A hipospadia é oresultado de falha no desenvolvimento em que não ocorre a fusão normal das dobras genitais e intumescência genital, o que causa desenvolvimento anormal da uretra peniana, do pênis, prepúcio e/ou escroto. O objetivodeste relato é descrever um caso de hipospadia peniana de um canino macho, sem raça definida (SRD), de oito meses deidade, atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, na cidade de Belém/Pará, detalhando os procedimentos cirúrgico e anestésico utilizados para resolução do caso. Ao chegar ao hospital, o animal foi submetido ao exame físicoinicial no qual observou-se uma deformidade na região perianal por onde drenava a urina e uma abertura na região prepucial. A partir disso, foi solicitada a uretrocistografia retrógrada para complemento diagnóstico da hipospadia e seu comprometimento ao sistema urinário interno. Diante disso, foi realizado procedimento cirúrgico reconstrutivo e orquiectomia terapêutica, alcançando permitindoa resolução do caso e a recuperação completa do animal. Considerando que essa deformidade impossibilita a capacidadesexual generandi, a resolução recomendada é a cirúrgica, na qual o prognóstico é bom, possibilitando qualidade de vida ao animal.(AU)
Hypospadias is the result of developmental failure where normal fusion of the genital folds and genital tumescence does not occur, which causes abnormal development of the penile urethra, penis, foreskin and/or scrotum. The objective of this report is to describe a case of penile hypospadias in an eight-month-old male mixed breed (SRD) canine, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural University of Amazônia, in the city of Belém/Pará, detailing the procedures surgical and anesthetic used for resolution of the case. Upon arrival at the hospital, the animal underwent an initial physical examination in which a deformity was observed in the perianal region through which urine drained and an opening in the preputial region. From this, a retrograde urethrocystography was requested to complement the diagnosis of hypospadias and its commitment to the internal urinary system. In view of this, a reconstructive surgical procedure and therapeutic orchiectomy were performed, allowing the resolution of the case and the complete recovery of the animal. Considering that this deformity prevents the sexual capacity generandi, the recommended resolution is surgery, in which the prognosis is good, allowing quality of life for the animal.(AU)
La hipospadias es el resultado de una falla en el desarrollo donde no ocurre la fusión normal de los pliegues genitales y la tumescencia genital, lo que provoca un desarrollo anormal de la uretra peneana, el pene, el prepucio y/o el escroto. El objetivo de este relato es describir un caso de hipospadias peneana en un canino macho mestizo (SRD) de ocho meses de edad, atendido en el Hospital Veterinario de la Universidad Federal Rural de Amazônia, en la ciudad de Belém/Pará, detallando los procedimientos quirúrgicos y anestésicos utilizados para la resolución del caso. A su llegada al hospital, el animal fue sometido a un examen físico inicial en el que se observó una deformidad en la región perianal por donde salía la orina y una abertura en la región prepucial. A partir de ello se solicitó cistouretrografía retrógrada para complementar el diagnóstico de hipospadias y su afectación en el sistema urinario interno. Ante esto, se realizó un procedimiento quirúrgico reconstructivo y orquiectomía terapéutica, que permitió la resolución del caso y la recuperación completa del animal. Teniendo en cuenta que esta deformidad imposibilita la capacidadgeneradi sexual, la resolución recomendada es la cirugía, en la que el pronóstico es bueno, permitiendo calidad de vida para el animal.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária , Uretra/anormalidades , Hipospadia/diagnóstico , BrasilResumo
O procedimento de imunocastração vem sendo utilizado como técnica alternativa amplamente favorável ao bem-estar animal, por ser indolor, pouco invasiva e com eficácia semelhante à da castração cirúrgica, que causa maior estresse aos animais, principalmente quando realizada de forma inadequada. A imunocastração estimula a produção de anticorpos contra o Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotrofina (GnRH), bloqueando temporariamente a produção da testosterona pelas gônadas masculinas. Face a escassez de informações sobre este procedimento em touros bubalinos, o estudo teve como objetivo analisar os possíveis efeitos da imunocastração no parênquima testicular de búfalos. Vinte touros bubalinos, com idade entre 2 a 3 anos, oriundos da ilha do Marajó PA, foram avaliados e divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos composto por dez animais no grupo controle (GC) e dez do grupo imunocastrado (GIM). O produto utilizado foi a vacina anti-GnRH Bopriva ® (Zoetis, SP, Brasil). O GIM recebeu duas doses de 1,0ml contendo 400µg da vacina Bopriva ® com intervalo de 8 semanas entre as aplicações e o grupo controle recebeu 1,0 ml de solução fisiológica. Após 14 dias da última dose, os animais foram abatidos e coletado os 20 pares de testículos para analises de parâmetros macroscópicos como: comprimento, largura, circunferência e