The objective of this study was to evaluate performance, gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits in lambs finished on different levels of canola grain in the diet. Twenty-seven Santa Ines lambs with an average initial weight of 19.33 ± 1.39 kg were given different levels of canola grain in the diet: 0, 8, and 16%. Weights and body condition scores were determined at the beginning, every 14 days and at the end of the experimental period. Animals were slaughtered to assess gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass and non-carcass traits. The statistical design used was completely randomized. The inclusion of canola grain showed a linear effect (0.723) for the width and height of ruminal papillae in the ventral region of the rumen. Intestinal villi and crypts showed a quadratic effect, with peaks of 0.62 µm and 0.43 µm, with the inclusion of 8 and 16%, respectively. When evaluating carcass traits, a decreasing linear effect was found for hot and cold carcass yield with 16% inclusion of canola. Canola grain can be used as an alternative in diets for finishing sheep up to 8% inclusion in the diet without affecting performance, ruminal and intestinal histometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits.(AU)
Animais , Brassica napus/química , Absorção Gastrointestinal/fisiologia , Carne , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate performance, gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass,and non-carcass traits in lambs finished on different levels of canola grain in thediet. Twenty-seven Santa Ines lambs with an average initial weight of 19.33 ± 1.39 kg were given different levels of canola grain in the diet: 0, 8,and 16%. Weights and body condition scores were determined at the beginning, every 14 days and at the end of the experimental period. Animals were slaughtered to assess gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass and non-carcass traits. The statistical design used was completely randomized. The inclusion of canola grain showed a linear effect (0.723) for the width and height of ruminal papillae in the ventral region of the rumen. Intestinal villi and crypts showed a quadratic effect, with peaks of 0.62&956;m and 0.43&956;m, with the inclusion of 8 and 16%, respectively. When evaluating carcass traits, a decreasing linear effect was found for hot and cold carcass yield with 16% inclusion of canola. Canola grain can be used as an alternative in diets for finishing sheep up to 8% inclusion in the diet without affecting performance, ruminal and intestinal histometry, carcass,and non-carcass traits.(AU)
Animais , Carne , Trato Gastrointestinal , Ração Animal/análise , OvinosResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate performance, gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits in lambs finished on different levels of canola grain in the diet. Twenty-seven Santa Ines lambs with an average initial weight of 19.33 ± 1.39 kg were given different levels of canola grain in the diet: 0, 8, and 16%. Weights and body condition scores were determined at the beginning, every 14 days and at the end of the experimental period. Animals were slaughtered to assess gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass and non-carcass traits. The statistical design used was completely randomized. The inclusion of canola grain showed a linear effect (0.723) for the width and height of ruminal papillae in the ventral region of the rumen. Intestinal villi and crypts showed a quadratic effect, with peaks of 0.62 µm and 0.43 µm, with the inclusion of 8 and 16%, respectively. When evaluating carcass traits, a decreasing linear effect was found for hot and cold carcass yield with 16% inclusion of canola. Canola grain can be used as an alternative in diets for finishing sheep up to 8% inclusion in the diet without affecting performance, ruminal and intestinal histometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits.
The objective of this study was to evaluate performance, gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits in lambs finished on different levels of canola grain in the diet. Twenty-seven Santa Ines lambs with an average initial weight of 19.33 ± 1.39 kg were given different levels of canola grain in the diet: 0, 8, and 16%. Weights and body condition scores were determined at the beginning, every 14 days and at the end of the experimental period. Animals were slaughtered to assess gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass and non-carcass traits. The statistical design used was completely randomized. The inclusion of canola grain showed a linear effect (0.723) for the width and height of ruminal papillae in the ventral region of the rumen. Intestinal villi and crypts showed a quadratic effect, with peaks of 0.62 µm and 0.43 µm, with the inclusion of 8 and 16%, respectively. When evaluating carcass traits, a decreasing linear effect was found for hot and cold carcass yield with 16% inclusion of canola. Canola grain can be used as an alternative in diets for finishing sheep up to 8% inclusion in the diet without affecting performance, ruminal and intestinal histometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits.
