração cinza amarelada, formato retangular alongado que fica situada ventralmente a comissura labial. Fundamentado nas dissecações, concluímos que as características morfológicas e topográficas das glândulas salivares da onça-parda seguem o mesmo padrão estrutural descrito para outras espécies de mamíferos carnívoros (domésticos e silvestres).(AU)
Animais , Puma/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Salivares/anatomia & histologia , Carnívoros/anatomia & histologia , Mamíferos , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Descriptive studies of the fish digestive system are fundamental because they provide information on the biology of the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to morphologically describe the digestive system of the pufferfish, Chilomycterus spinosus spinosus. For this, adult specimens of pufferfish (n = 10) of both sexes were used. The animals were fixed with 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution, dissected, analyzed descriptively and photographed. The results demonstrate that the pufferfish has a morphologically modified digestive system, which is adapted to the defense behavior. This species presents a pouch-shaped diverticulum, that is called abdominal pouch, which allows the expansion of the celomatic cavity and the temporary storage of food. Although it is used to store food, macroscopically the abdominal pouch does not show gastric folds. However, this absence is compensated by a small intestine containing innumerable villi.
Animais , Modelos Anatômicos , Sistema Digestório , Tetraodontiformes/anatomia & histologia , Tetraodontiformes/classificação , Tetraodontiformes/fisiologiaResumo
Descriptive studies of the fish digestive system are fundamental because they provide information on the biology of the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to morphologically describe the digestive system of the pufferfish, Chilomycterus spinosus spinosus. For this, adult specimens of pufferfish (n = 10) of both sexes were used. The animals were fixed with 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution, dissected, analyzed descriptively and photographed. The results demonstrate that the pufferfish has a morphologically modified digestive system, which is adapted to the defense behavior. This species presents a pouch-shaped diverticulum, that is called abdominal pouch, which allows the expansion of the celomatic cavity and the temporary storage of food. Although it is used to store food, macroscopically the abdominal pouch does not show gastric folds. However, this absence is compensated by a small intestine containing innumerable villi.(AU)
Animais , Tetraodontiformes/anatomia & histologia , Tetraodontiformes/classificação , Tetraodontiformes/fisiologia , Modelos Anatômicos , Sistema DigestórioResumo
Descriptive anatomical studies of wild animals are fundamental, since they providesubsidies for the elaboration of more adequate techniques of sustained management, contributing to thepreservation of species threatened with extinction. Thus, the aim of the study is to anatomically describethe salivary glands: parotid, mandibular and sublingual of the crab-eating-fox (Cerdocyon thous). For thispurpose, three carcasses of crab-eating-fox donated by Ibama were used. The animals were fixed with 10%aqueous formaldehyde solution, dissected, analyzed descriptively and photographed. It was found that theparotid gland of the crab-eating-fox is located caudally to the branch of the mandible, in the rostroventralmargin of the auricular cartilage. The mandibular gland is located in the atlantal fossa and extends to thebasi-hyoid bone. The sublingual gland of the crab-eating-fox shows two parts: monostomatic andpolystomatic. The monostomatics are located in the occipitomandibular region of the digastric muscle andthe portion polysomatic is situated between the tunica mucosa of the oral cavity and the buccinator muscle.Based on the results, we conclude that the salivary glands of the crab-eating-fox are found distributed inthe facial region and present anatomical characteristics that follow the same structural pattern described forother species of carnivorous mammals.(AU)
Estudos anatômicos descritivos de animais silvestres são fundamentais, pois fornecemsubsídios para a elaboração de técnicas mais adequadas de manejo sustentado, contribuindo com apreservação de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo é descreveranatomicamente as glândulas salivares: parótida, mandibular e sublingual do cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyonthous). Para isso, foram utilizadas três carcaças de cachorro-do-mato doados pelo Ibama. Os animais foramfixados com solução aquosa de formol a 10%, dissecados, analisados descritivamente e fotografados.Constatou-se que a glândula parótida do cachorro-do-mato situa-se caudalmente ao ramo da mandíbula,disposta na margem rostroventral da cartilagem auricular. A glândula mandibular está situada na fossaatlantal e estende-se até o osso basi-hióide. A glândula sublingual do cachorro-do-mato apresenta duasporções: monostomática e polistomática. A monostomática situa-se na região occiptomandibular domúsculo digástrico e a polistomática entre a túnica mucosa da cavidade oral e o músculo bucinador. Combase nos resultados concluímos que as glândulas salivares do cachorro-do-mato são encontradasdistribuídas pela região facial e apresentam características anatômicas que seguem o mesmo padrãoestrutural descrito para outras espécies de mamíferos carnívoros.(AU)