peso. Além disso, foi realizada a retirada de fragmentos do parênquima testicular para confecção de lâminas histológicas. Para comparação dos dados foi aplicado o teste t de Student (Nonparametric Test) considerando a significância com p<0,05 e intervalo de confiança de 95%. Foi observado diferença significativa entre os dois grupos para grupos para peso (direto p<0001; esquerdo p≤ 0,0001), circunferência (direita p< <0,0001), 1; esquerda p<0,0001), ), largura (somente lado direito p<0,0372) e comprimento (direita p≤ 0,0013; esquerda p<0,0437). Na avaliação microscópica, os animais do GC não apresenteram alterações. Nos animais do GIM houve degeneração em todas as amostras, sendo visualizado descamação, tortuosidade e espessamento da membrana basal do túbulo seminífero, assim como vacuolização e atrofia das células de Sertoli. Foi observado também uma redução do número de células de Leydig, fibrose intertubular pronunciada, núcleos picnóticos, azoospermia e células multinucleadas no interior dos túbulos. Conclui-se a vacina anti-GnRH mostrou-se eficaz em provocar lesões no parênquima testicular, comprometendo significativamente a espermatogênese a partir da possível supressão de testosterona.(AU)
The immunocastration procedure has been used as an alternative technique widely favorable to animal welfare, as it is painless, minimally invasive and with similar efficacy to surgical castration, which causes greater stress to animals, especially when performed improperly. Immunocastration stimulates the production of antibodies against Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH), temporarily blocking the production of testosterone by the male gonads. Due to the scarcity of information about this procedure in buffalo bulls, the study aimed to analyze the possible effects of immunocastration on the testicular parenchyma of buffaloes. Twenty buffalo bulls, aged between 2 and 3 years, from the island of Marajó - PA, were evaluated and randomly divided into two groups consisting of ten animals in the control group (CG) and ten from the immunocastrated group (GIM). The product used was the anti-GnRH vaccine Bopriva ® (Zoetis, SP, Brazil). The GIM received two doses of 1.0ml containing 400µg of Bopriva ® vaccine with an interval of 8 weeks between applications and the control group received 1.0 ml of saline solution. After 14 days of the last dose, the animals were slaughtered and the 20 pairs of testes were collected for analysis of macroscopic parameters such as: length, width, circumference and weight. In addition, fragments of the testicular parenchyma were removed for the preparation of histological slides. To compare the data, Student's t test (Nonparametric Test) was applied, considering the significance with p< 0.0372) and length (right p≤ 0.0013; left p<0.0437). In the microscopic evaluation, the animals of the CG showed no alterations. In the GIM animals there was degeneration in all samples, with desquamation, tortuosity and thickening of the seminiferous tubule basement membrane, as well as vacuolization and atrophy of Sertoli cells. A reduction in the number of Leydig cells, pronounced intertubular fibrosis, pyknotic nuclei, azoospermia and multinucleated cells within the tubules were also observed. In conclusion, the anti-GnRH vaccine proved to be effective in causing lesions in the testicular parenchyma, significantly compromising spermatogenesis from the possible suppression of testosterone.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Búfalos/fisiologia , Castração/veterinária , Receptores LHRH/imunologia , Epitélio Seminífero/imunologia , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
A Inseminação artificial em bubalinos na Amazônia completa 39 anos, a primeira ocorreu 1981, na ilha do Marajó. Entre 1976 a 1980 pesquisas se concentraram nas particularidades do comportamento sexual e das estratégias de colheita do sêmen e posteriormente na criopreservação. Aproximadamente 6.000 búfalas já foram inseminadas, na Amazônia, e ainda não, insemina-se mais de 0,87% do rebanho. Na inseminação convencional em detrimento da fraca expressão no cio, o uso do rufião é fundamental. Em criações extensivas a inseminação deve ser precedida de vacinações e esterilização uterina. O dispositivo intra-vaginal de progesterona de 2° e 3° usos e dose única, apresentaram bons resultados. Búfalas com ECC 3,0 a 3,75 é dispensável o uso do eCG. A hidrografia do rio Amazonas influencia na logística da IATF. Setembro a dezembro (época de vazante) consideramos a estação de reprodução favorável em criações na várzea. Em criações de terra firme a estação favorável ocorre entre os meses de janeiro a junho, (estação mais chuvosa). O protocolo mais usado é o Ovsynch, Ovsynch associado aprogesterona e o protocolo (-D30) primeira dose de vacina; no dia zero (D0); reforço vacinal e dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona, BE ou GnRH; (D9) PGF2α, eCG; (D11) GnRH e no dia doze (D12), IATF. Evitar estresse e traumas antes das inseminações, usar locais sombreado, água a vontade e liberação imediata após o serviço, evitar novilhas imaturas sexualmente, usar vacas multíparas mantendo ou ganhando o peso. A taxa de prenhes está entre 20 a 70% e a média em 52,6%.
