Background: Crotalaria spp. Poisoning induces liver or pulmonary disease. C. mucronata, C. juncea, C. spectabilis, andC. retusa are the Crotalaria spp. inducing spontaneous intoxication in livestock in Brazil. C. mucronata and C. junceaare associated with interstitial pneumonia, while C. retusa and C. specatabilis induce hepatotoxicosis. The toxic principle in Crotalaria spp. are dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids and their N-oxides. C. incana poisoning to livestock is rarelydocumented. This paper reports the clinical signs and pathological findings of a case of Crotalaria incana poisoning in asteer. The chemical finding of a potential toxic dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloid in the plant is documented for the first time.Case: The affected bovine was part of a herd of 80 two-year-old steers that were transferred from Property 1 to Property2, 30 days prior to the event. In the pasture of Property I - where the steers were held for 6 months - there was a heavyinfestation by a Crotalaria species with signs of being consumed by the steers. The plant was identified as Crotalariaincana at the Botanical Laboratory of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul and a voucher specimen was filedthere under the register GCMS 51169. Two days after entering Property 2 one of the steers became depressed, staggering,and in poor body condition. With time, the steer became oblivious to the environment and died 20 days after the onset ofthe clinical signs. Significant necropsy findings were limited to the liver which was markedly enlarged and with roundededges. The hepatic cut surface was mottled with dark red and extensive orange areas of discoloration. The gallbladder wasdistended and the bile was inspissated. Microscopically, in the liver, there was fibrosis, bile duct hyperplasia and hepatocellular megalocytosis. The Glissons capsule was markedly thickened by fibrosis. In the brain, there was vacuolation ofmyelin...
Animais , Bovinos , Crotalaria , Encefalopatia Hepática/veterinária , Fígado/lesões , Hepatopatias/complicações , Hepatopatias/veterinária , Insuficiência Hepática/veterinária , Plantas TóxicasResumo
Background: Crotalaria spp. Poisoning induces liver or pulmonary disease. C. mucronata, C. juncea, C. spectabilis, andC. retusa are the Crotalaria spp. inducing spontaneous intoxication in livestock in Brazil. C. mucronata and C. junceaare associated with interstitial pneumonia, while C. retusa and C. specatabilis induce hepatotoxicosis. The toxic principle in Crotalaria spp. are dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids and their N-oxides. C. incana poisoning to livestock is rarelydocumented. This paper reports the clinical signs and pathological findings of a case of Crotalaria incana poisoning in asteer. The chemical finding of a potential toxic dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloid in the plant is documented for the first time.Case: The affected bovine was part of a herd of 80 two-year-old steers that were transferred from Property 1 to Property2, 30 days prior to the event. In the pasture of Property I - where the steers were held for 6 months - there was a heavyinfestation by a Crotalaria species with signs of being consumed by the steers. The plant was identified as Crotalariaincana at the Botanical Laboratory of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul and a voucher specimen was filedthere under the register GCMS 51169. Two days after entering Property 2 one of the steers became depressed, staggering,and in poor body condition. With time, the steer became oblivious to the environment and died 20 days after the onset ofthe clinical signs. Significant necropsy findings were limited to the liver which was markedly enlarged and with roundededges. The hepatic cut surface was mottled with dark red and extensive orange areas of discoloration. The gallbladder wasdistended and the bile was inspissated. Microscopically, in the liver, there was fibrosis, bile duct hyperplasia and hepatocellular megalocytosis. The Glissons capsule was markedly thickened by fibrosis. In the brain, there was vacuolation ofmyelin... (AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Encefalopatia Hepática/veterinária , Fígado/lesões , Hepatopatias/complicações , Hepatopatias/veterinária , Crotalaria , Insuficiência Hepática/veterinária , Plantas TóxicasResumo
Background: Stryphnodendron fissuratum is a tree from the Brazilian Cerrado. Its fruit is toxic to cattle and can cause clinical digestive signs, hepatogenous photosensitization, and abortion. Cases of poisoning in cattle, goats and guinea pigs have been experimentally reproduced; however, photosensitization could not be reproduced. The aim of this work was to describe an outbreak of natural poisoning and experimental reproduction in cattle, both with hepatogenous photosensitization.Materials, Methods & Results: Its described and natural outbreak and an experimental poisoning. In the outbreak, three bovines in the acute phase and three in the chronic phase were examined. Blood samples were collected from all of these animals in order to measure serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), urea, and creatinine. The first three animals underwent necropsy and histopathological evaluation. The experiment was conducted with two nine-month-old calves that received an oral paste made with crushed S. fissuratum fruits mixed with water. These fruits were collected at a farm at which cattle poisoning cases had occurred. Blood samples were collected in order to measure serum levels of AST, GGT, urea, and creatinine, before plant administration and then daily during the experimental period. Skin biopsies were taken before plant administration and new one after the first signs of skin lesions. The natural outbreak affected 52 of 160 bovine (31 calves and 21 cows) in the lot. Two calves and 14 cows died. Clinical signs consisted of depression, ataxia, incoordination, behavioral changes, decubitus, and death. One animal that died and 36 others that recovered had photodermatitis. Necropsy findings in the animals consisted of bad corporal condition, pale kidneys, evidence of liver lobular pattern, dry rumen contents, and full bladder.[...]
