This report describes the pathological findings of a leiomyoma in the gall bladder of a female 11-year-old Doberman dog. The animal underwent euthanasia due to the poor prognosis of an osteosarcoma of the skull. Grossly, there was a firm smooth whitish nodule in the gall bladder with 0.5 centimeter in diameter. Histologically the nodule was composed of isomorphic and well differentiated leiomyocytes arranged in bundles. The diagnosis was confirmed by Van Gieson staining.
This report describes a case of pulmonary and renal leiomyosarcoma in a nine-year-old Siberian Husky male dog with a history of progressive weight loss. Clinically, the animal had mildly pale mucosae and severe abdominal pain. Kidneys enlargement also was observed. On hemogram, a mild anemia was observed. On urinalysis, isosthenuria and renal epithelial cells were detected. Urea nitrogen and creatinine levels were normal. Bilateral renal neoplasia was diagnosed by laparotomy and the animal was submitted to euthanasia. On necropsy, many whitish firm nodules ranging from 0.5 to 4cm in diameter were found in the kidneys. The region of the hilum and the left apical lobe of the lungs had a mass with 11× 7cm in area which was well vascularized and had an irregular whitish surface with either firm or friable areas. There was also a whitish firm nodule with 1cm in diameter in the right apical lobe. Histological sections were stained by hematoxilin-eosin, Masson and van Gieson. Positivity for the vimentin and smooth muscle actin were detected by immunohistochemistry. Cytokeratin 1, 5, 10, 14, 8 and 7, protein S100 and CD68 markers showed negative reactions. The anatomopathological and immunohistochemistry features allowed the diagnosis of pulmonary and renal leiomyosarcoma. However, it was not possible to determine the primary site of the neoplasia.
Este relato descreve um caso de leiomiossarcoma pulmonar e renal em cão da raça Husky Siberiano, macho, de nove anos de idade e com histórico de emagrecimento progressivo há mais de três meses. Ao exame clínico, o animal apresentava palidez discreta das mucosas e dor intensa à palpação abdominal, além de aumento de volume acentuado dos rins. No hemograma, foi evidenciada anemia discreta e na urinálise foram observados isostenúria e grumos de células do epitélio renal. Os níveis plasmáticos de uréia e creatinina estavam dentro dos limites considerados normais. O animal foi sacrificado após a confirmação de neoplasia renal bilateral por laparotomia exploratória. À necropsia, os rins apresentavam vários nódulos de 0,5 a 4cm de diâmetro, esbranquiçados e firmes. Na região do hilo e no lobo apical esquerdo dos pulmões havia aumento de volume, com 11 × 7cm de extensão, de superfície irregular e bem vascularizada, esbranquiçada e com áreas de consistência ora firmes, ora friáveis. No lobo apical direito também havia um nódulo com 1cm de diâmetro, firme e esbranquiçado. Secções histológicas dos pulmões e dos rins foram coradas pela hematoxilina-eosina, Masson e Van Gieson. Foi detectada positividade, pela imuno-histoquímica, para a vimentina e actina alfa de músculo liso. Não houve imunomarcação para citoqueratinas 1, 5, 10, 14, 8 e 7, proteína S100 e para CD68. Com base nos achados anatomopatológicos e imuno-histoquímicos foi firmado o diagnóstico de leiomiossarcoma pulmonar e renal, sem, no entanto, definir o sítio primário da neoplasia.
This case report describes the pathological findings of an inflammatory pseudotumour of the spleen, characterized by inflamatory cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes, plamocytes, macrophages, and giant multinucleated cells, in a 10 year-old mongrel.
Descrevem-se pela primeira vez achados anátomo-histopatológicos da inflamação pseudotumoral do baço, caracterizados pela presença de células inflamatórias, neutrófilos, linfócitos, plasmócitos, macrófagos e células gigantes multinucleadas, em uma cadela sem raça definida, de 10 anos de idade.
This report describes the pathological findings of a myxoma in the vulva of a seven-year-old German Shepherd bitch, with history of mass increase in the vulva. After surgery, tipical and microscopic aspects were detected.
A case of cryptococcosis in a cat refferred to the Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco is described. The cat was euthanized and the microscopic examination of a firm mass observed in the nasal cavity was accomplished. Cryptococcus sp. and a chronic inflammatory process was observed throughout the tissue.