Maintenance of snakes at Butantan Institute started in the last century, intending to produce a different antivenom serum to reduce death caused by snakebites. Through a successful campaign coordinated by Vital Brazil, farmers sent venomous snakes to Butantan Institute by the railway lines with no cost. From 1908 to 1962, the snakes were kept in an outdoor serpentarium, where venom extraction was performed every 15 days. During this period, the snake average survival was 15 days. In 1963, the snakes were transferred to an adapted building, currently called Laboratory of Herpetology (LH), to be maintained in an intensive system. Although the periodicity of venom extraction remained the same, animal average survival increased to two months. With the severe serum crisis in 1983, the Ministry of Health financed remodeling for the three public antivenom producers, and with this support, the LH could be improved. Air conditioning and exhausting systems were installed in the rooms, besides the settlement of critical hygienic-sanitary managements to increase the welfare of snakes. In the early 1990s, snake survival was ten months. Over the years to the present day, several improvements have been made in the intensive serpentarium, as the establishment of two quarantines, feeding with thawed rodents, an interval of two months between venom extraction routines, and monitoring of snake health through laboratory tests. With these new protocols, average snake survival increased significantly, being eight years for the genus Bothrops, ten years for genus Crotalus and Lachesis, and four years for the genus Micrurus. Aiming the production of venoms of good quality, respect for good management practices is essential for the maintenance of snakes in captivity. New techniques and efficient management must always be sought to improve animal welfare, the quality of the venom produced, and the safety of those working directly with the venomous snakes.(AU)
Animais , Mordeduras de Serpentes , Viperidae , Venenos Elapídicos/biossíntese , Bem-Estar do Animal , Custos e Análise de CustoResumo
Maintenance of snakes at Butantan Institute started in the last century, intending to produce a different antivenom serum to reduce death caused by snakebites. Through a successful campaign coordinated by Vital Brazil, farmers sent venomous snakes to Butantan Institute by the railway lines with no cost. From 1908 to 1962, the snakes were kept in an outdoor serpentarium, where venom extraction was performed every 15 days. During this period, the snake average survival was 15 days. In 1963, the snakes were transferred to an adapted building, currently called Laboratory of Herpetology (LH), to be maintained in an intensive system. Although the periodicity of venom extraction remained the same, animal average survival increased to two months. With the severe serum crisis in 1983, the Ministry of Health financed remodeling for the three public antivenom producers, and with this support, the LH could be improved. Air conditioning and exhausting systems were installed in the rooms, besides the settlement of critical hygienic-sanitary managements to increase the welfare of snakes. In the early 1990s, snake survival was ten months. Over the years to the present day, several improvements have been made in the intensive serpentarium, as the establishment of two quarantines, feeding with thawed rodents, an interval of two months between venom extraction routines, and monitoring of snake health through laboratory tests. With these new protocols, average snake survival increased significantly, being eight years for the genus Bothrops, ten years for genus Crotalus and Lachesis, and four years for the genus Micrurus. Aiming the production of venoms of good quality, respect for good management practices is essential for the maintenance of snakes in captivity. New techniques and efficient management must always be sought to improve animal welfare, the quality of the venom produced, and the safety of those working directly with the venomous snakes.(AU)
Animais , Mordeduras de Serpentes , Viperidae , Venenos Elapídicos/biossíntese , Bem-Estar do Animal , Custos e Análise de CustoResumo
Background: Breast neoplasms are among the most common neoplastic conditions affecting domestic animals and are considered the most common type of cancer affecting women, bitches, and cats. However, there are few reports on breast neoplasms in wild animals, and there is no record of their occurrence in armadillos worldwide. Breast neoplasms are hormone-dependent neoplasms that often cause lymph node and pulmonary metastases. The diagnosis is based on the patients history, complete physical examination, and complementary tests. Here we report a case of mammary neoplasia with pulmonary metastasis in an armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus).Case: A senile female armadillo was referred to us for treatment with a history of hyporexia and nodules in both breasts. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a hypoechogenic nodular lesion with a cross-section of approximately 1.3 × 1.4 cm and well-defined borders. The lesion had a circumscribed aspect in the left mammary gland. In the right mammary gland, there was a heterogeneous lesion with cystic formations and anechoic content. Cytopathological examination of the nodules was performed by fine needle aspiration cytology and revealed the presence of epithelial cells with ovoid and aberrant nuclei, anisocariasis, binucleation, coarse chromatin, and a high nucleus to cytoplasm ratio suggestive of carcinoma. The animal had a lean body score due to hyporexia that had evolved to anorexia and was undergoing supportive treatment. Nevertheless, the animal died two months after the cytologic diagnosis. A necropsy was performed. Cutting of the breast nodules revealed a hardened pale yellow material. The animal had pronounced pleural effusion, hemorrhage, and numerous pale yellow nodules of various sizes with firm consistency throughout the lung parenchyma. It also had hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Tatus , Carcinoma Papilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Carcinoma Papilar/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico por imagem , Metástase Neoplásica/diagnóstico , Pulmão/patologiaResumo
Background: Breast neoplasms are among the most common neoplastic conditions affecting domestic animals and are considered the most common type of cancer affecting women, bitches, and cats. However, there are few reports on breast neoplasms in wild animals, and there is no record of their occurrence in armadillos worldwide. Breast neoplasms are hormone-dependent neoplasms that often cause lymph node and pulmonary metastases. The diagnosis is based on the patients history, complete physical examination, and complementary tests. Here we report a case of mammary neoplasia with pulmonary metastasis in an armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus).Case: A senile female armadillo was referred to us for treatment with a history of hyporexia and nodules in both breasts. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a hypoechogenic nodular lesion with a cross-section of approximately 1.3 × 1.4 cm and well-defined borders. The lesion had a circumscribed aspect in the left mammary gland. In the right mammary gland, there was a heterogeneous lesion with cystic formations and anechoic content. Cytopathological examination of the nodules was performed by fine needle aspiration cytology and revealed the presence of epithelial cells with ovoid and aberrant nuclei, anisocariasis, binucleation, coarse chromatin, and a high nucleus to cytoplasm ratio suggestive of carcinoma. The animal had a lean body score due to hyporexia that had evolved to anorexia and was undergoing supportive treatment. Nevertheless, the animal died two months after the cytologic diagnosis. A necropsy was performed. Cutting of the breast nodules revealed a hardened pale yellow material. The animal had pronounced pleural effusion, hemorrhage, and numerous pale yellow nodules of various sizes with firm consistency throughout the lung parenchyma. It also had hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Carcinoma Papilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Carcinoma Papilar/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico por imagem , Pulmão/patologia , TatusResumo
O estudo epidemiológico de patógenos em populações selvagens no ambiente in situ e ex situ é fundamental para implementação de programas de prevenção, controle e monitoramento de enfermidades e para elaboração de políticas públicas de saúde pública e animal. O estudo foi realizado no zoológico do Parque Estadual de Dois Irmãos no período de janeiro a julho de 2011 onde foram coletados swabs anais e otológicos referentes a 29 carnívoros silvestres cativos do zoológico. Dos swabs otológicos analisados, 1/29 (3,4%) foi positivo para Malassezia pachy dermatis no exame direto. No exame microbiológico dos swabs otológicos, observou-se maior freqüência para bactérias do gênero Bacillus 16/29 (55,2%), seguida de Sta phylococcus 15/29 (51,7%), Escherichia coli 7/29 (24,1%), Streptobacillus 1/29 (3,4%), Micrococcus 1/29 (3,4%) e Klebsiella 1/29 (3,4%). Com relação ao exame presuntivo para o gênero Salmonella a partir das amostras de swab retal, observou-se positividade para seis raposas (Cerdocyon thous) e um guaxinim (Procyon cancrivorus). O isolamento de Salmonella spp. em C. thous e em P. cancrivorus indica um risco à saúde pública, principalmente para os profissionais do zoológico que trabalham diretamente com esses animais. Essa pesquisa reforça a importância da criação de estratégias de vigilância epidemiológica voltadas para a prevenção, controle e monitoramento de potenciais reservatórios de agentes etiológicos de doenças infecciosas e parasitárias no ambiente dos zoológicos.(AU)