Animais , Bovinos , Fabaceae/toxicidade , Intoxicação por Plantas/diagnóstico , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/etiologia , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/veterinária , Doença Hepática Induzida por Substâncias e Drogas/veterinária , 28573 , Nefropatias/induzido quimicamente , Nefropatias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Stryphnodendron fissuratum is a tree from the Brazilian Cerrado. Its fruit is toxic to cattle and can cause clinical digestive signs, hepatogenous photosensitization, and abortion. Cases of poisoning in cattle, goats and guinea pigs have been experimentally reproduced; however, photosensitization could not be reproduced. The aim of this work was to describe an outbreak of natural poisoning and experimental reproduction in cattle, both with hepatogenous photosensitization.Materials, Methods & Results: Its described and natural outbreak and an experimental poisoning. In the outbreak, three bovines in the acute phase and three in the chronic phase were examined. Blood samples were collected from all of these animals in order to measure serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), urea, and creatinine. The first three animals underwent necropsy and histopathological evaluation. The experiment was conducted with two nine-month-old calves that received an oral paste made with crushed S. fissuratum fruits mixed with water. These fruits were collected at a farm at which cattle poisoning cases had occurred. Blood samples were collected in order to measure serum levels of AST, GGT, urea, and creatinine, before plant administration and then daily during the experimental period. Skin biopsies were taken before plant administration and new one after the first signs of skin lesions. The natural outbreak affected 52 of 160 bovine (31 calves and 21 cows) in the lot. Two calves and 14 cows died. Clinical signs consisted of depression, ataxia, incoordination, behavioral changes, decubitus, and death. One animal that died and 36 others that recovered had photodermatitis. Necropsy findings in the animals consisted of bad corporal condition, pale kidneys, evidence of liver lobular pattern, dry rumen contents, and full bladder.[...](AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Fabaceae/toxicidade , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/veterinária , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/etiologia , Intoxicação por Plantas/diagnóstico , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Doença Hepática Induzida por Substâncias e Drogas/veterinária , Nefropatias/induzido quimicamente , Nefropatias/veterinária , 28573Resumo
The diaspore bank is an important component of biological diversity acting mainly as storage and source of diaspores, which also indicate dynamics and patterns of maintenance of plant diversity. We tested the hypothesis that the diaspore bank would be the responsible factor for the maintenance of the aquatic plant species, used two techniques to evaluate the diaspore bank: seedling emergence and direct counting of field samples. Density and richness of the diaspore bank were correlated with plant cover of the aquatic macrophyte communities and also with the euphotic zone radiation in different phases of the hydrological cycle. The diaspore bank is a key factor in maintenance of aquatic macrophyte assemblages in this pond. Nymphaea amazonum was one of the dominant species in the pond and presented temporally peaks of plant cover. Furthermore, depth allowed induction of germination of stored diaspores. Therefore, the diaspore bank may predict which species colonizes a site when environmental characteristics are favorable and allows inferring which processes are linked to changes in structure of aquatic macrophyte assemblages. These mechanisms are the means for recovery of macrophyte species under natural disturbances, represented by water level oscillations in floodplains.(AU)
