An experiment was conducted to evaluate broiler chicken performance and carcass yield in response to carbohydrase supplementation (Xylanase and Betaglucanase; XB) and association of carbohydrase and phytase (PHY). A total of 1,920 day-old male broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were distributed in a completely randomized design with 8 treatments and 8 replicates each, allocated in 64 pens with 30 chicks each. The treatments were: Positive Control (PC); Negative Control (NC): reduced ME [-120kcal/kg (Starter) and -170kcal/kg (Finisher)]; NC + XB [50g/ton]; NC + XB [100g/ton]; NC + XB [150g/ton]; NC + XB [50g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]; NC + XB [100g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]; NC + XB [150g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]. The inclusion of XB (150) and XB (50, 100, and 150) associated with phytase increased feed intake than positive control when considering the total rearing phase. The feed conversion ratio of all broilers fed diets with energy reduction were worse than positive control, even with the addition of enzymes, and did not differ between them. There was no significant effect of treatments on carcass parameters.(AU)
O experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o desempenho e o rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte em resposta à suplementação de carboidrase (Xilanase e Betaglucanase; XB) e à associação de carboidrase com fitase (PHY). Um total de 1.920 frangos de corte, machos, com 1 dia de idade (Cobb 500), foram distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, com oito tratamentos e oito repetições, totalizando 64 unidades experimentais (boxes) com 30 aves cada. Os tratamentos foram: controle positivo (PC); controle negativo (NC): redução de EM [-120kcal/kg (fase inicial) e -170kcal/kg (fase final)]; NC + XB [50g/ton]; NC + XB [100g/ton]; NC + XB [150g/ton]; NC + XB [50g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]; NC + XB [100g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]; NC + XB [150g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]. A inclusão de XB (150) e a associação de fitase com XB (50, 100 e 150) aumentaram o consumo de ração em relação ao tratamento controle positivo, considerando-se a fase total de criação. A conversão alimentar de todos os frangos que receberam dietas com redução de energia foi pior que o controle positivo, mesmo com a adição das enzimas, e não diferiu entre elas. Não houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos sobre os parâmetros de carcaça.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dieta/veterinária , Enzimas , Ração AnimalResumo
A digestibility assay was conducted in order to determine the digestibility coefficients (DC) of amino acids of feed ingredients in cecectomized adult roosters. In total 48 cecectomized adult roosters were used to assess the coefficient of digestibility of 7 ingredients: corn, soybean meal, soybean concentrate, corn gluten meal, wheat bran, peanut meal, and feather meal. Each ingredient was replicated six times and a group of 6 rooster was used to measure endogenous amino acid losses. After 48 hours of fasting, the roosters were tube fed 20g of ingredients tested twice during a day. At 12 hour-intervals excreta and endogenous losses were collected and immediately freeze-dried for further chemical analysis. At the end of the assay, excreta were weighed and samples of ingredients, excreta, and endogenous losses were pooled and analysed for dry matter, nitrogen and amino acid content. The coefficients of indispensable amino acids for the most feed ingredients assessed in the current research were similar to published literature like AMINODat®5.0 and the 4th edition of the Brazilian Tables for Poultry and Swine, except feather meal, in which only digestible Trp and Thr content were similar to literature. Particularly, the coefficients for some amino acids like Arg and Gly exhibited large discrepancies from literature in almost all the feed ingredients assessed herein. In general, using cecectomized adult roosters proved to be a reliable technique to assess the digestibility of feed ingredients used in poultry diets.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/metabolismo , Galinhas/fisiologia , AminoácidosResumo
An experiment was conducted to evaluate broiler chicken performance and carcass yield in response to carbohydrase supplementation (Xylanase and Betaglucanase; XB) and association of carbohydrase and phytase (PHY). A total of 1,920 day-old male broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were distributed in a completely randomized design with 8 treatments and 8 replicates each, allocated in 64 pens with 30 chicks each. The treatments were: Positive Control (PC); Negative Control (NC): reduced ME [-120kcal/kg (Starter) and -170kcal/kg (Finisher)]; NC + XB [50g/ton]; NC + XB [100g/ton]; NC + XB [150g/ton]; NC + XB [50g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]; NC + XB [100g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]; NC + XB [150g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]. The inclusion of XB (150) and XB (50, 100, and 150) associated with phytase increased feed intake than positive control when considering the total rearing phase. The feed conversion ratio of all broilers fed diets with energy reduction were worse than positive control, even with the addition of enzymes, and did not differ between them. There was no significant effect of treatments on carcass parameters.(AU)
O experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o desempenho e o rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte em resposta à suplementação de carboidrase (Xilanase e Betaglucanase; XB) e à associação de carboidrase com fitase (PHY). Um total de 1.920 frangos de corte, machos, com 1 dia de idade (Cobb 500), foram distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, com oito tratamentos e oito repetições, totalizando 64 unidades experimentais (boxes) com 30 aves cada. Os tratamentos foram: controle positivo (PC); controle negativo (NC): redução de EM [-120kcal/kg (fase inicial) e -170kcal/kg (fase final)]; NC + XB [50g/ton]; NC + XB [100g/ton]; NC + XB [150g/ton]; NC + XB [50g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]; NC + XB [100g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]; NC + XB [150g/ton] + PHY [100g/ton]. A inclusão de XB (150) e a associação de fitase com XB (50, 100 e 150) aumentaram o consumo de ração em relação ao tratamento controle positivo, considerando-se a fase total de criação. A conversão alimentar de todos os frangos que receberam dietas com redução de energia foi pior que o controle positivo, mesmo com a adição das enzimas, e não diferiu entre elas. Não houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos sobre os parâmetros de carcaça.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dieta/veterinária , Enzimas , Ração AnimalResumo
A digestibility assay was conducted in order to determine the digestibility coefficients (DC) of amino acids of feed ingredients in cecectomized adult roosters. In total 48 cecectomized adult roosters were used to assess the coefficient of digestibility of 7 ingredients: corn, soybean meal, soybean concentrate, corn gluten meal, wheat bran, peanut meal, and feather meal. Each ingredient was replicated six times and a group of 6 rooster was used to measure endogenous amino acid losses. After 48 hours of fasting, the roosters were tube fed 20g of ingredients tested twice during a day. At 12 hour-intervals excreta and endogenous losses were collected and immediately freeze-dried for further chemical analysis. At the end of the assay, excreta were weighed and samples of ingredients, excreta, and endogenous losses were pooled and analysed for dry matter, nitrogen and amino acid content. The coefficients of indispensable amino acids for the most feed ingredients assessed in the current research were similar to published literature like AMINODat®5.0 and the 4th edition of the Brazilian Tables for Poultry and Swine, except feather meal, in which only digestible Trp and Thr content were similar to literature. Particularly, the coefficients for some amino acids like Arg and Gly exhibited large discrepancies from literature in almost all the feed ingredients assessed herein. In general, using cecectomized adult roosters proved to be a reliable technique to assess the digestibility of feed ingredients used in poultry diets.
Animais , Aminoácidos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Galinhas/metabolismoResumo
Studies were conducted to evaluate the nutritional value and inclusion levels of babassu meal (BM) in the diet of grower layer pullets in substitution to wheat meal. Digestibility, metabolism and growth trials were conducted. Twelve cecectomized roosters were used in the digestibility assay to determine the coefficients of standardized digestibility of amino acids (CSDAA). The metabolism trial was conducted with 30 adult roosters to determine the apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AMEn) of BM. A growth trial was performed to determine replacement levels of wheat midds by BM diet using 360 six-week-old commercial layer pullets. BM was included at the 0, 75 and 150 g/kg of BM, during grower and development rearing phases, respectively. Feed intake, body weight gain, and feed conversion were evaluated. BM AMEn was determined as 1,474 kcal/kg, on as-fed basis. The CSDAA determined for BM were below 88% for all AA. The inclusion of BM in the feed of grower layers (7-18 week) significantly decreased feed intake (p 0.05), but significantly improved body weight gain and feedconversion ratio (p 0.05) at 15% inclusion level. Considering the nutritional value and performance results, BM can replace wheat midds in diets of grower layer pullets.