Oilseed grains are used as a protein and energy source, increasing the energy density of the feed. The goal of the present study was to determine the nutritional profile of canola, crambe and soybean grains recovered from feces, and to evaluate the intake and digestibility of nutrients, rumen fermentation parameters of beef cattle receiving whole grains of oilseeds. Three steers, 350 ± 23.5 kg body weight were distributed in a not contemporary, 3 × 3 double Latin square, and fed oilseed grains. Inclusion of crambe grain reduced dry matter intake by 21.02%, with a higher digestibility coefficient for EE and NDF. The crude protein content of canola and crambe grains recovered were similar, but the EE content was higher for the crambe grain (26.46%). Soybean showed the lowest values of chemical composition for grains recovered from feces. The highest dry matter intake (7.86 kg/day), and the lowest NDF digestibility (0.203g/kg), were found for animals fed soybean. The inclusion of crambe grains reduced the rumen ammonia content (10.97 mg/dL); however, the ruminal pH was not altered by the inclusion of grains in the diet. Canola and soybean grains can be included in the cattle diet without altering dry matter intake; while the inclusion of crambe grains reduces the dry matter intake and the ruminal ammonia content of the animals. Crambe grain showed the highest recovery of dry matter and ether extract from feces.(AU)
Para se avaliar a inclusão de grãos inteiros das culturas de canola, crambe e soja na dieta de bovinos em confinamento, sobre o consumo, digestibilidade, parâmetros ruminais e recuperação dos grãos nas fezes, delineou-se um ensaio estatístico em quadrado latino com três dietas e três bovinos providos de cânula ruminal. Os resultados constataram que a inclusão do grão de crambe reduziu o consumo de matéria seca em 21,02%, e proporcionou aumento na digestibilidade do extrato etéreo e fibra em detergente neutra. O percentual de extrato etéreo recuperado nas fezes foi de 44,15% para grão de canola e 61,53% para o grão de crambe. Encontrou-se menor digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutra para dietas contendo grão de soja 0,203g/kg, embora seu consumo aumentou em relação ao crambe 7,86 kg/dia. A inclusão de crambe apresentou redução nos teores de amônia ruminal (N-NH3), com valores médios de 10,97 mg/dL. Portanto, o grão de crambe pode ser incluído na dieta de bovinos de corte em 14% da MS, sendo uma alternativa em potencial como grão de oleaginosa na alimentação de ruminantes. Assim como, os grãos de canola e soja sem afetar a digestibilidade da matéria seca e da proteína bruta, contudo, devem ser usados com cautela.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/metabolismo , Bovinos/fisiologia , Brassica napus , Crambe (Planta)Resumo
Oilseed grains are used as a protein and energy source, increasing the energy density of the feed. The goal of the present study was to determine the nutritional profile of canola, crambe and soybean grains recovered from feces, and to evaluate the intake and digestibility of nutrients, rumen fermentation parameters of beef cattle receiving whole grains of oilseeds. Three steers, 350 ± 23.5 kg body weight were distributed in a not contemporary, 3 × 3 double Latin square, and fed oilseed grains. Inclusion of crambe grain reduced dry matter intake by 21.02%, with a higher digestibility coefficient for EE and NDF. The crude protein content of canola and crambe grains recovered were similar, but the EE content was higher for the crambe grain (26.46%). Soybean showed the lowest values of chemical composition for grains recovered from feces. The highest dry matter intake (7.86 kg/day), and the lowest NDF digestibility (0.203g/kg), were found for animals fed soybean. The inclusion of crambe grains reduced the rumen ammonia content (10.97 mg/dL); however, the ruminal pH was not altered by the inclusion of grains in the diet. Canola and soybean grains can be included in the cattle diet without altering dry matter intake; while the inclusion of crambe grains reduces the dry matter intake and the ruminal ammonia content of the animals. Crambe grain showed the highest recovery of dry matter and ether extract from feces.
Para se avaliar a inclusão de grãos inteiros das culturas de canola, crambe e soja na dieta de bovinos em confinamento, sobre o consumo, digestibilidade, parâmetros ruminais e recuperação dos grãos nas fezes, delineou-se um ensaio estatístico em quadrado latino com três dietas e três bovinos providos de cânula ruminal. Os resultados constataram que a inclusão do grão de crambe reduziu o consumo de matéria seca em 21,02%, e proporcionou aumento na digestibilidade do extrato etéreo e fibra em detergente neutra. O percentual de extrato etéreo recuperado nas fezes foi de 44,15% para grão de canola e 61,53% para o grão de crambe. Encontrou-se menor digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutra para dietas contendo grão de soja 0,203g/kg, embora seu consumo aumentou em relação ao crambe 7,86 kg/dia. A inclusão de crambe apresentou redução nos teores de amônia ruminal (N-NH3), com valores médios de 10,97 mg/dL. Portanto, o grão de crambe pode ser incluído na dieta de bovinos de corte em 14% da MS, sendo uma alternativa em potencial como grão de oleaginosa na alimentação de ruminantes. Assim como, os grãos de canola e soja sem afetar a digestibilidade da matéria seca e da proteína bruta, contudo, devem ser usados com cautela.