Artificial insemination in buffaloes in the Amazon is 39 years old, the first occurred in 1981, on the island of Marajo. Between 1976 and 1980, research focused on the particularities of sexual behavior and semen collection strategies and later on cryopreservation. Approximately 6.000 buffaloes have already been inseminated in the Amazon, and not yet, more than 0.87% of the herd were inseminated. In conventional insemination to the at the expense of weak expression in heat, the use of the heat detector bull is essential. In extensive breeding, insemination should be preceded by vaccinations and uterine sterilization. The intra-vaginal progesterone deviceof 2nd and 3rd uses and single dose, showed good results. Buffaloes with ECC 3.0 to 3.75 the use of eCG is not necessary. The hydrography of the Amazon River influences the logistics of the IATF. September to December (dry river season) we consider the breeding season to be favorable for breeding in the creations in flooded area. In high land creations, the favorable season occurs between the months of January to June, (rainiest season). The most used protocol is Ovsynch, Ovsynch associated with progesterone and the protocol (-D30) first vaccine dose; on day zero (D0); vaccine booster and intravaginal progesterone, BE or GnRH device; (D9) PGF2α, eCG; (D11) GnRH and on the 12th (D12) IATF. Prevent stress and trauma before insemination, use shaded places, water at will and immediate release after the service avoid sexually immature heifers, use multíparas cows to maintain orgain weight. The pregnancy rate is between 20 and 70% and the average is 52.6%.
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Bovinos , Búfalos , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Inseminação , PrenhezResumo
A Inseminação artificial em bubalinos na Amazônia completa 39 anos, a primeira ocorreu 1981, na ilha do Marajó. Entre 1976 a 1980 pesquisas se concentraram nas particularidades do comportamento sexual e das estratégias de colheita do sêmen e posteriormente na criopreservação. Aproximadamente 6.000 búfalas já foram inseminadas, na Amazônia, e ainda não, insemina-se mais de 0,87% do rebanho. Na inseminação convencional em detrimento da fraca expressão no cio, o uso do rufião é fundamental. Em criações extensivas a inseminação deve ser precedida de vacinações e esterilização uterina. O dispositivo intra-vaginal de progesterona de 2° e 3° usos e dose única, apresentaram bons resultados. Búfalas com ECC 3,0 a 3,75 é dispensável o uso do eCG. A hidrografia do rio Amazonas influencia na logística da IATF. Setembro a dezembro (época de vazante) consideramos a estação de reprodução favorável em criações na várzea. Em criações de terra firme a estação favorável ocorre entre os meses de janeiro a junho, (estação mais chuvosa). O protocolo mais usado é o Ovsynch, Ovsynch associado aprogesterona e o protocolo (-D30) primeira dose de vacina; no dia zero (D0); reforço vacinal e dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona, BE ou GnRH; (D9) PGF2α, eCG; (D11) GnRH e no dia doze (D12), IATF. Evitar estresse e traumas antes das inseminações, usar locais sombreado, água a vontade e liberação imediata após o serviço, evitar novilhas imaturas sexualmente, usar vacas multíparas mantendo ou ganhando o peso. A taxa de prenhes está entre 20 a 70% e a média em 52,6%.(AU)
Artificial insemination in buffaloes in the Amazon is 39 years old, the first occurred in 1981, on the island of Marajo. Between 1976 and 1980, research focused on the particularities of sexual behavior and semen collection strategies and later on cryopreservation. Approximately 6.000 buffaloes have already been inseminated in the Amazon, and not yet, more than 0.87% of the herd were inseminated. In conventional insemination to the at the expense of weak expression in heat, the use of the heat detector bull is essential. In extensive breeding, insemination should be preceded by vaccinations and uterine sterilization. The intra-vaginal progesterone deviceof 2nd and 3rd uses and single dose, showed good results. Buffaloes with ECC 3.0 to 3.75 the use of eCG is not necessary. The hydrography of the Amazon River influences the logistics of the IATF. September to December (dry river season) we consider the breeding season to be favorable for breeding in the creations in flooded area. In high land creations, the favorable season occurs between the months of January to June, (rainiest season). The most used protocol is Ovsynch, Ovsynch associated with progesterone and the protocol (-D30) first vaccine dose; on day zero (D0); vaccine booster and intravaginal progesterone, BE or GnRH device; (D9) PGF2α, eCG; (D11) GnRH and on the 12th (D12) IATF. Prevent stress and trauma before insemination, use shaded places, water at will and immediate release after the service avoid sexually immature heifers, use multíparas cows to maintain orgain weight. The pregnancy rate is between 20 and 70% and the average is 52.6%.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Búfalos , Inseminação , Comportamento Sexual Animal , PrenhezResumo
