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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(5): 901-912, Sep.-Oct. 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403418


Genealogical data comprised 45,711 animals born between 1901 and 2016, with 48,127 animals in the pedigree file. Population structure was analyzed in terms of pedigree completeness, individual inbreeding coefficient (F), generation interval (L), rate of inbreeding (ΔF), effective population size (Ne), effective number of founders (ff), and effective number of ancestors (fa). The herd initially consisted of 13 bulls and 14 cows, and there were variations in the number of selected bulls and cows throughout the analyzed period, with 2,575 bulls, 13,691 cows, and 45,711 births recorded at the end of 2016. In total, 48.81% of the cows had only one progeny. Most dams (47.59%) were between three and seven years old, with a mean L in the population of 7.9 years. According to the results, 52.75% of the cows, 44.92% of the bulls, and 63.71% of the calves of the Guzerat breed in the northern region of Brazil showed some degree of inbreeding, with small-magnitude coefficients (0.56, 0.83, and 0.71% for cows, bulls, and calves, respectively). This fluctuation did not hinder the genetic evolution of the herd in the region. The effective population size does not seem to compromise the maintenance of genetic variability in the breed.

Os dados genealógicos compreenderam 45.711 animais nascidos entre 1901 e 2016, com 48.127 animais no arquivo de pedigree. A estrutura populacional foi analisada em termos de completude de pedigree, coeficiente de endogamia individual (F), intervalo de geração (L), taxa de endogamia (ΔF), tamanho efetivo da população (Ne), número efetivo de fundadores (ff) e número efetivo de ancestrais (fa). O rebanho consistia inicialmente de 13 touros e 14 vacas, e houve variações no número de touros e vacas selecionados ao longo do período analisado, com 2.575 touros, 13.691 vacas e 45.711 nascimentos registrados no final de 2016. No total, 48,81% das vacas tiveram apenas uma progênie. A maioria das barragens (47,59%) tinha entre três e sete anos, com média de L na população de 7,9 anos. De acordo com os resultados, 52,75% das vacas, 44,92% dos touros e 63,71% dos bezerros da raça Guzerá na região Norte do Brasil apresentaram algum grau de endogamia, com coeficientes de pequena magnitude (0,56, 0,83 e 0,71% para vacas, touros e bezerros, respectivamente). Essa flutuação não impediu a evolução genética do rebanho na região. O tamanho efetivo da população não parece comprometer a manutenção da variabilidade genética na raça.

Animais , Bovinos , Linhagem , Variação Genética , Endogamia/estatística & dados numéricos , Brasil
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 63(1): 171-179, fev. 2011. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-6117


Avaliou-se o efeito da adição de bagaço de caju desidratado (BCD), durante o pós-parto, em 41 ovelhas, alojadas com suas crias em baias, onde recebiam, à vontade, 75 por cento de capim-elefante + 25 por cento de concentrado (DI; n=17), ou 50 por cento de BCD + 25 por cento de capim-elefante + 25 por cento de concentrado (DII; n=24). Cinquenta dias pós-parto, o estro foi sincronizado, e as ovelhas submetidas à monta natural. O grupo DI perdeu mais peso (P<0,05), e o consumo de proteína bruta e de fibra em detergente neutro foi maior nesse grupo (P<0,001). A inclusão de BCD na dieta II induziu ao aumento do consumo de matéria seca, extrato etéreo e fibra em detergente ácido (P<0,001) e redução significativa das concentrações de colesterol, lipídios totais, albumina e proteína total (P<0,001). Não houve diferença entre os grupos (P>0,05) no tempo de retorno do primeiro corpo lúteo funcional, na resposta à sincronização do estro e nas taxas de gestação e prolificidade. A inclusão de 50 por cento de BCD amenizou as perdas de peso, foi bem consumida e não influenciou nas respostas reprodutivas após a sincronização do estro.(AU)

The effect of the addition of dehydrated cashew apple bagasse (DCB) to the diet on ewe postpartum response was evaluated on 41 ewes, housed with their kids in pens, where they received two diets containing 75 percent of Elephant Grass plus 25 percent of concentrate (Diet I; n=17), or 50 percent of DCB plus 25 percent of Elephant Grass plus 25 percent of concentrate (Diet II; n=24). On the 50th day postpartum, estrus was synchronized and ewes mated. Diet Igroup exhibited a greater loss of live weight (P<0.05) and higher intakes of crude protein and neutral detergent fiber (P<0.001). By contrast, animals from diet II showed a significantly increase in dry matter, ether extract, and acid detergent fiber intakes (P<0.001), and lower plasmatic concentrations of cholesterol, total lipids, albumin, and total protein (P<0.001). No differences were found between groups (P>0.05) for the presence of first functionally CL, estrus synchronization response, and gestation or prolificity rates. Thus, the addition of DCB to the diet was well accepted, induced a reduction of weight loss, and did not affect the reproductive response of ewes.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos/classificação , Multimisturas , Reprodução/fisiologia , Metabolismo/fisiologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 62(5): 1291-1294, out. 2010. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-6025