O banco de diásporos é um componente importante da diversidade biológica atuando principalmente como armazenamento e fonte de diásporos, que também indicam a dinâmica e os padrões de manutenção da diversidade vegetal. Testamos a hipótese de que o banco de diásporos seria o fator responsável pela manutenção das espécies de plantas aquáticas, utilizando duas técnicas para avaliar o banco diásporo: emergência das plântulas e contagem direta de amostras de campo. Densidade e riqueza do banco de diásporos foram correlacionadas com cobertura vegetal das comunidades de macrófitas aquáticas e também com a radiação da zona eufótica em diferentes fases do ciclo hidrológico. O banco de diásporos é um fator chave na manutenção das assembleias de macrófitas aquáticas nesta lagoa. Nymphaea amazonum foi uma das espécies dominantes na lagoa temporalmente, apresentou picos de cobertura vegetal. Além disso, a profundidade permitiu a indução da germinação de diásporos armazenados. Portanto, o banco de diásporo é um preditor de quais espécies colonizarão um local quando as características ambientais são favoráveis e permite inferir que os processos estão ligados a mudanças na estrutura das assembleias de macrófitas aquáticas. Estes mecanismos são os meios para a recuperação de espécies de macrófitas sob as perturbações naturais, representados por oscilações do nível de água nas planícies aluviais.(AU)
Macrófitas/análise , Macrófitas/estatística & dados numéricos , Banco de Sementes , BiodiversidadeResumo
Field collection and herbaria data did not allow to quantify the diversity of aquatic plants from Northern Brazil, so we could not detect biogeographic patterns. Therefore, our objectives were to identify and quantify the aquatic macrophytes of North Brazilian states, analyzing herbaria data plataforms (SpeciesLink and Flora do Brasil). The checklist was produced by bibliographic search (articles published between 1980 and 2000), herbaria collections of the platforms SpeciesLink and Flora do Brasil and field expeditions, where we utilized asystematic sampling. We also analyzed the floristic similarity of aquatic macrophytes among Northern Brazil, wetlands of distinct Brazilian regions and the Neotropics. We recorded 539 species, of which 48 are endemic to Brazil. The states with highest number of species were Amazonas and Pará, independently on platform. The most represented families were Poaceae (89 species), Podostemaceae (55), Cyperaceae (50) and Fabaceae (47). We highlight the unprecedent richness of Podostemaceae, due to our own field collection efforts on favorable habitats, 25 species being endemic. Emergent and/or amphibious plants (515) were dominant in total species richness and were best represented in lotic habitats. We found significant differences in richness and floristics among states, obtained from the platforms. There is floristic similarity among Northern states and other Brazilian wetlands. In conclusion, we observed a rich aquatic flora in Northern Brazil, in spite of scarcity of records for Acre, Rondonia and Tocantins; we highlight the unprecedent number of endemic species of Podostemaceae (25) and contrasting richness between SpeciesLink and Flora do Brasil.
Os eforços de campo e os dados de herbários não nos permitiam quantificar a diversidade plantas aquáticas no Norte do Brasil e, com isso, nos impediam de traçar padrõres biogeográficos sobre essa comunidade. Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivos identificar e quantificar as macrófitas aquáticas dos estados do Norte do Brasil, analisando duas plataformas de dados de herbarios (SpeciesLink e Flora do Brasil). O checklist baseou-se em levantamento bibliográfico (revistas e artigos publicados entre 1980 e 2000) e em coletas de campo, na qual foi utilizada amostragem de "caminhamento". Após a elaboração do checklist, verificaram-se os registros das espécies para os estados da região, consultando-se as coleções das plataformas SpeciesLink e Flora do Brasil. Foi analisada a similaridade de especies de macrófitas aquáticas do Neotrópico, Norte do Brasil e ecossistemas aquáticos de distintas regiões do país. Foram registradas 539 espécies, sendo 48 endêmicas do Brasil. As famílias mais representativas foram Poaceae (89 espécies), Podostemaceae (55), Cyperaceae (50) e Fabaceae (47). Ressaltamos a inédita riqueza de Podostemaceae, devida a nossos esforços de coleta em ambientes propícios, 25 espécies sendo endêmicas. Os estados que apresentaram maior número de registros de espécies foram Amazônia e Pará, independentemente da plataforma de dados analisada. [...]