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/fisiologia , Bovinos/metabolismo , Brassica napus , Crambe (Planta)Resumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade do leite cru refrigerado, tendo em vista os padrões estabele-cidos pela Instrução Normativa nº 51; assim como verificar a correlação existente entre a contagem de células somáticas,componentes do leite e contagens bacterianas. Os resultados mostraram que das 72 amostras avaliadas, 91,66% para aeróbiosmesófilos, foram consideradas acima dos padrões exigidos pela legislação. Todas as amostras estavam contaminadas com co-liformes a 35°C e coliformes termotolerantes. As contagens de mesófilos proteolíticos e de CCS também foram consideradasaltas. No teste de lactofermentação, 85% das amostras apresentaram formas visuais não desejáveis; no teste de resistênciatérmica apenas 20% mantiveram-se estáveis. Correlações significativas foram obtidas entre CCS e os componentes do leite(proteína e lactose) e CCS e contagens microbiológicas.(AU)
This study aimed to evaluate the quality of cooled raw milk regarding the standards established by Law nº51, as well as to verify the correlation existing among the somatic cell count (SCC), milk components and bacterial counts.The results of 72 analyzed samples pointed out that 91.66 % was out of the standards for mesophilic aerobes. All the sampleswere contaminated with coliforms at 35ºC and thermotolerant coliforms. The counts of proteolytic mesophiles and SCC wereconsidered high. In the lactofermentation test, 85% of the samples showed visual undesirable forms, and in the thermal re-sistancetest, only 20% kept stable. Significant correlations were obtained between somatic cell count and milk composition(protein and lactose), and between SCC and bacterial count.(AU)
El objetivo de este estudio ha sido evaluar la calidad de la leche cruda refrigerado, teniendo en cuenta losestándares establecidos por la Instrucción Normativa nº 51; así como verificar la correlación existente entre el contaje decélulas somáticas, componentes de la leche y contajes bacterianas. Los resultados señalaron que de las 72 muestras evalu-adas, 91,66% para aerobios mesófilos, han sido consideradas arriba de los estándares exigidos por la legislación. Todas lasmuestras estaban contaminadas con coliformes a 35ºC y coliformes termo tolerantes. Los contajes de mesófilos proteolíticosy de CCS también fueron considerados altos. En el test de lacto fermentación, 85% de las muestras presentaron formas visu-ales no deseables; en el test de resistencia térmica solamente 20% se mantuvieron estables. Correlaciones significativas se haobtenido entre CCS y los componentes de la leche (proteína y lactosa) y CCS y contajes microbiológicas.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Leite , Análise de Alimentos/instrumentação , Células Híbridas/citologia , Bovinos/classificação , Carga Bacteriana/instrumentaçãoResumo
O uso de probiótico na alimentação animal tem sido indicado, por reduzir a mortalidade resultante da colonização intestinal por micro-organismos patógenos, melhorar o desempenho e as características de produção sem deixar resíduos na carne. O experimento teve como objetivo isolar, a partir de amostras de fezes de suínos na fase de aleitamento, cepas de lactobacilos visando sua identificação como probióticos. Foram isoladas 92 colônias, posteriormente submetidas à prova de catalase e 60 tiveram resultados negativos. Estas colônias negativas foram submetidas à coloração de Gram foi avaliada sua morfologia. Destas, 16 apresentaram formas de bacilos. Esses isolados foram comparados pela sua habilidade de resistência em pH 3,0, crescimento na presença de sais biliares, fenol, lisozima, e sua capacidade de hidrofobicidade e antagônica. Os isolados L03, L04, L08 e L15, identificados neste trabalho apresentam melhores características para uso como probiótico, em função de demonstrar melhor comportamento sobre as condições ácidas, crescendo na presença de sais biliares e fenol, apresentando alta percentagem de hidrofobicidade quanto à presença de Escherichia coli.
