The objective of the study was to determine whether or not there is a correlation between thermoresistance tests (TT) after semen thawing and pregnancy rate (PR) after fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). Four different TT were performed on ten samples used for AI; a rapid test (RTT) (30min / 46°C) and three slow tests (STT): STT1 (60min/38°C), STT2 (180min/38°C), and STT3 (300min/38°C). Two hundred and fifteen multiparous crossbred cows were submitted to FTAI under the following protocol: on day zero (d0) the animals received a P4 device +EB; on d7 PGF2α; on d8 P4 was removed and eCG+EC were administered; IATF was performed on d10. Three gestational diagnoses (G D) were performed on d40, d70 and d120. The mean sperm motility (%) in RTT and STTs were 19.84±6.13, 28.55±10.48, 17.62±5.87 and 8.63±3.46, respectively, and TP in the three DG 61.86%, 57.67%, and 55.81%, respectively. Through Person test a significant negative correlation (P< 0.05) was found between STT2 and PR at 60 days (r= -0.644) and between STT3 and all TPs (r= -0.774, -0.752, 0.748). It was concluded that TT parameters are not able to determine correlation between semen quality and TP.(AU)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar se há ou não correlação entre testes de termorresistência (TT) após descongelamento do sêmen e taxa de prenhez (TP) após inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Quatro diferentes TT foram realizados nas 10 amostras utilizadas para a IA; um teste rápido (RTT) (30min/46°C) e três testes lentos (STT): STT1 (60min/38°C), STT2 (180min/38°C) e STT3 (300min/38°C). Duzentas e quinze vacas cruzadas multíparas foram submetidas à IATF sob o seguinte protocolo: no dia zero (d0), os animais receberam um dispositivo de P4+EB; em d7, PGF2α; em d8, retirou-se P4 e eCG+EC administrados; no d10, foi realizada IATF. Três diagnósticos gestacionais (DG) foram feitos, em d40, d70 e d120. As médias de motilidade espermática (%) em RTT e STTs foram 19,84±6,13, 28,55±10,48, 17,62±5,87 e 8,63±3,46, respectivamente, e TP nos três DG 61,86%, 57,67% e 55,81%, respectivamente. Por meio do teste de Person, uma correlação negativa significativa (P<0,05) foi encontrada entre os resultados de STT2 e PR aos 60 dias (r=-0,644) e entre STT3 e todas TPs (r=-0,774, -0,752 e -0,748). Concluiu-se que parâmetros de TT não são capazes de determinar correlação entre qualidade do sêmen e TP.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Taxa de Gravidez , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Inseminação Artificial/veterináriaResumo
The objective of the study was to determine whether or not there is a correlation between thermoresistance tests (TT) after semen thawing and pregnancy rate (PR) after fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). Four different TT were performed on ten samples used for AI; a rapid test (RTT) (30min / 46°C) and three slow tests (STT): STT1 (60min/38°C), STT2 (180min/38°C), and STT3 (300min/38°C). Two hundred and fifteen multiparous crossbred cows were submitted to FTAI under the following protocol: on day zero (d0) the animals received a P4 device +EB; on d7 PGF2α; on d8 P4 was removed and eCG+EC were administered; IATF was performed on d10. Three gestational diagnoses (G D) were performed on d40, d70 and d120. The mean sperm motility (%) in RTT and STTs were 19.84±6.13, 28.55±10.48, 17.62±5.87 and 8.63±3.46, respectively, and TP in the three DG 61.86%, 57.67%, and 55.81%, respectively. Through Person test a significant negative correlation (P< 0.05) was found between STT2 and PR at 60 days (r= -0.644) and between STT3 and all TPs (r= -0.774, -0.752, 0.748). It was concluded that TT parameters are not able to determine correlation between semen quality and TP.(AU)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar se há ou não correlação entre testes de termorresistência (TT) após descongelamento do sêmen e taxa de prenhez (TP) após inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Quatro diferentes TT foram realizados nas 10 amostras utilizadas para a IA; um teste rápido (RTT) (30min/46°C) e três testes lentos (STT): STT1 (60min/38°C), STT2 (180min/38°C) e STT3 (300min/38°C). Duzentas e quinze vacas cruzadas multíparas foram submetidas à IATF sob o seguinte protocolo: no dia zero (d0), os animais receberam um dispositivo de P4+EB; em d7, PGF2α; em d8, retirou-se P4 e eCG+EC administrados; no d10, foi realizada IATF. Três diagnósticos gestacionais (DG) foram feitos, em d40, d70 e d120. As médias de motilidade espermática (%) em RTT e STTs foram 19,84±6,13, 28,55±10,48, 17,62±5,87 e 8,63±3,46, respectivamente, e TP nos três DG 61,86%, 57,67% e 55,81%, respectivamente. Por meio do teste de Person, uma correlação negativa significativa (P<0,05) foi encontrada entre os resultados de STT2 e PR aos 60 dias (r=-0,644) e entre STT3 e todas TPs (r=-0,774, -0,752 e -0,748). Concluiu-se que parâmetros de TT não são capazes de determinar correlação entre qualidade do sêmen e TP.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Taxa de Gravidez , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Inseminação Artificial/veterináriaResumo