Cyperaceae , Fabaceae , Flora Aquática , Macrófitas/classificação , Magnoliopsida , PoaceaeResumo
Field collection and herbaria data did not allow to quantify the diversity of aquatic plants from Northern Brazil, so we could not detect biogeographic patterns. Therefore, our objectives were to identify and quantify the aquatic macrophytes of North Brazilian states, analyzing herbaria data plataforms (SpeciesLink and Flora do Brasil). The checklist was produced by bibliographic search (articles published between 1980 and 2000), herbaria collections of the platforms SpeciesLink and Flora do Brasil and field expeditions, where we utilized asystematic sampling. We also analyzed the floristic similarity of aquatic macrophytes among Northern Brazil, wetlands of distinct Brazilian regions and the Neotropics. We recorded 539 species, of which 48 are endemic to Brazil. The states with highest number of species were Amazonas and Pará, independently on platform. The most represented families were Poaceae (89 species), Podostemaceae (55), Cyperaceae (50) and Fabaceae (47). We highlight the unprecedent richness of Podostemaceae, due to our own field collection efforts on favorable habitats, 25 species being endemic. Emergent and/or amphibious plants (515) were dominant in total species richness and were best represented in lotic habitats. We found significant differences in richness and floristics among states, obtained from the platforms. There is floristic similarity among Northern states and other Brazilian wetlands. In conclusion, we observed a rich aquatic flora in Northern Brazil, in spite of scarcity of records for Acre, Rondonia and Tocantins; we highlight the unprecedent number of endemic species of Podostemaceae (25) and contrasting richness between SpeciesLink and Flora do Brasil.(AU)
Os eforços de campo e os dados de herbários não nos permitiam quantificar a diversidade plantas aquáticas no Norte do Brasil e, com isso, nos impediam de traçar padrõres biogeográficos sobre essa comunidade. Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivos identificar e quantificar as macrófitas aquáticas dos estados do Norte do Brasil, analisando duas plataformas de dados de herbarios (SpeciesLink e Flora do Brasil). O checklist baseou-se em levantamento bibliográfico (revistas e artigos publicados entre 1980 e 2000) e em coletas de campo, na qual foi utilizada amostragem de "caminhamento". Após a elaboração do checklist, verificaram-se os registros das espécies para os estados da região, consultando-se as coleções das plataformas SpeciesLink e Flora do Brasil. Foi analisada a similaridade de especies de macrófitas aquáticas do Neotrópico, Norte do Brasil e ecossistemas aquáticos de distintas regiões do país. Foram registradas 539 espécies, sendo 48 endêmicas do Brasil. As famílias mais representativas foram Poaceae (89 espécies), Podostemaceae (55), Cyperaceae (50) e Fabaceae (47). Ressaltamos a inédita riqueza de Podostemaceae, devida a nossos esforços de coleta em ambientes propícios, 25 espécies sendo endêmicas. Os estados que apresentaram maior número de registros de espécies foram Amazônia e Pará, independentemente da plataforma de dados analisada. [...](AU)
Macrófitas/classificação , Flora Aquática , Magnoliopsida , Poaceae , Cyperaceae , FabaceaeResumo
Descreve-se um surto de intoxicação por Senna obtusifolia em bovinos no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, na região do Pantanal. Em um lote de 313 novilhas, 165 adoeceram e morreram (coeficientes de morbidade de 52,7% e de letalidade de 100%). Os bovinos permaneceram no piquete infestado pela planta por 37 dias. Os sinais clínicos consistiram em relutância em movimentar-se, andar trôpego (incoordenação), decúbito esternal permanente, diminuição do tônus de língua, estado comportamental em alerta, mioglobinúria caracterizada por urina castanho-escuro e fezes ressecadas com ou sem muco (ocasionalmente diarreicas com estrias de sangue). As principais alterações macroscópicas observadas nos 12 bovinos necropsiados estavam nos músculos esqueléticos dos membros pélvicos e foram caracterizadas por graus variáveis de palidez nos grupos musculares. Histologicamente, a lesão mais relevante encontrada foi degeneração e necrose segmentar multifocal nos músculos estriados esqueléticos (miopatia degenerativa tóxica multifocal polifásica). O diagnóstico da intoxicação baseou-se na epidemiologia (massa de forragem e de planta tóxica, análise da lotação do piquete e análise da precipitação pluviométrica), no quadro clínico dos animais e nos achados de necropsia e histopatologia.(AU)