The use of probiotic in animal nutrition has been identified as reducing mortality resulting from intestinal colonization by pathogenic micro-organisms, improving productive performance and characteristics, leaving no residue in meat. The experiment aimed to isolate lactobacilli from fecal samples of suckling swine, in order to be identified as probiotics. Ninety-two colonies were isolated; these pre-selected colonies were subjected to catalase analysis, for which 60 were negative. The 60 colonies were subjected to Gram-negative stain and evaluated for their morphology. Of these, 16 had forms of bacilli. These isolates were compared for their ability to resist pH 3.0, grow in the presence of bile salts, phenol, lysozyme, as well as their hydrophobicity and antagonistic abilities. Isolates L03, L04, L08 and L15 identified in this study showed better probiotic use, better performance under acidic conditions, growing in the presence of bile salts and phenol, with high percentage of hydrophobicity and in the presence of inhibiting Escherichia coli.
Animais , Suínos , Aleitamento Materno , Probióticos , Fezes , LactobacillusResumo
The use of probiotic in animal nutrition has been identified as reducing mortality resulting from intestinal colonization by pathogenic micro-organisms, improving productive performance and characteristics, leaving no residue in meat. The experiment aimed to isolate lactobacilli from fecal samples of suckling swine, in order to be identified as probiotics. Ninety-two colonies were isolated; these pre-selected colonies were subjected to catalase analysis, for which 60 were negative. The 60 colonies were subjected to Gram-negative stain and evaluated for their morphology. Of these, 16 had forms of bacilli. These isolates were compared for their ability to resist pH 3.0, grow in the presence of bile salts, phenol, lysozyme, as well as their hydrophobicity and antagonistic abilities. Isolates L03, L04, L08 and L15 identified in this study showed better probiotic use, better performance under acidic conditions, growing in the presence of bile salts and phenol, with high percentage of hydrophobicity and in the presence of inhibiting Escherichia coli.
O uso de probiótico na alimentação animal tem sido indicado, por reduzir a mortalidade resultante da colonização intestinal por micro-organismos patógenos, melhorar o desempenho e as características de produção sem deixar resíduos na carne. O experimento teve como objetivo isolar, a partir de amostras de fezes de suínos na fase de aleitamento, cepas de lactobacilos visando sua identificação como probióticos. Foram isoladas 92 colônias, posteriormente submetidas à prova de catalase e 60 tiveram resultados negativos. Estas colônias negativas foram submetidas à coloração de Gram foi avaliada sua morfologia. Destas, 16 apresentaram formas de bacilos. Esses isolados foram comparados pela sua habilidade de resistência em pH 3,0, crescimento na presença de sais biliares, fenol, lisozima, e sua capacidade de hidrofobicidade e antagônica. Os isolados L03, L04, L08 e L15, identificados neste trabalho apresentam melhores características para uso como probiótico, em função de demonstrar melhor comportamento sobre as condições ácidas, crescendo na presença de sais biliares e fenol, apresentando alta percentagem de hidrofobicidade quanto à presença de Escherichia coli.
The objective of this study was to evaluate performance, gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits in lambs finished on different levels of canola grain in the diet. Twenty-seven Santa Ines lambs with an average initial weight of 19.33 ± 1.39 kg were given different levels of canola grain in the diet: 0, 8, and 16%. Weights and body condition scores were determined at the beginning, every 14 days and at the end of the experimental period. Animals were slaughtered to assess gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass and non-carcass traits. The statistical design used was completely randomized. The inclusion of canola grain showed a linear effect (0.723) for the width and height of ruminal papillae in the ventral region of the rumen. Intestinal villi and crypts showed a quadratic effect, with peaks of 0.62 µm and 0.43 µm, with the inclusion of 8 and 16%, respectively. When evaluating carcass traits, a decreasing linear effect was found for hot and cold carcass yield with 16% inclusion of canola. Canola grain can be used as an alternative in diets for finishing sheep up to 8% inclusion in the diet without affecting performance, ruminal and intestinal histometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits.
The objective of this study was to evaluate performance, gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits in lambs finished on different levels of canola grain in the diet. Twenty-seven Santa Ines lambs with an average initial weight of 19.33 ± 1.39 kg were given different levels of canola grain in the diet: 0, 8, and 16%. Weights and body condition scores were determined at the beginning, every 14 days and at the end of the experimental period. Animals were slaughtered to assess gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass and non-carcass traits. The statistical design used was completely randomized. The inclusion of canola grain showed a linear effect (0.723) for the width and height of ruminal papillae in the ventral region of the rumen. Intestinal villi and crypts showed a quadratic effect, with peaks of 0.62 µm and 0.43 µm, with the inclusion of 8 and 16%, respectively. When evaluating carcass traits, a decreasing linear effect was found for hot and cold carcass yield with 16% inclusion of canola. Canola grain can be used as an alternative in diets for finishing sheep up to 8% inclusion in the diet without affecting performance, ruminal and intestinal histometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits.