Recent advances in the field of animal assisted reproduction have allowed faster dissemination of animals with superior genetics. In cattle, the development of some biotechnologies such as the in vitro production (IVP) of embryos optimized the use of oocytes, which represents a great improvement in embryo production world-wide. Therefore, females with high net merit can be multiplied more efficiently to maximize the number of their offspring. The use of ultrasound-guided transvaginal follicle aspiration combined with IVP allowed wide commercial transfer of IVP-embryos with satisfactory pregnancy results. Yet, there are a number of unanswered areas including the level of repeatability and predictability in IVP systems. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the repeatability of some variables related to IVP of bovine embryos from Nellore breed. The study was conducted from 2011 to 2012 using 42 Nellore cows housed at the Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte located in Sertãozinho-SP, Brazil. Donors were kept under the same management throughout the entire experimental period. All animals underwent a total of 25 transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration sections. Oocytes were retrieved and handled similarly by Sexing Technologies using semen from 11 sires. Repeatability was evaluated in the following variables: total number of oocytes, embryos and viable oocytes, viable o
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Several factors can influence the recovery of the amount of oocytes for in vitro embryo production (IVEP), including the age of the donor, the time and the frequency at which the animal is collected and climate station year. Another factor is the individual variation of each animal in the number of oocytes and embryos. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the number of aspirations and the influence of the months of the year in the amount of total and viable oocytes in Nellore cows. The date was collected from January 2011 to December 2012. Non-lactating, cycling Nellore cows (n = 42) of high genetic value were used as oocyte donors. The procedures were carried out in a farm in southeast Brazil (21816S/48582W), located in humid tropical climate. All the donors were maintained on pasture consisting of guinea grass (Panicum maximum and Urochloa brizantha), getting protein mineral supplement energy and water ad libitum daily. The analyzes were performed by proc GLIMMIX of SAS 9.3 (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). The amount of total oocytes (P=0.16) and viable (P=0.11) did not influenced by the number of aspirations. However, the months of the year have an effect on the amount of total and viable (P 0.0001) oocytes. Probably the production of oocytes did not suffer influences the number of aspirations performed mainly because the intervals between each OPU
O artigo não possui resumo em português.
Buffalo has peculiar reproductive patterns, which make artificial insemination programs a hard and expensive task. Artificial insemination in fixed time is advantaged because females show low incidence of homosexual behaviour and strong dominance relationships, which leads to a poor accuracy in estrus detection. The aim of this experiment was to compare the efficiency of two different GnRH agonists in the GnRH/PGF2alpha/GnRH protocol (Buserelin vs Lecirelin). Two hundred and seventy buffaloes with 45 to 60 days postpartum were synchronized and fixed-time inseminated. The animals were kept on pasture in two farms at São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil). Cows in Group 1 (n = 132) received, intramuscularly, 20 µg of Buserelin at a random day of the estrous cycle and, seven days later, 15 mg of prostaglandin F2alpha. Two days after prostaglandin administration, 10 µg Buserelin were intramuscularly injected. Cows in Group 2 (n = 138) were treated with the same protocol, but with intra-muscular administrations of Lecirelin (50 µg in the first administration and 25 µg in the second). Artificial insemination was performed 16 hours after the last injection in both groups. Pregnancies were diagnosed by ultrasonography (Pie Medical 480, 5.0 and 7.5 MHz linear probe), 30 days after artificial insemination. Conception rates were not influenced by farm (P >; 0.05) and were similar in
O uso de protocolos de sincronização da ovulação em bubalinos é bastante vantajoso, em virtude de certas peculiaridades apresentadas pela espécie que podem prejudicar programas de inseminação artificial, como a baixa incidência de comportamento homossexual e relações de dominância entre os animais. Com o objetivo de verificar a eficácia da Lecirelina como agonista de GnRH no protocolo GnRH/PGF2alfa/GnRH, 270 búfalas, com período pós-parto entre 45 e 60 dias, mantidas a pasto em duas propriedades, foram submetidas a dois tratamentos de sincronização da ovulação. Os animais do Grupo 1 (n = 132) receberam, em dia desconhecido do ciclo estral, 20 µg de Buserelina IM, sendo aplicados, 7 dias mais tarde, 15 mg de prostaglandina (PGF2a). Dois dias após a administração da PGF2alfa, os animais receberam 10 µg de Buserelina, IM. As fêmeas do Grupo 2 (n = 138) foram tratadas seguindo o mesmo protocolo, com a diferença de que, na primeira e na terceira administrações hormonais, se aplicaram, respectivamente, 50 µg e 25 µg de Lecirelina, IM. A inseminação artificial foi efetuada em tempo fixo, 16 horas após a terceira administração hormonal, em ambos os grupos. O diagnóstico de gestação foi realizado por ultra-sonografia, 30 dias após a inseminação artificial. As taxas de concepção foram semelhantes [47,0% (62/132) e 50,0% (69/138) nos Grupos 1 e 2 (P >; 0,05)]. Não foi observado efeito
