This study aimed to identify the phylogenetic similarities among the muntjac (Muntiacus spp.). The phylogenetic similarities among seven major muntjac species were studied by comparing the nucleotide sequence of 16s rRNA and cytochrome b genome. Nucleotide sequences, retrieved from NCBI databases were aligned by using DNASTAR software. A phylogenetic tree was created for the selected species of muntjac by using the maximum likelihood method on MEGA7 software. The results of nucleotide sequences (16s rRNA) showed phylogenetic similarities between, the M. truongsonensis and M. rooseveltorum had the highest (99.2%) while the lowest similarities (96.8%) found between M. crinifrons and M. putaoensi. While the results of nucleotide sequences (Cty b) showed the highest similarity (100%) between M. muntjak and M. truongsonensis and the lowest s (91.5%) among M. putaoensis and M. crinifrons. The phylogenetic tree of muntjac species (16s rRNA gene) shows the main two clusters, the one including M. putaoensis, M. truongsonensis, M. rooseveltorum, and M. muntjak, and the second one including M. crinifrons and M. vuquangensis. The M. reevesi exists separately in the phylogenetic tree. The phylogenetic tree of muntjac species using cytochrome b genes shows that the M. muntjak and M. truongsonensis are clustered in the same group.
Este estudo visou identificar as semelhanças filogenéticas entre os muntjac (Muntiacus spp.). As semelhanças filogenéticas entre sete grandes espécies muntjac foram estudadas comparando a sequência de nucleótidos de 16s rRNA e genoma citocromo b. As sequências de nucleótidos, obtidas a partir de bases de dados NCBI, foram alinhadas utilizando o software DNASTAR. Foi criada uma árvore filogenética para as espécies selecionadas de muntjac utilizando o método de probabilidade máxima no software MEGA7. Os resultados das sequências de nucleótidos (16s rRNA) mostraram semelhanças filogenéticas entre o M. truongsonensis e o M. rooseveltorum tiveram o maior número (99,2%) enquanto as semelhanças mais baixas (96,8%) encontradas entre M. crinifrons e M. putaoensi. Enquanto os resultados das sequências de nucleótidos (Cty-b) apresentaram a maior semelhança (100%) entre M. muntjak e M. truongsonensis e os mais baixos (91,5%) entre M. putaoensis e M. crinifrons. A árvore filogenética das espécies muntjac (gene rRNA 16s) mostra os dois principais aglomerados, o que inclui M. putaoensis, M. truongsonensis, M. rooseveltorum e M. muntjak, e o segundo incluindo M. crinifrons e M. vuquangensis. O M. reevesi existe separadamente na árvore filogenética. A árvore filogenética das espécies muntjac usando genes citocromo b mostra que os M. muntjak e M. truongsonensis estão agrupados no mesmo grupo.
Animais , Cervo Muntjac/classificação , Cervo Muntjac/genética , Citocromos b/análise , /análiseResumo
Abstract This study aimed to identify the phylogenetic similarities among the muntjac (Muntiacus spp.). The phylogenetic similarities among seven major muntjac species were studied by comparing the nucleotide sequence of 16s rRNA and cytochrome b genome. Nucleotide sequences, retrieved from NCBI databases were aligned by using DNASTAR software. A phylogenetic tree was created for the selected species of muntjac by using the maximum likelihood method on MEGA7 software. The results of nucleotide sequences (16s rRNA) showed phylogenetic similarities between, the M. truongsonensis and M. rooseveltorum had the highest (99.2%) while the lowest similarities (96.8%) found between M. crinifrons and M. putaoensi. While the results of nucleotide sequences (Cty b) showed the highest similarity (100%) between M. muntjak and M. truongsonensis and the lowest s (91.5%) among M. putaoensis and M. crinifrons. The phylogenetic tree of muntjac species (16s rRNA gene) shows the main two clusters, the one including M. putaoensis, M. truongsonensis, M. rooseveltorum, and M. muntjak, and the second one including M. crinifrons and M. vuquangensis. The M. reevesi exists separately in the phylogenetic tree. The phylogenetic tree of muntjac species using cytochrome b genes shows that the M. muntjak and M. truongsonensis are clustered in the same group.