Animais , Arecaceae , Farinha , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ração Animal/análise , Valor Nutritivo , DigestãoResumo
Studies were conducted to evaluate the nutritional value and inclusion levels of babassu meal (BM) in the diet of grower layer pullets in substitution to wheat meal. Digestibility, metabolism and growth trials were conducted. Twelve cecectomized roosters were used in the digestibility assay to determine the coefficients of standardized digestibility of amino acids (CSDAA). The metabolism trial was conducted with 30 adult roosters to determine the apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AMEn) of BM. A growth trial was performed to determine replacement levels of wheat midds by BM diet using 360 six-week-old commercial layer pullets. BM was included at the 0, 75 and 150 g/kg of BM, during grower and development rearing phases, respectively. Feed intake, body weight gain, and feed conversion were evaluated. BM AMEn was determined as 1,474 kcal/kg, on as-fed basis. The CSDAA determined for BM were below 88% for all AA. The inclusion of BM in the feed of grower layers (7-18 week) significantly decreased feed intake (p 0.05), but significantly improved body weight gain and feedconversion ratio (p 0.05) at 15% inclusion level. Considering the nutritional value and performance results, BM can replace wheat midds in diets of grower layer pullets.(AU)
Animais , Ração Animal/análise , Valor Nutritivo , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Arecaceae , Farinha , DigestãoResumo
Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar o valor nutricional e a utilização do mesocarpo de babaçu na alimentação de frangos de corte. Inicialmente, a composição química foi analisada para caracterizar o ingrediente. Em seguida dois ensaios foram conduzidos: o primeiro para determinar os valores energéticos e o segundo o nível ideal de inclusão na ração. O ensaio de metabolismo foi realizado utilizando 20 galos Legorne, distribuídos em dois tratamentos com cinco repetições de duas aves cada. O período experimental foi de dez dias, cinco dias de adaptação e cinco dias de coleta de excretas. Em seguida, 500 pintos de corte com um dia de idade foram utilizados em ensaio de crescimento, delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro níveis de inclusão do mesocarpo de babaçu: 0, 3, 6 e 9%. O ensaio de crescimento teve duração de 21 dias e foram avaliadas as respostas para consumo de ração, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar. Com base na matéria natural, o mesocarpo de babaçu apresentou 87,5%; 3,29%; 1,1%; 2,7%; 75,1% e 3.618 kcal/kg de matéria seca, proteína bruta, matéria mineral, fibra bruta, amido e energia bruta, respectivamente. A energia metabolizável aparente corrigida foi determinada em 2.671 kcal/kg, na matéria natural. O mesocarpo de babaçu, pela sua composição com baixo teor de proteína bruta e elevado teor de amido, pode ser classificado como ingrediente energético. A inclusão do mesocarpo na alimentação de frangos de corte afetou negativamente o desempenho das aves na fase inicial de criação.
This study evaluates nutritional value and use of babassu mesocarp supplementation in the feeding of broilers. Initially, the chemical composition was determined in order to characterize the ingredient. Then two tests were conducted: the first, to determine the energy values and the second, the optimal supplementation level in the diet. The metabolism trial was conducted using 20 Leghorn cockerels divided into two treatments with five replicates of two birds each. The experiment lasted ten days, five adaptation days and five days for stool collection. Subsequently, 500 one-day-old broiler chicks were used in the growth trial. The design was completely randomized, with four treatments and five replications. Treatments consisted of four levels of babassu mesocarp supplementation: 0, 3, 6 and 9%. The growth trial lasted 21 days and the responses to feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion were evaluated. Based on natural matter,[RMVK1] the babassu mesocarp has 87.5%, 3.29%, 1.1%, 2.7%, 75.1% and 3,618 kcal/kg for the variables dry matter, crude protein, ash, crude fiber, starch and gross energy, respectively. The corrected apparent metabolizable energy determined was 2,671 kcal/kg, based on the natural matter. The babassu mesocarp due to its low crude protein content and high starch level can be classified as an energy ingredient. The babassu mesocarp supplemented in the feed of broilers adversely affected the performance of broilers during the initial stages of growth.
Animais , Amido/análise , Ração Animal , Ração Animal/análise , Galinhas/metabolismoResumo
Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar o valor nutricional e a utilização do mesocarpo de babaçu na alimentação de frangos de corte. Inicialmente, a composição química foi analisada para caracterizar o ingrediente. Em seguida dois ensaios foram conduzidos: o primeiro para determinar os valores energéticos e o segundo o nível ideal de inclusão na ração. O ensaio de metabolismo foi realizado utilizando 20 galos Legorne, distribuídos em dois tratamentos com cinco repetições de duas aves cada. O período experimental foi de dez dias, cinco dias de adaptação e cinco dias de coleta de excretas. Em seguida, 500 pintos de corte com um dia de idade foram utilizados em ensaio de crescimento, delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro níveis de inclusão do mesocarpo de babaçu: 0, 3, 6 e 9%. O ensaio de crescimento teve duração de 21 dias e foram avaliadas as respostas para consumo de ração, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar. Com base na matéria natural, o mesocarpo de babaçu apresentou 87