The objective was to verify the occurrence of the transmissible venereal tumor in canines attended at (UFRA), Campus Belém / Pará, from March 2016 to September 2019. The information was obtained from the SISVET® program (Veterinary System). A total of 3,714 records were analyzed regarding the animals served and sent to the animal reproduction sector. Of this total, 155 were from dogs diagnosed with transmissible venereal tumor and 8 negative cases, 102 females and 53 males. The data were tabulated in an electronic spreadsheet, submitted to statistical analysis using the SAS® Universty Edition software regarding the frequency of occurrences, the influence of the age group, sex, race, through the Chi-Square test with 5% significance. Of the 155 cases of TVT diagnosed, 102 (65.81%) were in females and 53 (34.19%) males, with prevalence in SRD (72.86%) and in adults (54.19%). As for the site of involvement, 32.26% were in vulva and 20% in the body of the penis. Regarding the neighborhoods, there was a predominance in Guamá with 25 cases (15.59%). Thus, it is concluded that TVT was more frequent in SRD females and in adult dogs. Vulva 50 (32.26%), vagina 46 (29.68%) and penis 31 (20%) were the most affected sites.
Animais , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/mortalidadeResumo
The objective was to verify the occurrence of the transmissible venereal tumor in canines attended at (UFRA), Campus Belém / Pará, from March 2016 to September 2019. The information was obtained from the SISVET® program (Veterinary System). A total of 3,714 records were analyzed regarding the animals served and sent to the animal reproduction sector. Of this total, 155 were from dogs diagnosed with transmissible venereal tumor and 8 negative cases, 102 females and 53 males. The data were tabulated in an electronic spreadsheet, submitted to statistical analysis using the SAS® Universty Edition software regarding the frequency of occurrences, the influence of the age group, sex, race, through the Chi-Square test with 5% significance. Of the 155 cases of TVT diagnosed, 102 (65.81%) were in females and 53 (34.19%) males, with prevalence in SRD (72.86%) and in adults (54.19%). As for the site of involvement, 32.26% were in vulva and 20% in the body of the penis. Regarding the neighborhoods, there was a predominance in Guamá with 25 cases (15.59%). Thus, it is concluded that TVT was more frequent in SRD females and in adult dogs. Vulva 50 (32.26%), vagina 46 (29.68%) and penis 31 (20%) were the most affected sites.(AU)
Animais , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/mortalidadeResumo
For artificial insemination, it is essential to use frozen semen, however the freezing process causes deleterious changes to the structure and integrity of sperm membranes that compromise the function of sperm. To avoid this cellular damage, extenders and suitable substrates must be used to recover the highest possible number of viable cells post-thaw. To this end, in the first experiment, we evaluated three different extenders: TES-TRIS, which is widely used for buffaloes; and an extender composed of powdered coconut water-based (ACP-112®) with or without milk (ACP-112®-milk) for buffalo semen freezing. In the second experiment, we evaluated the effect of Lippia origanoides oil extract on protecting buffalo sperm against cryoinjury arising from freezing semen. Semen was collected from ten buffalo bulls (10 ejaculates/bull) and diluted in TES-TRIS (control), ACP-112® or ACP-112®-Milk in the first experiment. In the second experiment, the samples were diluted in the diluent with the best results for sperm quality obtained in experiment I, and 2.5 μg mL-1, 5 μg mL-1 or 10 μg mL-1 of the plant extract was added to treatments; and a control group containing only the diluent was also included. The fresh semen was analyzed for conventional features such as motility, concentration, morphology and viability. After thawing, the samples were evaluated again for motility, vigor and supra-vital staining, and then, were performed the of thermal-resistance test, hypoosmotic test and evaluated sperm membrane integrity with the fluorescent probes PI, FITC-PSA and JC-1 using flow cytometry. The data were submitted to ANOVA, and the results were compared by Tukeys test at a significance of 5%.
