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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 553-559, Mar./Apr. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128404


Durante o periparto, as vacas leiteiras são submetidas a uma grande demanda de energia, ao mesmo tempo em que reduzem sua ingestão de matéria seca. O balanço energético negativo, resultante dessa equação, acarreta severos transtornos metabólicos, à produção e, principalmente, à reprodução. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da colina protegida sobre os parâmetros metabólicos, o intervalo entre parto e concepção e a produção de leite em vacas no período de transição. Cinquenta e quatro vacas leiteiras foram divididas em três grupos: controle, suplementação com colina por 10 dias pré-parto (T10) e suplementação com colina por 20 dias pré-parto (T20). Após o parto, foram mensurados os teores de frutosamina, colesterol, ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE), beta-hidroxibutirato (BHB), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT) e total de oxidantes (TOS), nos dias 10, 20 e 30. Ainda foram avaliadas produção de leite e intervalo entre parto e concepção. Não houve efeito da suplementação com colina sobre os parâmetros sanguíneos e a produção. O intervalo entre parto e concepção foi menor no grupo T20. A colina suplementada por 20 dias durante o pré-parto melhorou a performance reprodutiva de vacas leiteiras(AU)

During the periparturient dairy cows undergo a large energy demand, at the same time reducing their intake of dry matter. The negative energy balance resulting from this equation leads to severe metabolic disorders in production, and mainly in reproduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of protected choline on metabolic parameters, reproductive performance, and milk production in cows during the transition period. Fifty-four dairy cows were divided into three groups: control, supplementation with choline for 10 days prepartum (T10) and supplementation with choline for 20 days prepartum (T20). After delivery we measured fructosamine levels, cholesterol, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), and total oxidant (TOS) on days 10, 20 and 30. We also evaluated milk production and interval between calving and conception. There was no effect of supplementation with choline on blood and production parameters. The interval between calving and conception was lower in the T20 group. Choline supplemented by 20 during the antepartum improved reproductive performance of dairy cows, although it did not change the metabolic profile.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Colina/administração & dosagem , Período Periparto/fisiologia , Metabolismo , Aspartato Aminotransferases , Colesterol , Ácido 3-Hidroxibutírico , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados , gama-Glutamiltransferase
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 553-559, Mar./Apr. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29620


Durante o periparto, as vacas leiteiras são submetidas a uma grande demanda de energia, ao mesmo tempo em que reduzem sua ingestão de matéria seca. O balanço energético negativo, resultante dessa equação, acarreta severos transtornos metabólicos, à produção e, principalmente, à reprodução. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da colina protegida sobre os parâmetros metabólicos, o intervalo entre parto e concepção e a produção de leite em vacas no período de transição. Cinquenta e quatro vacas leiteiras foram divididas em três grupos: controle, suplementação com colina por 10 dias pré-parto (T10) e suplementação com colina por 20 dias pré-parto (T20). Após o parto, foram mensurados os teores de frutosamina, colesterol, ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE), beta-hidroxibutirato (BHB), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT) e total de oxidantes (TOS), nos dias 10, 20 e 30. Ainda foram avaliadas produção de leite e intervalo entre parto e concepção. Não houve efeito da suplementação com colina sobre os parâmetros sanguíneos e a produção. O intervalo entre parto e concepção foi menor no grupo T20. A colina suplementada por 20 dias durante o pré-parto melhorou a performance reprodutiva de vacas leiteiras(AU)

During the periparturient dairy cows undergo a large energy demand, at the same time reducing their intake of dry matter. The negative energy balance resulting from this equation leads to severe metabolic disorders in production, and mainly in reproduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of protected choline on metabolic parameters, reproductive performance, and milk production in cows during the transition period. Fifty-four dairy cows were divided into three groups: control, supplementation with choline for 10 days prepartum (T10) and supplementation with choline for 20 days prepartum (T20). After delivery we measured fructosamine levels, cholesterol, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), and total oxidant (TOS) on days 10, 20 and 30. We also evaluated milk production and interval between calving and conception. There was no effect of supplementation with choline on blood and production parameters. The interval between calving and conception was lower in the T20 group. Choline supplemented by 20 during the antepartum improved reproductive performance of dairy cows, although it did not change the metabolic profile.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Colina/administração & dosagem , Período Periparto/fisiologia , Metabolismo , Aspartato Aminotransferases , Colesterol , Ácido 3-Hidroxibutírico , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados , gama-Glutamiltransferase
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(4): 1062-1065, jul.-ago. 2017. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-876947


The aim of this study was to evaluate a new source of injectable organic zinc (zinc edetate) on the energy and oxidative profile in sheep during the immediate postpartum period. Twenty-six Texel breed animals were previously identified and divided into two experimental groups: the treated group (TG; n= 13) that comprised the animals that received a subcutaneous (SC) injection of 100 mg of zinc edetate (2 mL) fifteen days before the parturition expected date and the control group (CG; n=13) that comprised the animals that received 2mL of physiological solution at the same date of TG. Blood samples were collected on the parturition day for the assessment of serum fructosamine, cholesterol and triglycerides, insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1), the oxidative stress index (OSi) and blood zinc concentration. In addition to these parameters, the measurement of zinc was made in food given to the animals. There was no difference in metabolic parameters and OSi between the experimental groups (P>0.05), as well as in blood zinc concentrations (P>0.05). The parenteral zinc edentate does not change the energy and oxidative profile of sheep in immediate postpartum.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ácido Edético/análise , Metabolismo Energético , Estresse Oxidativo , Período Pós-Parto/metabolismo , Ovinos/metabolismo , Zinco/administração & dosagem
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(4): 1062-1065, jul.-ago. 2017. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17993