In vivo internal and external pelvimetry was carried out in 255 mixed female buffaloes. A Menissier-Vissac pelvimeter was used for the internal measurements. The results were compared to age, heart girth, body weight, height and length. In order to compare the pelvic measurements, the animals were equitably divided into 3 groups (n=85) according to parturition occurrence and frequency (nuliparous, primiparous and multiparous). The internal transverse (horizontal) pelvic diameters, dorsal and ventral bi-iliac and the sacro-pubic (vertical) were respectively: 17.1 ± 2.17 cm; 15.7 ± 2.11 cm and 22.3 ± 2.51 cm; and the external bi-iliac (hipwidth), bi-isquiatic (pin width) and ilioisquiatic (rump length): 59.8 ± 6.13 cm; 32.4 ± 3.56 cm and 44.5 ± 3.31 cm, respectively. Significant positive correlations (p 0.01) were obtained for all measurements but heart girth was found to have the highest correlations to pelvic measurements. Adjusted means by heart girth revealed significant differences (p 0.05) for the 3 groups in respect to internal pelvimetry. However, as it concerns to external pelvimetry, significant differences were found only between the nuliparous and the other two groups for the bi-iliac and ilioisquiatic; for the bi-isquiatic diameter no significant differences were found. The internal pelvimetry was found to be less correlated to the body size and more eviden
Mensurações pélvicas internas e externas foram realizadas in vivo em 255 búfalas mestiças. Para a pelvimetria interna, utilizou-se o pelvímetro de Menissier-Vissac. Os resultados foram confrontados com a idade, perímetro torácico, peso, altura e comprimento. Para comparação das medidas pélvicas, os animais foram divididos equitativamente em 3 grupos (n=85), segundo a ocorrência e freqüência de partos (nulíparas, primíparas e multíparas). Os diâmetros pélvicos internos: biilíacos superior e inferior (horizontais) e sacropúbico (vertical) apresentaram respectivamente as seguintes médias e desvios padrões: 17,1 ± 2,17 cm; 15,7 ± 2,11 cm e 22,3 ± 2,51 cm; e os externos: biilíaco, biisquiático e ilioisquiático, da mesma maneira: 59,8 ± 6,13 cm; 32,4 ± 3,56 cm e 44,5 ± 3,31 cm. Correlações positivas significantes (p 0,01) foram verificadas entre todas as medidas, porém, dentre as medidas corpóreas gerais, o perímetro torácico revelou o mais alto índice de correlações com as medidas pélvicas internas e externas. Diferenças significativas (p 0,05) entre os 3 grupos foram observadas em relação à pelvimetria interna, quando comparados através das médias ajustadas em função do perímetro torácico, porém em relação à pelvimetria externa somente entre as nulíparas e os demais grupos para os diâmetros biilíaco e ilioisquiático. Para o diâmetro biisquiático externo nenhum dos grupos
32 postpartum Murrah buffaloes, aged 3 to 12 years, in good body conditions of Experimental farm, Zootechnic Institute in Ribeira Valley were examined twice weekly for uterine involution by rectal palpation. No uterine infection and laborious calving was observed. Complete involution of the uterus was observed in average 25.23 ± 5.41 days after calving. There was no statistical difference (p > 0.05) between time of involution of the uterus and month of calving, weight of calving, number os calving, age of buffaloes, sex of calves, milk yield, postpartum ovarian activity, first post partum estrus and service period. Weight of calves was significantly (r = 0.41; p 0.05) correlated to uterine involution.
Estudou-se a involução uterina durante o período pós-parto de 32 (trinta e duas) fêmeas bubalinas da raça Murrah com idades variando entre 3 e 12 anos, em boa condição corporal e sem problemas reprodutivos aparentes durante o exame ginecológico. Os animais pertenciam ao Instituto de Zootecnia, Estação Experimental de Zootecnia do Vale do Ribeira, município de Registro-SP. A completa involução anatômica do útero, verificada por palpação retal duas vezes por semana, ocorreu, em média, 25,23 ± 5,41 dias após o parto. Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas (p > 0,05) entre o tempo de involução uterina (em dias) e o mês do parto, o peso da búfala ao parto, a ordem de partos, a idade da búfala, o sexo do bezerro, a produção leiteira, o reinício da atividade ovariana, o primeiro cio após-parto e o período de serviço. Verificou-se uma correlação positiva (r = 0,41; p 0,05) entre o tempo (em dias) para a ocorrência da involuçãi uterina e o peso do bezerro ao nascer.
