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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub.759-4 jan. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458567


Background: The congenital flexural deformity is common in cattle, often affecting the metacarpophalangeal joint of thethoracic limbs. The deformity may be mild, moderate, or severe, and the therapy depends on the limb’s degree of flexionand the affected joint. In severe deformities, tenotomy of the flexor tendons and desmotomy of the suspensor ligament isrecommended. However, this surgical technique may not be sufficient to promote limb extension, and other interventionsmay be necessary. Thus, the purpose of this report is to describe a technique to correct severe flexural deformities of themetacarpophalangeal joint in calves.Case: A 3-month-old, female, Dutch-bred calf weighing 46 kg was referred for treatment of congenital flexural deformity.On attendance, the patient presented severe deformity in the right thoracic limb and mild in the left thoracic limb both at theheight of the metacarpophalangeal joints. During palpation it was possible to notice that the flexor tendons were contractedin both limbs. Radiographic exams were performed to rule out the presence of other diseases, confirming the diagnosis offlexural deformity. The patient was referred to surgery to correct the anatomical anomaly. The animal was submitted to general anesthesia and placed in right lateral decubitus. In the left thoracic limb, an incision was made in the medial region ofthe metacarpal bone, the tissues were divulsioned until the superficial digital and deep digital flexor tendons were exposed;these structures were sectioned with a scalpel, and the limb was extended, returning to the standard anatomical position. Inthe right thoracic limb, the same procedure was performed, but during the limb extension test, we observed that the limbremained flexed, we then followed with a second incision and section of the deep...

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Articulação Metacarpofalângica/anormalidades , Articulação Metacarpofalângica/cirurgia , Contratura/veterinária , Tendões/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(2): 106-110, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453269


The aim of this paper is to report the Salpingopharyngeus fistula technique by means of videosurgery through a natural orifice (NOTES) in order to treat bilateral empyema. A mare was seen at the Large Animal Sector of UFPR, with a history of bilateral purulent nasal discharge associated with dysphagia lasting for ninety days. The animal was submitted to endoscopy, showing a moderate amount of purulent secretion in both guttural pouches. With no improvement on the clinical treatment, we opted for surgical treatment by endoscopy through Salpingopharyngeus fistula made with the aid of a device containing an electrical scalpel developed to perform this technique. It consisted of making an incision in the pharyngeal recess in order to access the guttural pouches and subsequently drain the purulent content. The patient was discharged at the same day and returned to work 30 days after the procedure. Surgical treatment for cases of guttural pouch empyema is indicated when the clinical resolution has not been effective, and the minimally invasive technique is indicated due to the reduction of risks and the easiness of postoperative management. Until this moment, there are no reports of the salpingopharyngeal fistula technique through video surgery for the treatment of guttural pouch empyema, which has proved to be efficient for the treatment of the disease.

O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a técnica de fístula salpingofaríngea por videocirurgia através de orifício natural (NOTES) para tratamento de empiema bilateral. Uma égua foi atendida no Setor de Grandes Animais da UFPR, com histórico de secreção nasal purulenta bilateral associado a disfagia há noventa dias. O animal foi submetido à endoscopia, evidenciando moderada quantidade de secreção purulenta em ambas as bolsas guturais. Sem apresentar melhora com o tratamento clínico, optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico por endoscopia através da realização de uma fístula salpingofaríngea feita com o auxílio de um dispositivo contendo eletrobisturi, desenvolvido para a realização desta técnica; que consistiu na realização de uma incisão no recesso faríngeo, para o acesso das bolsas guturais e posterior drenagem do conteúdo purulento. O paciente recebeu alta médica no mesmo dia e retornou ao trabalho 30 dias após o procedimento. O tratamento cirúrgico para os casos de empiema de bolsa gutural é indicado quando a resolução clínica não foi efetiva, sendo a técnica minimamente invasiva indicada devido à redução de riscos e à facilidade do manejo pós-operatório. Até o momento, não há relatos da técnica de fístula salpingofaríngea através de videocirurgia para o tratamento de empiema de bolsa gutural, a qual mostrou-se eficiente para o tratamento da enfermidade.