Recently, horse breeding has achieved greater prominence in the Brazilian society and now it started to appear as a part of the Brazilian agribusiness. The state of Minas Gerais stands out as the main producer of equidae in Brazil. The aim of this work was to characterize the breeding of equidae in this State in order to support future researches in this sector. By the evaluation of records from 1990 to 2009 provided by the "Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics" (IBGE) and also 967 interviews with breeders of equidae, it was possible to characterize some important points. It was observed that equidae breeding in this State moves over R$1,500,000,000 per year and employs 86,000 people. The main investments of the properties are made in purchasing saddles, accessories and commercial feeds. The main goal of equidae breeders in Minas Gerais has been the work in rural properties (49.49%) complementing many farming activities, especially the work with cows. Although Minas Gerais holds the main herd of equidae in the country, the number of animals has decreased. On the one hand, the equidae breeding sector has demonstrated its social and economic importance in agribusiness; on the other, hand further researches are needed to develop public policies to improve the breeding of equidae in Minas Gerais.
Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Recently, horse breeding has achieved greater prominence in the Brazilian society and now it started to appear as a part of the Brazilian agribusiness. The state of Minas Gerais stands out as the main producer of equidae in Brazil. The aim of this work was to characterize the breeding of equidae in this State in order to support future researches in this sector. By the evaluation of records from 1990 to 2009 provided by the "Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics" (IBGE) and also 967 interviews with breeders of equidae, it was possible to characterize some important points. It was observed that equidae breeding in this State moves over R$1,500,000,000 per year and employs 86,000 people. The main investments of the properties are made in purchasing saddles, accessories and commercial feeds. The main goal of equidae breeders in Minas Gerais has been the work in rural properties (49.49%) complementing many farming activities, especially the work with cows. Although Minas Gerais holds the main herd of equidae in the country, the number of animals has decreased. On the one hand, the equidae breeding sector has demonstrated its social and economic importance in agribusiness; on the other, hand further researches are needed to develop public policies to improve the breeding of equidae in Minas Gerais.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The present study aimed to compare the morphometric measurements of Mangalarga Marchador horses of batida and picada marcha. Twenty-two linear and eight angular measurements of 222 males (130 of batida marcha and 92 of picada marcha) and 266 females (168 of batida marcha and 98 picada marcha) were compared in a completely randomized design, consisting of two treatments: horses of batida and picada marcha. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and means were compared by Fisher test (P<0.05). It was concluded that most of the measures of Mangalarga Marchador horses of batida and picada marcha have similar values, however, there are differences between some angles of members.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Marcha/fisiologia , Biometria , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Movimento/fisiologia , Amplitude de Movimento Articular/fisiologiaResumo