Para a implantação da inseminação artificial é indispensável à utilização de sêmen congelado, que pode provocar mudanças deletérias na estrutura e na integridade das membranas espermáticas, comprometendo sua função. Para evitar estes danos celulares, há a necessidade de se utilizar meios diluidores e substratos adequados que recuperem o maior número possível de células viáveis pós-descongelação. Para isso, foram avaliados, no experimento I, três diferentes diluidores, o diluidor TES-TRIS, bastante utilizado para bubalinos, e um diluidor a base de água de coco em pó (ACP-112), associado ou não ao leite (ACP-112-Leite), na congelação do sêmen de bubalinos; e no experimento II, foi avaliado o efeito do óleo extraído da Lippia origanoides na proteção dos espermatozóides contra as crioinjúrias decorrentes da congelação do sêmen bubalino. Foram utilizados 10 touros bubalinos para as colheitas de sêmen (10 ejaculados/touro), sendo os ejaculados diluídos em TES-TRIS (controle), ACP-112 e ACP-112-Leite no experimento I; e no experimento II, os ejaculados foram diluídos no melhor diluidor obtido no experimento I, acrescido de 2.5 μg mL-1, 5 μg mL-1 e 10 μg mL-1 da planta e o grupo controle, constituído somente do diluidor. O sêmen recém colhido foi analisado quanto as características convencionais, tais como, motilidade, concentração, morfologia e viabilidade. Após a descongelação das amostras foram avaliados novamente, motilidade e viabilidade espermática, e posteriormente, foram realizados os testes de termo-resistência, hiposmótico e de avaliação das membranas dos espermatozóides, através das sondas fluorescentes PI, FITC-PSA e JC-1, utilizando a citometria de fluxo. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à ANOVA e ao Teste de Tukey a 5%.
Animais , Búfalos/embriologia , Lippia/citologia , Lippia/química , Preservação do Sêmen , CriopreservaçãoResumo
For artificial insemination, it is essential to use frozen semen, however the freezing process causes deleterious changes to the structure and integrity of sperm membranes that compromise the function of sperm. To avoid this cellular damage, extenders and suitable substrates must be used to recover the highest possible number of viable cells post-thaw. To this end, in the first experiment, we evaluated three different extenders: TES-TRIS, which is widely used for buffaloes; and an extender composed of powdered coconut water-based (ACP-112®) with or without milk (ACP-112®-milk) for buffalo semen freezing. In the second experiment, we evaluated the effect of Lippia origanoides oil extract on protecting buffalo sperm against cryoinjury arising from freezing semen. Semen was collected from ten buffalo bulls (10 ejaculates/bull) and diluted in TES-TRIS (control), ACP-112® or ACP-112®-Milk in the first experiment. In the second experiment, the samples were diluted in the diluent with the best results for sperm quality obtained in experiment I, and 2.5 μg mL-1, 5 μg mL-1 or 10 μg mL-1 of the plant extract was added to treatments; and a control group containing only the diluent was also included. The fresh semen was analyzed for conventional features such as motility, concentration, morphology and viability. After thawing, the samples were evaluated again for motility, vigor and supra-vital staining, and then, were performed the of thermal-resistance test, hypoosmotic test and evaluated sperm membrane integrity with the fluorescent probes PI, FITC-PSA and JC-1 using flow cytometry. The data were submitted to ANOVA, and the results were compared by Tukeys test at a significance of 5%.(AU)
Para a implantação da inseminação artificial é indispensável à utilização de sêmen congelado, que pode provocar mudanças deletérias na estrutura e na integridade das membranas espermáticas, comprometendo sua função. Para evitar estes danos celulares, há a necessidade de se utilizar meios diluidores e substratos adequados que recuperem o maior número possível de células viáveis pós-descongelação. Para isso, foram avaliados, no experimento I, três diferentes diluidores, o diluidor TES-TRIS, bastante utilizado para bubalinos, e um diluidor a base de água de coco em pó (ACP-112), associado ou não ao leite (ACP-112-Leite), na congelação do sêmen de bubalinos; e no experimento II, foi avaliado o efeito do óleo extraído da Lippia origanoides na proteção dos espermatozóides contra as crioinjúrias decorrentes da congelação do sêmen bubalino. Foram utilizados 10 touros bubalinos para as colheitas de sêmen (10 ejaculados/touro), sendo os ejaculados diluídos em TES-TRIS (controle), ACP-112 e ACP-112-Leite no experimento I; e no experimento II, os ejaculados foram diluídos no melhor diluidor obtido no experimento I, acrescido de 2.5 μg mL-1, 5 μg mL-1 e 10 μg mL-1 da planta e o grupo controle, constituído somente do diluidor. O sêmen recém colhido foi analisado quanto as características convencionais, tais como, motilidade, concentração, morfologia e viabilidade. Após a descongelação das amostras foram avaliados novamente, motilidade e viabilidade espermática, e posteriormente, foram realizados os testes de termo-resistência, hiposmótico e de avaliação das membranas dos espermatozóides, através das sondas fluorescentes PI, FITC-PSA e JC-1, utilizando a citometria de fluxo. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à ANOVA e ao Teste de Tukey a 5%.(AU)
