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Sci. agric. ; 75(6): 526-529, Nov.-Dec.2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19014


Mechanical harvesting leaves in its wake a considerable amount of straw in the field, which can be effectively utilized to improve the soil condition and sugarcane yield. However, there is no specific information as to the quantity of straw mulch required to achieve such effects and as to whether it can be used in other sectors for bioelectricity and ethanol production. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of removing different amounts of straw from the field and its impact on the yield and industrial quality of sugarcane ratoons. The experiment was carried out on Rhodic soil where six treatments were evaluated including 0 %, 25 % (5 Mg ha1), 50 % (10 Mg ha1), 75 % (15 Mg ha1), 100 % (20 Mg ha1) straw on the soil surface and burned sugarcane (where 100 % of the straw was burned). The influence on yield and industrial quality was calculated using total soluble solids, Pol (Apparent sucrose content), apparent purity, total sugars, reducing sugars and fiber. Shifting the harvesting system from burned cane to growing under straw mulch improved crop yield as well as favoring sugar contents during water deficit conditions. The straw left on the soil did not affect industrial quality in any way during the trials; however, under drought conditions, treatments with 50 and 75 % of straw resulted in a 76 % higher yield compared to burned sugarcane, and 29 % more than the 0 %, 25 % to 100 % treatments of straw mulch thus favoring higher sugar production. The removal of 50 % of the straw caused no damage to the sugarcane crop.(AU)

Saccharum , Biomassa , Tratamento do Solo , 24444
Ci. Rural ; 45(8): 1375-1380, Aug. 2015. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28976


O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estimar a estabilidade e a adaptabilidade de oito genótipos de amendoim ereto e comparar os modelos de análise de EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966), WRICKE (1965) e LIN & BINNS (1988), baseando-se em dados de produtividade de vagens e sementes. Os genótipos de amendoim foram avaliados em 14 ambientes situados nas Regiões Nordeste e Centro-Oeste, durante os anos de 2006 a 2011, sob o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições. Verificou-se que, entre os três métodos estudados, os de EBERHART & RUSSELL(1966) e LIN & BINNS (1988) geraram informações concordantes para estimativas de adaptação e estabilidade de produção de vagens e sementes, baseando-se nas condições deste estudo. Os genótipos L7 Bege e BRS 151 L7 foram os mais produtivos, com adaptabilidade específica a ambientes favoráveis, enquanto que CNPA 280 revelou adaptabilidade ampla e alta estabilidade fenotípica.(AU)

This study aimed to estimate the stability and adaptability parameters in upright-peanut genotypes, based on pod and seed yield, through EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966), WRICKE (1965) and LIN & BINNS (1988) methodologies. The genotypes were evaluated in 14 environments located in Northeast and Midwest regions, during 2006 to 2011, in a randomized blocks design, with five replications. EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966) and LIN & BINNS (1988)methodologies revealed similar results, identifying genotypes with high adaptability and stability to pod and seed yield. The BRS 151 L7 and L7 Bege were the most productive, revealing specific adaptability to favorable environment, while CNPA 280 AM revealed broad adaptability and high phenotypical stability.(AU)

Genótipo , Arachis/genética , Arachis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Melhoramento Vegetal