The aim of this study was to evaluate a new source of injectable organic zinc (zinc edetate) on the energy and oxidative profile in sheep during the immediate postpartum period. Twenty-six Texel breed animals were previously identified and divided into two experimental groups: the treated group (TG; n= 13) that comprised the animals that received a subcutaneous (SC) injection of 100 mg of zinc edetate (2 mL) fifteen days before the parturition expected date and the control group (CG; n=13) that comprised the animals that received 2mL of physiological solution at the same date of TG. Blood samples were collected on the parturition day for the assessment of serum fructosamine, cholesterol and triglycerides, insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1), the oxidative stress index (OSi) and blood zinc concentration. In addition to these parameters, the measurement of zinc was made in food given to the animals. There was no difference in metabolic parameters and OSi between the experimental groups (P>0.05), as well as in blood zinc concentrations (P>0.05). The parenteral zinc edentate does not change the energy and oxidative profile of sheep in immediate postpartum.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/metabolismo , Período Pós-Parto/metabolismo , Zinco/administração & dosagem , Metabolismo Energético , Ácido Edético/análise , Estresse Oxidativo
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 18(1): 29-34, jan.-mar. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490226


An experiment was conducted of the poultry facilities of La Salle Agricultural College in Xanxerê, SC, Brazil, to evaluate the effect of the administration of sodium bicarbonate, glucose and vitamin E to the drinking water during pre-slaughter feed withdrawal on carcass yield, organ relative weights (heart, liver, proventriculus, and gizzard), gizzard emptying, and meat quality of broiler chickens. The applied treatments were: water as control; 50g/L of glucose; 50g/L de glucose + 200mg/L of vitamin E; 75g/L of glucose; 75g/L + 200mg/L of vitamin E; 0.45% of sodium bicarbonate; 0.45% of sodium bicarbonate + 200mg/L of vitamin E; 0.55% of sodium bicarbonate; 0.55% of sodium bicarbonate + 200mg/L of vitamin E; 200mg/L de vitamin E. On the last day before slaughter, during the water diet period,500 birds were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with ten treatments and ten replicates of five birds each. No difference in broiler carcass yield and organ relative weights was found. There were no significant changes in gizzard contents, in ultimate meat, cooking loss, shear force value, or in the meat color parameters L* (lightness), a* (redness) and b* (yellowness). It was concluded is that the addition of glucose, sodium bicarbonate, and vitamin E to the drinking water during pre-slaughter feed withdrawal period has no influence on carcass yield or on relative organ weight, neither on the emptying of the gizzard contents and the meat quality of broiler chickens.

Animais , Ração Animal , Ração Animal/análise , Substâncias para Melhoria do Desempenho/análise , Suplementos Nutricionais , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Abate de Animais/classificação , Abate de Animais/métodos , Bicarbonato de Sódio/administração & dosagem , Galinhas , Glucose/administração & dosagem , Vitamina E/administração & dosagem , Água Potável/administração & dosagem
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 18(1): 29-34, jan.-mar. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-341401


An experiment was conducted of the poultry facilities of La Salle Agricultural College in Xanxerê, SC, Brazil, to evaluate the effect of the administration of sodium bicarbonate, glucose and vitamin E to the drinking water during pre-slaughter feed withdrawal on carcass yield, organ relative weights (heart, liver, proventriculus, and gizzard), gizzard emptying, and meat quality of broiler chickens. The applied treatments were: water as control; 50g/L of glucose; 50g/L de glucose + 200mg/L of vitamin E; 75g/L of glucose; 75g/L + 200mg/L of vitamin E; 0.45% of sodium bicarbonate; 0.45% of sodium bicarbonate + 200mg/L of vitamin E; 0.55% of sodium bicarbonate; 0.55% of sodium bicarbonate + 200mg/L of vitamin E; 200mg/L de vitamin E. On the last day before slaughter, during the water diet period,500 birds were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with ten treatments and ten replicates of five birds each. No difference in broiler carcass yield and organ relative weights was found. There were no significant changes in gizzard contents, in ultimate meat, cooking loss, shear force value, or in the meat color parameters L* (lightness), a* (redness) and b* (yellowness). It was concluded is that the addition of glucose, sodium bicarbonate, and vitamin E to the drinking water during pre-slaughter feed withdrawal period has no influence on carcass yield or on relative organ weight, neither on the emptying of the gizzard contents and the meat quality of broiler chickens.(AU)

Animais , Ração Animal/análise , Ração Animal , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Suplementos Nutricionais , Substâncias para Melhoria do Desempenho/análise , Abate de Animais/classificação , Abate de Animais/métodos , Glucose/administração & dosagem , Bicarbonato de Sódio/administração & dosagem , Vitamina E/administração & dosagem , Água Potável/administração & dosagem , Galinhas