Resumo Este estudo visou identificar as semelhanças filogenéticas entre os muntjac (Muntiacus spp.). As semelhanças filogenéticas entre sete grandes espécies muntjac foram estudadas comparando a sequência de nucleótidos de 16s rRNA e genoma citocromo b. As sequências de nucleótidos, obtidas a partir de bases de dados NCBI, foram alinhadas utilizando o software DNASTAR. Foi criada uma árvore filogenética para as espécies selecionadas de muntjac utilizando o método de probabilidade máxima no software MEGA7. Os resultados das sequências de nucleótidos (16s rRNA) mostraram semelhanças filogenéticas entre o M. truongsonensis e o M. rooseveltorum tiveram o maior número (99,2%) enquanto as semelhanças mais baixas (96,8%) encontradas entre M. crinifrons e M. putaoensi. Enquanto os resultados das sequências de nucleótidos (Cty-b) apresentaram a maior semelhança (100%) entre M. muntjak e M. truongsonensis e os mais baixos (91,5%) entre M. putaoensis e M. crinifrons. A árvore filogenética das espécies muntjac (gene rRNA 16s) mostra os dois principais aglomerados, o que inclui M. putaoensis, M. truongsonensis, M. rooseveltorum e M. muntjak, e o segundo incluindo M. crinifrons e M. vuquangensis. O M. reevesi existe separadamente na árvore filogenética. A árvore filogenética das espécies muntjac usando genes citocromo b mostra que os M. muntjak e M. truongsonensis estão agrupados no mesmo grupo.
This study aimed to identify the phylogenetic similarities among the muntjac (Muntiacus spp.). The phylogenetic similarities among seven major muntjac species were studied by comparing the nucleotide sequence of 16s rRNA and cytochrome b genome. Nucleotide sequences, retrieved from NCBI databases were aligned by using DNASTAR software. A phylogenetic tree was created for the selected species of muntjac by using the maximum likelihood method on MEGA7 software. The results of nucleotide sequences (16s rRNA) showed phylogenetic similarities between, the M. truongsonensis and M. rooseveltorum had the highest (99.2%) while the lowest similarities (96.8%) found between M. crinifrons and M. putaoensi. While the results of nucleotide sequences (Cty b) showed the highest similarity (100%) between M. muntjak and M. truongsonensis and the lowest s (91.5%) among M. putaoensis and M. crinifrons. The phylogenetic tree of muntjac species (16s rRNA gene) shows the main two clusters, the one including M. putaoensis, M. truongsonensis, M. rooseveltorum, and M. muntjak, and the second one including M. crinifrons and M. vuquangensis. The M. reevesi exists separately in the phylogenetic tree. The phylogenetic tree of muntjac species using cytochrome b genes shows that the M. muntjak and M. truongsonensis are clustered in the same group.(AU)
Este estudo visou identificar as semelhanças filogenéticas entre os muntjac (Muntiacus spp.). As semelhanças filogenéticas entre sete grandes espécies muntjac foram estudadas comparando a sequência de nucleótidos de 16s rRNA e genoma citocromo b. As sequências de nucleótidos, obtidas a partir de bases de dados NCBI, foram alinhadas utilizando o software DNASTAR. Foi criada uma árvore filogenética para as espécies selecionadas de muntjac utilizando o método de probabilidade máxima no software MEGA7. Os resultados das sequências de nucleótidos (16s rRNA) mostraram semelhanças filogenéticas entre o M. truongsonensis e o M. rooseveltorum tiveram o maior número (99,2%) enquanto as semelhanças mais baixas (96,8%) encontradas entre M. crinifrons e M. putaoensi. Enquanto os resultados das sequências de nucleótidos (Cty-b) apresentaram a maior semelhança (100%) entre M. muntjak e M. truongsonensis e os mais baixos (91,5%) entre M. putaoensis e M. crinifrons. A árvore filogenética das espécies muntjac (gene rRNA 16s) mostra os dois principais aglomerados, o que inclui M. putaoensis, M. truongsonensis, M. rooseveltorum e M. muntjak, e o segundo incluindo M. crinifrons e M. vuquangensis. O M. reevesi existe separadamente na árvore filogenética. A árvore filogenética das espécies muntjac usando genes citocromo b mostra que os M. muntjak e M. truongsonensis estão agrupados no mesmo grupo.(AU)
Animais , Cervo Muntjac/genética , Cervo Muntjac/classificação , RNA Ribossômico 16S/análise , Citocromos b/análiseResumo
Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) is a dominant serotype among non-typhoidal Salmonella which renders poultry products unsafe for human consumption. Due to frequent reporting of egg associated outbreaks, broiler breeder flocks are understudied although farm environment present supporting conditions for the growth of SE. In this study, two rapid detection techniques for SE were compared in terms of analytical sensitivity and the extent of SE contamination in broiler breeder farm environment was determined. Analytical sensitivity as limit of detection (LOD) was evaluated quantitatively for serotype specific PCR based on amplification of Sdf I gene and a commercially available sandwich ELISA for antigen detection. In triplicate experiments, tenfold serial dilutions of SE were prepared and tested with each technique. Using pure cultures, analytical sensitivity of PCR and ELISA were found to be 18.6 CFU/ml and 2.77×105 CFU/ml respectively. PCR (LOD, log 1.2) was found to be more sensitive and rapid than ELISA (LOD, log 5.4). Environmental swab samples (n = 260) were collected from 22 hen houses representing 8 broiler breeder farms located in and around Lahore and Sheikhupura districts of Punjab province. From each hen house swab samples were collected from litter, nests, feeders, drinkers, fans, pads, ceiling, walls and walkways. Following selective enrichment, pooled swab samples were subjected to PCR. Results showed that 36.3 % (8/22) hen houses were detected positive for SE. These findings suggest improvement in farm biosecurity measures and advocate implementation of integrated Salmonellosis control programs in broiler breeder houses to minimize carcass contamination.(AU)
Salmonella enteritidis , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/instrumentação , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/instrumentaçãoResumo
ABSTRACT The study aimed to explore the effect of dietary supplementation of synbiotics on growth performance, carcass characteristics and nutrient digestibility in broiler chicken. For this purpose, three hundred 1-day-old Cobb-500 broiler chicks were purchased from the hatchery and randomly distributed into five dietary treatment groups. Each treatment had six replicates, each containing 10 chicks. The experimental diets were supplemented with 0, 700, 1200, 1700 or 2200 g/ton of feed synbiotics and respectively designated as A, B, C, D and E, with A being the control diet. Feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio data were recorded on a weekly basis. At the research trials end, two birds from each pen were randomly selected and slaughtered to get data on carcass characteristics. Results showed that group Cs feed intake was reduced (p 0.05) when compared to control. Body weight was similar (p>0.05) among all treatments. However, feed conversion ratio was significantly improved (p 0.05) in group C as compared to other dietary treatments. Nutrient digestibility was improved (p 0.05) in group B and C, as compared to control. Carcass characteristics were not significantly affected and remained the same across all treatments. However, liver weight decreased in birds fed diet C. Meat quality and antibody titer were not affected in any of the dietary treatments. It is concluded that synbiotics can be safely used up to 1200 g/ton of feed, improving bird performance without harmful effects on bird health.
The aim of this project was to investigate the effect of dietary inclusion of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) on nutrient digestibility and immune response of caged layers during summer when the temperature exceeds 40 C. For immune response trial, White Leghorn layers (n=160; 24 weeks old) were purchased from a poultry farm and were divided into five treatment/diets groups (4 replicate/treatment). Diet A, was without NaHCO3 and served as control whereas, diets B, C, D, and E contained 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% NaHCO3, respectively. All these birds were vaccinated against Newcastle disease (ND) virus at the start of the experiment and thereafter with one-month intervals. Blood samples were collected from two birds/replicate at 10 days post vaccination each time to check antibody titer against ND virus. For digestibility trial, fecal samples were collected (6 layers/treatment group) at the start of the 37th week of age for two days, at 3 hours interval. Results revealed that immune response against ND virus 10 days post vaccination after 1st, 2nd and 3rd month was significantly (p 0.05) higher in layer birds fed diets containing NaHCO3. Digestibility of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), ether extract (EE) and absorption of minerals were also found to be significantly (p 0.05) higher in groups treated with NaHCO3 and the birds fed diet containing 1% NaHCO3 showed the best results. In general, results revealed that 1% supplementation of NaHCO3 in layers diet have a beneficial impact in terms of immunity and diet digestibility.(AU)
Animais , Aves/fisiologia , Bicarbonato de Sódio/administração & dosagem , Doença de Newcastle/diagnóstico , Doença de Newcastle/imunologia , Resposta ao Choque TérmicoResumo
The aim of this project was to investigate the effect of dietary inclusion of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) on nutrient digestibility and immune response of caged layers during summer when the temperature exceeds 40 C. For immune response trial, White Leghorn layers (n=160; 24 weeks old) were purchased from a poultry farm and were divided into five treatment/diets groups (4 replicate/treatment). Diet A, was without NaHCO3 and served as control whereas, diets B, C, D, and E contained 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% NaHCO3, respectively. All these birds were vaccinated against Newcastle disease (ND) virus at the start of the experiment and thereafter with one-month intervals. Blood samples were collected from two birds/replicate at 10 days post vaccination each time to check antibody titer against ND virus. For digestibility trial, fecal samples were collected (6 layers/treatment group) at the start of the 37th week of age for two days, at 3 hours interval. Results revealed that immune response against ND virus 10 days post vaccination after 1st, 2nd and 3rd month was significantly (p 0.05) higher in layer birds fed diets containing NaHCO3. Digestibility of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), ether extract (EE) and absorption of minerals were also found to be significantly (p 0.05) higher in groups treated with NaHCO3 and the birds fed diet containing 1% NaHCO3 showed the best results. In general, results revealed that 1% supplementation of NaHCO3 in layers diet have a beneficial impact in terms of immunity and diet digestibility.
Animais , Aves/fisiologia , Bicarbonato de Sódio/administração & dosagem , Doença de Newcastle/diagnóstico , Doença de Newcastle/imunologia , Resposta ao Choque TérmicoResumo
The poultry nutritionists constantly attempt to identify and alleviate the factors responsible for adverse effects on nutrient utilization and production performance in avian species, which are necessary for successful productivity of poultry. Enhanced feed utilization can reduce levels of some nutrients in the diet with concomitant mitigation in nutrient excretion into the environment, reduction of eutrophication and acidification potentials of excreta. Commercial enzymes have been used to improve feed efficiency and utilization in poultry. Among many anti-nutritional factors, the existence of ß-mannans in poultry feed ingredients including soybean and other leguminous seeds has been associated with negative effects on nutrient digestibility and high intestinal viscosity that adversely affects innate immunity and microbial proliferation in poultry gut. The ß-mannanase (a commercial product named as Hemicell) can hydrolyze ß-mannan, an anti-nutritional fiber present in many poultry feed ingredients. Supplement of ß-mannanase to ß-mannan-rich diets may boost the population of intestinal beneficial bacteria, increase the digestibility of mannans, enhance the immunity, suppresses the growth of harmful intestinal bacteria, enhance the digestion and absorption of nutrients in intestinal tracts and reduce the environmental pollution due to poultry excreta. Supplementation of -mannanase at the level of 200 and 400 mg/kg in poultry diets has positively improved blood glucose and anabolic hormone homeostasis, FCR, digestible energy, and digestible amino acids. This review describes the promising beneficial effects of -mannanase, which may be used in the poultry feed industry for economic benefits. Another objective of this review is to explore the underlying mechanisms of ß-mannanase that can influence growth, digestion coefficients of nutrients, health and metabolism of nutrients in poultry birds and also the knowledge regarding the useful application of this feed enzyme in the commercial poultry feed industry.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Galinhas/metabolismo , Ração Animal , Meio Ambiente , SaúdeResumo
The poultry nutritionists constantly attempt to identify and alleviate the factors responsible for adverse effects on nutrient utilization and production performance in avian species, which are necessary for successful productivity of poultry. Enhanced feed utilization can reduce levels of some nutrients in the diet with concomitant mitigation in nutrient excretion into the environment, reduction of eutrophication and acidification potentials of excreta. Commercial enzymes have been used to improve feed efficiency and utilization in poultry. Among many anti-nutritional factors, the existence of ß-mannans in poultry feed ingredients including soybean and other leguminous seeds has been associated with negative effects on nutrient digestibility and high intestinal viscosity that adversely affects innate immunity and microbial proliferation in poultry gut. The ß-mannanase (a commercial product named as Hemicell) can hydrolyze ß-mannan, an anti-nutritional fiber present in many poultry feed ingredients. Supplement of ß-mannanase to ß-mannan-rich diets may boost the population of intestinal beneficial bacteria, increase the digestibility of mannans, enhance the immunity, suppresses the growth of harmful intestinal bacteria, enhance the digestion and absorption of nutrients in intestinal tracts and reduce the environmental pollution due to poultry excreta. Supplementation of -mannanase at the level of 200 and 400 mg/kg in poultry diets has positively improved blood glucose and anabolic hormone homeostasis, FCR, digestible energy, and digestible amino acids. This review describes the promising beneficial effects of -mannanase, which may be used in the poultry feed industry for economic benefits. Another objective of this review is to explore the underlying mechanisms of ß-mannanase that can influence growth, digestion coefficients of nutrients, health and metabolism of nutrients in poultry birds and also the knowledge regarding the useful application of this feed enzyme in the commercial poultry feed industry.