Animais , Canidae/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Salivares , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Descriptive anatomical studies of wild animals are fundamental, since they providesubsidies for the elaboration of more adequate techniques of sustained management, contributing to thepreservation of species threatened with extinction. Thus, the aim of the study is to anatomically describethe salivary glands: parotid, mandibular and sublingual of the crab-eating-fox (Cerdocyon thous). For thispurpose, three carcasses of crab-eating-fox donated by Ibama were used. The animals were fixed with 10%aqueous formaldehyde solution, dissected, analyzed descriptively and photographed. It was found that theparotid gland of the crab-eating-fox is located caudally to the branch of the mandible, in the rostroventralmargin of the auricular cartilage. The mandibular gland is located in the atlantal fossa and extends to thebasi-hyoid bone. The sublingual gland of the crab-eating-fox shows two parts: monostomatic andpolystomatic. The monostomatics are located in the occipitomandibular region of the digastric muscle andthe portion polysomatic is situated between the tunica mucosa of the oral cavity and the buccinator muscle.Based on the results, we conclude that the salivary glands of the crab-eating-fox are found distributed inthe facial region and present anatomical characteristics that follow the same structural pattern described forother species of carnivorous mammals.
Estudos anatômicos descritivos de animais silvestres são fundamentais, pois fornecemsubsídios para a elaboração de técnicas mais adequadas de manejo sustentado, contribuindo com apreservação de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo é descreveranatomicamente as glândulas salivares: parótida, mandibular e sublingual do cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyonthous). Para isso, foram utilizadas três carcaças de cachorro-do-mato doados pelo Ibama. Os animais foramfixados com solução aquosa de formol a 10%, dissecados, analisados descritivamente e fotografados.Constatou-se que a glândula parótida do cachorro-do-mato situa-se caudalmente ao ramo da mandíbula,disposta na margem rostroventral da cartilagem auricular. A glândula mandibular está situada na fossaatlantal e estende-se até o osso basi-hióide. A glândula sublingual do cachorro-do-mato apresenta duasporções: monostomática e polistomática. A monostomática situa-se na região occiptomandibular domúsculo digástrico e a polistomática entre a túnica mucosa da cavidade oral e o músculo bucinador. Combase nos resultados concluímos que as glândulas salivares do cachorro-do-mato são encontradasdistribuídas pela região facial e apresentam características anatômicas que seguem o mesmo padrãoestrutural descrito para outras espécies de mamíferos carnívoros.
Animais , Canidae/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Salivares , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Several studies have been developed to support the replacement of the crude carp pituitary extract (CPE) by synthetic products for induced reproduction of South American rheophilic species. However, results have been quite heterogeneous and there is no consensus or a routine use of synthetic products in these species. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the ovulatory process in L. elongatus using different protocols of hormonal induction. Thus, fifteen wild mature females maintained at the Experimental Fish Station, Salto Grande, SP, Brazil were submitted to three different hormonal treatments: CPE (fractioned dose: 0.5 and 5.0 mg kg-1 ); mGnRHa (single dose: 3.5 µg kg-1 ) and mGnRHa (single dose: 5.0 µg kg-1 ). The spawning rate and absolute fecundity were similar among the treatments, but fertility rates were higher for CPE treatment (23.60 ± 9.40) then for mGnRHa treatments (close to or zero zero). Although females ovulated in all treatments, none of them provided viable embryos, showing hatching rates close to zero or zero. Both mGnRHa treatments were more potent for inducing the ovulatory process then CPE treatment, which was evidenced by the fact that the formers showed higher volume density of postovulatory follicles (POF). Accordingly, E2 and 17α-OHP plasma levels were higher for the mGnRHa treated females compared to the CPE one at the time of ovulation. In this study we confirmed previous scientific evidence that, regardless of whether promoting ovulation, the use of conventional CPE and GnRH doses are not appropriate for some South American migratory species, due to the nonattainment of viable embryos. Moreover, we have brought new information about the relationship between reproductive performance and gonadal steroids concentrations using different hormonal therapies, contributing to understand the reasons for Leporinus elongatus embryo loss in induced spawning.
Animais , Caraciformes/embriologia , Carpas/embriologia , Técnicas de Maturação in Vitro de Oócitos , HipófiseResumo
Several studies have been developed to support the replacement of the crude carp pituitary extract (CPE) by synthetic products for induced reproduction of South American rheophilic species. However, results have been quite heterogeneous and there is no consensus or a routine use of synthetic products in these species. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the ovulatory process in L. elongatus using different protocols of hormonal induction. Thus, fifteen wild mature females maintained at the Experimental Fish Station, Salto Grande, SP, Brazil were submitted to three different hormonal treatments: CPE (fractioned dose: 0.5 and 5.0 mg kg-1 ); mGnRHa (single dose: 3.5 µg kg-1 ) and mGnRHa (single dose: 5.0 µg kg-1 ). The spawning rate and absolute fecundity were similar among the treatments, but fertility rates were higher for CPE treatment (23.60 ± 9.40) then for mGnRHa treatments (close to or zero zero). Although females ovulated in all treatments, none of them provided viable embryos, showing hatching rates close to zero or zero. Both mGnRHa treatments were more potent for inducing the ovulatory process then CPE treatment, which was evidenced by the fact that the formers showed higher volume density of postovulatory follicles (POF). Accordingly, E2 and 17α-OHP plasma levels were higher for the mGnRHa treated females compared to the CPE one at the time of ovulation. In this study we confirmed previous scientific evidence that, regardless of whether promoting ovulation, the use of conventional CPE and GnRH doses are not appropriate for some South American migratory species, due to the nonattainment of viable embryos. Moreover, we have brought new information about the relationship between reproductive performance and gonadal steroids concentrations using different hormonal therapies, contributing to understand the reasons for Leporinus elongatus embryo loss in induced spawning.(AU)
Animais , Carpas/embriologia , Caraciformes/embriologia , Técnicas de Maturação in Vitro de Oócitos , HipófiseResumo
In this study, we evaluated the dynamics of ovarian maturation and the spawning processes during the reproductive cycle of Metynnis maculatus. Adult females (n = 36) were collected bimonthly between April 2010 and March 2011. The mean gonadosomatic index (GSI) was determined, ovarian and blood samples were submitted for morphometric evaluation and the steroid plasma concentration was determined by ELISA. This species demonstrated asynchronous ovarian development with multiple spawns. This study revealed that, although defined as a multiple spawning species, the ovaries of M. maculatus have a pattern of development with a predominance of vitellogenesis between April and August and have an intensification in spawning in September; in October, a drop in the mean GSI values occurred, and the highest frequencies of post-ovulatory follicles (POFs) were observed. We observed a positive correlation between the POF and the levels of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone. Metynnis maculatus has the potential to be used as a source of pituitary tissue for the preparation of crude extracts for hormonal induction; the theoretical period for use is from September to December, but specific studies to determine the feasibility of this approach must be conducted.(AU)
Neste estudo, avaliamos a dinâmica da maturação ovariana a desova durante o ciclo reprodutivo de Metynnis maculatus. Fêmeas adultas (n = 36) foram coletadas bimestralmente entre abril de 2010 e março de 2011. O índice gonadossomático (IGS) foi calculado e amostras de ovário e de sangue foram submetidas à avaliação morfométrica e das concentrações plasmáticas dos esteroides por ELISA, respectivamente. A espécie apresenta desenvolvimento ovariano assincrônico, com múltiplas desovas. Neste estudo revelamos que mesmo sendo de desova parcelada, os ovários do M. maculatus mostraram um padrão de desenvolvimento com predomínio de atividade vitelogênica entre abril a agosto e intensificação da desova em setembro. Em outubro houve uma diminuição nos valores médios de IGS, bem como registramos as maiores frequências de folículos pós-ovulatórios (FPOs). Observamos uma correlação positiva entre a frequência de FPOs e a concentração plasmática de 17 α-OHP. O M. maculatus tem potencial para ser usado como fonte para uso de hipófise para preparo de extrato bruto para indução hormonal, sendo o período teórico para coleta de hipófises de setembro a outubro, mas estudos específicos para esta finalidade ainda precisam ser desenvolvidos.(AU)