Senna sp. poisoning in livestock has been reported in several occasions in Brazil usually from southern Brazil and involving S. occidentalis as the culprit. The objective of this study is to report the occurrence of an outbreak of S. obtusifolia poisoning in cattle in the Pantanal Region of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. In a herd of 313 heifers, 165 were affected and died (morbidity rate of 52.7% and lethality rate of 100%). The 313 heifers remained in the paddock infested by S. obtusifolia for 37 days. Clinical signs consisted of reluctance to move, incoordination, permanent sternal recumbency, decrease in the tonus of the tongue, alertness, myoglobinuria characterized by dark brown urine, and dry stools with or without mucus; or occasionally diarrhea with streaks of blood. The main gross findings in 12 necropsied cattle were in the skeletal muscles of the hind limbs, and were characterized by varying degrees of paleness of muscle groups. Histologically, the most relevant lesion was segmental multifocal degeneration and necrosis in striated skeletal muscles (multifocal lypolyphasic toxic degenerative myopathy). The epidemiological, clinical and pathological data allowed to conclude for the diagnosis of poisoning by S. obtusifolia in this outbreak.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Senna , Doenças Musculares/veterinária , Fabaceae/toxicidade , Autopsia/veterináriaResumo
Simarouba versicolor é uma árvore semidecídua pertencente à família Simaroubaceae. Um surto de intoxicação por S. versicolor em bovinos por brotos da planta presente no pasto em Mato Grosso do Sul e sua reprodução experimental foram descritos. Esse estudo teve por objetivos verificar experimentalmente se os ovinos podem ser utilizados como modelo clínico-patológico no estudo da intoxicação por Simarouba versicolor St. Hil. (fam. Simaroubaceae), determinar se há indução de resistência pela ingestão de pequenas e repetidas doses e, se a planta mantém sua toxicidade quando dessecada. Foram realizados dois experimentos, sendo o primeiro com folhas verdes ou folhas dessecadas e trituradas de S. versicolor em doses únicas de 5g/kg, 5g/kg e 3g/kg a três ovinos (Ovino 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente). O experimento 2, foi realizado com diferentes doses diárias de folhas dessecadas e trituradas de S. versicolor em quatro ovinos que receberam 1,5g/kg, 0,75g/kg, 0,6g/kg e 0,3g/kg e, com um ovino que recebeu 3g/kg como controle positivo (Ovino 4). A administração foi suspensa quando os ovinos apresentaram sinais clínicos da intoxicação. Após doze dias de recuperação, os animais sobreviventes foram desafiados com a mesma dose diária da planta ingerida anteriormente para avaliar o desenvolvimento de resistência. Os sinais clínicos observados nos dois experimentos caracterizaram-se por anorexia, mucosas oculares congestas, polidipsia, sialorreia, fezes pastosas que evoluíram para diarreia líquida fétida esverdeada, decúbito lateral e morte para os Ovinos 1 a 7. As principais lesões histológicas observadas foram necrose do tecido linfoide (linfonodos, baço, placas de Peyer) e enterite necrosante. Com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que os ovinos podem ser utilizados como modelo experimental clínico-patológico na intoxicação por S. versicolor. Com o método utilizado, não houve resistência ao consumo diário de folhas da planta pelos ovinos e, as folhas mantiveram sua toxicidade quando dessecadas.(AU)
Simarouba versicolor St. Hil. is a semideciduous tree belonging to the Simaroubaceae family. An outbreak of poisoning in cattle by shoots of S. versicolor present in the pasture in Mato Grosso do Sul and experimental reproduction of the poisoning was described. This study aimed to verify experimentally whether sheep could be used as a clinical-pathological model in the study of the poisoning caused by S. versicolor, to determine if there develops resistance induced by ingestion of small and repeated doses of the leaves, and if the plant keeps its toxicity when dried. Two experiments were conducted: Experiment 1 with green leaves or dried and powdered leave of S. versicolor, given in single doses of 5g/kg, 5g/kg and 3g/kg to three sheep (Sheep 1, 2 and 3 respectively). Experiment 2 