32 postpartum Murrah buffaloes, aged 3 to 12 years, in good body conditions of Experimental farm, Zootechnic Institute in Ribeira Valley were examined twice weekly for uterine involution by rectal palpation. No uterine infection and laborious calving was observed. Complete involution of the uterus was observed in average 25.23 ± 5.41 days after calving. There was no statistical difference (p > 0.05) between time of involution of the uterus and month of calving, weight of calving, number os calving, age of buffaloes, sex of calves, milk yield, postpartum ovarian activity, first post partum estrus and service period. Weight of calves was significantly (r = 0.41; p 0.05) correlated to uterine involution.
Estudou-se a involução uterina durante o período pós-parto de 32 (trinta e duas) fêmeas bubalinas da raça Murrah com idades variando entre 3 e 12 anos, em boa condição corporal e sem problemas reprodutivos aparentes durante o exame ginecológico. Os animais pertenciam ao Instituto de Zootecnia, Estação Experimental de Zootecnia do Vale do Ribeira, município de Registro-SP. A completa involução anatômica do útero, verificada por palpação retal duas vezes por semana, ocorreu, em média, 25,23 ± 5,41 dias após o parto. Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas (p > 0,05) entre o tempo de involução uterina (em dias) e o mês do parto, o peso da búfala ao parto, a ordem de partos, a idade da búfala, o sexo do bezerro, a produção leiteira, o reinício da atividade ovariana, o primeiro cio após-parto e o período de serviço. Verificou-se uma correlação positiva (r = 0,41; p 0,05) entre o tempo (em dias) para a ocorrência da involuçãi uterina e o peso do bezerro ao nascer.
The performance of a commercial ELISA (Bovine Rhinotracheitis virus antibody test Kit, Herdcheck®, IDEXX Laboratories Inc., USA) designed to detect the presence of antibody to the Bovine Herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) in bovine serum, was evaluated in samples of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) serum. Sera of 133 buffaloes without IBR vaccination were performed both by ELISA and standard serum neutralization technique. Sensitivity and specificity of ELISA were 97.14% and 46.03%, respectively. The estimated concordance between two serologic diagnostic methods by kappa index was 0.44 IC (0.29-0.59) using 95% confidence level.
O desempenho de um ELISA comercial (Bovine Rhinotracheitis virus antibody test Kit, Herdcheck®, IDEXX Laboratories Inc., USA) para a identificação de anticorpos anti-herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 (BHV-1), em soro bovino, foi avaliado em 133 amostras de soro de búfalos (Bubalus bubalis), sem histórico de vacinação para IBR, da Região do Vale do Ribeira, Estado de São Paulo. Tomando-se a técnica de soroneutralização como referência, o ELISA indireto apresentou sensibilidade e especificidade relativa de 97,14 e 46,03%, respectivamente. A concordância estimada pelo índice kappa, entre os dois métodos, foi de 0,44 IC (0,29-0,59), utilizando um intervalo de confiança de 95%.
Several factors can influence the recovery of the amount of oocytes for in vitro embryo production (IVEP), including the age of the donor, the time and the frequency at which the animal is collected and climate station year. Another factor is the individual variation of each animal in the number of oocytes and embryos. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the number of aspirations and the influence of the months of the year in the amount of total and viable oocytes in Nellore cows. The date was collected from January 2011 to December 2012. Non-lactating, cycling Nellore cows (n = 42) of high genetic value were used as oocyte donors. The procedures were carried out in a farm in southeast Brazil (21816S/48582W), located in humid tropical climate. All the donors were maintained on pasture consisting of guinea grass (Panicum maximum and Urochloa brizantha), getting protein mineral supplement energy and water ad libitum daily. The analyzes were performed by proc GLIMMIX of SAS 9.3 (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). The amount of total oocytes (P=0.16) and viable (P=0.11) did not influenced by the number of aspirations. However, the months of the year have an effect on the amount of total and viable (P 0.0001) oocytes. Probably the production of oocytes did not suffer influences the number of aspirations performed mainly because the intervals between each OPU
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Recent advances in the field of animal assisted reproduction have allowed faster dissemination of animals with superior genetics. In cattle, the development of some biotechnologies such as the in vitro production (IVP) of embryos optimized the use of oocytes, which represents a great improvement in embryo production world-wide. Therefore, females with high net merit can be multiplied more efficiently to maximize the number of their offspring. The use of ultrasound-guided transvaginal follicle aspiration combined with IVP allowed wide commercial transfer of IVP-embryos with satisfactory pregnancy results. Yet, there are a number of unanswered areas including the level of repeatability and predictability in IVP systems. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the repeatability of some variables related to IVP of bovine embryos from Nellore breed. The study was conducted from 2011 to 2012 using 42 Nellore cows housed at the Centro APTA Bovinos de Corte located in Sertãozinho-SP, Brazil. Donors were kept under the same management throughout the entire experimental period. All animals underwent a total of 25 transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration sections. Oocytes were retrieved and handled similarly by Sexing Technologies using semen from 11 sires. Repeatability was evaluated in the following variables: total number of oocytes, embryos and viable oocytes, viable o
O artigo não possui resumo em português.