The present study reports a case of leucism in South American Lungfish Lepidosiren paradoxa captured in Corrientes, Argentina. It was observed a change in cutaneous pigmentation, and it was concluded that it was leucism and not albinism, since there was a decrease of tegumentary melanin pigment and normal pigmentation in the retina.
Animais , Peixes/genética , Pigmentação da Pele/genética , ArgentinaResumo
The present study reports a case of leucism in South American Lungfish Lepidosiren paradoxa captured in Corrientes, Argentina. It was observed a change in cutaneous pigmentation, and it was concluded that it was leucism and not albinism, since there was a decrease of tegumentary melanin pigment and normal pigmentation in the retina.(AU)
Animais , Peixes/genética , Pigmentação da Pele/genética , ArgentinaResumo
Fungal infections that affect marine mammals, like most fungal infections, can be secondary to environmental stress or other infectious diseases. This article describes a case of pulmonary infection by Aspergillus spp. in a specimen of Pontoporia blainvillei found dead near the town of San Clemente de Tuyu and near the bay of Samborombón, BuenosAires, Argentina. The lung was collapsed with necrotic foci, fragments were collected, fixed in 10% formalin and submitted to histopathological examination. Microscopically, a marked change of the pulmonary architecture was observed, with total alveolar collapse, extensive necrotic areas, where septal hyphae were observed weakly, when stained with H-E and clearly evidenced with Grocott staining. Since the potential causes of immunosuppression were not evident, the authors consider it probable that infection by Aspergillus spp. was established in the lungs that presented a primary, possibly bacterial pneumonia, as a result of some degree of immunosuppression.(AU)
Animais , Golfinhos/microbiologia , Aspergilose Pulmonar/patologia , Aspergilose Pulmonar/veterináriaResumo
Fungal infections that affect marine mammals, like most fungal infections, can be secondary to environmental stress or other infectious diseases. This article describes a case of pulmonary infection by Aspergillus spp. in a specimen of Pontoporia blainvillei found dead near the town of San Clemente de Tuyu and near the bay of Samborombón, BuenosAires, Argentina. The lung was collapsed with necrotic foci, fragments were collected, fixed in 10% formalin and submitted to histopathological examination. Microscopically, a marked change of the pulmonary architecture was observed, with total alveolar collapse, extensive necrotic areas, where septal hyphae were observed weakly, when stained with H-E and clearly evidenced with Grocott staining. Since the potential causes of immunosuppression were not evident, the authors consider it probable that infection by Aspergillus spp. was established in the lungs that presented a primary, possibly bacterial pneumonia, as a result of some degree of immunosuppression.
Animais , Aspergilose Pulmonar/patologia , Golfinhos/microbiologia , Aspergilose Pulmonar/veterináriaResumo
As micobacterioses afetam várias espécies de peixes, tanto comerciais como ornamentais. É uma enfermidade sistêmica com formação de granulomas, conhecida como micobacteriose de peixes. O desenvolvimento da aquicultura tem aumentado o número de casos com essa enfermidade que muitas vezes é de difícil diagnóstico. Neste trabalho apresentamos dois casos de micobacterioses em Paralichthys orbignyanus e Elacatinus figaro provenientes do Laboratório de Piscicultura Estuarina e Marinha da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG). As micobactérias de peixes possuem menos ácidos graxos que as de mamíferos, por isso foi utilizado o protocolo de coloração de Fite-Faraco, uma vez que o protocolo de coloração clássico de Ziehl Neelsen pode resultar em falsos negativos. Para determinar o tipo de micobactéria foi utilizada a imuno-histoquímica com a qual se pode diagnosticar a presença de Mycobacterium marinum. A enfermidade pode ser transmitida para o homem e com esse trabalho ressalta-se a necessidade de fazer o diagnóstico correto e implantar medidas de proteção para as pessoas que estão em contato com os peixes infectados.(AU)
Mycobacteriosis affects various species of fish, including those cultured with commercial purposes. It is a chronic systemic with granuloma forming disease known as fish mycobacteriosis. In the last few years the interest of fish culture has been increasing due to the reduction of the natural fish stocks. However the intensification of fish culture has collaborated to the development of diseases such as mycobacteriosis, causing losses due to the chronic characteristics and difficult diagnosis. This study is to report two cases of mycobacteriosis observed at "Laboratório de Piscicultura Estuarina e Marinha of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)", one for Brazilian flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus and another for barber goby Elacatinus figaro. The Fite-Faraco staining protocol was used. Membranes of mycobacterial cells contain a waxy substance composed of mycolic acids. These are ß-hydroxy carboxylic acids with chain lengths of up to 90 carbon atoms. The property of acid fastness is related to the carbon chain length of the mycolic acid found in any particular species. The fish mycobacterium is much less acid and alcohol fast than the tubercle bacillus and the classic Ziehl-Neelsen Staining Protocol may give false results. The presence of mycobacterial antigen lesions was studied by immunohistological methods using monoclonal antibodies to Mycobacterium marinum. Humans may be infected by these bacteria and develop cutaneous granuloma. In this paper the necessity is stressed for a correct diagnosis of the disease, contributing to the prevention of its establishment in aquatic facilities, and thus, preserving cultured fish as well as human beings from infection.(AU)