The in vitro activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil against fungal isolates was evaluated. A total of 27 clinical isolates were used, including: C. albicans, S. schenckii, M. pachydermatis, Aspergillus flavus, and A. fumigatus. Microdilution in broth technique (NCCLS M27-A2 and M-38) was used and susceptibility was expressed as Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). Essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation in Clevenger and analyzed by gas chromatography, showing the presence of 4-terpineol, alpha-terpineol, 4-terpinene, thymol and carvacrol, as the main compounds. Origanum oil MIC for C. albicans varied from 125 to 500mL/mL; for S. schenckii, from 250 to 500mL/mL; for M. pachydermatis, from 15 to 30mL/mL; and for Aspergillus, from 30 to 60mL/mL. Isolates sensitivity showed to the origanum oil stimulates the accomplishment of new studies, including in vivo tests, contributing to the search of alternative treatments to mycosis.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Origanum , Óleos Voláteis/química , Antifúngicos , Cromatografia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 60(2): 513-516, abr. 2008. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-6874


In vitro activity of the essential oil Origanum vulgare against Sporothrix schenckii was determined by the MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration). For this, seven samples of S. schenckii were studied, two isolated from two cases of human sporotrichosis and five isolated from cats. Analysis of the essential oil was carried out in a gas chromatograph (GC/FID) for the identification and quantification of thymol and carvacrol (antifungal agents). MIC was obtained based on the microdilution method according to the adapted document NCCLS-M 27A2 for fitopharmacy. All the isolates presented sensibility to the essential oil. S. schenckii was inhibited in a concentration of 0.25 percent (250m l/ml). Chromatographic analysis showed that thymol concentration was bigger than carvacrol. The antifungal activity demonstrated by the essential oil of O. vulgare against S. Schenckii stimulates the accomplishment of more studies, including in vivo studies.(AU)

Animais , Óleos Voláteis , Origanum , Sporothrix , Esporotricose/diagnóstico
Sci. agric ; 52(3)1995.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1495488


In order to assess the efficiency of several extracting procedures for soil phosphorus a pot experiment was carried out using a Red Yellow Latosol. Previously two successive croppings had been made, P fertilizers being applied only in the first one. The following products were used at the rates of 50 and 150 soil: Yoorin (thermo-phosphate), "Fosmag", Araxa and Gafsa rock phosphates. Mehlich-1, Bray-1, anion exchange resin, and isotopic dilution ("E" value) methods were used as extracting procedures of available soil-P. The closest correlations between soil - P and either dry matter yield or phosphorus taken up by the rice plant were found with Bray-1 (r = 0.92) and resin (r = 0.91). Phosphorus determined by Mehlich-1 extracting solution showed high correlation with plant parameters (r = 0.96) only when the Araxa rock phosphate treatments were excluded from the calculation. High correlations (r = 0.98) were found between the values corresponding to Bray-1 and resin methods.

Visando comparar a eficiência de extratores químicos e isotópico na avaliação da disponibilidade de fósforo no solo, foi conduzido um experimento em casa de vegetação com Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo. Foram realizados dois cultivos anteriores, com aplicação de fosfatos somente no primeiro. Os fosfatos usados foram: superfosfato simples, termofosfato Yoorin, Fosmag, fosfatos de Araxá e de Gafsa, nas doses de 50 e 150 terra. Neste experimento, terceiro cultivo, foram avaliados os extratores: Mehlich 1, Bray-1, resina e valor "E". As maiores correlações entre P-extraível do solo com produção de matéria seca e absorção de P pelo arroz foram apresentadas pelos extratores Bray-1 (r = 0,92) e resina (r = 0,91). O fósforo determinado pelo extrator Mehlich-1 somente apresentou alta correlação com os parâmetros da ¡danta (r = 0,96) quando da exclusão dos tratamentos com fosfato de Araxá. Os resultados de fósforo extraído pelo Bray-1 e resina foram altamente correlacionados entre si (r = 0,98).

Sci. agric. ; 52(3)1995.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-438956


In order to assess the efficiency of several extracting procedures for soil phosphorus a pot experiment was carried out using a Red Yellow Latosol. Previously two successive croppings had been made, P fertilizers being applied only in the first one. The following products were used at the rates of 50 and 150 soil: Yoorin (thermo-phosphate), "Fosmag", Araxa and Gafsa rock phosphates. Mehlich-1, Bray-1, anion exchange resin, and isotopic dilution ("E" value) methods were used as extracting procedures of available soil-P. The closest correlations between soil - P and either dry matter yield or phosphorus taken up by the rice plant were found with Bray-1 (r = 0.92) and resin (r = 0.91). Phosphorus determined by Mehlich-1 extracting solution showed high correlation with plant parameters (r = 0.96) only when the Araxa rock phosphate treatments were excluded from the calculation. High correlations (r = 0.98) were found between the values corresponding to Bray-1 and resin methods.

Visando comparar a eficiência de extratores químicos e isotópico na avaliação da disponibilidade de fósforo no solo, foi conduzido um experimento em casa de vegetação com Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo. Foram realizados dois cultivos anteriores, com aplicação de fosfatos somente no primeiro. Os fosfatos usados foram: superfosfato simples, termofosfato Yoorin, Fosmag, fosfatos de Araxá e de Gafsa, nas doses de 50 e 150 terra. Neste experimento, terceiro cultivo, foram avaliados os extratores: Mehlich 1, Bray-1, resina e valor "E". As maiores correlações entre P-extraível do solo com produção de matéria seca e absorção de P pelo arroz foram apresentadas pelos extratores Bray-1 (r = 0,92) e resina (r = 0,91). O fósforo determinado pelo extrator Mehlich-1 somente apresentou alta correlação com os parâmetros da ¡danta (r = 0,96) quando da exclusão dos tratamentos com fosfato de Araxá. Os resultados de fósforo extraído pelo Bray-1 e resina foram altamente correlacionados entre si (r = 0,98).