Two experiments were carried with broilers from 29 to 42 days of age for the nutritional evaluation of dietary chia. Thus, the nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) and the apparent metabolizability coefficients of gross energy and ether extract of chia seeds and oil, toasted soybean grain (TSG), and soybean oil were determined in the experiment I, by total excreta collection method, using 120 broilers. Each experimental diet (reference diet [RD] and four diets with the tested feedstuffs) was evaluated in eight replicates of three broilers. The TSG and chia seeds replaced the RD in 250 g/kg, whereas soybean and chia oils replaced the RD in 100 g/kg. Simultaneously, a second experiment was carried subdivided into two trials. In the performance trial, we evaluated the dietary feedstuffs effects on performance, carcass and cut yields, blood parameters, and activity of lipogenic enzymes. The nutrient metabolizability coefficients and AMEn were evaluated in the metabolism trial. The AMEn values of 37.49, 37.35, 15.85, and 8.43 MJ/kg of dry matter were determined for chia oil, soybean oil, TSG, and chia seeds, respectively (experiment I). In the second experiment, the best feed conversion was observed in broilers fed diets containing chia oil and TSG. However, the diet formulated with chia seeds worsened broiler feed conversion, exhibited the smaller energy value and apparent metabolizability coefficient of the ether extract, and increased the activity of the malic enzyme and serum total cholesterol level. There was no difference for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level. In general, chia oil showed to be efficient in replacing soybean oil in broiler diets.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Salvia hispanica/química , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Metabolismo dos LipídeosResumo
A utilização de antimicrobianos melhoradores de desempenho na criação de frangos de corte é uma prática comum na indústria avícola e, no Brasil, seu uso deve ser feito de acordo com os limites determinados pelo Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA).Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho determinar o efeito da utilização da bacitracina de zinco, dentro dos níveis recomendados pelo Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), em dietas para frangos de corte sobre o desempenho de aves e criadas de 1 a 42 dias de idade. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos, distribuídos em 10 repetições de 25 pintos machos de corte da linhagem Cobb 500®, totalizando 1250 aves. Os tratamentos experimentais foram constituídos de cinco níveis de inclusão de bacitracina de zinco (0, 10, 25, 40 e 55ppm). As variáveis analisadas foram consumo de ração, ganho de peso, conversão alimentar e avaliação econômica das dietas. Para o período total de criação, avaliou-se também a viabilidade dos frangos de corte. A bacitracina de zinco foi eficiente como beneficiador do desempenho de frangos de corte criados no período de 1 a 21, 1 a 35 e 1 a 42 dias. Para o período de 1 a 21 dias, o uso de 55 e 29,3ppm de bacitracina de zinco resultou em menor consumo de ração e maior ganho de peso, respectivamente. No geral, a melhor conversão alimentar foi obtida quando se adicionou 55ppm de bacitracina de zinco na ração de frangos de corte.(AU)
The use of growth promoters in the broilers production is a common practice in the poultry industry and its use must be made accordance with limits in Brazil set by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA).The main objective of this study was to verify the effect of the use of zinc bacitracin, within the levels recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA), in broiler diets for the performance of birds from 1 to 42 days old. We used a randomized design with five treatments in 10 replications of 25 male chicks from Cobb cut 500®, totaling 1250 birds. The treatments consisted of five inclusion levels of zinc bacitracin (0, 10, 25, 40 and 55ppm). The variables studied were feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion and economic evaluation of feed. For the breeding period as a whole, this study also evaluated the viability of broilers. Zinc bacitracin was effective as growth promoter of broilers reared during 1 to 21, 1 to 35 and 1 to 42 days. For the period 1-21 days, using 55 and 29.3ppm of zinc bacitracin resulted in a lower feed intake and increased weight gain, respectively. In general, the best feed conversion was obtained when 55ppm of zinc bacitracin was added to the feed of broilers.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bacitracina/administração & dosagem , Zinco/administração & dosagem , Anti-Infecciosos/administração & dosagemResumo
This work aimed to evaluate the performance, serum glycerol and litter moisture of 1300 male Cobb 500 chicks fed diets containing different levels and sources of glycerin. A 4x3+1 factorial arrangement of treatments in a completely randomized design was used, with four inclusion levels of three glycerine (crude soybean (GS), gross mixed (GM) and semipurified (GPUR)) on isonutrient diets and one control treatment without glycerin. The methods of Student-Newman-Keuls test and regression analysis were applied for sources and levels of glycerin, respectively; and Dunnett test for treatment. It was used four replicates and 25 chickens per pen. Feed intake was affected (P 0.05) by the sources of glycerin, and GM was the source that promoted lower consumption in birds, however, there was no difference in the treatments when compared to control. Also there was no significant difference in weight gain. An interaction of levels and sources of glycerine to the feed conversion was seen.GS had the best feed conversion with the inclusion of 50,35g; GM had a linear worsening with increasing addition of glycerin. There was an interaction for the concentration of serum glycerol in birds, obtaining linear increase in birds consuming the GS and GPUR, and linear decrease for GM. The gain of litter moisture was influenced by the sources of glycerin, with a lower humidity for GM.(AU)