was made with different daily doses of dried and powdered leaves of S. versicolor; to four sheep was given 1.5g/kg, 0.75g/kg, 0.6g/kg and 0.3g/kg, and the positive control (Sheep 4) received 3g/kg. The administration was suspended when the animals showed clinical signs of poisoning. After twelve days of recovery, the surviving sheep were challenged with the same daily dose given previously, to assess the development of resistance. Clinical signs observed in both experiments were characterized by anorexia, congested ocular mucosa, polydipsia, drooling, loose stools which evolved into fetid greenish watery diarrhea, lateral decumbency and death of Sheep 1 to 7. The main histological lesions observed were necrosis of lymphoid tissue (lymph nodes, spleen, Peyer's patches) and necrotizing enteritis. With the results it can be concluded that sheep can be used as experimental model for the clinic-pathological aspects of poisoning by S. versicolor. The method used has not shown resistance to the daily consumption of the plant by the sheep, and the leaves kept their toxicity when dried.(AU)
Animais , Cabras/imunologia , Sintomas Toxicológicos , Modelos Animais , Simaroubaceae/intoxicação , Anorexia/veterinária , Diarreia/veterinária , ApatiaResumo
Simarouba versicolor é uma árvore semidecídua pertencente à família Simaroubaceae. Um surto de intoxicação por S. versicolor em bovinos por brotos da planta presente no pasto em Mato Grosso do Sul e sua reprodução experimental foram descritos. Esse estudo teve por objetivos verificar experimentalmente se os ovinos podem ser utilizados como modelo clínico-patológico no estudo da intoxicação por Simarouba versicolor St. Hil. (fam. Simaroubaceae), determinar se há indução de resistência pela ingestão de pequenas e repetidas doses e, se a planta mantém sua toxicidade quando dessecada. Foram realizados dois experimentos, sendo o primeiro com folhas verdes ou folhas dessecadas e trituradas de S. versicolor em doses únicas de 5g/kg, 5g/kg e 3g/kg a três ovinos (Ovino 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente). O experimento 2, foi realizado com diferentes doses diárias de folhas dessecadas e trituradas de S. versicolor em quatro ovinos que receberam 1,5g/kg, 0,75g/kg, 0,6g/kg e 0,3g/kg e, com um ovino que recebeu 3g/kg como controle positivo (Ovino 4). A administração foi suspensa quando os ovinos apresentaram sinais clínicos da intoxicação. Após doze dias de recuperação, os animais sobreviventes foram desafiados com a mesma dose diária da planta ingerida anteriormente para avaliar o desenvolvimento de resistência. Os sinais clínicos observados nos dois experimentos caracterizaram-se por anorexia, mucosas oculares congestas, polidipsia, sialorreia, fezes pastosas que evoluíram para diarreia líquida fétida esverdeada, decúbito lateral e morte para os Ovinos 1 a 7. As principais lesões histológicas observadas foram necrose do tecido linfoide (linfonodos, baço, placas de Peyer) e enterite necrosante. Com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que os ovinos podem ser utilizados como modelo experimental clínico-patológico na intoxicação por S. versicolor. Com o método utilizado, não houve resistência ao consumo diário de folhas da planta pelos ovinos e, as folhas mantiveram sua toxicidade quando dessecadas.(AU)
Simarouba versicolor St. Hil. is a semideciduous tree belonging to the Simaroubaceae family. An outbreak of poisoning in cattle by shoots of S. versicolor present in the pasture in Mato Grosso do Sul and experimental reproduction of the poisoning was described. This study aimed to verify experimentally whether sheep could be used as a clinical-pathological model in the study of the poisoning caused by S. versicolor, to determine if there develops resistance induced by ingestion of small and repeated doses of the leaves, and if the plant keeps its toxicity when dried. Two experiments were conducted: Experiment 1 with green leaves or dried and powdered leave of S. versicolor, given in single doses of 5g/kg, 5g/kg and 3g/kg to three sheep (Sheep 1, 2 and 3 respectively). Experiment 2 was made with different daily doses of dried and powdered leaves of S. versicolor; to four sheep was given 1.5g/kg, 0.75g/kg, 0.6g/kg and 0.3g/kg, and the positive control (Sheep 4) received 3g/kg. The administration was suspended when the animals showed clinical signs of poisoning. After twelve days of recovery, the surviving sheep were