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of betaine in methionine- and choline-reduced diets fed to broilers submitted to heat stress. In total, 1,408 male broilers were randomly distributed into eight treatments, according to 2 x 4 (environment x diet) factorial arrangement, with eight replicates of 2 birds each. Birds were reared environmental chambers under controlled temperature (25-26 °C) or cyclic heat-stressing temperature (25-31 °C). The following diets were tested: positive control (PC), formulated to meet broiler nutritional requirements; negative control (NC), with reduced DL-methionine and choline chloride levels; and with two supplementation levels of natural betaine to the negative control diet (NC+NB1 and NC+NB2). Live performance, carcass traits, and intestinal morphometrics were evaluated when broilers were 45 days of age. The results showed that all evaluated parameters were influenced by the interaction between environment and diet, except for breast meat drip loss. The breakdown of the interactions showed that birds fed the PC diet and reared in the controlled environment had greater breast drip loss than those submitted to the cyclic heat-stress environment. Birds submitted to cyclic heat stress and fed the PC diet presented the lowest feed intake. Feed conversion ratio was influenced only by diet. The FCR of broilers fed the NC+NB2 diet was intermediate relative to those fed the PC and NC diets. The addition of betaine in the diet, with 11.18% digestible methionine and 24.73% total choline reductions, did not affect broiler live performance, carcass yield, or intestinal morphometrics.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais/efeitos adversos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal/fisiologia , Betaína/análise , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/diagnóstico , Substâncias para Melhoria do Desempenho/análiseResumo
Two experiments were carried out to compare two techniques (amino acid supplementation and dilution) for formulating experimental diets for pre-starter (1 to 8 days) and starter (8 to 22 days) broiler chicks and to estimate digestible lysine requirements using the dose-response method. In each experiment, 1,200 male Cobb 500 chickens were randomly distributed according to a 5x2 factorial arrangement (lysine level x formulation technique) with six replicates of 20 birds each. For the supplemented diet, a basal diet was formulated to meet the nutritional requirements, then L-lysine HCl was added to achieve digestible lysine levels of 0.975, 1.082, 1.189, 1.296 and 1.403% in the pre-starter diets and 0.840, 0.932, 1.024, 1.116 and 1.208% in the starter diets. For the diluted diet, a diet high in crude protein (CP) and relatively low in lysine was formulated and to which was added a protein-free diet until lysine levels were similar to those described above for the supplemented diet. The results suggest that the dilution technique favored the performance potential and better met lysine requirements compared with the supplementation technique. Lysine levels required for optimal feed conversion ratio of broilers during the pre-starter and starter phases were estimated at 1.361 and 1.187%, which are equivalent to lysine intake of 0.340 and 0.797 g/day, respectively.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Galinhas/metabolismo , Ração Animal/análise , Lisina/efeitos adversos , Aditivos Alimentares/administração & dosagemResumo
Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar o valor nutricional e a utilização do mesocarpo de babaçu na alimentação de frangos de corte. Inicialmente, a composição química foi analisada para caracterizar o ingrediente. Em seguida dois ensaios foram conduzidos: o primeiro para determinar os valores energéticos e o segundo o nível ideal de inclusão na ração. O ensaio de metabolismo foi realizado utilizando 20 galos Legorne, distribuídos em dois tratamentos com cinco repetições de duas aves cada. O período experimental foi de dez dias, cinco dias de adaptação e cinco dias de coleta de excretas. Em seguida, 500 pintos de corte com um dia de idade foram utilizados em ensaio de crescimento, delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro níveis de inclusão do mesocarpo de babaçu: 0, 3, 6 e 9%. O ensaio de crescimento teve duração de 21 dias e foram avaliadas as respostas para consumo de ração, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar. Com base na matéria natural, o mesocarpo de babaçu apresentou 87,5%; 3,29%; 1,1%; 2,7%; 75,1% e 3.618 kcal/kg de matéria seca, proteína bruta, matéria mineral, fibra bruta, amido e energia bruta, respectivamente. A energia metabolizável aparente corrigida foi determinada em 2.671 kcal/kg, na matéria natural. O mesocarpo de babaçu, pela sua composição com baixo teor de proteína bruta e elevado teor de amido, pode ser classificado como ingrediente energético. A inclusão do mesocarpo na alimentação de frangos de corte afetou negativamente o desempenho das aves na fase inicial de criação.(AU)
This study evaluates nutritional value and use of babassu mesocarp supplementation in the feeding of broilers. Initially, the chemical composition was determined in order to characterize the ingredient. Then two tests were conducted: the first, to determine the energy values and the second, the optimal supplementation level in the diet. The metabolism trial was conducted using 20 Leghorn cockerels divided into two treatments with five replicates of two birds each. The experiment lasted ten days, five adaptation days and five days for stool collection. Subsequently, 500 one-day-old broiler chicks were used in the growth trial. The design was completely randomized, with four treatments and five replications. Treatments consisted of four levels of babassu mesocarp supplementation: 0, 3, 6 and 9%. The growth trial lasted 21 days and the responses to feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion were evaluated. Based on natural matter,[RMVK1] the babassu mesocarp has 87.5%, 3.29%, 1.1%, 2.7%, 75.1% and 3,618 kcal/kg for the variables dry matter, crude protein, ash, crude fiber, starch and gross energy, respectively. The corrected apparent metabolizable energy determined was 2,671 kcal/kg, based on the natural matter. The babassu mesocarp due to its low crude protein content and high starch level can be classified as an energy ingredient. The babassu mesocarp supplemented in the feed of broilers adversely affected the performance of broilers during the initial stages of growth.(AU)
Animais , /análogos & derivados , Amido/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Ração Animal , Galinhas/metabolismoResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da utilização de diferentes ingredientes fibrosos nas dietas sobre o desempenho, a composição corporal e a morfometria intestinal de juvenis de pacu. Foram avaliadas cinco dietas isoproteicas (23 por cento de proteína digestível), isoenergéticas (3250kcal de energia digestível/kg) e isofibrosas (9 por cento de fibra bruta), sendo a principal fonte fibrosa de cada constituída por farelo de soja, casca de soja, farelo de girassol e polpa cítrica; esta última em dois níveis de inclusão (30 e 45 por cento). Foram utilizados 300 juvenis de pacu (25,12±0,78 gramas), alojados em 25 aquários (200 litros). Os melhores resultados de crescimento e conversão alimentar foram obtidos com as dietas contendo farelo de soja e farelo de girassol. As dietas contendo casca de soja e polpa cítrica prejudicaram o desempenho dos juvenis de pacu, e o efeito negativo foi acentuado com o aumento da inclusão de polpa cítrica. Além disto, somente nos peixes alimentados com a dieta com 45 por cento de polpa cítrica foi observada diminuição na densidade de vilosidades por área no epitélio intestinal. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que alguns ingredientes fibrosos podem afetar negativamente o desempenho e as características do epitélio intestinal de juvenis de pacu.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of diets containing different fiber sources on the performance, corporal composition and intestinal morphometry of pacu juveniles (Piaractus mesopotamicus). This study evaluated five isoproteic (23 percent digestible protein), isoenergetic (3250kcal digestible energy/kg) and isofibrous (9 percent crude fiber) diets, each one containing a fiber source such as soybean meal, soybean hulls, sunflower meal and citric pulp in two levels of inclusion (30 and 45 percent). A total of 300 pacu juveniles (25,12±0,78g) were stocked in 25 experimental aquariums (200 liters) equipped with aeration and heating system. The best growth and feed conversion results were obtained with diets containing soybean meal and sunflower meal. Diets containing soybean hulls and citrus pulp worsened the juvenile pacu performance. Moreover, only the diet containing 45 percent citrus pulp decreased the villous number per area in the intestinal epithelium. From the results we can conclude that some fibrous ingredient may affect juvenile pacu performance, corporal composition and intestinal epithelium characteristics.(AU)
Animais , Peixes/classificação , Dieta , Fibras na Dieta/administração & dosagem , Composição Corporal , Ciências da NutriçãoResumo
Determinaram-se os níveis nutricionais de cálcio (Ca) para aves, machos e fêmeas, da linhagem ISA Label, nas fases inicial (um a 28 dias), crescimento (28 a 56 dias) e final (56 a 84 dias). Foram realizados três ensaios, um para cada fase, e, em cada ensaio, 480 aves com idade correspondente à fase de criação foram alojadas em 24 unidades experimentais com áreas de abrigo e de pastejo. Foi utilizado delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4x2 (Ca e sexo), totalizando oito tratamentos com três repetiç ões de 20 aves. Avaliaram-se: ganho de peso (GP); consumo de dieta (CD); conversão alimentar (CA); teores de fósforo (PT), de cálcio (CaT) e de cinzas na tíbia (CT) e resistência à quebra óssea (RQO). Na fase inicial, recomenda-se 1,16% de Ca na dieta, para aves de ambos os sexos, na fase de crescimento, 0,78 e 0,88% de Ca para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente, e, na fase final, 0,69% de Ca na dieta para ambos os sexos.(AU)
The nutritional calcium (Ca) levels were determined for ISA Label broilers in the starter (1 to 28 days), growing (28 to 56 days), and finishing (56 to 84 days) phases. Three trials were conducted, one for each phase and in each trial, 480 birds with age corresponding to the phase were housed in 24 experimental units with shelter and pasture areas. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement of 4x2 (Ca levels and sex), totaling eight treatments with three replicates of 20 birds. Body weight gain (BWG); feed intake (FI); feed per gain (FG); contents of phosphorus (TP), calcium (TCa) and ash (TA) in tibia; and bone breaking strength (BSB) were evaluated. At the starter phase, 1.16% of Ca is recommended in the diet for birds of both sexes. At the growing phase, 0.78 and 0.88% of Ca for males and females, respectively, are recommended and at the finishing phase, the level of 0.69% of Ca is recommended in diet for both sexes.(AU)
Animais , Aves Domésticas/classificação , Dieta , Ciências da Nutrição , Cálcio/análise , Fósforo/análise , Crescimento/fisiologiaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of diets containing different fiber sources on the performance, corporal composition and intestinal morphometry of pacu juveniles (Piaractus mesopotamicus). This study evaluated five isoproteic (23% digestible protein), isoenergetic (3250kcal digestible energy/kg) and isofibrous (9% crude fiber) diets, each one containing a fiber source such as soybean meal, soybean hulls, sunflower meal and citric pulp in two levels of inclusion (30 and 45%). A total of 300 pacu juveniles (25,12±0,78g) were stocked in 25 experimental aquariums (200 liters) equipped with aeration and heating system. The best growth and feed conversion results were obtained with diets containing soybean meal and sunflower meal. Diets containing soybean hulls and citrus pulp worsened the juvenile pacu performance. Moreover, only the diet containing 45% citrus pulp decreased the villous number per area in the intestinal epithelium. From the results we can conclude that some fibrous ingredient may affect juvenile pacu performance, corporal composition and intestinal epithelium characteristics.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da utilização de diferentes ingredientes fibrosos nas dietas sobre o desempenho, a composição corporal e a morfometria intestinal de juvenis de pacu. Foram avaliadas cinco dietas isoproteicas (23% de proteína digestível), isoenergéticas (3250kcal de energia digestível/kg) e isofibrosas (9% de fibra bruta), sendo a principal fonte fibrosa de cada constituída por farelo de soja, casca de soja, farelo de girassol e polpa cítrica; esta última em dois níveis de inclusão (30 e 45%). Foram utilizados 300 juvenis de pacu (25,12±0,78 gramas), alojados em 25 aquários (200 litros). Os melhores resultados de crescimento e conversão alimentar foram obtidos com as dietas contendo farelo de soja e farelo de girassol. As dietas contendo casca de soja e polpa cítrica prejudicaram o desempenho dos juvenis de pacu, e o efeito negativo foi acentuado com o aumento da inclusão de polpa cítrica. Além disto, somente nos peixes alimentados com a dieta com 45% de polpa cítrica foi observada diminuição na densidade de vilosidades por área no epitélio intestinal. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que alguns ingredientes fibrosos podem afetar negativamente o desempenho e as características do epitélio intestinal de juvenis de pacu.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a utilização do extrato de pomelo (Citrus maxima) como aditivo promotor de crescimento em rações para frangos de corte de 1 a 42 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 300 pintos de um dia, machos, da linhagem Cobb 500, pesando em média 43,7 ± 0,1 g, distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições, sendo a unidade experimental composta por 12 aves. Os tratamentos consistiram em um controle negativo (CN), isento de promotor de crescimento, um controle positivo (CP), com adição de 56 ppm de Neomicina; e três níveis de inclusão do extrato de pomelo (EP) no controle negativo: 100 ppm, 150 ppm e 200 ppm. As variáveis avaliadas foram: consumo de ração (GR), ganho de peso (GP), conversão alimentar (CA), peso das aves aos 7, 21 e 42 dias (P7, P21 e P42, respectivamente) e o índice de eficiência produtiva (IEP). Os dados de cada variável foram submetidos à análise de variância, teste de comparações múltiplas e análises de regressão. Não se observou efeito (P>0,05) dos tratamentos sobre as variáveis avaliadas para os períodos de 1 a 7 e 1 a 21 dias. No período total de criação (1 a 42 dias), observou-se que a inclusão de 150 ou 200ppm de EP nas rações proporcionou resultados de GP e CA superiores ao obtido com o CN e semelhantes aos obtidos com o CP. A concentração estimada em 124ppm de EP foi suficiente para maximizar o desempenho de frangos de corte.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of extract of grapefruit as a growth promoter in diets for broiler chickens from 1 to 42 days. 300 day old chickens Cobb 500, whit initial weight of 43.7 ± 0.1 g were randomly distributed using five treatments and five replications of 12 birds. The treatments consisted in a negative control (NC), exempt from growth promoter, a positive control (PC), with addition of 56 ppm of Neomycin, and three levels of inclusion of extract of grapefruit (EP) in negative control: 100 ppm, 150 ppm and 200 ppm. The variables evaluated were: feed intake (FI), body weight gain (BWG), Feed: gain ratio (FC), body weight (BW) at 7, 21 and 42 days (BW7, BW21 and BW42) and the index of efficiency of production (IPE). The data of each variable were submitted to the ANOVA, multiple comparison and regression analyses. No differences were observed (P>0.05) in the variables evaluated considering the periods from 1 to 7 and 1 to 21 days, however, in the period from 1 to 42 days the inclusion of 150 or 200ppm of grapefruit extract in diets provided best results of BWG and FC than negative control and similar results those obtained with the use of Neomycin. The concentration of around 124ppm of PE was sufficient to maximize the performance of broilers.