Animais , Lippia/química , Lippia/citologia , Preservação do Sêmen , Búfalos/embriologia , CriopreservaçãoResumo
Nos últimos anos a biotécnica de produção in vitro de embrião (PIVE) em bubalino passou porimportantes modificações, possibilitando a sua aplicação ao nível comercial. Entretanto, a taxa de produção deembrião por doadora ainda é muito baixa, refletindo diretamente no custo da prenhez, o qual é cerca de 3-4 vezesmais elevado que aquele observado em bovino zebuíno. Essa baixa taxa de embrião ocorre em função de váriosfatores, dentre os mais importantes podemos citar os fatores intrínsecos relacionados aos animais, como a baixaquantidade e qualidade dos oócitos obtidos por doadora; mas também a fatores extrínsecos, como a falta demeios de cultivo específicos para o oócito/embrião da espécie, as deficiências nas condições de manejo(nutricional e sanitário). Portanto, para a aplicação comercial mais abrangente, é necessário baixar o custo daprenhez, bem como, disponibilizar animais de comprovada produtividade (teste de progênie) para utilização emprogramas de PIVE e que do ponto de vista custo / benefício compense a utilização dessa técnica.(AU)
In recent years, the biotechnology of in vitro embryo production (IVP) in buffalo has undergone a greatimprovement, allowing its application at the commercial level. However, the rate of embryo production perdonor is still very low, reflecting directly on the cost of pregnancy that is about 3-4 times higher than zebu cattle.This low embryo rate occurs due to several factors. Among the most important are the intrinsic factors related tothe animals such as the low quantity and quality of the oocytes obtained by the donor, but also to extrinsicfactors such as the lack of specific culture media for the oocyte/embryo, and deficiencies in the managementconditions, that could be nutritional or sanitary. Therefore, for the expansion in commercial application, it isnecessary to reduce the cost of pregnancy, as well as to provide animals of proven productivity (progeny test) foruse in PIVE programs and that from the cost / benefit point of view compensate the use of a high cost techniquesuch as PIVE.(AU)
Animais , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Búfalos/embriologia , BiotecnologiaResumo
Nos últimos anos a biotécnica de produção in vitro de embrião (PIVE) em bubalino passou porimportantes modificações, possibilitando a sua aplicação ao nível comercial. Entretanto, a taxa de produção deembrião por doadora ainda é muito baixa, refletindo diretamente no custo da prenhez, o qual é cerca de 3-4 vezesmais elevado que aquele observado em bovino zebuíno. Essa baixa taxa de embrião ocorre em função de váriosfatores, dentre os mais importantes podemos citar os fatores intrínsecos relacionados aos animais, como a baixaquantidade e qualidade dos oócitos obtidos por doadora; mas também a fatores extrínsecos, como a falta demeios de cultivo específicos para o oócito/embrião da espécie, as deficiências nas condições de manejo(nutricional e sanitário). Portanto, para a aplicação comercial mais abrangente, é necessário baixar o custo daprenhez, bem como, disponibilizar animais de comprovada produtividade (teste de progênie) para utilização emprogramas de PIVE e que do ponto de vista custo / benefício compense a utilização dessa técnica.
In recent years, the biotechnology of in vitro embryo production (IVP) in buffalo has undergone a greatimprovement, allowing its application at the commercial level. However, the rate of embryo production perdonor is still very low, reflecting directly on the cost of pregnancy that is about 3-4 times higher than zebu cattle.This low embryo rate occurs due to several factors. Among the most important are the intrinsic factors related tothe animals such as the low quantity and quality of the oocytes obtained by the donor, but also to extrinsicfactors such as the lack of specific culture media for the oocyte/embryo, and deficiencies in the managementconditions, that could be nutritional or sanitary. Therefore, for the expansion in commercial application, it isnecessary to reduce the cost of pregnancy, as well as to provide animals of proven productivity (progeny test) foruse in PIVE programs and that from the cost / benefit point of view compensate the use of a high cost techniquesuch as PIVE.