Avaliaram-se a hematologia e a bioquímica sérica em equinos de concurso completo de equitação (CCE) em treinamento durante testes de esforço incremental em esteira ergométrica de alta velocidade. Foram utilizados 16 equinos em delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso com quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, utilizando-se como fontes de variação nos tratamentos a idade e o histórico de treinamento em CCE. As parcelas foram constituídas pelos testes incrementais realizados nas fases inicial e final do treinamento. As subparcelas foram representadas pelos tempos de avaliação e coletas. Os equinos do grupo experimental novos iniciantes apresentaram valor médio do hematócrito de 43,24%, sendo inferior ao hematócrito do grupo adultos iniciantes, 45,63%, novos experientes, 46,39%, e competidores, 47,74%. Houve diferença (P<0,05) entre os testes físicos realizados nas fases inicial e final do treinamento, com redução na concentração plasmática de glicose, de 112 para 98,88mg/dL, nas concentrações séricas de creatinina, de 1,41 para 1,29mg/dL, e de proteínas totais, de 6,52 para 6,38g/dL, na contagem de monócitos, de 0,54 para 0,48 10³/mm³, e com aumento na concentração plasmática de lactato, de 3,31 para 3,79mmol/L, na concentração sérica de ácido úrico, de 1,44 para 1,77mg/dL, no hematócrito, de 44,19 para 46,90%, na concentração de hemoglobina, de 14,33 para 15,10g/dL, e na contagem de leucócitos totais, de 9,26 para 9,61 10³/mm³. O treinamento dos equinos de CCE aumentou o condicionamento físico dos equinos, com maior capacidade de metabolização do lactato após o exercício e aumento nos valores basais do hematócrito e da concentração de hemoglobina.(AU)
Was evaluated the hematology and serum biochemistry in event horses (CCE) in training during incremental treadmill tests. Sixteen horses were used in a completely randomized design with four treatments and four repetitions in subdivided parcels, using age and previous history of training in events as sources of treatment variation. The parcels constituted of incremental treadmill tests performed at the beginning and end of training. The subparcels were represented by the time of evaluation and collection of samples. The equines of new beginners group had mean hematocrit value of 43.24%, being lower than the hematocrit of adult beginners group, 45.63%, new experienced group, 46.39%, and competitors group, 47.74%. There were differences (P<0.05) between the tests performed at the beginning and end of training, with reduction in glucose plasma concentration, from 112 to 98,88mg/dL, in seric concentration of creatinine, 1.41 to 1.29mg/dL, and total protein, 6.52 to 6.38 g/dL, in monocyte count, 0.54 to 0.48 10³/mm³, and an increase of lactate plasma concentration, from 3.31 to 3.79mmol/L, in seric concentration of uric acid, 44 to 1.77mg/dL, in hematocrit, 44.19 to 46.90%, in hemoglobin concentration, 14.33 to 15.10 g/dL, and blood cell count, 9.26 to 9.61 10³/mm³. The training of event horses improves physical performance of horses, with increased capacity of lactate metabolism after exercise and increased basal hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration.(AU)
Animais , Fenômenos Bioquímicos , Leucócitos/citologia , Hemoglobinas/análise , Cavalos/classificação , Contagem de Células SanguíneasResumo
Avaliou-se o efeito do período de descanso pré-abate e do sexo sobre a incidência de carne PSE (pale, soft, exudative) em suínos. Foram realizadas três visitas a abatedouro comercial, nas quais se mensurou o pH das carcaças (n=2128) aos 45 minutos após o abate, de lotes compostos por fêmeas, machos castrados cirurgicamente e machos imunocastrados e de lotes mistos (fêmeas e machos castrados cirurgicamente), submetidos a período de descanso que variou de duas a 16 horas. Carcaças com pH45≤5,8 foram classificadas como PSE, e com pH45>5,8 como normais. Em função do número de animais avaliados dentro de cada categoria, estimou-se a frequência de carne PSE. A incidência total de carne PSE foi de 10,1%, sendo maior nos lotes de animais imunocastrados (13,5%) quando comparados aos lotes de fêmeas (8,6%) ou de machos castrados cirurgicamente (8,5%). Períodos de descanso menores que seis horas e acima de 14 horas aumentaram a incidência de carne PSE. Período de descanso entre seis e oito horas minimizaram a ocorrência de carnes PSE.(AU)
Were evaluated the effect of lairage pre-slaughter and sex on the incidence of PSE (pale, soft and exudative) meat in pigs. There were three visits to a commercial slaughterhouse, in which the pH of carcasses (n=2128) was measured at 45 minutes after slaughter of lots consisting exclusively of females, males castrated surgically, males immunologically castrated and mixed lots (females and castrated surgically) underwent a resting time, and time between the shipment and slaughter ranged from two to 16 hours. Carcasses with pH45≤5.8 were classified as PSE and with pH45>5.8 as normal. Depending on the number of animals evaluated in each category we estimated the frequency of PSE. The overall incidence of PSE meat was 10.1%, higher in lots of animals immunocastrated (13.5%) compared to lots of females (8.6%) or castrated males (8.5%). Resting time of less than six hours and up to 14 hours increased the incidence of PSE meat. Resting time between six and eight hours minimized the occurrence of PSE meat.(AU)