umidade da cama de pintos de corte recebendo rações com diferentes níveis e fontes de glicerina. Foram utilizados 1300 pintos de corte machos Cobb 500, num arranjo fatorial 4x3+1, com delineamento inteiramente casualizados, sendo quatro níveis de inclusão (17,5; 35,0; 52,5 e 70,0g/kg) de três glicerinas (bruta de soja (GS), bruta mista (GM) e semipurificada (GPUR) nas dietas isonutritivas e um tratamento sem glicerina, sendo que para as fontes e níveis de glicerina foram teste de Student-Newman-Keuls e análise de regressão, respectivamente; e para o tratamento, teste de Dunnett. Utilizou-se quatro repetições e 25 aves por parcela.(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Galinhas/metabolismo , Galinhas/fisiologia , Glicerol/administração & dosagem , Glicerol/síntese química , Ração Animal/análise , Ração AnimalResumo
A redução do teor de fósforo disponível (Pdisp) na dieta de frangos deve ser acompanhada de adequada suplementação da fitase. Um experimento foi conduzido com frangos de corte, no período de 15 a 28 dias de idade, para determinar o nível de fitase necessário quando a ração farelada é formulada com 0,213% de Pdisp para permitir resultados de desempenho, teor de cinzas na tíbia e aproveitamento do cálcio (Ca) semelhantes ao determinado para aves alimentadas com uma dieta formulada para atender suas exigências nutricionais. Desse modo, 120 frangos foram distribuídos em esquema fatorial (4+1) x2, correspondendo a quatro rações deficientes em Pdisp (0,213%) suplementadas com fitase (0; 750; 1.500 ou 2.250FTU kg-1) mais uma ração controle positivo sem fitase (0,426% de Pdisp), fornecidas a frangos machos e fêmeas. Os machos apresentaram melhor desempenho e maior retenção de Ptotal. A redução do teor de Pdisp da dieta sem o uso de fitase piorou o desempenho, o teor de cinzas ósseas e a retenção do Ca, todavia, esses parâmetros foram gradativamente melhorados com o aumento do nível de fitase na ração. Independente do sexo, ao utilizar 2.250FTU kg-1, é possível reduzir o teor de Pdisp para 0,213% sem prejudicar o desempenho, teor de cinzas na tíbia e a retenção do Ca, além de reduzir a excreção do Ptotal em 56,75% e melhorar seu aproveitamento em 38,58%.(AU)
The reduction of the available phosphorus (avP) content in the broiler diet must be followed by the supplementation of adequate phytase. One experiment was conducted with broilers from 15 to 28 days of age to determine the level of necessary phytase when the mashed diet is formulated with 0.213% of avP to enable the results of performance, tibia ash content, and calcium (Ca) utilization similar to those determined for birds fed with diet formulated to meet their nutritional requirements. Thus, 120 broilers were distributed in (4+1) x2 factorial arrangement corresponding to four deficient diets in avP (0.213%) supplemented with phytase (0; 750; 1,500 or 2,250FTU kg-1) plus one positive control diet without phytase (0.426% of avP), supplied to male and female broilers. Males showed better performance and higher totalP retention. Decrease in the avP content of the diet without phytase use worsened the performance, tibia ash content, and Ca retention; however, these parameters were improved gradually with the increase of the phytase level in the diet. Regardless of sex, using 2,250FTU kg-1, it is possible to reduce the avP to 0.213% without impairing performance, tibia ash content, and Ca retention; in addition to reducing the totalP excretion in 56.75% and improving its utilization in 38.58%.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Aves Domésticas/metabolismo , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal , FósforoResumo
This work aimed to evaluate the performance, serum glycerol and litter moisture of 1300 male Cobb 500 chicks fed diets containing different levels and sources of glycerin. A 4x3+1 factorial arrangement of treatments in a completely randomized design was used, with four inclusion levels of three glycerine (crude soybean (GS), gross mixed (GM) and semipurified (GPUR)) on isonutrient diets and one control treatment without glycerin. The methods of Student-Newman-Keuls test and regression analysis were applied for sources and levels of glycerin, respectively; and Dunnett test for treatment. It was used four replicates and 25 chickens per pen. Feed intake was affected (P 0.05) by the sources of glycerin, and GM was the source that promoted lower consumption in birds, however, there was no difference in the treatments when compared to control. Also there was no significant difference in weight gain. An interaction of levels and sources of glycerine to the feed conversion was seen.GS had the best feed conversion with the inclusion of 50,35g; GM had a linear worsening with increasing addition of glycerin. There was an interaction for the concentration of serum glycerol in birds, obtaining linear increase in birds consuming the GS and GPUR, and linear decrease for GM. The gain of litter moisture was influenced by the sources of glycerin, with a lower humidity for GM.
umidade da cama de pintos de corte recebendo rações com diferentes níveis e fontes de glicerina. Foram utilizados 1300 pintos de corte machos Cobb 500, num arranjo fatorial 4x3+1, com delineamento inteiramente casualizados, sendo quatro níveis de inclusão (17,5; 35,0; 52,5 e 70,0g/kg) de três glicerinas (bruta de soja (GS), bruta mista (GM) e semipurificada (GPUR) nas dietas isonutritivas e um tratamento sem glicerina, sendo que para as fontes e níveis de glicerina foram teste de Student-Newman-Keuls e análise de regressão, respectivamente; e para o tratamento, teste de Dunnett. Utilizou-se quatro repetições e 25 aves por parcela.