challenged with the same daily dose given previously, to assess the development of resistance. Clinical signs observed in both experiments were characterized by anorexia, congested ocular mucosa, polydipsia, drooling, loose stools which evolved into fetid greenish watery diarrhea, lateral decumbency and death of Sheep 1 to 7. The main histological lesions observed were necrosis of lymphoid tissue (lymph nodes, spleen, Peyer's patches) and necrotizing enteritis. With the results it can be concluded that sheep can be used as experimental model for the clinic-pathological aspects of poisoning by S. versicolor. The method used has not shown resistance to the daily consumption of the plant by the sheep, and the leaves kept their toxicity when dried.(AU)
Animais , Cabras/imunologia , Modelos Animais , Simaroubaceae/intoxicação , Sintomas Toxicológicos , Apatia , Anorexia/veterinária , Diarreia/veterináriaResumo
Relatam-se mortalidades de bovinos nos Estados de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul relacionadas ao consumo de folhas de Pterodon emarginatus. Três surtos ocorreram no período de seca na região Centro-Oeste, após a queda de árvores devido a ventos fortes ou após serem derrubadas para aproveitamento da madeira. Morreram 40 bovinos em três diferentes surtos. A intoxicação foi reproduzida com administração de folhas de P. emarginatus; a dose tóxica mínima foi 20g/kg para ovinos e 6g/kg para bovinos. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram-se entre 24 e 72 horas após o consumo da planta. A evolução clínica da doença letal foi de 12 a 36 horas. Os sinais clínicos se caracterizaram por apatia, depressão, andar a esmo, pressão da cabeça contra objetos. Em dois dos surtos, os bovinos que sobreviveram a fase aguda da doença, desenvolveram fotossensibilização. Os principais achados macroscópicos nos casos espontâneos e experimentais foram no fígado; estes se caracterizaram por hepatomegalia e evidenciação do padrão lobular na superfície capsular e de corte. Notaram-se também hemorragias nas serosas abdominais e torácicas. Microscopicamente observou-se necrose coagulativa hepatocelular, que variou de centrolobular a massiva, por vezes associada à congestão e hemorragia; ocorreu também marcada tumefação e vacuolização de hepatócitos na região periacinar. O diagnóstico foi baseado nos dados epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e na reprodução experimental da intoxicação em bovinos e ovinos. Estes achados caracterizam P. emarginatus como planta hepatotóxica de interesse pecuário na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil.(AU)
This paper reports cattle mortalities in the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, caused by the consumption of the leaves of Pterodon emarginatus. The outbreaks occurred during the dry season after P. emarginatus trees had fallen to the ground due to high winds or after having been cut for wood, and cattle had access to the branches. Forty cattle died during three different outbreaks. First clinical signs were seen after 24-72 hours of the consumption of the leaves by the cattle. The course of the letal disease was from 12 to 36 hours. Clinical signs were characterized by apathy, depression, walking aimlessly, pressing the head against objects, and occasionally photosensitization in cases of poisoning with a longer clinical course. The disease was reproduced by administration of P. emarginatus leaves at a minimum toxic dose of 20g/kg for sheep and 6g/kg for cattle. The main macroscopic findings in spontaneous and experimental cases were in the liver, characterized by hepatomegaly and diffuse accentuation of the lobular pattern on the capsular and cut surfaces. Additionally, there were petechiae, ecchymoses and suffusions within the thoracic and abdominal serosa surfaces. In two outbreaks, fotossensibilization was reported in cattle that survived the acute phase. The main histopathological findings were marked centrilobular or massive coagulative hepatocellular necrosis associated with congestion and hemorrhages, surrounded or not by markedly swollen and vesicular hepatocytes in the periacinar area. The diagnosis was based on epidemiological data, clinical signs, necropsy findings, histological lesions and experimental reproduction of the poisoning in cattle and sheep. These findings showed P. emarginatus to be a hepatotoxic plant of interest in the Midwest region of Brazil.(AU)