The epidemiological study of pathogens in wild populations in the environment in situ and ex situ is essential for implementation of prevention, control and monitoring of diseases and for development of public policies for public and animal health. The study was conducted at the Zoo of Parque Estadual de Dois Irmãos, Recife/PE, Brazil, from January to July 2011, where we collected anal and otological swabs from 29 Zoo's captive wild carnivores. The analysis of the otological swabs showed that 1/29 (3.4%) were positive for Malassezia pachydermatis on direct examination. In the microbiological examination of otologic swabs we found mainly bacteriae of the genus Bacillus 16/29 (55.2%), followed by Staphylococcus 15/29 (51.7%), Escherichia coli 7/29 (24.1%), Streptobacillus 1/29 (3.4%), Micrococcus 1/29 (3.4%) and Klebsiella 1/29 (3.4%). Regarding the presumptive test for the genus Sal monella from rectal swabs, positive samples were observed in six foxes (Cerdocyon thous) and a raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus). The isolation of Salmonella spp. in C. thous and P. can crivorus indicates risks to public health, especially for zoo professionals who work directly with these animals. This research reinforces the importance of establishing surveillance strategies aimed at prevention, control and monitoring of potential reservoirs of the etiologic agents of infectious and parasitic diseases in the environment of zoos.(AU)
Panthera/microbiologia , Tigres/microbiologia , Felis/microbiologia , Raposas/microbiologia , Guaxinins/microbiologia , Procyonidae/microbiologia , Bactérias/isolamento & purificação , Mustelidae/microbiologia , Otite/veterinária , Carnívoros/microbiologia , Interações Hospedeiro-Patógeno/fisiologiaResumo
Relata-se o tratamento odontológico de redução de coroa clínica dental seguida de capeamento pulpardireto em cateto (Tayassu tajacu) com maloclusão classe I, desvio mesio-vestibular dos dentes caninosmandibulares, traumatismo de mucosa oral e dificuldade mastigatória. Para redução de coroaclínica dos dentes caninos mandibulares foi utilizado disco diamantado acoplado ao micromotor debaixa rotação e para tratamento endodôntico utilizou-se hidróxido de cálcio P.A. e ionômero de vidro.O tratamento endodôntico proposto mostrou-se eficaz na redução dental, manutenção da vitalidadee retorno anatômico da oclusão funcional dos dentes caninos inferiores. No entanto, devido ao fatodesta espécie apresentar crescimento constante dos dentes caninos, deve-se ter um acompanhamentoclínico contínuo para realização de outras intervenções, quando houver a necessidade.(AU)
We report a crown reduction follow direct pulp capping in a collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) whodiagnosed Class I malocclusion with mesio-vestibular displacement of lower mandibular canine teeth,soft tissue trauma and oral dysphagia. To perform dental procedure was used diamond disc attachedto a low-speed handpiece and endodontic treatment materials as calcium hydroxide with glassionomer. The proposed endodontic treatment was effective to resolve the problem, mantein toothvitality and return to functional oclusion. However, this species show constant growth of the canineteeth, it will be necessary a continuous clinical monitoring for implementation of other interventions,as needed.(AU)
Animais , Dente Canino/anormalidades , EndodontiaResumo
Relata-se o tratamento odontológico de redução de coroa clínica dental seguida de capeamento pulpardireto em cateto (Tayassu tajacu) com maloclusão classe I, desvio mesio-vestibular dos dentes caninosmandibulares, traumatismo de mucosa oral e dificuldade mastigatória. Para redução de coroaclínica dos dentes caninos mandibulares foi utilizado disco diamantado acoplado ao micromotor debaixa rotação e para tratamento endodôntico utilizou-se hidróxido de cálcio P.A. e ionômero de vidro.O tratamento endodôntico proposto mostrou-se eficaz na redução dental, manutenção da vitalidadee retorno anatômico da oclusão funcional dos dentes caninos inferiores. No entanto, devido ao fatodesta espécie apresentar crescimento constante dos dentes caninos, deve-se ter um acompanhamentoclínico contínuo para realização de outras intervenções, quando houver a necessidade.
We report a crown reduction follow direct pulp capping in a collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) whodiagnosed Class I malocclusion with mesio-vestibular displacement of lower mandibular canine teeth,soft tissue trauma and oral dysphagia. To perform dental procedure was used diamond disc attachedto a low-speed handpiece and endodontic treatment materials as calcium hydroxide with glassionomer. The proposed endodontic treatment was effective to resolve the problem, mantein toothvitality and return to functional oclusion. However, this species show constant growth of the canineteeth, it will be necessary a continuous clinical monitoring for implementation of other interventions,as needed.