Animais , Biotecnologia , Búfalos/embriologia , Desenvolvimento EmbrionárioResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the rate of pregnancy in cows, buffaloes in differentcategories. The present study was conducted in Agricultural Farm Bike General LTDA. Animals were kept underextensive grazing. 48 animals were used, being 8 females and females 40 Primiparous multiparous subjected toa protocol of artificial insemination in fixed time (IATF). The gestation diagnosis was carried out with 30 daysafter artificial insemination. Of 48 females inseminated, Primiparous cows Group obtained as a result 4 (50%)pregnant women and 4 (50%) not pregnant woman and multiparous cows Group 19 (47.50%) were pregnantwomen and 21 (52.50%) not pregnant women. According to the results obtained in this study by dividing thefemales for Primiparous and multiparous category, the rates of pregnancy in buffaloes was influences by cowcategory, indicating that primiparas in need of greater attention towards their nutritional requirements.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Prenhez , Búfalos/embriologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Sincronização do EstroResumo
The aim of this study was to correlate the profile of insemination, uterine status and the presence ofmucus on the day of insemination, with a pregnancy rate of buffalo cows in lowland area in the state of Amapá.This study was conducted at Fazenda general Moto LTDA., 148 km from the town of Macapa. The animals werekept in extensive grazing system. They used 48 animals received the following protocol: Day 0 (D0) to insert theintravaginal device P4 and 2.0 mg BE. At D9 was taken withdrawal of the device and application of 0.5 mg ofPGF2a and 400 IU eCG. In D11 was applied 0.004 mg GRnH and carried out insemination in D12, 64 hoursafter the withdrawal. The diagnosis of pregnancy was performed 30 days after artificial insemination. The datacollected from individual records were tabulated in spreadsheets. And evaluated in the SAS software (2000) 23buffaloes that had a positive pregnancy, 3 a bad AI profile, 18 a good AI profile and 2 excellent AI profile. 25cows got negative pregnancy, among them 4 demonstrated bad AI profile, 21 a good AI profile and no possessedexcellent AI profile. Regarding uterine Status- 46 animals (97.9%) had contracted uterus, however only 22(47.83%) animals were diagnosed with positive penhez. The variable presence of mucus, of 48 buffalos 21(43.75%) had such characteristics. The pregnancy rate was 22.9% (11) for the cows with mucus during theIATF. The variables profile of AI, mucus, uterine status, no positive influence on the pregnancy rate.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Inseminação Artificial/classificação , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Prenhez/fisiologia , MiométrioResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate if the progesterone device (P4) of 3rd use would be efficientto induce the cyclicity and consequent pregnancy rate in nelore heifers. We used 65 animals with a mean weightof 338 kg. All kept in the same environmental and handling conditions. The induction of estrus was performed in33 females with P4 implant of 3rd use, thus forming Group 1 (G1 = 33), those that did not receive the implantwere allocated in Group 2 (G2 = 32). Thirty-two days post-induction protocol was performed on all animals forTAI. The data collected were tabulated in electronic spreadsheets and evaluated in the SAS software (2010). TheTAI pregnancy rate was 21.21% (G1) (7/33) and 46.88% (15/32) for (G2) (P < 0.05). Thus suggesting that priorinduction to puberty with P4 device of 3rd use was not effective.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Prenhez , Maturidade Sexual , Progesterona/análise , Bovinos/embriologiaResumo
Was aimed at the application of reproductive technologies in goats is mainly limited to inability to crossthe long, narrow cervix, preventing intrauterine deposition of frozen semen Croy et al. (1999). The degree ofdifficulty in transposing the cervix may vary according to various factors such as individual effect, reproductivestage, postpartum interval, reproductive season, technical experience and other Husein et al. (1998). The studywas conducted in the state of Pará, in the municipality of Iguarapé-Acu, Pará northeast, at a private estate. Weused 12 Saanen goats intended for milk production, with ages ranging from 1 to 3 years, all identified withnumerical necklace and documented in animals individual. Os identification cards were created intensively withforage (Pennisetum purpureum) ground corn meal, water and mineral supplement will. The evaluation of thecervical opening degree was carried out by vaginal speculum.(AU)
Animais , Cabras/anatomia & histologia , Cabras/fisiologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , PrenhezResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate if the progesterone device (P4) of 3rd use would be efficientto induce the cyclicity and consequent pregnancy rate in nelore heifers. We used 65 animals with a mean weightof 338 kg. All kept in the same environmental and handling conditions. The induction of estrus was performed in33 females with P4 implant of 3rd use, thus forming Group 1 (G1 = 33), those that did not receive the implantwere allocated in Group 2 (G2 = 32). Thirty-two days post-induction protocol was performed on all animals forTAI. The data collected were tabulated in electronic spreadsheets and evaluated in the SAS software (2010). TheTAI pregnancy rate was 21.21% (G1) (7/33) and 46.88% (15/32) for (G2) (P < 0.05). Thus suggesting that priorinduction to puberty with P4 device of 3rd use was not effective.