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Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(1): 367-380, jan.-fev. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368751


This study was conducted to assess the effect of two types of drinkers on water intake (WI) and two types of toys on behavioural observations of piglets in the nursery phase. A total of 72 crossbred entire male piglets (Landrace × Large White, Agroceres♂ and DanBred♀), weaned at 21 days of age, with an average initial body weight (AIBW) of 6.75 ± 0.19 kg were used. Two statistical models were fitted for WI. In model I, animals were distributed in a completely randomized design (CRD) with a split-plot in time, composed of six treatments (2 types of drinkers × 3 experimental phases), eight replications (days of sampling), and 36 animals/experimental unit (EU), without using AIBW as a covariate. In model II, animals were distributed in a CRD with two treatments (fixed or pendular nipple drinkers), eight replications (days of sampling) and 36 animals/EU, with use of AIBW as a covariate. For assessment of behavioural observations, the model was adjusted in a randomized block design, consisting of four treatments [two types of toys (metal chain and plastic bottle) × two daytime periods (morning and afternoon)], nine replications and three blocks constituted in time (days), totalling four pigs/ EU. The results indicated an effect on animal daily WI in the starter phase in model I (p < 0.000) and II (p = 0.006). There was an effect (p ≤ 0.05) of toy type for behavioural observations, in which pigs showed a greater proportion of fighting and belly nosing when they had the bottle toy. However, animals spent more time (p ≤ 0.05) eating, drinking water, overlapping, and playing with the toy when they had access to the chain toy. There was an increase (p ≤ 0.05) in sleeping behaviour in the morning period, as well as greater (p ≤ 0.05) behavioural activity in the afternoon period. In conclusion, WI of nursery piglets was positively influenced by growth phase, and the fixed drinker stimulated greater WI in piglets in the starter phase. In addition, the metal chain, as an environmental enrichment, promoted improvements in feeding behaviour and WI, reducing fighting events, and the afternoon period had increased behavioural observations overall.(AU)

Um estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar dois tipos de bebedouros e seus efeitos sobre o consumo hídrico (CH) e dois tipos de brinquedos sobre os eventos comportamentais de leitões na fase de creche. Um total de 72 leitões machos inteiros mestiços (Landrace × Large White, Agroceres♂ e DanBred♀), desmamados aos 21 dias de idade e peso corporal inicial médio (PCIM) de 6,75 ± 0,19 kg. Para o CH foram ajustados dois modelos estatísticos. No modelo I, os animais foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) e esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo, composto de seis tratamentos (2 tipos de bebedouros × 3 fases experimentais), oito repetições (dias de amostragem) e 36 animais/unidade experimental (UE) e sem utilização de PCIM como covariável. No modelo II, os animais foram distribuídos em um DIC aninhado com dois tratamentos (bebedouro tipo chupeta fixo ou pendular), oito repetições (dias de amostragem) e 36 animais/UE, com utilização de PCIM como covariável. Para a avaliação dos eventos comportamentais, foi ajustado um modelo em delineamento de blocos casualizados, constituído de quatro tratamentos [dois tipos de brinquedos (corrente de metal e garrafa plástica) × dois períodos do dia (matutino e vespertino)], nove repetições e três blocos constituídos no tempo (dias), totalizando quatro suínos/UE. Os resultados indicaram efeito no CH diário animal na fase inicial no modelo I (p < 0,000) e II (p = 0,006). Houve efeito (p ≤ 0,05) de tipo de brinquedo para as observações comportamentais, em que os suínos apresentaram maior proporção de brigas e empurrando a barriga quando tiveram o brinquedo de garrafa. Entretanto, os animais passaram maior tempo (p ≤ 0,05) comendo, bebendo água, montando outro animal e brincando com o brinquedo quando tiveram acesso ao brinquedo de corrente. Houve um aumento (p ≤ 0,05) no comportamento de dormir no período matutino, bem como os suínos apresentaram maior (p ≤ 0,05) atividade comportamental no período vespertino. Em conclusão, o consumo hídrico de leitões em fase de creche é influenciado positivamente pela fase de crescimento e o bebedouro fixo estimulou um maior consumo de água em leitões na fase inicial. Em adição, o tipo de enriquecimento ambiental corrente promoveu melhorias no comportamento alimentar e de ingestão de água, reduzindo eventos de brigas, bem como o período vespertino aumentou os eventos comportamentais em geral.(AU)