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Citrus/química , Ração Animal/análise , Crescimento/fisiologiaResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a utilização do extrato de pomelo (Citrus maxima) como aditivo promotor de crescimento em rações para frangos de corte de 1 a 42 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 300 pintos de um dia, machos, da linhagem Cobb 500®, pesando em média 43,7 ± 0,1 g, distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições, sendo a unidade experimental composta por 12 aves. Os tratamentos consistiram em um controle negativo (CN), isento de promotor de crescimento, um controle positivo (CP), com adição de 56 ppm de Neomicina; e três níveis de inclusão do extrato de pomelo (EP) no controle negativo: 100 ppm, 150 ppm e 200 ppm. As variáveis avaliadas foram: consumo de ração (GR), ganho de peso (GP), conversão alimentar (CA), peso das aves aos 7, 21 e 42 dias (P7, P21 e P42, respectivamente) e o índice de eficiência produtiva (IEP). Os dados de cada variável foram submetidos à análise de variância, teste de comparações múltiplas e análises de regressão. Não observou-se efeito (P>0,05) dos tratamentos sobre as variáveis avaliadas para os períodos de 1 a 7 e 1 a 21 dias. No período total de criação (1 a 42 dias), observou-se que a inclusão de 150 ou 200ppm de EP nas rações proporcionou resultados de GP e CA superiores ao obtido com o CN e semelhantes aos obtidos com o CP. A concentração estimada em 124ppm de EP foi su
Foram realizados três experimentos para determinar as exigências de lisina digestível para aves da linhagem ISA Label, de ambos os sexos, criadas em semiconfinamento durante as fases: inicial (1 a 28 dias), de crescimento (28 a 56 dias) e final (56 a 84 dias). Em cada experimento, foram utilizadas 480 aves, alojadas em 24 piquetes, cada um contendo abrigo coberto de 3,13m² e área de pastejo de 72,87m². O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4x2 (níveis de lisina e sexo) com três repetições de 20 aves cada. Os níveis de lisina digestível avaliados foram: 0,850; 0,970; 1,090 e 1,210 por cento na fase inicial; 0,750; 0,870; 0,990 e 1,110 por cento na fase de crescimento e 0,640; 0,760; 0,880 e 1,000 por cento na fase final. Foram mensuradas as variáveis de desempenho, característica de carcaça, deposição de proteína e gordura corporal, peso e teor de proteína das penas. Com base nos resultados de desempenho, recomendam-se 1, 041; 1,006 e 0,760 por cento de lisina digestível em rações para aves ISA Label nas fases inicial, de crescimento e final, respectivamente.(AU)
Three assays were carried out to determine digestible lysine requirement for ISA Label, both genders, in free-range system on starter (1 to 28 days), growing (28 to 56 days) e finishing phases (56 to 84 days). A total of 480 birds were distributed into 24 pens, each one composed by shelter (3.13m²) and pasture (72.87m²). The experimental design was a completely randomized in factorial arrangement (four levels of lysine and two genders) with three replicates of 20 birds. The digestible lysine levels were 0.85, 0.97, 1.09, and 1.21 percent for starter; 0.75, 0.87, 0.99, and 1.11 percent for growing; and 0.64, 0.76, 0.88, and 1.00 percent for finishing phases. The analyzed parameters were performance, carcass yield, protein and fat deposition, weight, and protein in the feathers. Based on bird performance the estimated digestible lysine level, was 1.041, 1.006, and 0.760 percent for the starter, growing and finishing phases, respectively.(AU)
Animais , Ração Animal/análise , Necessidades Nutricionais , Lisina/efeitos adversos , Aumento de Peso , AvesResumo
A completely randomized factorial 4 x 6 x 2 design was used (four commercial strains Hy-Linewhite and brown and Hisex white and brown, six storage times (ST) - 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 days and two storage conditions environment with and without control). The studied variables were: % egg weight loss (WL), Haugh units (UH), specific gravity (EG), % yolk, and % albumen. As the ST increases a linear fall occurs in HU and SG and WL of the eggs, which was ascribed to the water loss of the albumen, since its proportion decreased linearly with time of storage. A linear increase occurred in the % of yolk while the peel proportion was slightly changed. The ST promotes weight loss and changes the internal quality, which was documented when eggs were stored in uncontrolled environments. KEYS-WORDS: Eggs. Internal quality. Storage. Strains. Temperature.