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/embriologia , Maturidade Sexual , Prenhez , Progesterona/análiseResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the rate of pregnancy in cows, buffaloes in differentcategories. The present study was conducted in Agricultural Farm Bike General LTDA. Animals were kept underextensive grazing. 48 animals were used, being 8 females and females 40 Primiparous multiparous subjected toa protocol of artificial insemination in fixed time (IATF). The gestation diagnosis was carried out with 30 daysafter artificial insemination. Of 48 females inseminated, Primiparous cows Group obtained as a result 4 (50%)pregnant women and 4 (50%) not pregnant woman and multiparous cows Group 19 (47.50%) were pregnantwomen and 21 (52.50%) not pregnant women. According to the results obtained in this study by dividing thefemales for Primiparous and multiparous category, the rates of pregnancy in buffaloes was influences by cowcategory, indicating that primiparas in need of greater attention towards their nutritional requirements.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/embriologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Prenhez , Sincronização do EstroResumo
The aim of this study was to correlate the profile of insemination, uterine status and the presence ofmucus on the day of insemination, with a pregnancy rate of buffalo cows in lowland area in the state of Amapá.This study was conducted at Fazenda general Moto LTDA., 148 km from the town of Macapa. The animals werekept in extensive grazing system. They used 48 animals received the following protocol: Day 0 (D0) to insert theintravaginal device P4 and 2.0 mg BE. At D9 was taken withdrawal of the device and application of 0.5 mg ofPGF2a and 400 IU eCG. In D11 was applied 0.004 mg GRnH and carried out insemination in D12, 64 hoursafter the withdrawal. The diagnosis of pregnancy was performed 30 days after artificial insemination. The datacollected from individual records were tabulated in spreadsheets. And evaluated in the SAS software (2000) 23buffaloes that had a positive pregnancy, 3 a bad AI profile, 18 a good AI profile and 2 excellent AI profile. 25cows got negative pregnancy, among them 4 demonstrated bad AI profile, 21 a good AI profile and no possessedexcellent AI profile. Regarding uterine Status- 46 animals (97.9%) had contracted uterus, however only 22(47.83%) animals were diagnosed with positive penhez. The variable presence of mucus, of 48 buffalos 21(43.75%) had such characteristics. The pregnancy rate was 22.9% (11) for the cows with mucus during theIATF. The variables profile of AI, mucus, uterine status, no positive influence on the pregnancy rate.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Inseminação Artificial/classificação , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Prenhez/fisiologia , MiométrioResumo
Was aimed at the application of reproductive technologies in goats is mainly limited to inability to crossthe long, narrow cervix, preventing intrauterine deposition of frozen semen Croy et al. (1999). The degree ofdifficulty in transposing the cervix may vary according to various factors such as individual effect, reproductivestage, postpartum interval, reproductive season, technical experience and other Husein et al. (1998). The studywas conducted in the state of Pará, in the municipality of Iguarapé-Acu, Pará northeast, at a private estate. Weused 12 Saanen goats intended for milk production, with ages ranging from 1 to 3 years, all identified withnumerical necklace and documented in animals individual. Os identification cards were created intensively withforage (Pennisetum purpureum) ground corn meal, water and mineral supplement will. The evaluation of thecervical opening degree was carried out by vaginal speculum.
Animais , Cabras/anatomia & histologia , Cabras/fisiologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , PrenhezResumo
This study aimed to avaluate the interval between calvins (IBC) from a buffalo herd, and to evaluate theinfluence of the blood level and the reproduction system in the IBC. Four hundred and one data were analyzedbetween 2000 and 2015 of buffalo females, Murrah breed, and dairy mixed breeds maintained in an intensivesystem and submitted to two daily milking. Statistical data were evaluated in the SAS software (2010), for theanalysis of the different experimental conditions, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test with significancelevel of 5%. The mean value found for IBC was 425,9±66,1 days, the AFC mean value according to blood levelof Murrah breed and mixed breed was respectively 427,4 ± 65,5 and 418,4 ± 69,6, (P > 0,05). Consideringbreed systems artificial insemination and natural-service the IBC was 434,3 ± 55,6 and 424,1 ± 68,2respectively, (P > 0,05). Therefore, there was no influence of the blood level and breeding system on IBC.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Búfalos/embriologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Comportamento Reprodutivo , PartoResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the age of the first calving of buffaloes (AFC) from a buffalo herd and toevaluate the influence of the blood level in the AFC. Five hundred and eight data were analyzed between 2000and 2015 of buffalo females, Murrah breed, and dairy mixed breeds maintained in an intensive system andsubmitted to two daily milking. Statistical data were evaluated in the SAS software (2010), for the analysis of thedifferent experimental conditions, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test with significance level of 5%.The mean value found for AFC was 38.9 ± 5.5 months (1170 days), the AFC mean value according to blood levelof Murrah breed and mixed breed was respectively 38.9 ± 5.5 months and 38.90 ± 5.3 months, (P > 0.05).Therefore, there was no influence of the blood level in the AFC.(AU)