Animais , Cavalos/microbiologia , Empiema/cirurgia , Endoscopia , Fístula , Streptococcus equi/patogenicidade
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(2): 106-110, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765305


The aim of this paper is to report the Salpingopharyngeus fistula technique by means of videosurgery through a natural orifice (NOTES) in order to treat bilateral empyema. A mare was seen at the Large Animal Sector of UFPR, with a history of bilateral purulent nasal discharge associated with dysphagia lasting for ninety days. The animal was submitted to endoscopy, showing a moderate amount of purulent secretion in both guttural pouches. With no improvement on the clinical treatment, we opted for surgical treatment by endoscopy through Salpingopharyngeus fistula made with the aid of a device containing an electrical scalpel developed to perform this technique. It consisted of making an incision in the pharyngeal recess in order to access the guttural pouches and subsequently drain the purulent content. The patient was discharged at the same day and returned to work 30 days after the procedure. Surgical treatment for cases of guttural pouch empyema is indicated when the clinical resolution has not been effective, and the minimally invasive technique is indicated due to the reduction of risks and the easiness of postoperative management. Until this moment, there are no reports of the salpingopharyngeal fistula technique through video surgery for the treatment of guttural pouch empyema, which has proved to be efficient for the treatment of the disease.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a técnica de fístula salpingofaríngea por videocirurgia através de orifício natural (NOTES) para tratamento de empiema bilateral. Uma égua foi atendida no Setor de Grandes Animais da UFPR, com histórico de secreção nasal purulenta bilateral associado a disfagia há noventa dias. O animal foi submetido à endoscopia, evidenciando moderada quantidade de secreção purulenta em ambas as bolsas guturais. Sem apresentar melhora com o tratamento clínico, optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico por endoscopia através da realização de uma fístula salpingofaríngea feita com o auxílio de um dispositivo contendo eletrobisturi, desenvolvido para a realização desta técnica; que consistiu na realização de uma incisão no recesso faríngeo, para o acesso das bolsas guturais e posterior drenagem do conteúdo purulento. O paciente recebeu alta médica no mesmo dia e retornou ao trabalho 30 dias após o procedimento. O tratamento cirúrgico para os casos de empiema de bolsa gutural é indicado quando a resolução clínica não foi efetiva, sendo a técnica minimamente invasiva indicada devido à redução de riscos e à facilidade do manejo pós-operatório. Até o momento, não há relatos da técnica de fístula salpingofaríngea através de videocirurgia para o tratamento de empiema de bolsa gutural, a qual mostrou-se eficiente para o tratamento da enfermidade.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/microbiologia , Fístula , Empiema/cirurgia , Endoscopia , Streptococcus equi/patogenicidade
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.601-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458464


Background: Hermaphroditism is a rare congenital disease that causes ambiguous sexual features. True hermaphroditeshave testicular and ovarian tissue, whereas pseudohermaphrodites have only one type of gonadal tissue and genitalia, butsecondary characteristics of the opposite sex. Pseudohermaphrodites are classified as male or female according to theirgonads. Treatment of pseudohermaphroditism consists of surgical removal of the gonads including reconstruction of abnormal genitalia, especially if the urethra is involved. Therefore, the objective of this report is to describe a case of a malepseudohermaphrodite in a dog treated with clitoridectomy with urethrostomy.Case: A 7-month-old, mixed-breed dog was referred due to the presence of a flaccid structure similar to a small penis,containing an os clitoris, bulbourethral glands, and urethra protruding from the vulva. Physical examination, completeblood count and serum biochemistry were within normal ranges. Hormonal levels of estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone were 56.39 pg/mL, 127.9 ng/mL, and 0.892 ng/mL, respectively. The abdominal ultrasound and posteriorly theexploratory celiotomy found a normal size prostate and two round organs resembling testicles connected to a uterus-liketubular structure. The patient underwent surgical abdominal exploration that confirmed the ultrasonographic findings andled to gonadohysterectomy. Also, clitoridectomy and urethrostomy were performed to excise the protruded structure andmaintain normal urethral patency. The histopathological examination of the clitoris and penis confirmed it was a malegenital organ, however, the abdominal structures were compatible with the testicles, epididymis, uterus, and even a broadligament. These organs are normally found in cases of male pseudohermaphroditism. The...

Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Transtornos do Desenvolvimento Sexual/veterinária , Castração/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 601, Feb. 2, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-13074


Background: Hermaphroditism is a rare congenital disease that causes ambiguous sexual features. True hermaphroditeshave testicular and ovarian tissue, whereas pseudohermaphrodites have only one type of gonadal tissue and genitalia, butsecondary characteristics of the opposite sex. Pseudohermaphrodites are classified as male or female according to theirgonads. Treatment of pseudohermaphroditism consists of surgical removal of the gonads including reconstruction of abnormal genitalia, especially if the urethra is involved. Therefore, the objective of this report is to describe a case of a malepseudohermaphrodite in a dog treated with clitoridectomy with urethrostomy.Case: A 7-month-old, mixed-breed dog was referred due to the presence of a flaccid structure similar to a small penis,containing an os clitoris, bulbourethral glands, and urethra protruding from the vulva. Physical examination, completeblood count and serum biochemistry were within normal ranges. Hormonal levels of estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone were 56.39 pg/mL, 127.9 ng/mL, and 0.892 ng/mL, respectively. The abdominal ultrasound and posteriorly theexploratory celiotomy found a normal size prostate and two round organs resembling testicles connected to a uterus-liketubular structure. The patient underwent surgical abdominal exploration that confirmed the ultrasonographic findings andled to gonadohysterectomy. Also, clitoridectomy and urethrostomy were performed to excise the protruded structure andmaintain normal urethral patency. The histopathological examination of the clitoris and penis confirmed it was a malegenital organ, however, the abdominal structures were compatible with the testicles, epididymis, uterus, and even a broadligament. These organs are normally found in cases of male pseudohermaphroditism. The...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Transtornos do Desenvolvimento Sexual/veterinária , Castração/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.532-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458359


Background: Megaesophagus is a chronic dilation of the esophagus rarely found in horses. It’s a non-specific disease that is associated with several causes, and esophageal hypomotility is the dysfunction that most commonly results in organ dilation. In the literature, there are few reports of megaesophagus in horses and, to date, no cases in mule have been reported. The objective of this work is to describe a case of a donkey with thoracic megaesophagus. Case: A 16 year-old donkey, castrated male, mixed breed weighing 195 kg, was referred for clinical care with a history of 5 days of anorexia. On physical examination, apathy, cachexia, 8% dehydration, moderate enophthalmos, ptialism, bilateral nasal discharge, dry and bristling hair were observed. Due to the poor general condition, a nasogastric tube was chosen to perform enteral nutrition, however, it was not possible to progress the tube to the stomach. In order to confirm the suspicion of a possible esophageal obstruction, gastroscopy was performed, where it was possible to observe an esophageal dilation filled with bulky food located in the thoracic portion of the esophagus. In an attempt to stimulate esophageal motility, in order to promote the progression of the material present in the region of dilation, intramuscular metoclopramide was administered (two applications every 6 h), however the treatment had no effect. Due to the unfavorable prognosis and financial limitations of the owner, euthanasia was performed, which was followed by autopsy and histopathological examination. At necropsy, a marked dilation of the esophagus was observed in the thoracic portion, which was filled with approximately 500 grams of bulky food (grass). In the mucosa of this area...

Masculino , Animais , Acalasia Esofágica/patologia , Acalasia Esofágica/veterinária , Equidae , Endoscopia/veterinária , Trato Gastrointestinal
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 532, 23 set. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765358


Background: Megaesophagus is a chronic dilation of the esophagus rarely found in horses. Its a non-specific disease that is associated with several causes, and esophageal hypomotility is the dysfunction that most commonly results in organ dilation. In the literature, there are few reports of megaesophagus in horses and, to date, no cases in mule have been reported. The objective of this work is to describe a case of a donkey with thoracic megaesophagus. Case: A 16 year-old donkey, castrated male, mixed breed weighing 195 kg, was referred for clinical care with a history of 5 days of anorexia. On physical examination, apathy, cachexia, 8% dehydration, moderate enophthalmos, ptialism, bilateral nasal discharge, dry and bristling hair were observed. Due to the poor general condition, a nasogastric tube was chosen to perform enteral nutrition, however, it was not possible to progress the tube to the stomach. In order to confirm the suspicion of a possible esophageal obstruction, gastroscopy was performed, where it was possible to observe an esophageal dilation filled with bulky food located in the thoracic portion of the esophagus. In an attempt to stimulate esophageal motility, in order to promote the progression of the material present in the region of dilation, intramuscular metoclopramide was administered (two applications every 6 h), however the treatment had no effect. Due to the unfavorable prognosis and financial limitations of the owner, euthanasia was performed, which was followed by autopsy and histopathological examination. At necropsy, a marked dilation of the esophagus was observed in the thoracic portion, which was filled with approximately 500 grams of bulky food (grass). In the mucosa of this area...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Acalasia Esofágica/patologia , Acalasia Esofágica/veterinária , Equidae , Endoscopia/veterinária , Trato Gastrointestinal