O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 x 6 x 2 (quatro linhagens Hy-Line branca e marrom; e Hisex branca e marrom, seis tempos de armazenamento (TA) 0,7 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias e duas condições de armazenamento ambiente sem controle e controlado). As variáveis estudadas foram: perda de peso em porcentagem (PP), unidades Haugh (UH), gravidade específica (GE), porcentagem de gema (%G) e albúmen (%A). À medida que o TA aumentou ocorreu queda na UH e na GE e PP linear dos ovos promovida pela perda de água do albúmen, pois a proporção do mesmo diminuiu com o TA. Ocorreu um aumento linear na %G. O TA promoveu perda de peso e alterou a qualidade interna evidenciada quando os ovos foram armazenados em ambientes não controlados. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Ambiente. Armazenamento. Linhagens. Avos. Qualidade interna.
An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of two lighting programs on performance, carcass yield and parts yield of broiler chickens. Nine-hundred-sixty Cobb male and female broiler chicks were used and distributed in a completely randomized design with 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (two sexes and two lighting programs: - increasing light: 1 to 14 days, 24L:0D; 15 to 21 days, 16L:8D; 22 to 29 days, 18L:6D; 30 to 40 days, 20L:4D and 41 to 49 days, 23L:1D; - continuous light: 23L:1D to 1 to 49 days of age) with four treatments and six replicates of 40 birds. In the starter phase, birds raised on increasing light program showed lower body weight gain and feed intake as compared to those submitted to continuous light program. However, in the total period of rearing no significant differences between treatments were observed. Carcass yield and parts yield showed no standard profile. In conclusion, a compensatory gain in the broiler chickens reared on increasing light program was observed. KEY-WORDS: Broiler chickens. Lighting programs. Performance. Sex. Yield.
The trial was conducted to evaluate the best level of organic acid inclusion and effect of plant extracts on the performance parameters and quality of eggs of laying. Lohmann LSL laying hem strain (256) at 40 weeks of age were distributed in a blocks in factorial design 4 x 2 (four acid levels and two levels of plant extract) with two blocks, two replications for each treatment in the block with eight birds for experimental unit. The birds were distributed in the blocks based in their weight. The treatments were: control (without additive), 200g/t of acid, 400g/t acid, 600g/t acid, 150 g/t of plant extract, 200g/t of acid + 150g/t of plant extract, 400g/t of acid + 150g/t of plant extract and 600g/t acid + 150g/t of plant extract. The experimental period was 84 days divided in three cycles of 28 days each. The association of organic acids with vegetal extract promoted highest percentage of production and feed conversion/twelve eggs. However, these additives did not affect the feed intake, Haugh units and specific gravity of eggs of the commercial laying hens in the end of production cycle. The inclusion of 400 g/t of acids plus 150 g/t extract can improved egg production. KEY - WORDS:
Essa pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo verificar o melhor nível de inclusão e o efeito de ácidos orgânicos e extratos vegetais sobre os parâmetros de desempenho e qualidade de ovos de poedeiras comerciais. Utilizou-se 256 poedeiras da linhagem Lohmann LSL com 40 semanas de idade, distribuídas em delineamento de blocos ao acaso no esquema fatorial 4 x 2 (quatro níveis de ácido e dois níveis de extrato vegetal) com dois blocos, duas repetições por tratamento em cada bloco e oito aves por unidade experimental. As aves foram distribuídas nos blocos em função do peso. Os tratamentos foram: controle (sem aditivo), 200g/t de ácido, 400g/t ácido, 600g/t ácido, 150g/t de extrato vegetal, 200g/t de ácido + 150g/t de extrato vegetal, 400g/t de ácido + 150g/t de extrato vegetal e 600g/t ácido + 150g/t de extrato vegetal. O período de avaliação foi de 84 dias divididos em três ciclos de 28 dias. A associação do acidificante com o extrato vegetal promoveu maior porcentagem de postura e conversão alimentar por dúzia de ovos. No entanto, a administração isolada ou asso