Animais , Suínos , Consumo de Água (Saúde Ambiental) , Ingestão de Líquidos , Comportamento Alimentar
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210144, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442886


The aim of this study was to assess the addition of intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) to diets on the count of bacterial populations, pH of digestive organ contents, histopathological description, proinflammatory markers, hepatic glycogen reserve, and diarrhoea incidence of piglets challenged with Escherichia coli. Sixty-four crossbred piglets (7.16±0.28 kg body weight, 25-days-old) were assigned to four treatments in a completely randomised block design: negative control (NC), NC + antibiotic (ANT), NC + 15 mg IAP, or NC + 30 mg IAP kg−1 of diet, eight replications of two piglets per experimental unit. All piglets were orally challenged with 6 mL of a solution containing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88 at 106 CFU mL−1 at 15 days of experimentation. The study lasted for 19 days. At the end of the experimental period, the piglets were slaughtered (six animals per treatment). Enterobacteriaceae in caecum and colon was lower in piglets on 30 mg IAP than with ANT and NC, ANT or 15 mg IAP, respectively. Enterobacteriaceae adhered to the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) was greater in piglets fed ANT than the other treatments. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) count in caecum was greater in piglets fed NC and ANT. In MLN, LAB count was greater in ANT and 30 mg IAP-fed piglets compared with 15 mg IAP. Piglets in 30 mg IAP in diet showed a tendency for lowering tissue necrosis compared with NC or ANT. Piglets fed 30 mg IAP showed a reduction in diarrhoea incidence in the pre- and post-challenge compared with 15 mg IAP and all other treatments, respectively. Based on the criteria, addition of 30 mg IAP to diet inhibits Enterobacteriaceae population and suggests a potential effect in mitigating intestinal injuries, as observed in piglets in the NC for some of the parameters investigated.(AU)

Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Fosfatase Alcalina/efeitos adversos , Intestinos/fisiologia
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210222, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442889


This study was conducted to assess the effects of maternal dietary calcitic seaweed (CSW) on performance and blood metabolites of sows, and on performance, blood metabolites, intestinal microbiota, and parameters of gastrointestinal tract and bone of litters. On d 21 (post-insemination), non-pregnant sows were removed from the trial, remaining 19 sows in control group (without CSW) and 16 sows receiving CSW. Then, a total of 35 sows were allocated in a randomized block design with two treatments: control diet with calcitic limestone plus dicalcium phosphate (CTL) or CTL plus 0.4% CSW. In gestation, sows were fed twice a day (07:00 and 15:00 h) to reach an intake of 2.5 kg animal−1 day−1 divided into two equal meals. On parturition day, sows were offered only 0.5 kg feed animal−1. Throughout lactation, sows were fed three times a day (≅7 kg animal−1 day−1). All diets were provided as mash. Results suggested that sows fed CTL had litters with lower body weight at birth compared with those fed CSW. Sows fed CSW had 14.28% more live-born piglets and lower stillborns. Piglets from sows fed CSW showed greater calcium concentration on d 14 after birth than those from sows fed CTL. Sows fed CSW showed better milk chemical composition and an increase of 27.16% in milk production compared with those fed CTL. Piglets from sows fed CSW had an increase in cecum content in the Enterobacteriaceae count. This study showed that adding 0.4% CSW in the diet of pregnant and lactating sows as an organic calcium source positively influences the number of live-born piglets and the percentage of stillborns. In addition, milk composition and production are also improved without affecting piglets' biological response.(AU)

Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Cálcio da Dieta , Leite/fisiologia , Microbioma Gastrointestinal